Bargello Work
Bargello Work, also known as Florentine or Hungarian work was popular throughout the Renasissance period, reaching it's height in 16th century Florence.  Generally used in cushions or upholstery, it is characterized by it's distinctive zigzag patterns, which also earned it the name Flame embroidery.

Usually, several shades of one colour are used to give a soft and gradual effect,  but for a more striking look, as in Carolyn's cushions to the left, several different colours can be combined in one design. 
These beautiful Bargello cushions were designed by textile artist Carolyn Barrani.  She sells the kit for these and others
CLICK HERE to see more.
The actual work falls into the counted stitch category and consists of perpendicular stitches, all the same length, or a combination of short and long.

The canvas used is usually single thread, 10 meshes to the inch. Depending on the colour combinations and stitch arrangements, various effects are obtained which give names to the patterns, such as diamond, skyscraper and sawtooth, which are easily worked from a graph pattern.
Getting Started: Work the first row in peaks, following chart above; starting at the center, work to right and then left to finish row and establish the pattern. For succeeding rows, follow first row, in long or short stitches as indicated on chart, until all the surface is covered. Fill in the corners of the design to completely cover the area. A Bargello design may be carried out for chair upholstery to cover both seat and back.

It is advisable to plan the color scheme and work a small section of one seat to determine how much
yarn will be required. Outline areas on your canvas to correspond with seat and back of chair. Work one quarter of the back and determine how much yarn you used. Then purchase enough to cover that area, multiplied by the number of times necessary to cover all of back and seat, before continuing with the work.
NEXT: Bead Work
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