
DarkViciousVamp: ::she faded in silently behind him and wrapped her arms snugly around his chest, nibbling delicately on his ear, then stopped to whisper:: I missed thee

JacenSilvermoon: ::starts slightly at her sudden embrace and can not help but smile broadly as she whispers methodically in his ear. Remaining in her embrace he tilts his head back behind him some to look back at her:: And I missed you too

DarkViciousVamp: ::she smiled gently and continued to hold him close, resting her sable head on his strong shoulder:: I missed thee more ::and she grinned playfully::

JacenSilvermoon: ::opens his mouth to object and then grins:: Are we 3 years old now? ::turns to face her and kisses her lightly on her lips, feeling her pale lips touch his he closes his eyes for a moment. Then pulls away from her a teensy bit to look into her eyes and smiles warmyly, awestruck by her beauty as always::

DarkViciousVamp: nay, methinks something closer to 300 Jacen, myself, at least, though, luckily for thee, i do not look it ::she did not blush, for she relished his flattery, and he knew it [why else would he do it so often, ne?] she smiled gently into his eyes and ran her tongue idly over her fangs::

Jacen Silvermoon: Nich, Nich, Nich. ::strokes her hair fondly, a small smile on his face:: So pretty...

DarkViciousVamp: i know it ::she grinned and leaned forward to steal a quick kiss::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::lets her steal just a quick kiss, but not a long one. Oh no, those were reserved for when she was paying...and seeing as how she wanted to only steal a QUICK one, he lets her::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she quirked a brow in amusement [paying him with what?] then pulled reluctantly away though smiling brightly, those fangs glinting in the moonlight, and reached for his warm hand with her cool palid one::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::squeezes her hand fondly and looks up to the shimmering starlit night sky:: Lovely tonight isn't it? [paying him with whateva she's willing to pay him with of course!!]

DarkViciousVamp: ::she smiled softly to herself and gave his hand a gentle squeeze in return, turning her scarlet orbs to stare up into the heavens, a myriad of stars glittering, twinkling softly in the vast expanse; we felt so small, insignificant, miniscule, when comparing ourself with the entirety of the elemants surrounding us just then, we shivered a bit, then, with a look to the man at our side, we felt found, significant, and as if our place in the plan of things [if there be one] we had finally realized::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::grows serious a moment and looks to her:: Nich..may I ask you something?

DarkViciousVamp: aye, anything, my love

Jacen Silvermoon: ::taking both her hands into his he faces her and looks straight into her eyes:: You have never told me, and I found myself thinking about it the other night...

Jacen Silvermoon: Nich, how did you become a vampire?

DarkViciousVamp: oh ::her voice hushed [now that was unexpected] she swallowed and kept her eyes on him, then began slowly to speak, that dulcet voice the same as it always had been, gentle, mesmerizing, haunting in a sense, depending of course on the topic of her words, which now were dreadfully solemn, almost mournful, as if something which had been buried deep within her which was not meant to be uncovered had suddenly been dug up and forced into the harsh light and raw scutiny that the surface brought upon it:: twas so very long ago, when i was mortal, Jacen...

Jacen Silvermoon: ::nods somberly, squeezing her hands gently for encouragment, realizing the seriousness of her story:: You needn't tell me if you wish not to... ::he offers softly::

DarkViciousVamp: ::her mind rushed back to her mortal days, her memories perfectly intact, as they always had been and always would be; we paused a moment and then continued:: my mortal life was, to say the least, uneventful, until the Embrace changed everything that I had called upon to define myself. I was a simple mademoiselle, living in the French countryside, in the middle of the sixteenth century... A maid of 23, I had a family, mother, father, and two younger brothers, and I had a "love", twas young, foolishly ignorant, so love was what I assumed it to be... though i came to realize that it was far from it, but only too late

Jacen Silvermoon: ::quirks a brow at this point but listens quietly::

DarkViciousVamp: I shall explain more of him a little later, my dearest ::she turned her eyes slowly over his face, they were wide and shiny [we knew what we had now was indeed love, so vastly different from what was so long ago] she smiled tiredly and then leaned her lithe form against him, as if seeking support, not physical support mind you, but just seeking to feel him close to her as she weaved her story:: at any rate, chance came that I had reason to travel to Paris, to sell some whares for my family...

Jacen Silvermoon: ::nodding slowly he holds her gently too him, stroking her black silky hair softly, fully engrossed in her tale::

DarkViciousVamp: and so, though I was young, ignorant, as i afore said to thee, and inexperienced in the ways of the world, to Paris I traveled, and it surprises me greatly that the trip there was without mishap or disaster, so foolish I was, my innocence remained, and I was blinded by it, completely blind... ::she trailed off for a moment and looked mournfully down at her knees::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::runs his fingers through her hair and hugs her gently, waiting for her to continue, knowing full well the difficulties of telling one's story to others. He having done it so many times before::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she shook her head slightly and resumed her story:: my "love" accompanied me there, and aided me in the selling of my famiy's whares, in the busy, bustling Parisian market place, they fetched a good price, if i remember correctly :: [and she always remembered everything precisely, her senses so heightened by her Embrace, which was soon to be the topic of conversation] ::

DarkViciousVamp: the day came to an end, and my companion, who had been disappearing and reappearing throughout the day, disappeared once more, to where, i knew not at the time. And so I waited for his return, but he did not appear for a frightfully long time, the shadows of night crept increasingly closer, and I began to fear, alone in a huge unusual city, and who knew what kind of people roamed there in the unholy interval between dusk and dawn

Jacen Silvermoon: ::realizes suddenly while she is telling him her story, that he truly really really REALLY does love this woman. Just a random and sudden thought, but it pops into his head nonetheless. A small smile finds his lips:: Go on..

DarkViciousVamp: ::she shook her head again:: there were as well, dark creatures, that roamed and haunted that city at night, and I would come to the frightening realization sooner than I knew to expect.... I wandered off to try and retrace my steps that I had taken earlier that day with my love, as I had made my way to the market, but the darkness distorts, twists, mutates that which seems so mundane and ordinary in the refreshing, comfortable light of day, and I soon had lost myself, I looked up, horrified to find myself in the dredge of the city, an impoverished and filthy section, Paris' dark underbelly, if you will

Jacen Silvermoon: ::can't help but think just how much he loves her and resists the urge to kiss her as she speaks::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she seemed entranced in her own words, lost in her story, strangely, it was as if she was listening to it, witnessing it just now for the first time; instead of her having lived it and been tormented by it every day since it's happening::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::gently he lifted his hand to her cheek and ran his fingers across her cool, pale skin comfortingly::

DarkViciousVamp: i crouched down, in the middle of that dirty street, in abject misery, total fear, and could not bring myself to move... i cried for what seemed hours, wailing, such a fool I was, i should have left that horrid section, but i was not able to see that so painfully obvious option until it was too late... an hour passed, i assume, and then, with a start, i looked up, eyes tear-stained and puffy with the hard recent cry, to see my beau return to me. i was on my feet in an instant and ran to him, but he appeared, the closer i got to him, to be a completely different person altogether

Jacen Silvermoon: ::nods, seeming to understand where it is going::

DarkViciousVamp: he stepped aside to avoid my embrace of him, and revealed a dark figure behind him. i looked to him, confused, and questioned what he was doing with that other person there, [at least I assumed that it was a person there with him, but that, i would find out, was anything but] He spoke a cold uncaring mouthful to me, and when he had finished, to my utter horror, i watched him walk away from me, disappearing around the corner, and i never saw him through my mortal eyes again. i was left to shrink back from that which i had been sold to, and the dark figure advanced closer to me. i got an unwanted closer look at him, and screamed, this was not a person in the least, it was horrid, demonic, palid skin the color of death, blood red eyes, and terrifying fangs, so long, they glittered wickedly in the moonlight, and i felt something run through me that is only describable as a breath of hell, i froze, unable to move for a moment or two, so great and consuming was my fear, then, finally, i regained my senses and turned to run

Jacen Silvermoon: ::his visage softens as her tale carries on, deeply hurt and his heart aching for her. He wished that he could ease the pain from the woman he loved and wished that he could help her, though it would mean she would not be who she was today and he would not know her. He loved her so::

DarkViciousVamp: but i could not get a step away, i was merely mortal, and i had upon my heels a vampire, an ungodly creature of sin, his speed, strength, intelligence, all greatly surpassed my own, and he was not about to let his meal escape him, not after he had bought and paid for it

Jacen Silvermoon: ::winces at her words, already hating her love of the past beyond any other::

DarkViciousVamp: he was upon me before i could utter a cry, and i landed hard, face down, on the cold harsh cobblestones of that filthy street, the vampire on top of me. he flipped me over roughly, and i was made once again to peer into his face, i could do naught but cry like a helpless child at the horror that now confronted me. his fangs, huge, slid down from his gums and i prayed that god have mercy and somehow strike me down, kill me, end my torture so that i would not have to go through what i knew was about to come...

Jacen Silvermoon: ::pulls her tightly to him and wraps his arms about her firmly, wanting only to protect her from all the hurt and pain the world had to offer, wishing with all his heart she would never again be put through such a horrid thing::

DarkViciousVamp: saliva dripped from his fangs, and splattered my skin beneath him... they were yellowed, his fangs, and looked worn, i remember now, he was an ancient vampire, to be sure, and that only added to the horror of his appearance, he was wrinkled, gnarled, the skin flaking and falling off of him in many places. he spoke in a raspy snake-like voice, he asked me how i tasted, and i turned my head and whimpered. he laughed at my suffering, and wasted no time in clamping down with his sharp gruesome fangs on my exposed mortal neck, the turning of my head and unknowing proffering of my jugular vein undoubtedly too much for him to resist

DarkViciousVamp: it was ghastly, horrid, terrifying, he bit viciously into me and drank with a fervent, feverish, frenzied passion, his hands scraping roughly over my body, violating me as he stole my mortal blood, and i could do naught to deter him...he seemed to be mad, thrown into a state of utter pleasure the moment my blood washed over his lips and into his mouth. it was pain beyond comprehension, he tore into me and drained me dry, his face next to mine, i could see his gaunt cheeks and sunken eyes, wrinkled white decaying flesh... but slowly it began to change, and his ugliness melted away, i know now that my blood had revitalised him, his skin became smooth, his eyes brightened, and the "life" seemed to return to him. he was taking mine to replenish his

Jacen Silvermoon: ::glares and grips her a bit tighter as he holds her closer, furious that anyone would do such a thing to his love..clenching his teeth tightly he remains silent and lets her continue::

DarkViciousVamp: i lay there dying, dranied totally of all my mortal blood, and the now young appearing and handsome creature that had been the stark opposite so few short moments before stood and stared down at me. he said something about my beauty, that he wished to keep me, that i would thank him later for his letting me live... i did not understand at all, all i was aware of was my life quickly slipping away. My eyes glazed, i lay there motionless, my mouth still opened from my anguished screams i had cried in vain while he was drinking me... out of the corner of my eye, though my vision was blurring, i saw him clearly draw a small dagger from his coat and make a long clean slice in his wrist.

DarkViciousVamp: He held it over my mouth, and the vampiric blood poured into me, he forced me to swallow, it was no difficult feat, i was so weakened, a hair away from death, to be sure... and the moment that vampiric blood entered my system, i experienced a horror that surpassed anything i had gone through up until then, including his draining of me so recently before... my Embrace, as I call it, eradicated all mortal feelings, all mortal cares, passions, whims.... all i had known before was replaced with a carnal, seering excruciating hunger...

DarkViciousVamp: i sat up, in a daze, and as i clutched at my stomach in vain attempts to escape the hunger that tore through me, i found myself spitting blood, though i had swallowed his, which had multiplied itself just enough to sustain me to undeath a few moments after it had entered my veins, that was pain beyond description... ::she shuddered at the memory:: ... the blood i spat was mine, now vampiric and tainted blood... i had stabbed my newly acquired fangs into my tongue as i convulsed with the horror that gripped my body with that first terrible pang of hunger...

DarkViciousVamp: he stood and laughed softly, then leant down to take my hand and pull me up onto my feet. i was amazed that i had the strength to stand, and i doubled over, clawing at my stomach which screamed, roared for blood now... and that disgusted me to no end. My sire [as one is apt to call the vampire that turned you] cared for me for a short time, if one may call it that. he made me his whore, and because he was all knowing and i knew nothing save what he saw to teach me, i could do nothing to resist him. i despised him, i would have much preferred death to the existence he had forced upon me, and in time i learned the vampiric ways, much to my advantage, for they supplied me with a means to revenge myself against him. in short, while fondling me one pale moonlit night and teaching me of the ways of the Kindred, he mentioned briefly that to destroy one of our kind was an unpardonable sin. i, confused, asked him were we not immortal, how then could we be destroyed... he answered, and i memorized his words, and turned them against him at the soonest possible opportunity, as he slept, one day, i crept to his coffin, removed the lid slowly, and plunged a silver stake deep into his heart, driving it in with one quick and powerful motion. his eyes snapped open and i smirked, and stood to watch him die. he withered, and then faded to dust, and i left that hated place, set out on my own, and have been virtually alone until now.

Jacen Silvermoon: ::nods slowly, taking in her long story:: Nich...that is so horrible...::he squeezes her hand softly:: I'm sorry you had to go through such an awful experience

DarkViciousVamp: ::her vermillion eyes closed and she leaned weakly against him:: and that, Jacen M'love, is how I was shown the embrace.... it was done, and to be angry about it now would be fruitless... and had it not happened, i would not be here with thee

Jacen Silvermoon: ::nods slowly:: True...

DarkViciousVamp: at any rate, i got my vengence against both my sire, and my "love" who had sold me to my death, when in fact i was given something much worse... i returned to my quaint country town one dark night, and drank him dry. that was the first time i gave myself in to enjoying drinking a mortal to sustain my undeath for a few days more... the horror in his eyes, when he whirled about and saw me upon him, awakened something dark within me, i relished it... and enjoyed feeding ever since that point

DarkViciousVamp: ::she seemed to lose her voice at that point and sank tiredly against him, holding him weakly, a few blood red tears tracing their way down her palid cheeks::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::his heart ached and he consoled her gently:: It's okay Nich...as you said, if it had not happened like this, we would never have known each other and been able to be in love...

DarkViciousVamp: i know it Jacen, and thy love for me is the sole thing that redeems me for my life of sin

Jacen Silvermoon: ::smiles gently, touched by her words::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::sweeps Nich up in a loving embrace and kisses her passionately:: I love you Nich. ::grins and goes to bed right then and there::

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