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Whats New in Solid Edge 16

Tushar Suradkar

  segurucool @

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      Common : Split Curve

  • Close All command in File menu.

  • A new Split command splits a 2D wireframe element into two separate elements.

    You can split open or closed elements and the command applies appropriate geometric relationships automatically.

  •   Common : Parent/Children

    A new Show Parents and Children command is now available on the shortcut menu when you select a feature.

    The command displays the immediate parents and children for a selected feature in Feature PathFinder using colors you define on the Colors tab on the Options dialog box.

      Common : Rigid Set

    A new Rigid Set command is available in the Assembly, Part, and Sheet Metal environments on the Draw toolbar when you are editing a layout, profile, or sketch.

    In the Draft environment, this command is on the Relationships toolbar.

    The command allows you to add a rigid set relationship to a set of selected elements.

    After you place the relationship, you can do such things as move or rotate the set of elements,

      Common : Grid

    A new Grid command on the Tools menu displays a grid overlay when you are working with a profile, sketch, or drawing sheet.

    The Grid command replaces the SketchPoint command available in earlier releases of Solid Edge.

      Common : Expose Variable

    You can now suppress and unsuppress features using the variable table and spreadsheets.

    Right-click (1 in fig) a selected feature to see the new Add Suppression Variable command ( 2 in fig) on the shortcut menu.

    When you add a suppression variable to the variable table, you can use equations, spreadsheets, and automation to control whether features are suppressed.

    A suppression variable also gives you another method to suppress a feature in a Family of Parts.

    Further, if you click to check the variable to ON in the variable table (3 and 4 in fig), this variable becomes available from the properties dialog (under custom tab) for that file.

      Common : Suppress Symbol

    A new symbol is displayed adjacent to profile-based features and sketches when the profile is under-constrained.

    You can use the Indicate Under-Constrained Profile in PathFinder option on the General tab on the Options dialog box to specify whether or not the symbol is displayed.

    This option is available for features and sketches that are created in the Part, Sheet Metal, Weldment, and Assembly environments.

      Common : Mirror non-profile based features

    It is now possible to pattern or mirror treatment features.

    Patterning or mirroring of treatment features will succeed when you set the Smart option and when the symmetry of the part geometry makes it possible.

      Common : No Dimension Failure

    You can use the GoTo command to roll back a model to construct new features, such as a round, within the existing feature tree.

    If the new feature removed an edge or face on which existing associative elements depended, they would NOT become detached.

      Common : BlueSurf Enhanced

    The Bluesurf command now supports a combination of open and closed cross sections.

    For example, you can now construct a BlueSurf feature using a line and a closed profile that consists of four lines

      Common : Resize Reference Planes

    Reference planes can now be resized individually using drag-handle.

    Reference planes can be resized even when the file is not empty.

      Assembly : Mirror Assemblies

    A new Mirror command is now available on the Assembly Commands toolbar.

    You can use this command to mirror parts, subassemblies, or the entire assembly about a reference plane you select.

      Assembly : Piping Route

    A new Piping Route command is now available on the XpresRoute toolbar that allows you to create a piping route that includes pipes and fittings along a selected path segment.

    The Solid Edge Part Library delivers a limited number of pipe fittings that allows you to increase your design productivity.

    You can increase productivity even more by adding your own parts to the library.

      Assembly : Structural Frames

    A new Structural Frames command is now available on the Assembly toolbar that displays the Structural Frames toolbar.

    You can use the Frames command on the toolbar to create a structural frame along a defined path segment.

      Assembly : Interrupt Placement

    In earlier releases of Solid Edge, when you interrupted the part placement process before any relationships were applied, the part was automatically deleted from the assembly.

    In version 16, the part is placed in the assembly in the same relative position it occupies in the part document.

      Other Major and Minor Enhancements

  • The G2 Continuous blend option available with the Round command was renamed Curvature Continuous.

  • When you select a single geometric relationship, the parent elements for the relationship are now displayed. For example, when you select the horizontal relationship, the parent elements are highlighted. This can be useful when multiple relationships are in the same location and you need to delete one of them.

  • The Part Copy command on the Insert menu and the Surfacing toolbar has been enhanced to support copying surface and curve bodies. This can be useful when working with imported data that consists of many surfaces.

  • Patterns defined using the Pattern, Pattern Along Curve, and Hole commands are now supported in part copies. For example, this allows you to define an assembly pattern using a Family of Parts member.

  • When you use the Populate function on the Family of Parts or Divide Part dialog box, a Preview bitmap is now created.

  • The Stretch command is now available in all environments when you are working with a part sketch, assembly layout, or a profile-based feature.

  • A new Coordinate System Size option on the General tab of the Options dialog box allows you to specify the size of coordinate systems in a document.

  • When creating a part sketch or an assembly layout, you can now define color, width, and style properties for 2-D wireframe elements such as lines, arcs, and circles.

  • Two new options have been added to the Save tab on the Options dialog box that allow you to specify the types of files you want to back up. The Backup Model Files option allows you to back up model files and the Backup Draft Files option allows you to back up draft files.

  • You can now rotate annotation objects (balloons, callouts, weld symbols, feature control frames, and surface texture symbols) with a new Angle control on the ribbon bar.

  • Numerous enhancements were made to the Layers functionality in version 16 to make it easier to work with layers. You can now double-click a layer entry in the Layers tab to make a layer active.

  • 2-D wireframe element creation commands such as Line, Arc, and Circle, now allow you to define Style, Type, and Width properties.

  • Copy and paste of 2-D elements from one document to another document was enhanced to better support maintaining the style definition of the original element. For example, if you copy 2-D elements from a Draft document to a sketch or layout, the line color, line type, and line width properties are maintained.

  • When working in a profile or layout window or in the Draft environment, the Select Tool ribbon bar has been enhanced to support a polygon fence when selecting multiple elements.

  • The Fill command is now available on the Draw toolbar in all environments when you are working with a part sketch, assembly layout, or a profile-based feature.

  • You can now create custom line types in the Draft, Part, and Assembly environments. When you click More on a Line Type control (on the Line ribbon bar or on the Format tab of the Element Properties dialog box, for example), you can use the Custom Line Type dialog box to create custom line types.

  • A New Fastener System command is now available on the Assembly Commands toolbar. This command allows you to place standard hardware, such as bolts, nuts, and washers into an assembly.

  • The methodology used to locate parts in an assembly was enhanced to use the actual part geometry rather than the range box method used in earlier releases. The range box method would sometimes locate components before the cursor passed over the actual part geometry.

  • You can now edit XpresRoute dimensions. In previous versions, you could not edit these dimensions once they were created.

  • Multiple parts lists enable you to have different item numbers for the same parts, or create parts lists that contain only specific component types.

  • You can now access the Properties dialog box from the ribbon bar during creation of bolt hole circles, center lines, center marks, leaders, balloons, edge condition symbols, datum frames, and datum targets.

  • Duplicate captions among cutting plane lines, viewing plane lines, and detail envelopes in the same file are now permitted.

  • Some window manipulation keyboard and mouse combinations available in other environments in previous releases of Solid Edge are now available in Draft. The following combinations have been added:

    # To zoom out, hold CTRL+right mouse button or CTRL+middle mouse button and move the mouse up.

    # To zoom in, hold CTRL+right mouse button or CTRL+middle mouse button and move the mouse down.

    # To pan, hold SHIFT+CTRL+right mouse button or SHIFT+CTRL+middle mouse button and move the mouse.

  • Tushar Suradkar     segurucool @

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