orion and his handy dandy guide to:
killing for plesure!
if your anything like me, you get the urge to kill sometimes. hey we all do!
whether its when your in a traffic jam, or watching trisha, or some guy has got the last cookie at the cookie shop, its annoying. normal, sane, people would let these inpulses slip. but I have an idea:
im a god damn genius for this. someone annoying you? let rip with a 12 bore right in the skull! someone not paying attention to your words of wisdom? knife them in the testicles, while screaming "ALLAH AKBAH!"  some little wiseass kid makes fun at your hair? rip his spine out with a set of wire clippers!
but you gotta be carefull. you dont wanna slip up and get sent to jail, or your killing days will be over. its allways handy