
DarkViciousVamp: ::She appeared, fading out of the shadows and stood quietly behind him, not making a sound just yet; we thought we might sneak up on him as repayment for his having done so to us earlier this eve::

JacenSilvermoon: ::Standing quietly, gazing up at the star-filled night sky he merely let out a sigh and noticed not her appearance::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She took a silent, cautious step forward and then winced as one pearl handled .45 slipped from it's holster and clattered to the ground:: Curses, thou hast very poor timing ::She scowled at it as she bent to pick up the gun::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::jumped slightly and turned with a start, his jade eyes scanning quickly for the source of the noise, his hand instinctivly on his hilt::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She stood back up and smiled sheepishly:: I meant to surprise thee but yonder inopportune occurrance has swayed my plans, Jacen...

JacenSilvermoon: ::letting out a soft sigh he shook his head:: Nich....you startled me... ::smiling lightly though obviously distracted he relaxed his grip on his blade::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She shrugged it off pleasantly and walked to him:: And how art thou this eve?

Jacen Silvermoon: ::his head dropping suddenly, as if weighed by many burdens, his gaze falls to his boots:: Nich, there is something I must tell you..

DarkViciousVamp: ::She cocked her head and looked into him questioningly:: Something is wrong? Thou hast a troubled look...

Jacen Silvermoon: ::his gaze not rising slightly from the ground he nodded slowly. His voice barely a hoarse whisper:: Yes...

Jacen Silvermoon: ::slowly, carefully, he lifted his gaze to meet hers. His eyes were moist and brimmed with tears and such a sadness was apparent in them it seemed as though his entire soul ached::

DarkViciousVamp: Jacen, ::She spoke gently and soothingly although at a loss at to what could be bothering him:: If I have done anything to harm thee in any way, thou hast my abject and sincerest apologies

DarkViciousVamp: ::She started when she saw the pain in his eyes::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He could not help but let out a small laugh at the irony in her words, though he winced slightly, as if they too had caused him pain as well:: No Nich, you would never do such a thing...ever... ::he trailed off and trembled slightly::

DarkViciousVamp: What hast been done to thee? ::Her eyes flashed angrily and her hands flew to her pistols:: Who hast injured thee? Tell me names and they shall be dead by the morn

Jacen Silvermoon: ::struggling to regain his composure he took a breath to steady himself:: No Nich, nothing like that. Please, before I begin I want you to know something...

DarkViciousVamp: ::She shook her head in confusion but stood and waited for him to speak::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::he looked down a moment, unsure of all that he felt. Finally, releasing one more sigh he looked to her once again:: I love you Nichollette. I truly do, with all of my mortal heart I love you. Never have I meant to bring you harm or pain, and I swear to you I never shall again... ::taking another breath he continued:: I ask for your forgiveness already, for I am truly sorry for what has occured...

Jacen Silvermoon: ::obviously troubled by the event he struggled to remain calm and composed as he spoke though he felt for sure that she would turn him aside after he was finished and that was what he feared more than anything else. Yet, he was a man of some honor, and could not lie or hide the truth from her, no matter how painful to him it may be:: Nich...I--I I have not been totally...faithful

DarkViciousVamp: ::Her eyes brimmed with blood red tears of confusion threatening to fall; she stepped closer to him and looked inquisitively, pleadingly into his face, that face she so loved:: and I love thee as well...what has happened?

DarkViciousVamp: ::She gasped::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::His head dropped once again, his eyes seeking only to not witness the pain he knew he would cause her::

DarkViciousVamp: ::Each .45 that had been clenched in her hands fell to the floor and the clatter echoed through the expanse, shattering the painful silence for a fleeting moment, before it took over once more::

Jacen Silvermoon: I--I know...Nich. It kills me inside knowing this. ::he looked up to her now, his gaze almost pleading and the trail of tears ran slowly down his cheeks:: It just...everything was a blur and the next thing I knew we were kissing, and I could not stop it... ::sighing he looked to her pleadingly, almost desperately:: I am so sorry Nich, with all of my heart..PLEASE forgive me..

DarkViciousVamp: ::She could not hold her tears back any longer; we sunk to our knees and cried mournfully into our palid, shaking hands::

Jacen Silvermoon: I realized afterwards what had happened and told her that such a thing would never again occur... ::he trailed off and spoke no more, trying to calm himself, being visably distraught with his own crime::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She took a painful breath, not because she required air, mind you, for she is dead, but to attempt to calm herself::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::he looked down to her, anguish in his eyes now. He slowly reached out his hand to console her:: Nich...I--I'm sorry...please.... ::he hesitated touching her, fearing too greatly the slap he felt sure would come. Fearing too much the rejection he could not bear to take::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She remained on the ground but forced her eyes up to meet his, and spoke in a slightly shuddering tone:: Sayest thou that it was an accident? ‘Twil not ever happen again, Jacen?

DarkViciousVamp: I see that thou art sorry ::She whispered::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::his tears fell from his chin as he nodded vigorously:: Of course it was an accident Nich. I would never dream of doing such a thing intentionally! That still does not ease the guilt I place upon myself for having allowed it to occur anyway. Tis no excuse! ::he clenched his fists tightly, furious with his own self and his weaknesses:: I swear on my parent's life that it was an accident Nich, and that it will NEVER happen again. EVER

DarkViciousVamp: ::She stood and moved to embrace him, whispering with clarity and strength:: Then I forgive thee

Jacen Silvermoon: ::he let out a small sigh of relief, clinging to her desperately as his sobs became greater. He trembled with every sob and cried freely upon her shoulder:: Why then, can I not forgive myself? ::desperate, trying to understand in vain his emotions he spoke aloud:: I love you so strongly Nich, I would never mean you harm and though I have brought to you the most awful pain I possibly could. ::Remembering her image as she feel to her knees in hurting anguish, he shuddered, the image painfully clear:: I am so sorry.... ::he sobbed and clung to her::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She held him tenderly, her arms wrapped soothingly around him as he shook. Her voice resumed it's usual dulcet tone and hypnotic tinge and she whispered into his ear these words:: Tis alright, I assure thee, twas only an accidental kiss Jacen. Hadst thou done more, then twould be harder for me to forgive thee, but thou didst not, and I have forgiven thee, tis forgotten ::She inclined her head slightly and planted a soft, sweet kiss on his lips, as if to prove to him with her actions that it was already forgiven and forgotten::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::he could not help but acknowledge the relief he felt flooding over him from her soothing words and even more soothing actions yet he had been worked into quite a fervor to be fully calmed by the simplest of words and a light kiss. He looked at her and sighed, truly now trying to regain his composure. His heart leaping as he still shook somewhat nervously and as the tears continued to fall for a while. Lucky indeed he was to have fallen in love with one who loved him so fully in return. He sighed once again, a bit shakily, and looked to her for support. Having fully cast aside any attempts to being "the strong man" in this situation he merely wanted to feel her touch and hear her words and know he was truly forgiven for it all::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She broke the kiss and pulled back a bit to gaze into his eyes and whisper softly:: Thinkest thou truly that I wouldst give up on thee so easily? Nay, Jacen, I love thee far too much to do such a thing... to hold something so slight against thee, to forsake all that thou meaneth to me ::She paused and a look of almost grim determination washed over her pale features before she spoke her next words:: That would make a fool of me, and a fool I most certainly am not ::Her look softened again, she moved closer, ceased to speak, and began to gently kiss him again::

DarkViciousVamp: ::Her arms left him momentarily and she brought her hands up to tenderly wipe the anguished tears from his cheeks::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::closing his eyes, relief again rushing over his burdened heart he slowly embraced her about the waist and returned her kiss, losing himself in her touch. Realizing now that she was right, to totally forsake him for such a trivial thing would have then meant what they had was not truly love. Deep down he had known this, he supposed, yet he had been genuinely afraid nonetheless. Letting that all go now, he merely pressed his lips fimrly againist hers and returned her kiss with more compassion, love and desire than he had ever felt before. Seemingly overwhelmed by such emotions he let loose a small tremble once more and his grip about her tightened a bit firmer::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She relaxed fully; sensing somehow that he had done the same, and she encircled her arms tightly around him once more, continuing that blissful dream of a kiss that seemed to cause everything else, all other cares, worries, troubles and strife to slip completely off of her consciousness, and away into oblivion; all we were aware of now, was how much we loved him, and we chose to prove it to him with that incredible soul cleansing kiss::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Slowly, reluctantly, he pulled away and looked deep into her eyes, his own eyes mirroring all he felt for her. Smiling softly, a bit unsure what to do next he merely held her close and looked deep into her eyes, seemingly becoming lost in her hypnotic pupilless orbs::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She returned the loving gaze, her pupilless crimson depths locked onto his eyes for a long, lingering moment, and she leant forward to brush her lips over his neck, very lightly grazing his skin with those sharp white fangs::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::cocking his neck back so as to expose more of his slightly tanner neck he closed his eyes and reveled in the small goosebumps that found their way to the surface of his skin. The trail the fangs made sending slight shivers of excitement up and down his back::

DarkViciousVamp: I thirst, my love... mindeth thou if I had a quick drink of thee? ::She whispered quickly before returning to play her fangs gently over his neck again::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Too involved in the sensations the small sharp fangs sent along his body he merely nodded sleepily, seeming to grow most distant again::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She pulled her head slowly away from his neck and ran a deathly pale hand through her sable mane so that it rested behind her ears; she stared deeply into his eyes and took a hand to rest it against his cheek, kissing the one on the opposite side delicately. she mouthed:: I thank thee ::And leaned down again as her fangs slid fully into place::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::having felt her hand upon his cheek, a small tremor of excitement escaped his body. Anticipating eargerly the sharp pain he knew he would feel, but awaiting even moreso the wonderfully sensuous feeling afterwards::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She eyed his neck critically for a moment before finding the optimal spot, and, her quick search complete, she eased her fangs into his flesh; the smooth gradual puncture sending a wave of slight pain at first, and then sheer perfect pleasure as she suckled at the wound and began to drink::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::he flinched qucikly for but a brief moment as her fangs punctured his skin. Letting out a sharp small cry he clenched her tightly around her waist. The cry turning to a soft moan of pleasure as the sting turned to a more..desirible feeling. Feeling her softly begin to suck the blood from the wound he grew a bit more excited, his pulse racing and his plams becoming sweaty. Never besides times of the kiss had he ever felt anything so stimulating and exhilirating::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She swallowed mouthful after delicious mouthful of his life and marvelled over the fascinating fact that he was even sweeter the second time; the flavor flooded her mouth as she took him in, and her blood red pools eased themselves closed, the pleasure of feeding throwing her mind into such an indescribable level of esctasy; she held him tightly to her, pressing up against his powerful form with her own sleek and slender one, one leg slowly wrapping around one of his as she continued to drink more of him in::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::letting out a slightly louder moan his eyelids fluttered about as he tried to remain in control of himself during the kiss. Struggling in vain to remain in control of himself he gripped her tighter and tighter, his arms shaking as he flexed them tense for so long. Finally, losing himself to the full control of the kiss, his eyes lulled back into his head and he let out a low animal like growl as his hand subconciously slid to the leg wrapped around him and begin to caress it. His grips on her gentle so as not to bring much pain but firm and resolute, keeping her pressed tightly against him::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She repressed a moan of pleasure from escaping her; even a near perfect vampiress cannot drink and moan at the same time without spilling at least a little bit; and she played her tongue over the puncture wounds, drinking with less fervor now, for we were almost done She drank only enough to ease the vicious edge of that which constantly pounded at her brain, the inescapable thirst she had been cursed with the moment she had been turned::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::his breath becoming excited and forced he continued to clench her tightly to him, their hips grinding together with the force of his hold as his other hand continued to rub up and down along her exposed thigh, sliding all the way to the hem of her gown and slipping partially under it, sliding ever upwards. Letting out a sudden loud moan of sheer ecstasy he gripped her thigh tightly and could only tremble with sheer pleasure as she drank from him::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She had drunken just enough to leave him only slightly light headed, truly she did not wish to leave him senselessly drained, so, she painstakingly slowly brought the gentle suckle to a halt and swallowed one last time, reluctantly, wishing, praying his flavor to linger over her tongue for as long as possible. So phenomenal was the taste of him, his blood had become her delicious weakness, or so it seemed. She removed her fangs from his flesh and tenderly licked the wounds left in their wake shut, then pulled her head back and ran her tongue over her blood stained fangs; and, once whitened again, they retracted themselves to the usual partial exposure. As she found herself free to moan now, she was suddenly very aware of his hand on her thigh, and moan she did::
