Pictures from Peru

(Puno, Ilave, Lima: by Fr. Phil Bloom)

1982 visit with Frs. Jim Coyne and Dick Gallagher:

Fr. Jim Coyne and Bishop Al Koenigsknecht at Center House in Puno.

Fr. Jim Coyne, Sr. Maureen Maloney, Sr. Lourdes and children of Camacani.

Frs. Pat McDermott and Richard Gallagher in Juliaca.

Parish of Santiago, Huancané: Frs. Pedro Siguayro, Pat McDermott, Dick Gallagher, Jim Coyne, Sr. Maureen Maloney

Fr. Jim Madden, M.M. in Mocachi

Fiftieth Birthday of Fr. Henri Nouwen Parish of the Child Jesus, Ciudad de Dios, Lima.

Fr. Dick Gallagher and Pedro Valverde Huancayo.


ILAVE (1987-94)

Dental Project - Filling Cavities of 100 Children.

Yolanda and her four Children.

Helping boy who lost hand to Lightening

Snowfall in Ilave (with Maryknoll Lay Associate Don Toomey)

Clearing the ground with Fr. Percy and Catechists (March 1990).

Palm Sunday: Fr. Percy Chipana.

Clowning at Carnaval: with Fr. Percy, Mariano Callomamani, Pedro Copaja, Melquiades Mamani



Visiting the Sick


FAMILY VISIT (Christmas, 1988)

Mom with Flowers.

Mom & Melanie with Flowers.

Family at Sillustani.

Louis Bloom at Machu Pichu.

Pictures from Ilave (November, 2000)

Mary Bloom Center

Sí a La Vida Campaign
