You can get this MIDI at
Dick Anderson's Home Page

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ŠJanuary 2001

Best seen with


You will have about 3 minutes to get it right
before the song starts over.
I will give you a couple of hints as we go along.

No fair peeking
Just sit and listen for a minute
It will come to you~~~
That is, if you are old enough *G*

Your first hint.

Glenn Miller made it a hit during the 40"s

Take your time.
After all that is what this songbook is about,
enjoying this wonderful music.

Got it yet???

This music is so wonderful,
I almost go into a trance listening to it.

I just can't imagine all the work that goes into making one of these MIDIs
Let's give the artist, Dick Anderson, a big hand

Dick was born and raised in Medora, North Dakota. He got his first guitar from his brother-in-law when he was 17. When he went to Chicago, took lessons from jazz guitarist, Stu Pierce, for 3 years. He turned out to be an excellent student and had his first gig at age 18. His music was a second job until 10 years ago when decided to go with his music full time.

I am so grateful for his wonderful tunes, especially this one

Another hint for you!

Take another minute to listen.

Ready for the answer?

Of course,
you knew it was


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