Pictures from Peru

(Mary Bloom Center, Oct - Nov 2001)

Fr. Bill McKee & St. John Group at Mary Bloom Center (Foto by Phil Rather)

Dr. Cesar Hoyos before presentation at University of Altiplano, Puno

University of Altiplano: Dr. Cesar Hoyos, Obst. Luz Marron, Lawyer Oscar Arcos, Fr. Phil Bloom

Dr. Cesar Hoyos Giving presentation at Retreat for NFP Instructors

Retreat for Instructors, Chucuito Retreat Center


Mass at Retreat

Dr. Hoyos giving interview at Radio Onda Azul, Puno

Inaguration of Prayer Chapel at Mary Bloom Center

Practicing Song before Mass

First Reading: Oscar Arcos, Dr. Cesar Hoyos, Oscar Marron Roque

Knights of Columbus Chalice Donated in Memory of Mike Eberle

After the Mass

Natural Family Planning Course, Community of Esquena

With Francisca

With Francisca, Chapel

Orphan Girls

With Orphan Girls, Construction in Progress

St. John (Seattle) Group visiting Center

Pictures from January - February 2003 Visit

Pictures of Earthquake Relief (October 22, 2001; Saguaya)

Pictures from 2000 (by Georgina Rea)

November 1999 Fotos

Other Recent Fotos (Orphan Girls, etc.)

Pictures added January 2000

Picture of Baby Francisca

Sí a La Vida Campaign

Letter from Georgina

Pictures from Visit of Frs. Narciso & Faustino (February 2001)

Pictures from May 2001 Halibut Fishing Trip (May 29, 2001)
