Sequencer Unknown

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© February 2001

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*****Long intro*****
You take a bus marked "Lakewood Drive"
and you keep on ridin' 'till you're out of the city,
Where the air is fine, with the sweet smellin' pine
and the countryside's pretty.
And you see daffodils creeping over the hills
or a honey-lovin' mamma bear,

Take a left at the bridge, go down to Crooked Town Ridge,
and in a minute you're there ....

**Long Instrumental**

Indian Lake it's a scene you should make with your little one,
Keep it in mind if you're looking to find a place in the summer sun.

Swim in the cove, have a snack in the grove or you can rent a canoe,
At Indian Lake you'll be able to make like the Indians do.

**Long Instrumental**

Indian Lake it's a scene you should make with your little one,
Keep it in mind if you're looking to find a place in the summer sun.

Swim in the cove, have a snack in the grove or you can rent a canoe,
At Indian Lake you'll be able to make like the Indians do.

Indian Lake it's a scene you should make with your little one,
Keep it in mind if you're looking to find a place in the summer sun.
Swim in the cove, have a snack in the grove or you can rent a canoe,

At Indian Lake you'll be able to make like the Indians do.

**Long Instrumental**

Indian Lake it's a scene you should make with your little one,
Keep it in mind if you're looking to find a place in the summer sun.
Swim in the cove, have a snack in the grove or you can rent a canoe,
At Indian Lake you'll be able to make the like the Indians do.....

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Graphics by TC
