
This RP took place technically in the Androgynous Tavern, with myself and Lance and three other RPers. I had to edit this log to hell because some of it was just plain bad.. but no diss is meant. Mostly I tried to keep the RP centered around Nich and Jace, since this is important to their story line.

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He limped in, his body torn and ragged. His face swollen and puffy, his left eye was swollen almost completely shut. His torn shirt exposed many long, horrid looking scars, dried caked blood all along his person. Leaning heavily on the door of the tavern, he pushed it open with a grunt. Falling to a heap just within the building, he thudded to the ground and laid unmoving.::

Raziel Nightfyre: ::The door to the Androgynous Tavern swung open, and a lithe figure stepped through. Shadows hung about his shoulders like a midnight cape of the finest silk, and glisten every so often as the dim light from sconces hit them sporadically. Dark pupil less eyes scanned the room, which seemed to be as void as the apertures examining it. A single step somehow brought him to his destination, a lone table in the back of the tavern. He sat, but his shadow remained standing. A silhouette arm raised to its silhouette chin, as if it were in deep thought.::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Lifting his head weakly, he murmured something incoherent and lifted one bloodied arm at the passing man. Moaning, wincing in agony, he clawed at the floor, pulling himself down the steps from the front door and further onto the threshold::

Fuuma Shirou: ::For once, he had chosen on making a simple entrance...His hands slipped smugly into his pockets as he stepped in. His eyes giving off a luminescent glow as he observed the room from the doorway, for a moment. With a small sigh, he made his way to a corner of the tavern, sitting down and leaning back against a wall..::

Raziel Nightfyre: ::the dark form danced across the tavern, examining Jacen's body. It offered a hand to the battered and bloodied barve, and stooped appraisingly. Meanwhile, Raziel merely sat, somehow having acquired a sparkling blue drink with a tiny pink parasol. He sipped leisurely, watching the going ons of his near double...::

DarkViciousVamp: ::Nichollette had been on an aimless haphazard stroll through the countryside, pupil less bloody pools flitting over the landscape as she passed. Perhaps it might have been rare to catch her outside in the early afternoon but it wasn't as if she turned to dust in the presence of sunlight.. nothing like that at all. She simply preferred the comforting embrace of darkness that accompanied the hours of night. By chance she happened upon a rather quaint looking tavern, and without hesitation, cast open the door with a spidery white fingered hand, smooth pallid fingertips brushed onto the weatherbeaten wood with hardly force at all, and the hinges groaned softly as it swung inwards. First one foot, and then the other, adorned in a sleek black heeled shoe stepped lightly into the place, followed soon by the whole of her perfectly toned, tall form of necroflesh. Looking down as she ran into something.. she found it to be, rather, someone, and stared when she recognized it to be her fiancee. Down she crouched, traipsing a hand over his brow, whispering in earnest:: What happened to you?...

Fuuma Shirou: ::Oh...The sheer fun of skinning mortal flesh...Possibly decapitation...the options were limitless as he thought of something to do to the poor fool collapsed by the door...Obviously the human was injured, so it wouldn't pose as much of a threat...Nor would it be as fun. So, he waited...Perhaps a fool would wander over and help him heal...Yes, then he could have his fun..::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Blinking away the fog that had settled over his thoughts, he focused on the kneeling form. Hearing a familiar voice he lifted his head from the ground. His voice strained and choppy, he choked out the word:: N-nich...? ::With the utterance of the single word, he collapsed into a heap once more.::

Raziel Nightfyre: ::The shadow regarded the new entrance by extending the other hand in a gesticulation of greeting. The ephemeral creature suddenly leapt back as a beam of light refracted off of its dopplgangers drink glass, but still lost a finger in the process. Scowling at its likeness, the shadow trudged off, looking for its misplaced appendage. Raziel's lip less mouth curled into a quirked smile::

Tripp Valentine: ::Seeing the pile of creatures at the door caught his interest, but not enough to make him get off of the comfortable stool. He focused more on the shadowy stuffs in the entryway, until his black and blue eyes noticed something shocking:: Jacen?!

DarkViciousVamp: ::She gasped softly, her eyes lingering on him for a moment more, before she looked d quickly around to try and find some place suitable whereto she could move him.. as it was grievously less than desirable for him to be lying half dead just inside the doorway. Casting a wayward strand of obsidian back behind her left ear, as it had escaped the thick French braid, interwoven with a burgundy ribbon, her eyes settled upon a table, set to one side of the room, a good measure longer than the others. That would have to do. She thought for a moment and chanted an almost inaudible levitation spell, her lush voice as dulcet and hypnotic as ever it had been. She walked quickly across the room to her destination, and magically, her downed lover floated along behind::

Tripp Valentine: ::he leapt off of the stool, jogging to the door. He dropped onto his knees looking at Jacen's form. He looked up to Vamp:: Is he...?

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Fallen into an unconscious stupor, he lay unmoving, unresponsive to any words spoken to him. Whether or not he heard them or not was unknown, for he made no such movements. Completely prone and unmoving, he was lifted magically into the air and glided over to the table. Coming down upon it's surface, he groaned softly and his head lulled to one side::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She shook her head as if in annoyance, not even bothering to look over at whoever was questioning her and making themselves a distraction when she so clearly had more important things to be doing than answering a volley of questions.:: It looks bad yes, but luckily I found him.. ::She turned her attentions back to Jacen fully::

Raziel Nightfyre: ::Finally finding the forlorn finger, the feisty figure filched it from its fractured falling on the floor. Reattaching it readily and regarding Raziel, he returned rapidly to rest at the respite of the chair's own shadow. Smile subtly swelling, the sanctimonious spirit stood, splashing sparkling sapphire solution seditiously onto his seat. Clacking claws concordantly, to create a crackling cane of crannied convalescent cunning, he haughtily heightened his body.::

Fuuma Shirou: ::He raised his left hand up into his shirt pocket and slowly pulled out a small pair of silver tinted reading glasses. He held them in front of his face, observing them..Then brought them to his mouth, he breathed on both lenses heavily, then wiped them clean with a piece of his shirt.. He slowly put them on and pushed them down near the end of his nose..Looking over at the two...The mortal and his woman. Observing the two, he came to realize she had the dark gift...Asking himself many questions about his surroundings...Especially how they came to be a couple..How strange..::

Raziel Nightfyre: ::The rod of dazzling light shimmered in his hand. Without moving, he managed to put it into his other hand. A single step brought him to the the woman's side, and he looked down on the near-corpse:: May I offer assistance, m'lady?

DarkViciousVamp: ::Nich bent over him slightly, a tender hand gingerly caressing over his cheek. An endless flurry of insanely curious questions spun through her head, demanding to be answered, but poor Jacen was less than in the most optimal position to be telling stories right now. She allowed an expression of supreme, genuine concern and affection take over her features, seeming to almost lose herself as she'd paused, staring down at him. Then as if roughly pulled out of a trance by an outside influence.. that being the clawed being which had approached... she turned slightly and with a half smirk.. in amusement, she politely declined the offer of assistance:: I can manage just fine..

Raziel Nightfyre: ::He shrugged, tangled trellises moving slightly as his face moved:: As you wish... I was merely offering my assistance. I'm quite handy. ::The baton extinguished, and he was suddenly in the Patton leather sofa, singing softly to himself:: Hark how the bells, sweet silver bells...

DarkViciousVamp: ::She inspected his wounds and injuries a little more closely, using.. normal, and less than normal means to do so.. Something like a psychic scanning combined with gentle prodding here and there, and stripping off whatever clothes obstructed her work..::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Complacent and unmoving, he was the perfect patient. Letting out another soft moan as she worked over his body, he tried to raise his arm, the limb lifting weakly, he tried to brush her. To touch her, anywhere, to feel her. His arm fell weakly and hung dangling from the table before he ever made contact::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::A long ragged cut running over his shoulder, the gash was deep, the blood caked around the wound. His lower back, too, was adorned with many fresh and fierce looking cuts. His stomach was slashed, his innards barely staying inside. His face swollen and bruised, he was the very definition of dying::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She bent over him, to place a light soft kiss on his cheek. Then softly whispering, though her tone took on a slightly firm tinge.:: Don't talk.. and don't try to move just yet love.. ::The engagement ring glittered and shone on her finger as it reflected soft shards of the dim lights scattered across the ceiling above the two. Wasting no more time, as it was most assuredly working against her, and he'd been quite easily slipping away as she'd hesitated in acting thus far, her mind was now made up. She had no way of knowing how long he'd been struggling to reach this place, nor for what period of time he had lay prostrate, in whatever far off place he'd fallen.. but it was laughably plain to recognize that he was frighteningly weak, and something must be done, now. She flipped through proverbial pages of age old spells that had gathered in her mind over the centuries, and settled on the most powerful mortal healing one that she could recall. Again, as with the lesser healing spell for the relatively minor scars from a few weeks before, this one depended on the passage of healing energies through the contact of skin. An arrested verse in her native French was hurriedly, though flawlessly uttered from petal soft crimson undead lips, and upon completion of which, her hands both began to glow with a warm, soothing emanation of healing energies. She placed each hand gently to his chest and watched in silence as the shining quickly enveloped him and went to work. The spell harnessed powers enough to call him back from the very brinks of death, completely nullify all pains, and fully right everything that had been amiss, leaving no scars or any other trace of his ever having been through such trauma.. apart from a slight tiredness which would remain::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Blinking wearily, his lids fluttered open. His voice a strained whisper he peered through his haze up to her flawless features.:: Nich? ::His head spun. The last thing he could remember was being thrown from the rock, landing rather unpleasantly in the bushes.::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He remembered feeling as though his very person was being ripped in two. The pain...oh how incredibly painful it was. He must've somehow managed to make it down the mountainside to the nearby tavern, though he remembered nothing of the ordeal.::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Wincing slightly, he lifted himself to one weak elbow and glanced about, stars still before his eyes.::

DarkViciousVamp: ::Her hands had by now stopped glowing, and she sat herself on the table next to him, her eyes never leaving his face. They spoke unbridled care and worry even before she voiced it literally, sliding one hand up to trail it's fingertips over his collar bones, and then even more lightly so over his lower lip.:: Feeling much better now, I hope? ::Her melodious voice was slightly anxious:: What have you been up to? ::The new gown was creased, and mussing moreso by the minute.. well, the slip section of it anyway.. mail doesn't really.. fold well, so that portion of it was safe, but she took no notice, staying by his side and thinking of no one and nothing else, if need be, forever..::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He shook his head softly, trying to clear the cobwebs. I--yes, I'm okay. ::He winced and rested his palm on his forehead. With a groan he laid back down to stare up at the ceiling.:: Where am I?

DarkViciousVamp: Some.. random tavern which I stumbled upon by some chance.. thank God.. ::She blinked, and shook her head slowly, just then registering the uncanny odds that had to have been in effect for the both of them to arrive here just as he'd been in such dire need of her. It almost boggled the mind.. Shrugging it off then, she waited calmly for an explanation as to how, who, when, where, why he had been deposited here in such a state to begin with::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He sighed and nodded wearily:: Yes....thank God indeed. ::He turned his gaze to fall upon her, a loving smile lined his features, his jade green eyes sparkled as he looked to her.:: What would I do without you?

DarkViciousVamp: Die.. ::She choked it out mournfully, grieved that her answer had to be so serious.. but it was true. Moreso now than ever before, and proven in the immediately previous happenings:: Let's get out of here.. I'm so tired of this place, and plainly, just tired. ::She sighed weakly and tossed the length of braid over her shoulder, to rest against her spine::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He nodded, far from perky himself:: Alright... ::Wincing slightly he sat up once more and turned to hang his legs over the edge of the table. His gaze on her, he smiled weakly and waited for their departure, assuming the door wouldn't be necessary. He oh so loved the convienence she always provided. Traveling with Nich always proved entertaining indeed.::

DarkViciousVamp: And to which of our humble abodes do you suggest we retire my love..? ::She stood slowly, glowering with the added movements.. truly her bones, nerves, joints and all the rest of her tired necroflesh were all screaming for rest, somewhere.. it mattered where for a few specific reasons.. those being.. her coffin had room for one.. and his bed, room for two::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He pondered over it for but a moment and then nodded:: Mine, love. Some very...incredible things just happened. I have to be sure... ::He trailed off and looked to her once more, his visage growing more and more excited as he spoke.::

DarkViciousVamp: Done. ::Without hesitation she chanted a simple teleportation spell and, lacing her arms about his waist, off they were whisked with barely a second passing between the onset and conclusion of the unnatural journey::
