PHYSICAL IMMORTALITY Jesus is Taking Over the Internet Taking Over Education Taking Over Internet Education THE ULTIMATE INTENT
Taking Over Education for implimentation of PHYSICAL IMMORTALITY: Jesus is Taking Over the Internet, Taking Over Education using our Internet You can Search until you Die You Can
Search so that you Don't Die How to use your Mind on the DNA's
Internet!! How to tell children they have been created to be
killed! and how you will fix that. Yes You! THE ULTIMATE INTENT
In the near future, when it"s no longer considered
acceptable behavior to create all children just to kill them LIKE WE ALL
DO NOW!! IMMORTALITY: Jesus is Taking Over the Internet Taking Over Intent & Internet Education THE ULTIMATE
INTENT Taking Over Internet Search: Diamond Immortality Internet Taking
over, Clearing, and Integrating the One Immortality Love Mind: all Mind,
Eternalized codex7002
Its My Fault That All Mothers Create Their Children To
Kill Them!
Suggester says: From the page: "The motherhood of earth,
through massive child abuse, creates a constant supply of improperly educated
humans who create through ignorance the robots which the Illuminati and all of
its vampire subsidiaries can prey on. There are, however, within this tyranny,
evoluntionarily viable social organisations doing greater works to assist the
dna in meeting its goal of building the unfailing beings, The Indigo Immortals.
The youth of earth have, for the first time in human history, a way to organise
a massively responsible unit of resolution to cure this evolutionary tyranny and disrespect for human life."