Music is Incredible! We all listen to it. People have talked about it for many, many centuries. Scientists are trying to figure out why it affects the human emotions as it does. Research is being carried out at this time to try to explain, what music "physically" does to the human mind and spirit.

But for most of us, we have no need to know. We just know that it can change lives. The importance of this site has been demonstrated to me by some of the letters I have received. Also the type of sites that have linked to these pages. ie...University of Iowa Medical Center


If any copyrighted materials (music, graphics, applets, text, etc. ) have been included herein, they are considered to be available to this site for use solely in a nonprofit manner as a charitable tool under the provisions of the Standards for Fair Use established in Rose-Acuff Music v. Campbell. If you or someone else deserves credit for anything on this site, please notify us and we'll promptly take care of it!

The Fair Use provision applies four factors, and the material presented herein is believed to meet those factors as follows:

1. Purpose and Character of Use
This website designed to remind people of values once held, of helping, sharing, caring. It has been shown that music and laughter sooths a troubled soul. It can also be used to teach others the songs of yesterday. Help children practice their reading skills.

This site has been linked to many medical sites. As one Doctor said, when I asked. "Why"?..... "Music and laughter are so important in the healing process".

Whether you are having a "down day" or recovering from illness or surgery, suffer from mental breakdown or depression, laughter and song relieve the suffering.

All pages, excepting the personal pages, carry a message of the love that God has for us whether it be through music or laughter.

2. Nature of Copyrighted Work
None of the materials presented on this website, including graphics, music, applets, text, etc., is considered to be "vital" to any other organization or entity, and their appearance on this site is not presumed to be capable of damaging any other organizations or entities in any way. The materials on this site are all presented in a positive context. In addition, it is presumed that the use of any materials that may represent the work of other organizations and entities would, if anything, inadvertently help boost the popularity of those organizations or entities.

3. Relative Amount
There is limited use of protected materials on this site.

4. Effect Upon Potential Market
No harmful effect on the market of any other organization or entity that may be represented in any form on this website is anticipated. If anything, organizations or entities represented by materials might inadvertently be helped by the references made herein. However, such promotions are considered to be negligible and it is not the intention to promote or favor any particular entity.

The only income, is generated from passing the site on to others. That money is used to offset the cost of maintaining this website. There is NO profit is being made.

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