swear words I like
yeah, I like that word. tool. its kindda multi purpose swearing.
coz you can say: "hah tool!" or cheers "you stupid tool," OR EVEN, "I hope you die, you fucking tool." see? its so good.  multi purpose. helpfull. "you hah! you stupid mother fucking tool." see? "tool! tool!"
same as tool. "you stupid twat," "fucking twat" its GRRRREAT!
donkey fucker
yup. better the horse fucker, coz its more unusal.  horse fucker, donkey fucker. see what I mean? donkey fucker.
arse raping cock shite
yeah, now we into my own brand of sweary justice
whenever I meet someone, I just go "hah! you stupid arse raping cock shite"
then they either say "fine" or "uhhhh...what?" and if they say that, I hit them in the nuts. dirty comunists, cant take a little swearing.
self explanatory
fuck off you commie
yeah, this is a great one. not only are you telling them to "sex off" your also insulting there philosphy. even better if they are communists!
you are a dirty whore
if they really are a filthy prostitute, then all the better
shut the fuck up, you little bitch
ahah. this pharse is old faithfull. the best phrase. you just say it, and then people do what you want. say your at court, and the judge goes "guitly or not guilty?" just say "shut the fuck up, you little bitch" and you will win garruenteed. well mabye not garuenteed, but you know.
ok. so your telling me, your NOT a lesbian?
I have never had to use this one, but someday it will save my life. I promise. I drew a picture to show you:
yeah, so in conclusion, swearing is great.