
Tiph Nightshade: How's Nich, Jacen?

Jacen Silvermoon: ::glances to Tiph, a look of concern in his clear green eyes:: I have not seen her much the past few days, and when I have she was very..distant. I'm worried for her

Tiph Nightshade: She refuses to eat...::her eyes downcast::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::continues to wipe grains of sand off his chest and back, reaching behind him akwardly trying to brush off his back::

Jacen Silvermoon: Why won't she eat though? I don't understand...

Tiph Nightshade: She won't...I don't know why for sure

Jacen Silvermoon: ::though keeping a serious face all the while he begins to hop about in a circle, trying to reach his back:: Well... ::grunts and hops about in a circular pattern some more:: could you...erk...talk to her?

Tiph Nightshade: About what?

Jacen Silvermoon: Find out...oof...::mutters:: this is hard..... why she won't eat...

Tiph Nightshade: I try to but she pushes me away, like I won't undestand whatever it is that's bothering her or something... ::she shook her head::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::stops moving and faces Tiph..a small sigh escapes his lips:: I would say maybe I should talk to her, but she pushes me away as well...

Tiph Nightshade: The last time I saw her, she started muttering something about the hunger and then wouldn't talk anymore

Jacen Silvermoon: ::looks down at the ground slightly, obviously a bit concerned now and merely shrugs to Chasity and mummurs:: Sure..

Tiph Nightshade: But she looked like she was worse than just undead... if she doesn't eat soon ::she looks suddenly frightened and stops speaking::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::looks back up to Tiph:: How can I reach her? Get her to tell me what's wrong..you of all people would know, she's your best friend...

Tiph Nightshade: I think she.... well remember how I told you before... I mean, that she... man this is hard

Jacen Silvermoon: ::continues to watch Tiph, obviously a bit caught up in the topic and hardly notices Chasity's actions. He nods his thanks distractedly and hops forward a small step with the swat::

Tiph Nightshade: ::She tried to find the proper words:: I fear she is beginning to despise what she is, this won't be good for her...

Jacen Silvermoon: ::turns to Chasity, remembering where he was and that he was not alone with Tiph and smiles softly::

Tiph Nightshade: ::She sighed softly and her thoughts returned to her troubled friend::

Jacen Silvermoon: What do you think it is Tiph?

Tiph Nightshade: Wrong with Nich?

Jacen Silvermoon: I mean, she talks of the hunger growing stronger...

Tiph Nightshade: I wish I knew

Tiph Nightshade: I think the vampiric curse is finally getting to her...

Jacen Silvermoon: I would think that would make her even MORE willing to feed, not the opposite..

Jacen Silvermoon: ::frowns, not understanding:: The vampiric curse?

Tiph Nightshade: She fights it, for some reason

Tiph Nightshade: She resists the urge

Tiph Nightshade: I don't think she wants to kill to live anymore

Tiph Nightshade: But that seems so strange

Tiph Nightshade: She never cared before...

Jacen Silvermoon: Won't she...::pauses suddenly realizing how dry his throat is. Gets the word out in a strangled gasp:: die?

Tiph Nightshade: That is why i am so worried ::her voice hushed and pained::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::releases his breath shakily, not even knowing he had been holding it in:: We've got to do something Tiph...we can't let her stay like this. We have to get through to her..see what's bothering her so much

Tiph Nightshade: I know, but I've tried....

Tiph Nightshade: She won't let me in, it's like she wants to die...

Tiph Nightshade: ::She hastily brushed away a tear::

Jacen Silvermoon: And that's exactly why we have to try harder! ::frowns determinedly:: I will not sit back idily and watch someone I care about kill themselves! Not anyone, espescially not Nich..

Tiph Nightshade: I wonder how long this has been building up for...

Jacen Silvermoon: ::kicks the sand and curses:: If only she wasn't so hard to find all the time! I think, maybe, I could get her to open up somewhat..at least tell me SOMETHING

Tiph Nightshade: She told me once that when she was turned, her "embrace" as she calls it, she was devastated... but that she came to accept it and she genuinely enjoyed her existence... but something has changed, and now ::She trailed off, it is unclear whether it is because she has nothing more to say or whether she has no idea what should follow::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::stops as if just realizing something:: Tiph...you don't think...it has to do with me do you?

Tiph Nightshade: Well i don't want to alarm you cuz I'm really not sure, but I don't know what else it could be...

Jacen Silvermoon: You said she told you she loved me. You don't think somehow that's causing her to miss the mortal life of a human or anything like that? ::shrugs and lets out a desperate sigh:: I wish I knew

Tiph Nightshade: ::She shook her head sadly:: I wish I knew too...

Tiph Nightshade: But something is gravely wrong

Tiph Nightshade: I know that much

Jacen Silvermoon: ::looks up into Tiph's eyes pleadingly, a desperate look in his eyes:: I couldn't bear it if I was the cause of such torment for her Tiph. I just couldn't.. ::shakes his head, biting his lip::

Tiph Nightshade: But it's been 300 years, since she was mortal... and the only reason i can see for her suddenly missing that now is... ::she let her eyes trace up to Jacen and fell silent::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::sighes and looks down to the ground as if studying the sand there. His voice barely in a whsiper he sighes:: This is not fair..

Tiph Nightshade: Life or "unlife" very rarely is ::she whispered softly with a pained and mournful tone::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::nods somberly and remains silent::

Tiph Nightshade: Emotions are a great many things... but rational, they most of the time are not...

Jacen Silvermoon: ::is now leaning againist a pillar lost deep in thought as he stares into the dusky sky::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She faded in looking slightly weak but otherwise as she usually did::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Sighes and clasps his hands together behind his head and leans back on the pillar, not seeing Nich's appearance::

DarkViciousVamp: Tiphareth tells me that thou hast reason to speak to me? ::that gentle hypnotic voice had not changed::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::his gaze still on the stars above he sighes once more. He jumps with a slight start at her voice and glances around quickly::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She let her scarlet orbs trace over him for a long moment::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::spies Nich and steps away from the pillar quickly::

Jacen Silvermoon: Yes, I do...um, well, that is to say, ::sighes and shakes his head:: I'm so confused now

DarkViciousVamp: What vexeth thee m'lord?

Jacen Silvermoon: ::gathering his courage he lifts his gaze and stares directly at her, his voice barely audible he whispers:: You do Nich..

DarkViciousVamp: Aye? And prithee tell me why I vex thee ::She ran a deathly pale hand through gossamer raven tressles and released a tired sigh::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Clears his throat and speaks a bit louder the next time he opens his mouth:: Tiph and I were talking earlier, about you. We're worried for you Nich. We know you have not been eating, and Tiph said you have been distant, distressed even. She doesn't understand it, you used to be so happy with your..exsistence, but now... ::shakes his head sadly::

Jacen Silvermoon: It doesn't seem that way anymore, and the only thing that has been different in your life, that we could think of was..::trails off a moment and when he speaks again he hardly gets the word out:: me

DarkViciousVamp: Things change, that is the way of mortality as well as immortality, m'lord ::She snapped her eyes away from him quickly and her hand went to one pistol out of unconscious reflex:: Mayhaps I have acted with poor manners to have caused such distress to those I care for these past days...

DarkViciousVamp: I drank thee once ::Her eyes glazed over:: and things have not been the same since

Jacen Silvermoon: ::shakes his head fiercely:: No Nich, don't be ridiculous. We know things change, but WHY Nich? WHY have you changed so drastically like this? Tiph, and I too, care for you...very much. We want to help you, but we dont know what it is that is bothering you. What is it Nich? How can I help you? ::he asks in a pleading voice::

DarkViciousVamp: Knowest thou how many I have taken, the myriad of different mortal's blood that has crossed my lips in all the days, weeks, months, years as a vampire... ::She seemed distant, as if she had started to fade already, though she clearly stood before him::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::nods slowly, not interuppting her he merely listens::

DarkViciousVamp: Why thy blood affected me thus... I pondered for days... I could not come to grips with it, and then I realised, mayhaps twas not only thy blood that I enjoyed ::her eyes downcast and solemn::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::his heart ached, he wanted to reach out to her, to hold her and console her with all his heart. He merely stood, rigid and solemn before her not wanting to distract her from her thoughts::

DarkViciousVamp: One such as I cannot allow themselves to care for mortals, but I found myself helpless ::She shook her head slowly, those tressles shimmering in the twilight with her movements; it was as if she knew no better what was happening to her than anyone else:: and I.. ::she turned her pupilless eyes to him and spoke softly, her rich tone floating over the air, dripping with simplicity as she breathed those beautiful words:: I love thee, Jacen

Jacen Silvermoon: ::finally, not being able to bear it any longer he quickly stepped towards her and took her up in his arms, holding her to him tightly he rested his cheek on the top of her head and stroked her hair softly. He could speak no words, nothing could convey what he wanted to say to her, so he merely stood there and held her to him never wanting to let go::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She was taken by surprise but more than willingly embraced him, blood red tears spilling down those pale cheeks, as if some incredible burden had partly lifted the moment he touched her::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::he slowly pulled her away and held her at arm's length. Smiling softly he ran his hand gently along her cheek drying the tears. He then slowly ran the back of his hand down her cheek, under her cheek and down her neck. There he stopped and just looked at her, his jade green eyes slightly brimmed with tears himself::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She cast her eyes downwards again, letting them rest on her palid hands which were clasped before her, nails meticulously kept, flawlessly black, they contrasted sharply with the white spidery delicate fingers, she spoke with a pained tone now:: I am not of thy kind, we are as different as heaven and hell; thou art mortal, death will come to relieve thee of thy strife and suffering eventually, but I am doomed to live for eternity almost whether I am willing or not to do so

Jacen Silvermoon: ::nodding, he merely sighes and looks down as well:: I know..

DarkViciousVamp: I wish not to live without thee

DarkViciousVamp: Tis why I refuse to drink

DarkViciousVamp: ::She looked across the way and seemed to lose herself::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::taking her chin in his hand he lifted her gaze to his, a questioning, pleading look in his eyes:: We.....can not work...can we?

DarkViciousVamp: ::She returned her eyes to him::

DarkViciousVamp: I know not...

Jacen Silvermoon: I love you too Nich, dearly. I have loved so few people in my life...so few....::he trails off and then looks to her once more after composing himself once again:: And because I love you, I could never bear to see you wither and die like this...espescially not because of me...

DarkViciousVamp: ::She sighed softly and, wincing, pressed a hand to her small stomach as it roared::

Jacen Silvermoon: We are of two different worlds, two different exsistences... mortals and vampires were not meant to fall in love, and yet..look at us...

DarkViciousVamp: Aye, I know it...

DarkViciousVamp: It was suggested me that if I wished to keep thee, I should show thee the Embrace, but I will not curse another with a life such as the one I am forced to suffer through; least of all not one that I love with all of my immortal soul

Jacen Silvermoon: You said it yourself Nich, when I die, even if I live for years beyond now, you will still be living, eternally. Forever. ::he sighs and lowers his voice, wishing what he said was not true, wishing that he could merely turn his cheek and not acknowledge that which is so painfully present:: We both know this can not, could never...work....

Jacen Silvermoon: ::he looks to her heartstricken, wanting nothing more than to allow her to show him the Embrace he sighes and shakes his head once more:: I--I can't do that...

DarkViciousVamp: I refuse to do that as well.... then mayhaps thou seeth now why i must die

DarkViciousVamp: Wither I shall, I have suffered far too long

Jacen Silvermoon: Nich, no. That is not the answer to all this. You can't do that to yourself.....you can't do that to me...

DarkViciousVamp: My troubles are mine to bear, that is painfully obvious to me, now that one shows himself who I deem worthy of my affections and he is mortal, fate wisheth that I remain alone, but I wouldst sooner die

DarkViciousVamp: And die I shall

DarkViciousVamp: I care not to bear them any longer

Jacen Silvermoon: ::he looks at her shocked and can merely shake his head in objection. He stammars:: Nich...I--no--..::he trails off and grows quiet, as if the grief mounting on his heart is too much weight and will not allow the words to escape his lips::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She looked longingly at him; those tears of blood resumed their steady course down her deathly pale cheeks::

DarkViciousVamp: Tis not thy choice, m'lord

Jacen Silvermoon: ::unblinking, he stares at her blankly, his heart too confused to tell his mind what to say, all he can do is merely stare at her with that blank expression, as if gone into shock. The wetness in his eyes begin to reach the brim of his eyelids and a single drop falls down his face::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She was adamant and firm, resolute in her decision, impossible to be swayed::

DarkViciousVamp: I find it sickly amusing that I should be killed by love

Jacen Silvermoon: ::he stammars and opens his mouth, looking to object and convince her otherwise once more, but no words escape his lips, just a strangled gasp that turns into a cry and another tear falls::

DarkViciousVamp: Sadly there is no other choice, least, not one that you or I can willingly allow ourselves to choose to make

Jacen Silvermoon: ::he snaps out of his silence and mummurs:: What are you implying Nich? ::he looks at her questioningly, a look of deep sorrow set in his eyes::

DarkViciousVamp: I welcome death to solitude, do not trouble thyself over me

Jacen Silvermoon: I--I can't help it...

DarkViciousVamp: I know not what else to say to thee ::She gave him one last heart breaking look, then turned, and began to fade::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::standing still where he was, he stood unblinking and watched her fade away, the tears streaming down his face freely now::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She turned half-way back with one last request:: Live thy life to be happy, else there is no point in being alive

Jacen Silvermoon: ::nods dumbly, still not fully understanding what was going on::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She reached one pale hand out to him, then reconsidered, withdrew it, and faded into shadow::
