
The trap, net, and Web of PsychoManip

The forest is free and vibrant; yet, as a beast, if one is not careful, he or she can fall into a trap of psychomanip.
The sea is free and flowing; yet, as a fish, if one is not careful, he or she can get snared in a net of psychomanip.
The air is free and clear; yet, as an insect, if one is not careful, he or she can become enmeshed in a web of psychological manipulation.

The Cave of Buddhism

Do you understand the Cave in Greek philosophy?

Although an individual can live in his or her own personal cave, let us consider a group in the Cave of Buddhism. There is a group of people sitting in a cave watching images on the wall; the images are their reality. They channel their energies into the images to make them 'real'--to themselves, at least...
Now, a philosopher, guru, thay, preacher, wise person, brother or sister who has attained enlightenment knows the Truth. He or she enters the Cave and shines the light of Truth on the wall. The images momentarily disappear. This gives individuals of the group a chance to use their energies to leave the Cave and see reality for what it truly is, to see that every life-form has a life-force of its own and is worthy of our consideration and respect. This gives them a chance to see that a rose is something far more beautiful and alive than being the incarnation of a goddess. A rose is worthy of our consideration and respect simply for being a rose. It gives them a chance to see that the sky is blue and the grass is green. If gives them a chance, if only for a moment, to know themselves and love their brothers and sisters for no greater reason than that they are all a part of Life. Life itself is worthy of our consideration, our respect, and, most importantly, our love. Yes, sisters and brothers, the Truth will set you Free; and, believe it or not, the Truth is in everything we see...

Corn on Mars

I looked to the stars on a clear night,
longing to visit one or many, and sighed.
Then thought, "Still in the womb are we?"

I recited this newly written poem of mine to mother as a kind of early Mother's Day gift and elicited as much emotion from her, even after elaborating at great length the thoughts behind the poem, as from a lump of rock!
First, I explained it could be considered a Mother's Day poem because the word 'womb' is used, then went on to elaborate upon the reasoning’s for my longing. Foremost, the fantastical imaginations I've held of myself visiting distant planets and galaxies do not measure up to the current realty of my being able to do so. Many things have contributed to my fantasies: Star Trek, space movies, science fiction novels, Hubble Space Telescope images, surfing the NASA website, and so on...
Although I am encouraged and hopeful humanity will be able to freely travel in Space and inhabit other planets, I am faced with the grim reality that I'll likely be long dead before an average citizen such as myself can even hope to walk on the moon. After pouring my heart out to mom and receiving no more than a sour expression in return, I asked, "What are you hopes and dreams?"

"A better job." mother replied.

'Should have thought of that a longtime ago...' I thought.

Be that as it may, the use of 'Still in the womb are we?' is an expression of frustration that my fantastical visions do not measure up to the current realities of this Age. If the Space Age had advanced at anything near the rate of the Information Age, I'd be planting corn on Mars.

Good People

We are fathers and mothers.
We are daughters and sons.
We are brothers and sisters.
We are friends, lovers, and neighbors.
We are Good People.

Subjects have interested us from time to time, so we have also been called doctors, lawyers, politicians, preachers, psychologists, philosophers, propagandists, astronomers, farmers, scientists, soldiers, artists, and the list goes on...and on...


It comes to mind, the many cruel things people have done to me and I to them...
My psyche momentarily curls up into a warm position with a bit of encouragment from my ego,
And I am sullen.


I said to a cat, which is named Socks,
"Have you been drinking from my cup?"
"Meow." purred Socks.
"Well, it's everyone's water." thought I.
It may be my soul from which the thoughts flow, but thoughts are everyone's to know...
"You're a little genius, Socks." thought I.
"Meow." purred Socks.

I Have No Enemies

All is of the Creator. The Creator is not my enemy. Therefore, I have no enemies.

Water is not my enemy, although it could kill me.
Fire is not my enemy, although it could kill me.
Air is not my enemy, although it could kill me.
Earth is not my enemy, although it could kill me.

It might be said one is an enemy by choice. Even if one chooses to be my enemy, I still have no enemies, for I do not choose to be an enemy.

Personally, my instincts react to violence, my reason is beyond violence, and I am beyond enemies. There is no life-form that is my enemy. All of creation is my kindred.


If you should falter,take truth by the hand.
Let truth be your guide.
If you should lose sight of truth, seek it out.
For you are always welcome in the eyes of truth.


I touched a tree, today, and it felt hollow. I looked up, and it had no green palms.
I then went and touched a tree that had green palms, and it felt solid, alive.
Again, I went and touched the hollow tree and asked the Creator to let it grow, if it could. I looked down and saw several small palms growing around it.
And I realized that though the large palm may be dead, it lives on in the small palms.

A tree talked to me, today.
I picked a shoot from its branches, the wind blew,
And the tree moaned.
I suddenly felt as if I had wronged the tree, so I tossed the shoot beneath its branches, the wind blew,
And the tree moaned, as if in relief.

The Corona Effect

There was a corona before a corolla, and corolla came before a corollary.
So you see, this corollary is a natural consequence of the corona before the corolla.
And, thankfully, this discovery of The Corona's Effect has not led to a coronary.

Psychological Freedom
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