Saint Blaise Pacal?

Dear Fr Phil

A message from Brisbane to wish you a happy birthday...

Following your recommendation, I have been reading Peter Kreeft's edition of Blaise Pascal's Pensees and it is certainly one of the most rewarding books I have ever taken up. Personally, I find Pascal's thoughts and insights nothing less than astounding. I had read Alban Krailsheimer's works on Pascal some time ago, but this edition opens out Pascal's meaning so clearly.

Pascal's works have been God's instrument in the conversion of many secularised minds during the past three centuries and the reasons why he has never been beatified have always eluded me. I know that he got into some very serious theological disagreements with a prominent Jesuit and that certainly would not have done his cause any great service. However, I notice that my edition of Peter Kreeft's book is published by Ignatius Press of San Francisco which sounds very Jesuit to me. Maybe there's a reconciliation on the way!

Chris Cook


Thanks for the birthday greetings. Appreciated your reflections on Pascal. Besides sainthood, wouldn't he be a great candidate for Doctor of the Church? Prayers.

Fr. Phil Bloom


The Riddle of Human Existence: Selections from Pensees (Man's Greatness and Wretchedness)

Pascal on Diversions

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