
Jacen Silvermoon: ::He sat in his study, the large oak door pulled shut. The large windows looking out over the east side of the property he owned, had large heavy drapes pulled wide, displaying the dark depths of the forest that populated part of his land. Seated in a large backed oak chair, Jacen was propped on one elbow atop the likewise oak table, his forehead in the palm of his hand. A small oil lamp burned on one corner of the desk, and the rest of the table was covered, littered with papers. His jade eyes bloodshot and strained, he mulled over their words, mumbling under his breath slightly as he did so. Sighing in disgust, he sat back in the chair, slumping into it's stoic support. His hand rubbed wearily over his eyes and then flopped to the armrest of the chair with a thud. His face tired and worn he looked out over the room. A dying fire smoldered in the fireplace on the far wall.::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Over the mantle was an empty pair of hooks, Joyeux's perch. The rest of the far wall, along with the other three walls that were open to him, were lined with floor to ceiling bookshelves, every space there provided filled with novels and works over many years. The Estate had been within the bloodline for years, the study being passed down from Silvermoon to Silvermoon. Some of it's works dated as far back as precataclyism era. A leather covered couch and a matching pair of arm chairs all circled around a small round coffee table. The floor was made of hard, etched stone, swept clean meticulously by the servants throughout the day. Sighing once more, he blinked wearily and stared into the flickering tongues of the lantern's flame::

DarkViciousVamp: ::Nichollette had scarcely settled her eyes onto the first page of an age old volume of vampiric customs when the need had suddenly been instilled in her to pay an unexpected visit to her beloved. And so down the book had been cast, as if the priceless tome had been worth next to nothing to the vampiress, and she had made her way to a back room of the cathedral, flipping through items hanging in a closet and scowling as each one failed to suit her fancy at that moment. Finally her pupil less depths of bloody hue rested on something perfect..she would have nothing short of it after all. Quickly shedding the usual sable Versace and smirking at it landed with an almost inaudible fluff about her feet, she donned the new item, which she had forgotten was even in that closet.. having acquired it some ago but not having found any reason to wear it for a time, until now. A different looking Nich deposited herself on the front steps of Jacen's place of residence, and she stood, clad in a long, heavy looking gown, made up of two parts, the interior looked almost to be a slip of sorts, very thin and neatly form fitting about her symmetrical curves, deep burgundy in color. Over that lied what looked to be very fine mesh of uncannily bright silver mail, a matching burgundy ribbon weaving it's way across her collar bones through the metal, and a twin ribbon of silk lacing through it about her ankles. A third ribbon was woven into her French braid. This was a new look but she rather liked it, and had been aching for a change. A neat black choker, made of an inch wide strip of onyx velvet was clinging to her pallid neck. She knocked, rather loudly, smiling very softly at the prospect of seeing Jacen again, having missed him all together too much, but the busy lifestyle of a vampire succeeded in keeping her away far too often for her to be happy with it.::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Scowling as the sharp knocking snapped him from his entranced state, he looked to the wall as though he peered through it, and the rest of the walls until he was looking at the Estate's main door. He sighed, of course he had to get those annoying solicitors tonight of all nights. Disgusted, he slammed his hands down on the table and rose from the chair. He grumbled something and left the messied table, lamp burning as he strode across the room, his polished boots echoing on the cold stone floor. Pulling the door open, he looked out onto the marble floored hallway. The whitewash walls were decorated with paintings of various hunting scenes of his ancestors over the years. As with every time as he passed through this hall, his study being the only room down it's length, he strode with a proud and confident stride, generations of lineage looking down on him as he passed by. As he reached the end of the hall he glanced to the bare spot that stood next in line. 'Some day,' he thought, 'some day I will have my chance and will have my painting added to those of my father and the other Silvermoon patrons. Some day..' his thoughts drifted off as he left the hall, walking through the main, lavishly decorated, social room. Reaching it's double doors, he pulled them open and passed through the room into another hall, crossing the intersection that led down to the dining room from one direction and the library and upstairs to the other. Taking a few more paces down the 4th branch of the intersection he reached the large oak door that was his front door. A small frown of annoyance still etched onto his features, he took a moment to hide the disdain behind a polite mask of host like hospitality. Opening the door he opened his mouth to interrupt the unfortunate solicitor before he even began. His eyes instead falling upon his love, his mouth merely opened and hung open, no words coming out. He stood motionless, his eyes falling to her feet before slowly traveling up their length, taking in her new looks inch by inch. Finally getting his mouth shut as he looked fully into her eyes, he smiled and took a step towards her. Running his hand though the side of her hair, his hand softly brushing down her cheek and then her neck to her shoulder, he smiled still and leaned in to place a warm, loving kiss upon her thin pallid lips. Closing his eyes, he took another step to her, his arm snaking about her waist, he held it for many moments before breaking the breathtaking kiss. Nuzzling her cheek softly as he hugged her, he whispered to her ear, mere centimeters from it:: What a most pleasant surprise. Hello my love. To what do I owe this most pleasantly clad woman's presence upon my doorstep at such a late hour?

DarkViciousVamp: ::Nich smiled brightly upon first catching sight of him, flashing those both alluring and dangerous fangs of hers, perfectly white against the blood red of her cool, thin lips. Her eyes danced and she seemed almost to become a bit warmer, in a few different meanings of the word, just by seeing him. The usually cool necroflesh was not in possession of quite it's usual chill anymore apparently. None too big of a shock that he warmed her "heart", though whether it was alive or dead or otherwise prone to life or "unlife" was left to be discussed at a time other than the present one. A small rush passed through her as the door was thrown open and she hardly had a moment to take in a breath, after the pause and his looking the new dress over, before he began to kiss her. Her smile faded minutely as it must have unless he planned on kissing her teeth. She craned her head to one side slightly, the thick black and ribboned braid falling down to the respective angle. Jacen tasted delicious in more ways than one and she took full advantage of what he'd initiated, kissing him almost feverishly, her slender silky tongue playing a sensual game with his. Teasing, perhaps, but such was her nature, and she took care to be very wary of her fangs, much to his relief she assumed. When it was reluctantly broken, she was happily caught up into his strong arms, snaking her own around his waist as well. Her only slightly cool, mail encased necroflesh pressed lightly up against him, she nuzzled her cheek back to his, smiling as his warm breath tickled at her ear as he whispered to her. The usual overly dramatic and lushly hypnotic tone of rich, cultured voice rose up smoothly from her pallid throat, and she returned the whispers in kind, her cool lips neatly brushing up against his ear as she spoke softly:: A creature of the night roams during such usually, and I had a feeling you might be up. So I took the liberty of gracing my fiancee with a much needed visit... wouldn't you agree? ::She caressed a hand slowly up and down his back::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He smiled warmly and kissed her lightly upon the lips once more:: Yes, I agree wholeheartedly my dear. ::Turning he guided her back into his home, pushing the door shut behind them. Taking her up the carpet covered stairs, he led her down the halls to the end, where another wooden door was set on the left wall. Opening it, he led her into his master bedroom, carpeted and painted in black, the cotton sheets of his bed were likewise colored. Closing the door for their privacy, he turned back to her smiling, and took her up in another loving embrace, smothering her with another kiss. With more fervor this time, he gripped her on the waist, his tongue pressing between her two lips and darting about within her mouth.::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She looked about curiously, for surprisingly, she hadn't really had the chance to look over his estate as much as what one would have expected. She made hardly a sound as she moved, walking near to soundlessly up the stairs smothered in lush carpet. The new gown did tend to make very faint metallic clinks every so often, not that they were easy to notice however, for she still carried herself with the uncanny stealth that characterized her race. She inclined her head again and kissed him fondly, as if she hadn't had the opportunity to do so in ages, rather than in a minute or so, as was the reality. She caressed one hand lightly through his hair, the somewhat long, perfectly black nails raking gently at his scalp. Her nimble tongue set to work again, playing over his flirtingly, as she pulled him closer::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Smiling he looked deep into her eyes, losing himself in her breathtaking beauty as always.:: I've never seen this before m'love. I like it... ::his eyes trailed down over her body once more, encased within the curvaceous metal chain mail. Looking back up to her again, he smiled once more and led her to the edge of the bed, sitting beside her. Taking his hand in his, he squeezed it and kissed the top of it, his gaze never leaving her face. His voice low and soft, a faint trace of weariness in it, he spoke up to her:: I've missed you Nich. It's been most lonely the past few nights

DarkViciousVamp: I've never worn it before while you've been alive anyway so I would think you haven't, love. ::She smirked lightly, those curious eyes gentle and endlessly knowing in their intense gaze. She curled one leg underneath her and rested lightly on it, softly holding his hand:: As I have missed you, and no doubt it has been no less lonely for you than it has been for myself since we last spoke. How have you been? I worry for you so.. ::And with that, the most sincere look imaginable was levied over his person, the very faintest tinges of urgency in her voice::

Jacen Silvermoon: Funny you should ask.. ::he sighed softly and closed his eyes as he recounted the past few days:: The demon emerged again the other day...on the road back from the town. A family's farmhouse ended up being half destroyed in the ensuing carnage. I'm currently up to my knees in legal forms and trying to sort out prices from the belongings lost so I may pay a repercussion to them. ::He shook his head wearily and it dropped a bit, his chin touching his chest:: It had been quiet for so long I had thought it dead or gone Nich. I'm never to be rid of this cursed being... ::He voice wavered and he bit his lip sharply, cutting himself off before any weakness could be shown::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She was flooded with complete confusion at that, furrowing her pallid brow slightly and peering into him as if she couldn't even hope to comprehend what he'd just spoken to her:: Demon? What.. Jacen I don't understand.. obviously you know something I do not. ::She bit back all further questions and waited as calmly as she could manage for his explanation. She scowled inwardly at the verbal run around Tiph had given her as to what all Jacen had spoken to her about when she found he'd come back all those weeks ago, hating to be caught unknowing as to anything that would have concerned herself and her love. She could plainly tell at the time that she'd been holding back something but what, it was impossible to fathom without literally forcing it out of her, which she hadn't, needless to say. She wrung her hands together in her lap somewhat anxiously, hoping that his words would banish down the dread that had crept up from the pit of her stomach. It would become readily apparent that her intuition was never that far off the mark::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Confused, he looked up to her a moment:: I hadn't told you? I could have sworn...::He sighed again and shook his head slowly once again:: In all the hecticness I must've thought I had already.. ::Falling silent for a long moment he looked up into her eyes once more, a now haunted expression filling those jade orbs:: Nich....while I was captured and tormented by the Jinn, one of the five came to possess me, and now lives within me, able to surface on a whim, able to do anything against my will. Anything it pleases....it's a ironic slap in the face I suppose. I wanted some incredible power so that I would be able to be your protector. I got it. ::He smirked slightly at his own plight and sighed once more, closing his eyes, his thoughts drifting to the crying sobs that echoed in his head from the little girl that he had awaken to see kneeling over the crumpled forms of her parents::

DarkViciousVamp: Able to surface on a whim..? As in right now, this moment, if it wanted to? ::Her eyes widened, face blanched to a shade even paler than what it had been previously, which was strikingly pallid to say the very least:: Oh my god.. ::She whispered it in a shocked and horrified tone.:: What happens if you.. if it comes out while I'm with you? Would it try and attack me? ::She trailed off and raised one hand to her mouth, sinking her teeth, not fangs mind you, into her index finger, the closest bitable portion of her clenched fist.:: Oh my god.. ::Taking the fist from her mouth, she mumbled it again, and rare indeed it was to see Nichollette so flustered that she would actually mumble something. The now bleeding hand was pressed to her left temple, blood trickling down the length of her arm, as the delicate engagement ring glistened on her finger::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Taking her now bleeding hand in his, he quickly reached for a handkerchief and bandaged up the small cut. Taking her hands gently in his he nodded slowly:: Yes Nich, even right now it could surface.. I--I don't know what it would do, or try to do. ::He trailed off and looked away:: I know nothing, can do nothing when it surfaces. I remember nothing until I awake after he leaves again. It's a terrifying experience Nich. Living your days unsure, afraid of who you see or where you go. Worried to even be near any others for fear of hurting them. Living life in uncertainty that when next you awake your world will still be as it was. Three times now since I've escaped has it emerged to haunt me. Once..was one of my first nights back, in a bar. Tiph was there....the second, was moments before a fight, issued by challenge. ::He shivered at this point and his head fell to his chest, his voice a hoarse whisper:: I was the victor... ::He looked to her once more after a long, strained moment of silence:: And the third was the other day..on the farmer and his family..

DarkViciousVamp: Tiph has known this entire time and she never said a thing to me.. ::She shook her head slowly and then turned her thoughts to more important matters at hand:: It could, and from the sounds of it Jacen, most likely would attack whoever had the misfortune to be around when it surfaces, myself included.. And it's not that I worry for me so much as for you. I only mean, what happens when it comes into contacts with a being stronger than itself, and a battle is unavoidable, and it loses the fight? What then, would happen to you? ::She stared into the blood soaked handkerchief about her hand, feeling not even the slightest trace of pain from her open wound, and slowly pulled her eyes up to meet with his once more, possessed by a longing and an unspeakable anxiousness:: There must be some way to exorcise it, Jacen, get rid of it, get it the hell out of you and away from us, doesn't there?

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He nodded slowly:: Yes...there is a way, but it's very long, and very dangerous, and it involves returning back to their island. Something I must do anyway, seeing as how Joyeux is still held there.. ::He looked to her, his face having gone pale and a truly scared and terrified expression was on his face:: Nich, this Jinn is one of the five most powerful fire demons. Straight from hell. I pray to all the gods of every belief there ever was, that this mortal world will never see a being that could possibly be more powerful than this. Though it is unable to reach it's fullest power while within my mortal shell, it is still most formidable and I highly doubt any such a thing exists in this realm at the moment..::He choked off, his expression grave and serious, his hands shaking slightly. Sighing desperately, he fell back onto the blanketed mattress. Staring up at the ceiling he shook his head in hopelessness:: I am stuck with this curse at least until I brave the trek back to that cursed place.

DarkViciousVamp: I am in ignorance as to what mortal world you refer to love.. For were this world such, then I could not be here. Do you mean that not even a vampire could defeat it? Vampires and demons are in many ways the same, and I should hope that at least a few around here would be at very least, able to match the beast's power. ::She trailed off and retreated the non mangled hand to brush away the beginnings of bloody tears that had begun to brim in her haunted eyes:: What kind of horror am I being asked to live with? How can I ever be at ease with you again until I know that thing is gone.. ::She would be sobbing by this point were she not such a reserved character, though it was somewhat of a struggle to remain this composed.:: I don't want you going back there. If you go, I lose you all over again. ::She bit back a soft whine with a moderate effort, now brushing the ever threatening tears away from her eyes before they had chance to spill again, and scowling at what she considered to be her own weakness. She looked helplessly down at him, lying on the bed, and was at a loss as to what she could possibly say to even attempt to comfort him, to say nothing of herself. She hung her head slightly, the thick obsidian braid, complete with it's ruby ribbon, snaking it's way over her shoulder to caress over her delicate collar bones::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He choked as he heard her words. He did not want her to live in horror and fear as well, but could he even attempt to live without her?! Keeping back a sob with an extreme display of willpower, he blinked back the tears forcibly and remained silent. He too was at a loss of what could be said. What could be done. Staring helplessly up at the black ceiling he lifted a hand, bringing it to his forehead. Pressing his cool palm against his slightly fevered forehead, he closed his eyes, rubbing the hand down across them as he expelled another loud sigh::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She looked mournfully down at her feet, well... foot anyway, seeing as how one was underneath her for the time being. The visit which she had initially supposed would be so pleasant and heart felt had turned into something which was a far cry from her original intentions, and she wondered now whether it had been wise of her to have come at all. Cursing the injustice of the world silently in her mind, she sat and proceeded to seethe in a brooding bitterness. She found it highly ironic that she would only now appreciate the simple joy they had shared in each other so long ago, before his disappearance, and before all of these complications had arisen. Only now would she appreciate it, once it was past and gone. Less than caring to remain sitting up any longer, she melted onto her back beside him, thinking off hand that at least if the demon was to choose such a time as now to meet her, it might just put her out of her misery, if it was indeed as strong as he'd made it out to be. Barely able to keep from openly weeping, she draped one arm across his chest and let out a shuddery sigh as a thin stream of blood tears spilled down her face and soaked into the bedspread::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Turning onto his side, he looked to her. Brushing away the tears with a gentle hand, he leaned in ans kissed her lightly:: Nich, please don't. Everything will work out. I assure you. Yes, some in this realm could probably pose a formidable threat indeed. And I've been looking into various ideas of how to go about returning to that dreadful place. I'm trying to rid us of it. I'm trying. ::Pulling her arm further over his shoulder, he put his own across her small belly, pulling her closer. Aching as he saw her weep, his lip trembled and the tears welled up once more. Blinking them away furiously he shook his head and drooped to nuzzle against her::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She adamantly refused to bawl into his shoulder like a child, but couldn't help but continue to weep in silence, refinedly, if there was such a way to cry. No sniveling, sobbing, whimpering; simply allowing the tears to slowly spill. She felt even more dead on the inside, for each new day there seemed to be some new and unbelievable trial for her to try and endure, and fight with her every ounce of strength until she had overcome it. She tired of it all, and longed for the simple bliss of their love to melt every care away once more. Sorrow welled up from the very depths of her blackened, shadowed vampiric "soul", and she distractedly clung to him, though somewhat timidly, knowing now that something frightening and dangerous lurked within::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Closing his eyes, the tears spilling through the lashes, he murmured:: Nich, I'm so tired of it. The worrying. The fear. So tired... ::Pulling her closer to him, he embraced her firmly, their bodies touching as they lay upon the bed:: Nich, do me a favor?

Jacen Silvermoon: Sleep with me, here, tonight?

DarkViciousVamp: What if the demon.. ::She trailed off, torn, wanting nothing more than to be able to stay with him, but so wary now that she was unsure if she had it within her to remain and retain her peace of mind. Deciding finally that it was a risk she would have to take, she nodded to him:: Yes, all right. I will

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Smiling weakly to her, he nuzzled against her once more, whispering softly:: I love you Nich..::Squeezing her into a loving hug once more, he rested his head upon her shoulder, his eyes drifting shut, and slowly allowed himself to drift into a rare, care-free sleep::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She cringed, not about to sleep in her endlessly expensive mail gown.. and after a moment's thought, murmured a soft spell, which sent the dress off to rest neatly on a chair, and left her clad in little more than her black laced lingerie. She kicked off the black heels to clatter over one side of the bed, and shivered, pulling a blanket over the two of them and cuddling closer to him, though not to fall asleep for a few hours, taking all that time to ease her troubled mind, many a moment in which she wondered over whatever would become of them.::
