
Jacen Silvermoon: ::Wind whipping past his face, tears streaming from his eyes, Jacen clung to the reins as he galloped across the rolling plains. Leaning forward, raised from the seat of the saddle as he steadied himself in the stirrups, his heart pounded with adrenaline. A small but vibrant smile could be found on his lips. He gave himself silent praise for opting to ride tonight versus walking; he had needed this sense of freedom. He had never felt unease while upon the back of his stallion, he needed any bit of comfort he could manage tonight. After weeks of recovery, tutelage and contemplation, he rode to his fiance's cathedral. Swallowing with a twinge of nervousness, he recalled the last time he had seen her and the near fatal results that reunion had had. He sighed as he raced onward, finding it pitiful that he gagued their relationship best in terms of which once every blue moon the two lovers got to actually see each other again. A shame that their company couldn't be shared daily. Well, after being nursed to full health once more, that was exactly what he rode out to resolve. He had nearly broken countless nights from the torment he felt on those harsh, unforgiving nights of loneliness. One way or another now, he simply needed this turmoil resolved within himself. He could not imagine a life without the one woman he had loved most in his life, but if that was what she chose....he only wanted to know now, no matter the descision. The massive structure looming up as he reached the last hill, he reined his horse to a stop, his jade eyes focused on the still distant building. His fiance was inside that buidling, he swallowed as if struck with what he was doing for the first time, and then, gripping the reins all the tighter, he sent his horse on slow trot down to the lane leading to the holy building.::

DarkViciousVamp: ::Oh to drift through the ages indifferent, as a wraith.. but as yet Nichollette was too young an undead to be able to acquire such luxuries of immortality. As for the time being, the passage of the years was wearisome to her, dreary, dreadful. She delighted in absolutely nothing, and that much was clearly evident from the melancholy glaze to those depths of vermilion eyes, and the nearly ghastly pallor of the once radiantly alabaster skin tone. She seemed almost translucent, not having bothered herself to drink in too long, which was more or less her usual mashochistic custom. The air of snobbish refinement was ever present however much or little else remained the same with the vampiress, and she toyed idly with a sterling silver ring on her right middle finger in the shape of an outstretched talon with the spidery delicate digits of the other, maintaining most effortlessly a dignified, though not at all content expression, mein, and demeanor. She was dressed in an ornate and obviously incredibly expensive evening gown, the slender, single spaghetti strap of which was placed just so it appeared to be on the very verge of slipping off her narrow ivory shoulder. It was a rich rosen color, matching the shade more or less of her curious eyes, and drifted in luxuriously cascading folds to her slender ankles in a full flowing skirt, and the bodice set it off very well; a painful though utterly breath taking modern spoof of your basic corset, with aforementioned one strap. The cathedral was strikingly dark, much moreso than usual it would have been on a night as deep as this. No light could be spied from any of the numerous stained glass windows, and as always the iron gated doorway was the very definition of uninviting, gargoyle handles snarling their contempt silently into the recesses of the fog choked eve. Within, the mistress of the establishment ceased to toy with the ring, and settled her hands one on each thigh, and sunk back against the pew with the very slightest sigh. The moon's faint illumination was the only light that outlined her figure through the skylight, which was never open during the day. She'd just happened to be sitting where the full rectangle of pale moonlight could wash over her for a half hour roughly, before it would move on to another side, and she would be engulfed in the comforting shadow again::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Stopping within the gates, Jacen slowly slid from the saddle and tied his horse to a thin sapling, one of the few living things he could see within the yard. His riding boots crunching over the pebbles, he walked towards the building, finding himself in awe of the beautiful, ancient church. By outside glances it appeared deserted, but he knew better. Slowly the hints of fear crept upon him as he realized just what it was he was doing. How foolish and young he must have been to allow their relationship to end up like this. If only he could change the past, but there was nothing he could do about that now. With silent resolve born of weeks of longing and solitude, he reached the massive doors. He had shared his plight with no one, but if he had he was sure they would have called him insane to try and see this vampiress who had nearly killed him last time. Well then, insane he was, for there would be no talking him out of it. They would not have understood. They did not know the full story, and it was that which was his motivation now. Gripping the hideous maw of the gargoyle, he was surprised to find the door give easily under his hand's weight. Stepping silently across the threshold, the man's eyes closed as he released his breath in a sigh, attempting to calm his thoughts. He knew he would never find a vampire in her lair unless she wished to be found, so instead he merely waited for his presence to be noticed.::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She'd been so completely lost in her private torment that the approach of anyone would have gone entirely unnoticed by her, which was strange indeed. To catch Nichollette distressed to the point of carelessness in regard to herself, her safety and her surroundings, was anything but an everyday occurrance. Someone riding up the mountain, that was easily overlooked. Walking through the grounds surrounding her den of granite parapets, barren and dead in the icy grip of winter, that aroused suspicion on a few levels, which she didn't act upon or even betray that those warnings caught her conscious attention. But someone, anyone in her doorway, gripping the knob, parting the seal of iron which would normally have kept almost anything out, and finally slipping inside, that, she had to take notice of and act upon. No mortal would have ever been able to spy the fleeting glimpse of her before initial caution drove her to melt into the shadow from whence she had been spawned. In the seat she'd previously occupied there was not one trace left to let anyone know she'd been there so shortly before. Not even an indentation into the plush of the cushion, though she had rested there for many an hour. Unseen, she wafted towards the vaulted ceiling and there hovered, completely invisible and intangible, until with an exclusively mental, and silent sigh, she realized who it was who had come to see her unannounced. She melted back into being at the very head of the unholy church, where her coffin had once blatantly lay, for any know that if a vampire of any age were to so audaciously reveal their resting place to whomever had eyes to see and bravery to approach, they had to be either highly idiotic, or highly confident in being able to defend their unlife to the dearest price, no matter who might come to threaten. The casket, was no longer anywhere in sight, and so where she slept now, was known only to Nichollette. One deceivingly fragile looking hand flit to rest softly upon her left hip, and in a tone tinged with authority, which defied her sullen expression, she questioned bluntly why he had tempted fate again:: Why seek me out Jacen.. Why come to me again after what has passed.. Everything in you should in all rights scream to your ration, your reason, your sense of well being, that you and I cannot possibly coexist without your coming into danger. Why choose to be such a creature.. who cares nothing for whether or not he shall live?

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Blinking back the surprise as she quite unexpectedly approached him, no words would form in his mouth as he stared silently at her, as if enveloped totally in rapture. He could not think of a single time prior that he had found her so beautiful. But then...wasn't that what he found himself thinking everytime he laid eyes upon her once more? He could only wish that one day he could fall asleep with her by his side and awake the next morning knowing she would be there, knowing it was not just another dream. Shaking free of the thoughts which would overwhelm him if he so allowed, he spoke slowly, his voice sounding small to his ears.:: I told you once that I loved you with all my heart....and I meant it. My reason does tell me to stay away, but my heart yells to come. It has been the root of my torment for sometime now. ::He shook his head.:: I can not stay away, not when there is a chance things can be like they once were..

DarkViciousVamp: But there is not a chance of it Jacen.. not when the fact lies before us both so plainly that you tempt fate every time you come near me. When we met, so long ago.. something in both of us betrayed our sense, nearly to utter ruin. We denied that there could be any such dangers in our becoming involved, and that mistake has now nearly cost you your life. Don't you understand what I am..? ::Her eyes bloodied with the sudden stinging presence of tears, and they glistened and burned as they stained their way down her gaunt cheeks. But on she pressed, her voice not seeming to be marred by the sobs she damned down.:: My ignorance in forcing myself to believe that I could deny the bloodlust for you, and keep you safe from the urge that defines me is something that I can never make amends for. Yet one more sin for which I must make atonement for all of eternity in this living hell. You nearly died, in my arms, my so called loving arms, in a gruesome embrace which should never rightly have come from one who claimed to love you.. You would have died if someone hadn't intervened. Can't you understand.. I lied to myself, I thought blindly that I could make this work somehow, that I could cheat fate and escape the trial with my prize, and live happily with you, but I realize that I cannot. I will not, because the only thing that could potentially save you from this monster would be to spread the plague of my species on to you, to make you into a monster equally as damned and unholy. I will not. ::She choked back a massive shuddery cry, and clenched her fists before her, the lithe body rigid and taut with fury.:: I WILL NOT. ::It was repeated with force, and added volume for a deadly emphasis, and after she fell to silence and stood with her jaw slightly trembling as her determined cry echoed across the blackened spaces of the cathedral.::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::With intense, piercing orbs of vibrant green, Jacen listened to her every word; jaw set with determination. He scowled, shaking his head in stubborn defiance at her pessimism. His sun bronzed hands clenched into tight balls, the veins strained beneath the surface of his skin, visible through the mesh black top that covered his torso. Rigid muscles etched from years of perfection rippled and tensed as his very being, his very core screamed for him to fight back. Did she not understand?! His love for her was so strong that to go on without her was to die anyway! Without her, his life had no meaning....no sense. He found it within himself to tell her as much.:: Nich, you forget what used to draw you to me so long ago. My mortality. My eyes still able to see in the span of a human lifetime. My emotion. My passion. Well, I still have that. I am nothing without you, Nich. NOTHING! ::His face reddened as it took all his effort not to shout. Not at her, never at her, but simply to express his frustration. Spinning away from her now, too angry to continue for the moment, he stalked deeper into the cathedral, passing statues of various beings he knew nothing about. He spoke aloud, so that he could be heard in the echoing chambers.:: You talk as if you too are in torture by this. Yet, you alone hold the key to our release from it's cruel hold. Give us what we both want. Each other! I can't live without you and if you make me walk out those doors again, with the knowledge that we will never again be.... ::He swallowed the hard lump in his throat as he kept the tears in check.::....then you may as well consider me dead anyway. For that is what I'll be. A walking corpse. So unless that is what you truly want, then grant us our desires, and take me with you! ::He stopped standing beneath a large mural, depicting some apparently historic battle that took place centuries ago. The hero of one side was standing over the kneeling, surrendering leader of the other side. His broadsword raised triumphantly in the air, it's blade gleaming in the moonlight, one beam shining down on it as if magical, he prepared to behead his foe. Upon seeing this, the broad, strong shoulders of this fierce proud warrior sagged slightly, his head drooped and a sigh escaped his pink lips. Bringing a hand to his temples, he rubbed them, his voice a soft, coarse whisper.:: I've been going mad without you, Nich. I need you. I cherish you...

DarkViciousVamp: I never forgot that Jacen.. ::She breathed it, possibly too softly for him to hear. Raising her voice in scant amounts she continued on.:: I never forgot any of it, I loved you for all of them, truly, present so sweetly and innocently in you, bittersweet shadow of what I myself once was. I adored them, cherished them, and I still do. No, I did not forget, but perhaps you have forgotten something, as you've left one chiefly important item off of the list. Blood. We may call it the deciding factor, because the lust for that put aside, I have virtually no will at all. Despite my best intentions, and valiant efforts to damn it down, the beast rules all. ::She tucked many silken sable strands of serpentine curls back into their place, and settled again unmarred sight onto her trembling hands, following the course with her eyes of blood through appallingly apparent veins. There had been too little, much too little, and with a few weeks more one would be able to see not merely veins and blood but undead tissues and tendons, and even bones. She would be the perfect and horrifying definition of wraith: burning eyes and silken hair coupled with a grotesque and ghastly skinless vision. These unsettling thoughts spurned her to disparity with herself for being so careless. But then there were countless instances where she should have taken better care.. Distractedly she toyed the tip of her tongue against the white spike of a fang, before commencing to speak again:: Take you with me.. the only place that I am going is into the far reaches of eternity. Days without promise of an end to make each precious, and thus without hope.. ::She murmured it, seemingly drawn and defeated as the bloody tears continued their free-falling:: Is this where you want to be? Take you to me, bring you unto me utterly.. This is what you ask of me and likewise what I cannot bear to consider. The last vestige of what is human in me will die. ::She understood full well the respective dilemmas torturing each of the one time joyous lovers, and hers was the awful fruition of the careful trap she'd taken great pains and time to lay for herself. Drown in despair without him because she treasured too greatly his every human aspect to threaten them with the menace of her presence.. Exert a supreme act of will and deny herself forever his blood, to endure a slower, private torture, keeping him close and protecting him all his destined mortal years, to watch selflessly as he grow old and finally die, and those beloved traits mature, begin to wither, and then be extinguished for all time, or, possess them all and consume them all, feast on his blood and his very soul with reckless abandon, and then not to wallow in misery, awakening to the corpse of her love, but snatch him back from the jaws of death and working the change on him, to embrace him, have him forever! But be guilt-ridden for being pathetically unable to protect the life she held most dear, and should have guarded above all else.. for ending herself, that priceless mortal life... To carry the weight of that guilt, the most grievous of all sins, for the rest of time, which would poison their immortal life together.. She could think no more, let alone speak any longer, only taking short steps to the first pew, sinking to her knees, and weeping so onto her folded arms that any who could hear her would lament the breaking of the vampire's heart::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He turned back to her suddenly, his face desperate as he searched into her soul with his emerald orbs, vibrant with their vitality.:: Come on, Nich. Give us what we both want, and let us be together in eternity. ::He pleaded, his hand reaching down to the jeweled hilt of his scimitar. Pulling it free, it rang with the metal against metal sound as it shone brilliantly in the dim light. Without a moment's hesitation, he gave her no choice. Well, he gave her only two. With quickness not even she saw coming, he brought it to his own throat and let the blade of his beloved Joyeux slice through the flesh into his neck. The blood squirting once and then gushing out openly from his gaping wound. His scream being lost in a gurgle of his life flow, his eyes immediately dimmed and began to fade as he sank slowly to the hard marble ground beneath him.::

DarkViciousVamp: ::The tears, oddly enough, trickled to a halt, then drying and crackling into scant flakes which fell from her cheeks and swirled downward to the floor. She hung her head and brought one hand to her mouth, sinking deadly fangs deeply into the immortal flesh and crushing through tissue and bone without whine wince or whimper. Blood dripped from her self-inflicted wound as she drew the mangled hand away, which knit itself together some seconds later. She pressed the other palm to her forehead, shaking her lowered head mournfully at the same time. The vampire's velveteen voice was eerily calm though she'd been forced to witness utter horrors mere moments before.:: And here you have it.. you have brought this upon yourself. Watch him die a natural death and be grateful for it, or save him from it so that we both may burn? I have no choice here. Again, it is done without my consent. ::She did wince there, at the bitter irony. Though this time, she was at the other end of the blood-letting spectrum, it felt no less like a violation now than it had then. Dulcet tones sank to a scant whisper of what they had been, as Nichollette conceded defeat:: I shall damn us both forever.. ::She left her pew and crept forward on her knees to where he'd fallen, cradling his prostrate form in her arms, and shedding bloody tears anew, which she could not spare. But that could not compare to his own blood loss, and how precious every drop was. She had starved for far too long and would have had this under vastly different circumstances if she'd been given the choice.. Looking for one long, last, heart-wrenching moment upon his mortal face, it was all she could do not to go completely out of her blood-lusting mind.:: Give me strength.. Help me..::She pleaded, and her animated shadow familiars churned, amassing to her summons. Blood cascaded down from his gaping wound and onto her gown which she minded only because neither of them could spare the loss of it.. Snarling Latin at a furious pace the shadows obeyed, and as they enveloped the couple, various strains lapped at the spilt vitae and seeped it up into themselves, magnifying and multiplying it while she licked tenderly at the wound, sealing it up with a few drops of her own blood. She paused to murmur chastisements to herself.:: Never helplessly from here again.. never as my prey, my pet again. ::With one hand supporting his head from the back of his neck she tilted his chin upwards, eased his lips apart and sunk her fangs into his tongue. Pulling hard but not hard enough to shock his heart into stopping, she drank him in as her shadows went about their comparatively menial tasks, whispering about him and erasing every physical imperfection.. stubble smoothed away here, scars healed over there, and locks trimmed as need be. For he would be forever as he was the moment the change was wrought, and such was the custom when a 'caring' sire took to herself a beloved chylde. Her grip about him subconsciously tightened as she was more and more infused with blood, and her shadows came more into play, melting into her and bringing with them every drop of his blood that they'd salvaged, refined and compounded. That brought to her the extra energy, without which this transformation would have ended in utter disaster. She drank and drank, slightly surprised to find just how strong his heart was, and how much he had left for her to take. She reveled and exhaled in how enduringly exquisite, how deliciously delectable, how supremely succulent he was, as always, and yet somehow it seemed ever sweeter with every successive time.. The beast raged unchecked at her curious behest, until at long last he was finally on the very brink of death, and near dry. Sent screaming back into blood-glutted consciousness, though every undead cell was titillated and thrilling over him still.. the pallor in his now sunken cheeks and milky haze obscuring the usual clarity of his clear eyes told her in no specific terms what she had next to do, and that she must waste no time about it. She drew back from his mouth, upon which she'd left no trace of blood whatsoever to be spied, and slit a long deep gash in her tongue, commanding the flesh to remain raw and torn as it's first reaction was to begin to knit back together. Blood pooled quickly, and she locked her mouth on his again, willing him with every ounce of immortal psychic strength she could muster for him to drink and come 'alive' in her loving arms once more. Vampire tears glistened and wet their cheeks as she waited those tedious and agonizing seconds, and contemplated everything that he would never see or experience again, things that he had not even had a chance to bid farewell to, everything that she had missed so dearly for near three hundred years. If the curse was to be fulfilled to it's fullest, they would all prove to be things that he would not even have known to properly appreciate until they were absolutely, irrevocably gone from him.::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::The last thing his eyes beheld before he collapsed, was the heartbreaking sight of his sobbing beloved. Lids sliding slowly closed, a soft gasp escaped his tender lips as he fell completely into unconsciousness. Terrifying darkness enveloped him, swirling as if a fog to embrace him in it's chilling grasp. A faint whimper could be heard as his last mortal sound as his subconscious was assailed with such horrible images. Flashes of his childhood haunted him. His father throwing him into the air as he squealed childishly, his mother humming softly as she held him to her tender chest, their screams as they were ran down and slain while he was helpless to do a thing, countless nights of aimlessly wandering as he was utterly alone, that fateful night when he had entered that nameless tavern to first lay eyes upon the one that would so completely capture his heart, their first kiss, their first fight, and many other overwhelming sights. As the time passed, and he slipped more and more towards death, the very image of a shrouded reaper stalked towards him. Scythe in hand, the illusion held out it's other bony hand, beckoning to him. Feeling his spirit rise to it's call, he felt his pulse weaken as he moved unwillingly towards this entity. Though his mind screamed no, he was helpless as he obeyed death's design. Softly, as if in the back of his mind, he heard her voice. Then, like a radiant flash of light, her image entered his vision, completely overpowering the reaper as the mental image of her grappled and fought for his very life against the mighty foe. Utterly helpless as he watched this spectacle, he cried, screaming out at the top of his lungs for his loved one, though no sound was made. Ultimately, she was victorious, and it was her arms he found himself in as she knelt to him and though he could not make out the words, her soothing voice reached his dying ears. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he felt her gentle, loving caress. Time passed slowly for him, but it did not stop, and though she had vanquished the horrible being, death still desired his soul. Feeling himself weaken completely, he finally fell into utter darkness. This was it, he thought. She had been too slow... He was dead now... His spirit breaking free from his body, he felt himself rising from his very body. Corporeal and transparent, he looked down upon the absolute most heartbreaking thing he had ever laid eyes upon. Clutched in her arms, her face covered with dried tears of blood, his body was limp and ragged, his vital life force spilling freely onto the floor and her gown. A mental sob wracked him as he felt himself drifting up into the heavens above. Then she bit him. Like an electric shock throughout his entire being, he shuddered and spasmed violently at the first feeling of canines puncturing tender flesh. A joyous shout came from his spirited self as suddenly, as if being lassoed in, he felt himself being pulled back down to his body once again. The feeling of what this transformation process was like was completely beyond his mortal scope of words. The nearest thing his fragile mind could comprehend was the most incredible embrace lovers could be in. Unable to convey it's intensity in any other form, Jacen felt as if he were in the middle of the most erotic, sensual, intense love making of his entire life. His head swam of mental images of them entwined together in each other, their limbs a tangle as their naked forms writhed and pressed together upon a lush bed. He beneath her, she straddling him with her hands upon her chest; she threw back her head, long mane of onyx flowing all around her as she bit her lip hard, moaning in absolute ecstasy and humped slowly upon his hard manhood. Gripping him tightly with her thighs, her soft, moist walls clenched at his erection even harder as she rode him passionately. Words could not even describe the bliss that this was, and the irony was, the true experience of this transformation was hundred times greater than even this weak mortal imitation. As she drank from him, it was like every time before. Pure heaven. Nothing could compare. He wanted to scream, cry out in refusal as he felt her finally break the kiss, though he was so near the brink of death now, he made not a sound. Nothing could have prepared this dying man for what came next. Though it was already beyond any of their previous kisses, he was completely unprepared for the revitalizing shock that ran through his veins as he felt her own powerful blood absorb into his being. His heart suddenly pounded within his chest once more, stronger than ever as it became more and more powerful with every drop of her vitae. It was as if the roles in the bed had suddenly switched and now it was he in the midst of pleasure. Pinning her beneath him, the metaphorical Jacen cried openly as he pushed ever deeper into her sex. Gasping, moaning, sobbing as he felt himself climax in such an extraordinary way, the real Jacen knew what this meant. The transformation was done. She had done it. He had been turned, and now there was no going back. A weak moan could be heard from his dry lips, his lids fluttering, his head shaking from side to side, slightly, weakly as he felt himself come closer to consciousness. Her voice was like an angelic beckon, calling to him, pleading with him to return to the land of the living. Or the unliving as it was now... Following that beacon, the spirit of Jacen ran towards her voice with all speed it could muster. Like a light at the end of the tunnel, he raced for her. As if suddenly bursting free from the womb, his eyes snapped open, a sharp gasp coming forth as he shot up into a sitting position, instantly crushing into her as he clung to her in desperation. His arms wrapped about her so tightly, he nearly threatened to crush her as he could do nothing but cling to her, his chest heaving as if surfacing from being underwater entirely too long. Trembling, his body wracked with violent convulsions as he felt the shock pass, he could do nothing but clutch to her, his face buried deep in her neck as he began to cry. Finally, he managed words, licking his parched lips before speaking softly.:: Oh....Nich.......

DarkViciousVamp: ::Nichollette drew in one long steady breath, more for the purposes of calming herself than anything else, as her lacerated tongue wove it's immortal fabrics back into cohesion. Her head was painfully clear, as the blood loss was too scant to make any difference in her case in that regard, though she may have wished sincerely for another set of circumstances, were she given a choice in the matter.. Thoughts whirled about her head as the realization of what she'd done against all of her heartfelt and genuine wishes for him accosted her brain tirelessly and without any promise of even the slightest measure of pity or leniency. With eyes closed, lush black lashes licking at the unsettling spectacle of blood streaked delicate skin directly beneath them, she pleaded with she knew not what, just to be able to bear this somehow, even if barely so..:: Please God find it in yourself to forgive me for all I've done.. ::Although she knew that she herself would never be able to, and that was assuredly more weighty than anything God could ever grant her out of mercy for her fallen soul. She had forsaken every right she'd ever had to presume to be worthy of speaking with God a long time ago, regardless. Her prayers were all uttered in absolute vain. She removed herself from entanglement with her newborn chylde who was no doubt reeling in all of his newfound senses, reveling in what must feel like only impossible sensations.. and got to her feet with more dignity than would have been thought possible for one with her extent of mental anguish, moving steadily down the center aisle between parallel rows of pews, toward the heavy front doors. It felt like it was an eternity ago that he'd parted them and she'd begged him in essence to go away and save himself.. She opened her eyes and looked about herself with uncanny detachedness as she moved slowly away, glancing down on the bloodstains scattered about her gown. The last traces of what red tears remained on her once again radiantly alabaster cheeks flaked away to leave her spotless, and with a small mental request she completed the illusion of flawlessness; her disheveled crimson dress was replaced with a cruelly restricting bodice of sable satin atop tiers upon tiers of ruffled skirt of the same hue and cloth, the three foot train of which flowed elegantly behind her as she slipped outside to bask in the moonlight. It looked like a gown to be buried in, and a small army of shadow churned about the base of her skirt and tiny hidden feet to complete the picture. She stopped moving shortly after reaching the first curve of the path which circled her grounds, to sit on a marble bench, curiously animated shadows reaching halfway up to her lap as they danced about her. Her eyes were a mite too clear, and it seemed she was gazing across the way, her face the perfect mask of calm contemplation, but her fitting choice in attire would lend clues as to the direction of the correct conclusions of what was going though the vampire's mind.. she felt as if she were dying all over again, all joy drawn out of her and squandered away back in that room in a huddle she'd held on the cold floor with him helpless in her arms as she killed him.. Ironically his threatening words of earlier this evening came back to haunt her, "..then you may as well consider me dead anyway. For that is what I'll be. A walking corpse. So unless that is what you truly want, then grant us our desires.." Relentlessly bitter, the knowledge assailed her that exactly what she never wanted had ensued little time later. She felt raped and manipulated, again, used as a means by an external party to gain something to their own ends, her desires denied, as always. And this time they had been purely self-less. She'd merely wished to spare him.. to save him, and instead, knowing full well that she wouldn't be able to watch him die, he'd forced her into.. But her thoughts broke off there, and she sat, serenely for all appearances were worth, unmoving aside from the wind's slight flaring of her raven curls every now and again with gentle breezes, and approaching a vacant expression, as the ardent moonlight filtered down between barren branches of winter-sleeping trees to shower over her figure, the ghost who was herself being haunted, in the garden::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Rising shakily to his feet, his limbs weak and his head light, Jacen stumbled after her into the night. The cool breeze had never been more refreshing to his body as he closed his eyes momentarily, letting the gentle wind caress his cheeks. Opening them again, he sought desperately to find her, and after a few minutes, spied her sitting alone in the garden. He approached silently, to a mortal's standards, but he knew nothing of his newfound abilities and thus, was still easily heard in his approach. His voice was soft and gentle as he sat beside her, one hand coming to rest upon hers.:: Nich....don't you see? This was the only way. You swore you loved me, yet that love could not be. So now we are able to make it happen as it was truly meant to be. Ironic, it seems. Eternally damned, we are. Yet, through that damnation, the chance to be eternally happy. I am sorry I left you no choice, but don't you see? You had already left me none as well. I love you, Nich. With all my immortal heart. Now we can discover all that this world will have to offer for centuries to come. Do not blame yourself or dwell on the guilt that I am sure haunts you. We have a chance now...don't throw it away so easily already. ::He sighed, running out of words as he only sat silently, his jade orbs gazing upon her attire and a soft smile coming to his lips.:: You look as though someone just died. ::He shook his head in disagreement.:: Far from it. For the first time, I feel very much alive. You have much to teach me of our new ways, love. And I am your eager student.... ::He gazed imploringly upon her, desperate for something in a way of a response as he waited patiently by her side, sliding closer to wrap one strong arm around her slender shoulders and pull her nearer to him. His hand running lightly down her arm, he was anxious to learn all that he could, to experience this new way of life, to gaze upon his own image and see the change for himself. For, as of yet, he had no idea just how changed he was.::

DarkViciousVamp: But you see, it isn't wrong at all. You nearly died at your own hand, then at mine, and very soon now your mortality must die also, and I do pity you that imminent suffering. But I will be with you, my chylde.. ::She smiled sadly, flashing perfectly deadly peaks of starkly ivory fang teeth and eying his hand on hers. She made the mental remark off-hand, that his flesh still blushed with mortal tissues, and the hand looked almost human, when compared with her own. Only a vampire's keen eyes would be able to pick up on the differences between newborn vampire flesh and that of a mortal's. Of course, there would be an endless amount of time now for the vampiric blood to work it's dark magic on him and consume and obliterate his every human aspect. And there would also be amounts innumerable of time in which he could hone, develop and perfect all of his newfound immortal senses. Lacing her fingers with his, she brought his hand gently to her lips and pressed a full kiss on the back of it.:: I never wanted it to be this way, done in hasty desperation.. If it truly was fated to be done, given the choice I would much rather have had it be wrought with my patient, loving consent, after enough time had passed to weigh every option left us, and after we'd had ample opportunity to prepare. For that is as it should have been, done in trust and love. Not like this. I do not enjoy being taken advantage of. ::She fell to silence then, cutting off her censure almost before she'd even begun it, when comparing what she said to what was left unspoken. She knew full well that there would be no shortage of time in the future for such things to be discussed, and she knew also that he would most likely be much more comfortable elsewhere. Though there was no one else around to witness the excruciating spectacle of his mortal death, it instilled shame in most and pained all, and outside in the chill of late winter was a less than optimal setting for such happenings.:: It should begin very soon, I think.. ::She cast a critical eye to him:: We should go back inside. There will be plenty of time for lessons, afterward. This won't be pleasant, but you only need go through it once, and when it's over, your teeth will have finished changing also, and you can drink. You'll feel worlds better then. ::She stood, extending a hand to him, and taking a few small steps in the direction of her cathedral. She was thinking of her bath chamber and the oversized opulent tub, which when filled with steaming hot water would very nearly lessen the pain almost to the point of it's disappearing. Almost...::

Yeah I know it isn't really done but it's not my fault so NO complaining. You have complaints, take them to Jacen-mun if you please.