
Some beautiful RPing ^^;

Character Fiction

Fic 1= The Chronicles of an Assassin This is about Darrian Nightshade, written by his mun, John. And it's really really good. So read it like the smart person you wish you were. ::smirk smirk::*UPDATE* I just added more to this fic so go read the new parts. ^_^

Fic 2= Tiphareth Fiction Part 1, Section 1 Tiphareth's history from her pre-AIM days. Her real past I guess you could say.

Section 2

Fic 3= Tiphareth: Part the Second: Darrian This is part two of my unfinished Tiphy fiction... I will have part one up soon enough as soon as I write a little more to it. That part is almost done. This is all about how she met Darrian and what went on from there. This got to be too long to keep on one page so here is the second section. Same fic just another page of it. Section 2

Onyx Logs

Log 1= Trojalva Forest part one Um.. what happens so far in this log, is Onyx meets Hosaka.. they start to talk.. blahblahblah... talk for a long time.. and well.. so far that's it. This is the first ever Onyx RP.. and I'm glad I finally have all my shit together where I can log ALL of the character's story line, as it happens. I hope I can post the conclusion of it really soon. Date: 4/12/01.

Tiphareth Logs

Index of Tiphareth logs There are too many to fit on this page anymore, so they have their own separate index.

Nichollette Logs

Log 1= When Nich met Jace This log is good. So good that while I was RPing it, I had a feeling that Nich and Jace were not going to stop there, these two had chemistry up the yin yang. But read the log and you'll see for yourself. Part 2

Log 2= Saga part three Like I said up there, I only put this twice cuz it had Nich in it but was about Tiph and I couldn't pick where to put it. So... yeah.

Log 3=The Dragon's Lair This is some "n00b" stuff (if the term can even be rightly applied to Lance and I) of Nich and Jace before they officially "hooked up". She was hungry and he was pushing it a little too much in his playing and teasing so she left all bitchy. =B

Log 4=Heartbreak This is kind of painful for the muns involved to relive but it's very essential to the storyline, and again, it's "n00b" shit. But that doesn't mean it's not good or anything.

Log 5=He Loves Her This was the end of the struggle, so to speak. I don't know how many people were aware of it but Nich and Jace didn't just come together without any hitches at first. The last few logs will illustrate that clearly, but this one is the beginning of easier happy times for the two.

Log 6=Ellinsons Ship This is less essential to the storyline than most of the previous ones but I still felt the need to include it. A lot of characters were in the chat but I cut out all of the unimportant ones over time so mostly all that's left is Jace and Nich. =B

Log 7= Nich's Embrace This is an RP of where Nich told Jacen the story of how she was turned. If you want to see some back ground on Nich, this is what I suggest you read.

Log 8=Sleepy Dwarf Inn Nothing especially essential to the storyline happened in here, just Nich and Jace being disgustingly affectionate. >.>

Log 9=ConfessionsThis is important to the story of Nich and Jace; another painful log but a relationship of any kind, whether it be real or IC or online or whatever, always comes with it's fair share of drama. That we all know. At least it lends Nich and Jace a little more realism.

Log 10= The Lake This is one of my and Jacen-mun's favorite Nich and Jace RP sessions; it is very nicely done, and our bud Talon Silverthorn is in it as well. I believe I got my little Shakespeare nickname from this RP... hehe *_* Enjoy, and there will be more on the way later.

Log 11= The Wall This is a really good Nich and Jace log, you probably aren't gonna like it unless you are one of those hopeless romantics, cuz it is the situation where they are like deeply defining their love and all that good stuff. I like it though, Jacen-mun likes it, so =P!!!

Log 12= Nichollette's Goodbye This was to be the last Nich/Jace "RP" in a long while because I was leaving the online scene and I didn't know when I'd be back. It was done in email. All of these old logs have lots of sentimental value to me. And they're essential to the story line.

Log 13=The Trial Reconstruction This upsets me because it was the ONLY log of Nich and Jace that I fucked up in saving. It was some trivial shit that caused it, like I got booted while Lance and I were RPing and he left the chat cuz I was a long time in coming back or something and so the whole first half of the log was lost. I did rewrite it though, because I still remember what I said, but I can’t really recreate his posts so the first part is just me paraphrasing what Nich was explaining to Jacen.

Log 14=Jacen Proposes This was the last time me and Lance RPed Nich and Jace before he left AIM for a longass time. But he came back so it's all good.

Log 15= The first Nich and Jace log in a very long while This is very recent, and their first official encounter since Jacen-mun aka Lance, returned to AIM after being gone for about 2 months... Some of you might be a little lost while reading this but... too bad so sad, I don't really care.

Log 16=Next installment of the previous log More Nich and Jace for you all to revel in.

Log 17= Nich Jace and Damian in the bar Nuff said really... They "walk" in.. he has a drink.. she has a drink.. of him... Mwahaha. Playing a vamp is fun ^^;;

Log 18= The Demon Discussion Um.. Nich and Jace have a little talk about his demon and such. Nice, long, detailed RP. ^_^ If I do say so myself. It's about 9 pages or so.

Log 19= Ministrations For those of you who follow the Nich and Jace story line, this is the RP of events immediately following the fight between Jacen and Hosaka, (which is logs 13 and 14 under other characters, you can go read that right now if you want...) in which the demon was, erm, well.. gotten rid of. YAY!!! But um.. Nich doesn't know this yet. So I am anticipating the next RP we do like whoa, as should you people be too. ^-^

Log 20= Resolution This is what the name reflects. I can't really go into it more. You're going to just have to read it for yourself. The continuing parts are linked from that page. It was long @_@...

Log 21= Jacen's Embrace That completely "spills the beans", of that I am aware. But I don't know what else to call it, and it shouldn't really come as a shock to anyone. I can't believe that Lance finally let it happen, but he did, and here it is. So, read with glee. We all saw it coming, really.

Other Character Logs

Log 1= Sephiroth Monologue To put it plainly, this is quite possibly the best RP on my page, in my opinion anyway. It completely defines Sephiroth's character, and is brilliantly done. Hopefully I get more Sephy stuff really soon. >D---

Log 2= Adrienne 1 Just me by myself, typin along until I got bored and gave up... it's good, hell, all my shit is good. ::smirks:: So go read.

Log 3= Zoisite 1 Again, me by myself, RPing til I got bored of it, no one worth RPing with was around.. this is shorter than the Adrienne one but good still, and Zoi has a very unique style.

Log 4= Darrian and Sephiroth This is a good log of Dar and Seph bitching at each other. An almost fight I guess you could call it.

Log 5= Mikal Nightshade Tiph is in this but so are Dar and Mikal so I put the log in this section.. seeing as how there are a whole hell of a lot of Tiphy logs in that section already. Basically, Tiph and Dar (and Damian) meet Mikal.

Log 6= Darrian and Dark Lu beat the shit out of each other FF style.. do you really think I would be posting it if it was anything but? ::Snicker::

Log 7= Gabriel and Typhuun spar Nice little spar between Typhuun and Gabriel. With a very amusing addition in the middle from a no doubt idle and mischevious John.. go read this.. you won't regret it. ::Snicker snicker::

Log 8= The edited version of a three way angel fight.. with myself, Jeffysh and Lancey as muns.. good stuff, go read. We didnt finish it yet though...=/

Log 9= Same as the above but with all the stupid mun shit left in for my amusement. >P

Log 10= Conclusion of the above Even though it's not done yet...-_-

Log 11= A nice log of my cute little dragon charrie He is refreshing to play when it seems like all of AIM is going crazy and all my other char's lives are serious and tiring as hell. This log is good, and chock fulla cuteness, so go read.

Log 12= Another cute log, this time of Damian Nuff said really.. there are lots of other charries who are in this RP session but the only mun who stuck around for the whole thing was me. Whether that's good or bad I'm not sure.. heh.

Log 13= Jacen vs Hosaka part 1 A nice long FF battle between Jacen Silvermoon and Hosaka Jenitsu. The first part of it anyway.

Lof 14= Jacen vs Hosaka part 2 The conclusion of the fight. No more demon. ^_^!!!!!!!!!!
