I read the question on your website about using a unity candle at
Catholic weddings.
Apparently the folks who produce the Liturgical Library website put
the question to the Congregation for Divine Worship and received
the following reply:
"At the discretion of the Conference of Bishops and at the time of
their approval of the Rite of Marriage for their territory, certain
rites having roots in the tradition of a particular people, and which
authentically express Gospel values pertaining to marriage, may be
inserted at appropriate points in the Rite of Marriage. Such
gestures should not be included within the celebration of the rite if
they do not appear at least as an option within the Rite of
Marriage for which is approved by the Bishops and published
with the recognitio of the Holy See for the territory in which the
marriage is celebrated. It is possible that other gestures might be
carried out after the completion of the Rite and the final blessing,
or at a non-liturgical ceremony, such as a reception. To insert into
the Rite gestures which are not approved by the Conference of
Bishops with the recognitio of the Holy See, constitutes an abuse,
even if perhaps well-intentioned."
The url for this text is:
Hope this is helpful. Thanks for all the hard work you put into your
site. I often read your homilies and find them very helpful.
Fr Randy Oswald, OMI
Dear Fr. Randy,
Appreciate you sending the reply from Congregation for Divine Worship. Do you know if any dioceses have sent out directives? It seems to me the pastoral problem is how to implement the instructions in one parish if all the neighboring parishes allow it. I have a hard time deciding which barricade to die on. Do you know what I mean?
Thanks for the kind word about the site and homilies.
All the best,
Fr. Phil Bloom
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