(AI) Additional Information or sources to cite

(1AI) The world itself is a life form. Earth was singing a song of Life long before life as we know it evolved to thrive upon the planet. All the elements still sing a song of Life.
Each of us lives individually as well as together. Though similar, the ways we perceive and interact are unique. All life forms sing a song of Life...

(2AI) The phrase natural born believers has been useful to me in developing the views on faith I now hold to heart. And the phrase developed into a theory as I read The Closing of the American Mind by Allan Bloom.

A Theory
'natural born believers'

From earliest childhood, we are ready to accept and believe just about anything. Selfishness, as I recall, plays a role in these early beliefs: Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, the Easter bunny, and so on, just to name a few. It is easier to believe in a concept when there is personal gain—of whatever kind—to be had. Such a theory, when fully tried, could aid in explaining how cultures have been able to deceive people into believing and fighting over fallacious notions. I simply use the theory to help myself understand how I came to accept fallacious notions.

(3AI) Allan Bloom's use of the word 'soul,' in The Closing of the American Mind, is rational and in the spirit of philosophical Enlightenment. I find he is in keeping with that great teaching.
Professor Bloom, you have shed the light of truth into my cave.

(4AI) The rainbow, for example, is a naturally occurring phenomenon that has been in place since the Earth held an atmosphere and the mysterious compound known as water was evaporated by the heat of the Sun only to reform in the air and cause rain.
"When the sunlight enters a raindrop it is refracted, or bent, by and reflected from the drop in such a way that the light appears as a spectrum of colors. The colors can be seen, however, only when the angle of reflection between the sun, the drop of water, and the observer's vision is between 40' and 42'(degrees)." Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia.
The Halo, which is depicted in many religious art works, also owes its origin to the naturally occurring phenomena known as coronas.
co*ro*na 2. Astron. a A luminous circle around one of the heavenly bodies, as when seen through cloud or mist. b The luminous envelope of ionized gases visible during a total eclipse of the sun." Funk & Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary
Biblical psychology utilizes the awe, fear, and superstitions of natural phenomena as part of the validation for its manipulative version of the divine being. In a comparable manner, Capitalist psychology utilizes the ambiguity of language, the successful therapies that are not truly its own, and a pseudo-science of the psyche as part of the validation for its manipulable versions of the human being.

(5AI)In the book Nature's Web, author Peter Marshall offers a great ecologically minded overview of religion and philosophy—including Eastern philosophy. While studying his text, I drew the corollaries which led to the statement, "The Holy Bible is an eclectic work."

(6AI)Good People

We are fathers and mothers.
We are daughters and sons.
We are brothers and sisters.
We are friends, lovers, and neighbors.
We are Good People.

Subjects have interested us from time to time, so we have also been called doctors, lawyers, musicians, psychologists, preachers, philosophers, astronomers, farmers, scientists, soldiers, artists, and the list goes on...and on...

(7AI) Center for Media and Democracy

(8AI) The Lion & Lamb Project

(9AI) The Propaganda Analysis Homepage

(10AI) The uses of the ‘pursuit of Happiness’ and ‘We the People’ are inspired by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States.

How dare they (Capitalists, Media, propagandists, sophists, etc.) take the core of the Constitution and twist it into a propagandistic tool of manipulation!?

How dare they (religions, preachers, etc.) take the concept of the divine being and twist it into a propagandistic tool of manipulation!?

Once a sense, thought, concept, and so forth has been translated into words, pictures, etc., it becomes a form of knowledge. It becomes something that can be manipulated.

Psychological manipulation—like Science itself—is based on accumulated facts, insights, etc.
The techniques have been developed over millennia.

I do not suggest all societal influence is detrimental. I have learned many sound facts, concepts, ideas, theories, and so forth from media, psychology, religion, and so on. However, it is the element of society that utilizes psychological manipulation in the spirit of Capitalism to manipulate the psyche that is of major concern here. Capitalist psychology, among other detrimental influences, presents valid arguments with fabricated conclusions labeled disorders, which the Drug Industry advertises drugs to alleviate.
"It is important for us to distinguish between valid reasoning and truth. In trying to influence us, it is a common device for vested interest groups to present an argument in a valid manner, but then to state a conclusion that is false. If people are not careful, it is quite easy to be fooled by what appears to be a perfectly valid argument...
The art of persuasion is a very old one. People, throughout history have, for a variety of reasons, tried to influence other people and have used a variety of techniques to do so." from Propaganda, Polls, and Public Opinion: Are the People Manipulated? by Malcolm G. Mitchell.
The fact is that the most influential sources of information on the America present themselves as trustworthy while shoving a Science of Manipulation down the throats of the people on a daily basis in the name of Capitalism!
This kind of manipulation can cause a person to walk senselessly though he or she is surely sensible and may lead to serious health problems. Whenever before have we allowed such an underhanded practice to have such a devastating effect?

Now is the time to sing the Song of Wisdom.
With every person who does something about it, Humanity comes a step closer to Freedom.
Let us work together to expose and denounce psychological manipulation in a mind opening, motivational theme. Truth and Love are central to the theme.

These are, of course, not the only choices available to a person.

I am all for dropping the subject entirely and trying to live a full life. However, I have not found anything that satisfies my need to continue this journey. In fact, that which I have found has made me wiser and more confident than ever that this is an endeavor which needs to be seen through to a reasonable victory.

So, this is the Big 'secret' in societies—psychological manipulation.
The psychological manipulation of the people is the problem in societies.
Psychological Freedom is the core issue. Capitalism, Media, Biblical psychology, Capitalist psychology, and so on are means to express the gravity of the issue. I can think of no other terms that better fit in their place, at this time...

We are justified in exposing and denouncing psychological manipulation.

Psychological Freedom
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