
The First Kiss (part one)

This is the very first RPing session of Nich and Jace. And it kicks some ass. Enjoy, and let me just say that if you're like 12 or something, you probably shouldn't be reading this. ::smirksmirk:: Kiss, in this sense refers to the taking of blood by a vampire. If you didn't know that then... ugh.

DarkViciousVamp: ::a calm look of complacency rested on her deathly pale features, she faded in, that black Versace gently caressing her curves, raven tressles cascading down her back, and blood red pupilless eyes cold and calculating::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::watches as Nich enters the bar, a slight smile crossing his face::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she walked slowly, with a cat-like fluidity to her movements, to an empty table, not bothering to see whether anyone she knew was in the room already::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::his jade green eyes following her graceful steps to her table, he grins..wondering if she's fed lately and if it's safe to approach his tentative friend::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she sat down, idly clicking her black manicured nails against the pearl handle of one of her .45's; turning, finally, to see Jacen, she gave a very slight smirk, and the sharp white tips of her partly bared fangs made themselves known::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::catches sight of Nich's eyes and winks, offering her his own smile, without the fangs of course::

DarkViciousVamp: ::her eyes deep, enough to lose yourself in, if one gazed into them too long; she ran her tongue over her fangs slowly once, and returned that wink::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::chuckles to himself and shakes his head in amusement. Stands up a bit slowly, to be sure he does not fall he picks up the bottle of red wine and his empty glass and walks steadily, if a bit slow, to Nich's table::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she smiled very softly to herself, and nodded to the empty chair beside her own::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::reaches her table and promptly seats himself next to her in the vacant chair, setting the bottle and glass on top of the table:: Hello again m'lady

DarkViciousVamp: ::her voice smooth and near hypnotic:: how art thou, m'lord Jacen?

Jacen Silvermoon: ::smiles warmly, his jade eyes almost becoming glossy:: mmm....fine fine tonight. And you? ::looks at her, a somewhat distant look in his eyes::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she ran her hand through that beyond black mane, and turned slightly to answer him:: i am fine this eve

DarkViciousVamp: ::then returned that hand to the handle of her .45, where it was apt to rest::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::nods and smiles:: Had anything...to, um...drink lately? :;leans forward partially sticking his neck out to her almost teasing her, a faint smell of wine on his breath::

DarkViciousVamp: ::a rush of thirst raced through her, then she caught herself before unconsciously sinking her fangs into his inviting neck:: nay, i have not... methinks thou teaseth me ::with a smirk::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::looks at her ruefully, still acting somewhat dazed, enchanted by her voice:: Teaseth you? Now..why would I do that fair mistress of the night? ::smiles playfully, enjoying the game a bit::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she repressed a moan of desire [for blood] and smiled gently back at him::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::grins and sits back again, leaving the close proximity of her and refills his glass::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::stares into her pupilless eyes and looks deeply into them, curiously::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::raises his glass to his lips and takes a long sip, his eyes not leaving her's::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she stretched back on her chair a bit, as her stomach growled faintly; she had not had a drink since the previous eve, and it would not be too long now before she was forced to drink again...she turned to Jacen, revealing the depths of those crimson orbs:: they are a bit unusual, are they not, m'lord (speaking of her eyes)

Jacen Silvermoon: ::nods in agreement and removes the glass from his lips, a little of the red liquid dribbling out the side of his lip and down his chin:: Indeed, they are most...fascinating..::sets the glass back on the table::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she eyed the vagrant drops of wyne trapse down his face and held herself from leaning forward to remove them from him with her tongue:: aye, that they most certainly are

Jacen Silvermoon: ::nods contently and sits back in his chair, relaxing fully:: My...my ::turns his head lazily to look at Nich:: I had a busy day today.. ::rambling on unconcerned if she'd really care or not, the affect of his drink beginning to truly settle in::

DarkViciousVamp: ::crossing her legs elegantly, she decided to interrogate him a bit:: aye? and what didst thou do this day that kept thee so busy, m'lord?

Jacen Silvermoon: ::eyes her legs, a look of desire crossing his face momentarily before he chuckles to himself softly. He closes his eyes and tilts back in his chair, leaning againist the wall:: Hmm....well, lessee...my day started with a wonderful time in this very bar, where I met two new friends. ::continues to lean against the wall, eyes closed as he rattles off a few rather mundane activities::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she smirked inwardly to herself, as she noticed him eye her legs, then uncrossed then, and recrossed so the opposite rested on top this time; we were teasing, but we were allowed, ne? was not a vampiress supposed to be charming and seductive...she smiled faintly and feigned attention to his recount of the days happenings; thinking of how badly she craved the sweet blood of a male at that moment::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::with eyes still closed and sitting on his perch against the wall, he rambles on:: Sparred a few people...won some, lost some. Of course, as it always is.. hmm...ah yes! Also had some strange person come up to me with news of my parents...that was an odd one indeed. ::shakes his head amusedly as he takes in a deep sigh, his chest rising and then falling steadily with every intake and exhalation::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she rose halfway, taking his face gently in her palid hand, and leaned forward to whisper into his ear, an *accidental* brush of her feathery soft lips up against his cheek as she did so:: if thou wilt excuse me, m'lord, i thirst with such a pang just now, that if i do not drink soon, i fear i shall become faint...

Jacen Silvermoon: ::feeling her slender red lips brush against his cheek, he lets out a soft mummur, as if asleep. His eyes still closed he nods absently, mistaking her remark as a request to excuse herself and find someone to feed upon:: Hmm? Ah..yes yes of course. Certainly fair lady Nich. By all means... ::his voice barely audible, the tone distant and almost dreamy::

DarkViciousVamp: nay, Jacen ::she laughed softly, her rich voice seeming to melt on the air:: wouldst thou mind much if i drank thee? ::as she peered deep into his eyes, still with that gentle hand caressing his jawline::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::feeling her gentle touch of her hand, a small shudder of excitement escapes his body. He looks at her, his jade eyes very glassy and and merely offers a weak nod:: Would...be my...honor, fair Nich... ::leans in closer to her, closing his eyes, breathing in deep the alluring scent of the pale woman, his mouth just inches from her own ear::

DarkViciousVamp: i thank thee ::she whispered, brushing her lips against his cheek again. she ran a palid hand through her raven locks, brushing them to rest behind her ears so they would not get in her way, and leaned further forward delicately as an almsot animalistic hunger took over her consciousness, ... her fangs slid fully into place::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::closes his eyes and runs his hand along her pale cheek, anticipating the little pricks of her white fangs. His hand running slowly across her cheek and down her neck, slowly brushing down the length of her sleek and slender body::

DarkViciousVamp: m'lord Jacen, i assure thee, this shall not hurt thee much ::she spoke in a gentle dulcet hypnotizing tone to soothe him, for she could sense a hint of fear; then ran her tongue hungrily over her fully exposed vicious fangs, and moaned very softly as she felt his hand brush over her, then ceased to make another sound and gently punctured his sensitive neck ::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::a small barely audible gasp escapes his grasp, and his hands clench tightly to her thigh where they had just been coming to cross, and a small shudder again, escapes his body. The gasps turns to a slight moan as the sharp pricks fade to numbness::

DarkViciousVamp: ::that pain is rapidly replaced by the most pleasurable feeling that he has had in his life, as she played her tongue over the puncture wounds, and slowly began to drink him, suckling softly, her crimson eyes fluttering closed; his hand on her thigh only adding to the immense pleasure she took from feeding...::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::the moan escaping his lips growing a bit louder in volume. His eyes remain shut and seemingly subconciously, his hand softly, slowly, delicately runs up and down her thigh, feeling the soft sensuous, yet powerful leg beneath. The pleasure over whelming him, almost to the point where it consumes him, he continues to gently squeeze her as he revels in her tounge's movements::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she dug her vicious fangs in deeper, and drank with an almost feverish desire, swallowing large mouthfuls of his blood; she repressed an almost erotic sigh as the flavor washed over her tongue, and from his caressing of her thigh; . she felt her diminished strength returning to her with every additional mouthful of him that she took, and leaned closer, pressing her sleek body up against him::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::feeling her smooth, lithe body pressing up againist his, the moan grows louder still and he grips her tightly, now with both hands, one on her thigh, the other on the side of her small belly. He pulls her in closer under his strong grip, a gasp interuppting the moan. His chest heaves as he breathes in deeply, small droplets forming on his brow from the build of anticipation finally being triggered off::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::hearing nothing but the vampire's words and breathing, feeling nothing but the vampire's movements he notices not Ciato's question, too overwhelmed by such marvelously pleasurable feelings all at once::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::the rest of the bar having been long since blotted out from all his senses, all he can feel, all he can smell, all he can hear or taste..is Nich::

DarkViciousVamp: ::some hated this existence, the bloodlust, the need to take some of another's life to continue on in one's own, but we loved it, this experiance almost too much pleasure for her to bear; she moaned, and bit him harder, his hands on her seemingly to throw her into further levels of ecstasy; she drank until her thirst was nearly sated, swallowing still more delicious mouthfuls of him::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::his eyes snap open suddenly, his jade greens eyes glazed, yet gleaming as if afire with a wild passion, he lets out a small yell and clenches her tighter yet as she bites deep into his neck. His chest begins to heave rapidly as he begins to gasp for air, wildly, frantically he tries to inhale deeply and the alluring aroma of the vampire overwhelms his senses again and he begins to tremble in ecstasy::

DarkViciousVamp: ::ahh the life of a vampire, ... she finished, having drinken her fill of him, pulled her fangs from his flesh and drew her head back a bit; she stared into his eyes with a burning intensity, her own pupilless crimson orbs enough to lose oneself in, then leaned in again, went to his neck once more, and gently licked the wounds left from her puncture closed, her hands grasped his shoulder and face, as they had the entire time::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::his eyelids fluttering wildly, he suddenly feels a release of pressure to his neck and lets out a loud audible sigh, his body seeming to begin to relax, his grip around her loosens slightly and he subconciously caresses her thigh with his hand again as she licks over his neck. Feeling as if the peak of the thrilling moment is over his rantings quickly quiet back down to a low moan, barely audible again::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she necked on him for a few more fleeting moments of sheer perfect pleasure and painstakingly slowly came to a stop, licking her crimson stained fangs clean, releasing a sigh of incredible staisfaction::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she retracted her fangs and smiled softly up at him::

Jacen Silvermoon: :;his hand roaming for a little moment longer, seemigly of it's own accord, he gazes back at her, almost dreamily, his gaze distant as if he is not actually seeing what is around him but is in his own little world. finally, as if his body just then registers the loss of blood, he slumps forward, almost to the point on unconciousness, his head resting unmoving on her shoulder::

DarkViciousVamp: thou art truly the best drink that i have yet taken, m'lord Jacen ::she whispered, as she cradled him, and sat back down with him, breathing slowly, calmly waiting for consciousness to return to him::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::he merely lays, unmoving his head on her shoulder, his hand in her lap. A soft moan escapes his lips followed by a quick, almost childlike giggle upon hearing his name::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she raised her palid hand to play over his hair, and whispered unintelligable soothings to him::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::soon, his moans cease and he mumbles:: Wha..what hap-pened? ::his eyes fluttering open weakly, looking at Nich questioningly for a moment, still leaning on her slightly for support, his body not yet ready to fully support him::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she went back to playing her deathly pale hand over Jacen's hair:: i drank thee, and thou art the very taste of perfection, m'lord

Jacen Silvermoon: ::looks at her, the glazed look in his eyes begin to recede but still present. Nods at her as if her comment explained it all:: Oh...okay ::not fully registering what she told him, he tries to weakly pull away from her and slips, falling towards the table, still unable to hold his own self::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she squatted down next to him and lifted him gently up, we were stronger than we looked; placing him tenderly in the chair next to our own::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::sits, planted, in the chair. After several attempts he finally swings his head lazily over to look at Nich again, his head bobbing:: Hehe...thanks ::his words slightly slurred and uneasy. Watches as a few spots from lack of blood cross his vision:: oooo.... ::makes a half hearted grab for one as it floats by::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she extended a pale hand and played it over his cheek, she laughed a bit, and noted that he was amusing when acting thus:: the pleasure was mine, m'lord

Jacen Silvermoon: ::sits, staring at Nich blankly. Then, a few moments AFTER she speaks blushing slightly as if hearing her comment just then::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::looks at her and beckons her to come closer, a grin on his face::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she approached::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::whispers in her ear:: How long will I feel this...loose? ::giggles slightly:: It's....silly..::his head resting againist her cheek again, taking the moment of their closeness to lean on her for a moment, as if his words greatly exhausted him::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she nibbled on his earlobe, her fangs lightly grazed it and then she stopped to whisper back:: as long as i allow thee to feel thus

Jacen Silvermoon: ::mummurs in enjoyment as she nips at his ear:: Hmm... ::a grin spreading across his face:: Take your time fair Nich ::chuckles and tries to bring his hand up to her cheek but it falls short and plops to land on the opposite shoulder he was leaning on::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::his fingers brushing lightly across her shoulder, seeming unconcerned his depth perception was so off::

On to part two
