All About Needlework
Needlework was a favourite passtime throughout the Victorian Era, and all young ladies were taught how to wield a needle as soon as they were able to hold one.  Beautiful whitework, fancy work, samplers and quilts, attest to the artform, but for the pioneers and average Victorian housewife, the skill was a necessity.  Clothing, household linens and trimmings were all made by their hands, and it wasn't until one of the greatest inventions of all time; the catalogue; made it's debut; that some of the more fortunate could order the everyday items they needed, leaving time for the fancier items they wanted.
The following pages will cover all of the categories that fall under the heading of needlework.  Each of the sub-headings will include the skills that fall under that sub-heading and so on.  Most have instructions to create your own work of art or to repair a piece you may have acquired.  I also plan to share patterns for as many vintage needlework items as possible, so please bookmark this site.  It's a work in progress and I update almost daily.
Textile Gallery
The Linen Closet
All About Crochet
All About Embroidery
All About Knitting
All About Lace
All About Quilts
All About Rugs
All About Tatting
All About Weaving
Uniquely Canadian in Victorian Times