
I've been meaning to upload my collection of Sephiroth pictures for quite some time now, more than a year honestly, but I've only just now gotten around to doing it. There were just so many pictures to be dealt with that it seemed a very daunting and time consuming task. Anyway I've finally decided to do it, and so, in the planning of exhibition of Sephiroth goodness, I've split my pictures into two groups, two separate galleries. One is a parody gallery, in which there are images that poke fun at his highness. They might be super deformed, ultra cute Sephies, or what have you. These kind of pictures break the stereotype you might have set in your heads through viewing him strictly as how the game portrays him. They're NOT serious. The other gallery is the opposite, pictures that are serious, and fit more or less, the typical Sephiroth stereotype. I took a very long time in collecting and organizing all of these pictures. Take some if you want though, the more Sephy that goes around the better, if you ask me.

Without further ado.. here are the links.
Serious Sephiroth gallery
Parody Sephiroth gallery