
The Lake

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay sits on a rock, overlooking the lake, deep in thought~

DarkViciousVamp: ::she faded in slowly, silently, clad in that long black Versace, her similarly colored gossamer raven tresses cascading down her bare back; deep blood red pupilless eyes flitting over the place carefully, taking in every detail::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::as he walks slowly around the perimeter of the lake, he sighed...lost in his own thoughts as well. His hands were held loosely together in front of him, Joyeux hanging at his hip. His deep jade green eyes were thoughtful and serious, though turned heavenward. He walked slowly and light, free of any worries and not bothered by anything. He slowly headed towards Tay's rock, following the bend of the lake, not knowing his friend was seated there, and not noticing his beloved's entrance::

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay glances up, and upon seeing jacen, ducks quickly behind his perch~

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay finds a loose clump of earth, and, peeking over the rock, takes careful aim at jacen, taking his slow but steady movement into account~

Jacen Silvermoon: ::sighing softly, his eyes still turned to the starry display laid out before him, he walked onward, not sensing the sudden dart behind the rock::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she peered unseeing into the navy shade of the water in the lake, eyes somber and she looked as if she was searching, but for what she was not sure, not yet noticing anyone else there in any close proximity; her mind raced, pouring over various thoughts, and she appeared to be quite oblivious to all around her::

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay rises enough to throw, and lobs the loose dirt at jacen's chest, his elven sight giving him a slight advantage in the dark~

DarkViciousVamp: ::the comforting black of night wrapped around the creature of sin, enshrouded completely in the color, in more than one respect; we seemed to melt into the shadows from whence we had faded into view::

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay ducks back down below the rock, sitting and putting his back to it, listening for Jacen's reaction and trying quite sincerely not to give away his position by laughing~

Jacen Silvermoon: ::he walked slowly, his mind not set on reaching any certain destination as he rounded the lake casually, thinking to himself as he went, his concentration set deep into his own thoughts. Starting suddenly as the sod crumbled against his chest he dove quickly to the right. Born of years of fighting, he swiftly pulled Joyeux free of her scabbord and faced off with the source of the throw. Standing firm and at the ready he called out:: Who's there? Show yourself at once!

Jacen Silvermoon: ::twirled Joyeux once, expertly, in a criss crossing pattern, taking the short moment of silence to grow used to the blade in his hand, readying for a fight..::

DarkViciousVamp: ::one delicate palid hand the color of death raised elegantly to her temple and began turning in a very small soothing circular motion, as she winced very slightly, a sudden pang of especially piercing hunger having just washed throughout her system; we pressed the other hand to our abdomen and slipped our eyes closed with the beautiful pain [masochistic ne? of course] ::

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay searches with as much diligence for the perfect clump of dirt. a little damp, but firm enough to hold together. upon finding a chunk of sod suitable, he holds it with both hands in front of him. Trying to imagine where Jac was standing, about, when he was hit by the first one, and trying to judge a throw. it was a longshot, to say the least, but worth a try. He judged, then lobbed the dirt in an arch over his head and towards the approximate place where jacen was hopefully standing~

DarkViciousVamp: ::we felt a small smile tug gently at the corner of our mouth, thin red lips proceeded to tighten, and the sharp white tips of small vicious fangs, partly bared, peeked their way out into the moonlight, glimmering in the soft luminance::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::having dived to the right, the clump missed by a good few yards and he smirked, having seen where the dirt came from. Slipping into the shadows as quietly as an elf, he began to pick his way to the back side of the rock, trying to get sight of who was behind it before they caught sight of him as well::

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay squirms, pressing his face into his hands, having not been in mischief at all since the days back with his brother. but he was too tickled with the situation to think back on such memories, happy, and sad, but happy that they could be together once more..Tay sat there, trying very hard not to make any noise, stifling giggles by curling up even tighter into a ball and pressing his hands harder to his face~

Jacen Silvermoon: ::rounding about the boulder, still hidden in the shadows he spots his friend and broke instantly into a grin. [he should have known...] Bending down and picking up a small rock he weighed it out in his hand and took careful aim::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she turned spidery white fingers gently, gingerly over her temple, as the pain, and pangs of hunger intensified, she relished it, almost helplessly accepting and falling into an unknowing state of esctasy; the smile reigned full on her pale face, though it was not a... pleasant smile, this expression we wore now was quite the disturbing spectacle, it was as if something other-worldly had taken over her being momentarily::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::winding up slowly he threw the rock swiftly into Tay's direction, the rock slamming into the larger boulder and shattering into small shards, just inches from Tay's face. Smirking he ducked away once more, slipping off into the night::

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay doesn't move just at first, tho the squirming stops. Talon very slowly uncovers his face, peering over to the side at where the rock shattered against the larger boulder, then lowers his hands slowly, peering into the woods and trying to detect a sign of....Jacen?~

TalonSilverthorn: ~Talon is unable to see anything of direct interest, and swifter than an arrow from a bow, he lauches up and into the trees~

Jacen Silvermoon: ::slidding along from tree to tree, trying to stay hidden from Tay's view he moved stealthly along the ground. Hoping to gain a better advantage over his friend he skillfully pulled himself up into a tree and hid in the branches::

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay moves through the treetops like a squirrel, quickly and silently. Talon spots Jacen pulling up into a tree, and next thing either of them knows, they are face to face, no more than a few inches apart~

TalonSilverthorn: boo.

Jacen Silvermoon: Ack! What the...! ::gasps and reels back a bit, his arms flailing wildly behind him, trying to find something to support himself onto. Finding nothing and being too scared by the sudden surprise to do anything else, he fell. Falling the small distance to the ground, he fell onto his back with a thud, staring up at Tay:: Boo...to you too...

DarkViciousVamp: ::she ran her silken tongue over the tips of her fangs, almost firmly enough to slice it's delicate flesh open to cause the crimson vitae to come flowing out into her awaiting mouth, but how fun was it to drink ourself?.... no, we would have to find something, or someone else, to satisfy this need; we became aware of our surroundings suddenly, and sensed the presence of two beings, other than ourself, in the area. she quirked a thin sable brow, wondering who might be there, lurking about in the darkness of night, but she was in no danger, whoever it might be, creature of the night she was, and felt more secure, more at home in places like this one, times such as the one now appointed, than any other::

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay's eyes go a bit wide, and he tries to grasp Jacen, or any part of him, he can before he falls, but fails. Laughing, Tay hangs from a branch from his knees and looks (up, for him) down at Jacen~ long time no see....oh, are you, um, alright?

DarkViciousVamp: ::hearing voices, and something like a tumble now, her eyes snapped to the source of the ruckus::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::smirks and sits up, brushing dirt and small twigs from his form:: Dandy...thanks for scaring the life out of me! In fact....::rising to his feet he grabbed at his friend's hanging form suddenly and yanked him from the his perch, slamming him to the ground:: join me!!

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay smiles as his friend rises, then, being grasped, Tay has enough time to realise what's coming, but not nearly enough to do anything about it. this being true, Tay lands hard on his back and wheezes gently~ thanks...

Jacen Silvermoon: ::smirks and nods his welcome to Tay, promptly losing a clump of dirt with his boot he kicks it onto Tay and walks to the water's edge, leaving his friend where he lay::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she, not one to show patience when the mood did not strike her, flew effortlessly to the source of the noise, reaching for her pinwheel as she went, for who knew what she would find once she arrived at her destination [one could never be too sure, nor too careful, we had come to find] ::

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay rises quickly and bounds after his friend eagerly, throwing an arm over his shoulders and smiling broadly~ so, what's new, old friend?

Jacen Silvermoon: ::looking to his friend casually, he smiled to him and shrugged:: Nothing much...I have not been myself though lately...much on my mind

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay's grin fades a bit, but still there~ what's the matter?

Jacen Silvermoon: ::he grows somber and turns, looking to his friend, deep concern etched into his facial expressions:: It's my parents....::he trails off and looks to the ground::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she appeared suddenly before the both of them, and floated gracefully to the ground, smiling and offering a salutation in that ever mesmerizing voice:: good eve

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay places that reassuring hand delicately on Jacen's shoulder~ I'll be here to help, anytime you need it...~he trailed off as if to ask understanding~

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay turned to nich and smiled~ well, if it isn't a night for seeing old friends...

Jacen Silvermoon: ::turning to the new and unexpected arrival he caught sight of her and his serious mood fled his body completely, being overwhelmed with a wave of happiness:: Hello Nich...how are things?

DarkViciousVamp: I am fine, my love. And thee? ::her eyes gained a gentle expression, settling on her beloved::

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay grins, glad that at the least, she could lift that serious mood, though still mildly curious what could still be at question about his parents. Ah well, for another time. The night was by far too beautiful to waste time on serious things~

Jacen Silvermoon: ::looking briefly away, knowing that he could never lie to her to her face he sought refuge in the dirt near his feet:: I....have been better.... ::shrugging almost instantly he looked back to her and smiled a big warm smile, trying to appear unaffected by anything::

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay sought to relieve Jacen of his somber mood, and decided on drastic measures~

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay lifts Jacen in his long arms, as if carrying a bride over the threshold. Talon walks, carrying his friend to the boulder, then atop it, using other smaller rocks as steps up to the pinnacle of the larger one. From there, Tay holds Jacen directly over the water of the lake threateningly~

Jacen Silvermoon: ::his eyes snapped wide with shock as his friend lifted him. Not struggling, still offset by it all, he merely looked to Tay as he was carried to the water's edge:: Um....tay....?

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay has maintained a straight face until his friend’s question, at which point he breaks into a smile unlike any Jacen has seen yet. This smile is full of glee and mischief, and is more honest and revealing than the ones seen before~ yeeeeeeeeees??

Jacen Silvermoon: Um...Tay....what are you doing? ::knowing full well what his friend was planning, he continued..::Don't even think of it....

DarkViciousVamp: ::she glowered and crossed her arms over her chest; watching::

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay's grins gets broader~ you're quite heavy, you know...and i'm not that strong...~Tay trailed off miscieviously, wondering if Jacen could coerce him out of this wonderful, if not entirely rude idea~

Jacen Silvermoon: ::tensing suddenly for his friend's actions he flexed his muscles tightly, looking at Tay:: You wouldn't dare.... ::then to Nich:: he wouldn't dare...::then back to Tay again:: You would not dare....

DarkViciousVamp: ::she looked at her love, hanging helplessly suspended over the lake, thinking of how quickly she could be in the air, and have him plucked deftly from the arms of his "friend" and the precarious situation::

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay took a moment to ponder. The night was young, the air was warm, and the water tepid. not to mention inviting...~

Jacen Silvermoon: ::he grew antsy in his friend's arms, more than half expecting what was coming next, yet he remained calm and ready::

DarkViciousVamp: Jacen, dost thou require my assistance?? ::she prepared to rescue him [did we not say that when we finally found ourself a man, that we would be the one to end up saving he?] ::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::looks back to Nich and smirks, deciding to fake it and pretend to call tay's bluff:: From him? Heh, naw...he wouldn't dare

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay looks at jacen~ Yeah...... ~Tay makes his decision, relaxing as if to let Jacen down. At the last second, he bends his long legs and lunges out into open air, letting Jacen go and soaring over and beyond him, diving gracefully into the crisp, refreshing water~

DarkViciousVamp: ::she looked on in indifference, twas only water after all, and so, he would live, ne?::

Jacen Silvermoon: :;gasps suddenly as he plummets into the water, instantly going under. Instantly kicking out as he went under, he pulled himself to the surface quickly and gasped for air, treading water:: Talon! You little.... ::trailed off as the silliness of it all got the best of him and he merely laughed, splashing the surface of the water with his open palm, spraying water about::

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay surfaces and throws back his long, now soaking wet hair, scanning the surface for jacen~

TalonSilverthorn: ack ~Gets sprayed~ I WOULD dare ~Laughs uproariously~

Jacen Silvermoon: ::taking long, easy strokes, he easily pulled himself to the water's side and waded back out onto the firm ground::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she almost grinned:: Jacen, thou seem to be... wet ::and her raven brow rose amusedly::

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay calls from the water~ most definately wet!

Jacen Silvermoon: :;smirking he walked to her and shook violently, sending large drops of water all about, like a big wet dog:: And now.... ::shakes his hair at her once more:: so are you

DarkViciousVamp: -_-()

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay swims about in the lake, enjoying the evening from a watery viewpoint, finally resorting to drifting about on his back and sighing contentedly~

DarkViciousVamp: ::now wet, we had no choice but to excuse ourself to go dry off:: if thou wilt excuse me, it seems some mortal has splattered my Versace with dirty lake water, and so... ::she turned to fade out to take care of the mess::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::frowns instantly, prefering a wet Nich over a no Nich anyday...he stared at her as she turned to leave:: You come back?

DarkViciousVamp: mayhaps ::she grinned evily::

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay perks and swims back to shore, dragging himself through the shallows and onto dry land once more. He strides over to jacen and looking honestly at him~ did she say dirty?

DarkViciousVamp: then again, mayhaps not

Jacen Silvermoon: ::he frowned at this comment and merely stood stock still, watching her, crossing his damp arms across his chest, ignoring the drops as they ran down his face:: That meaning.....?

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay feels a sudden bout of seriousness entering their banter, and strolls off randomly, making his way back to the perch on top of the rock and sitting there, looking out over the lake, leaving them out of earshot and thusly private~

DarkViciousVamp: ::she turned suddenly back and was embracing him in an instant, having moved too quickly for mortal eyes to notice, it was as if she had appeared out of nowhere. she smiled tenderly up at him, her crimson depths seeking to meet his clear jade pools:: as if I could ever leave thee ::and she held him close, her raven head, spotted with tiny water droplets mere centimeters away from his face::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::suddenly taken up in an embrace he merely stood there, allowing her to pull their forms closer as he took the opportunity to marvel in her beauty as he only could when they were so close::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she laid her head on his strong shoulder, not caring that it was wet with filthy lake water, and held him closer still, whispering in a melodious tone:: I missed thee, my love

Jacen Silvermoon: ::stroking her scarcely damp hair fondly, he smiled to himself, since she could not see his face as she was resting upon him:: And I have missed you as well dearest Nich.... ::pulling her fully against his body he squeezed her gently:: So much...

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay sits atop his rock, drying off as best he can in the night air, gazing out fondly over the lake, marvelling at the simplicity of nature~

DarkViciousVamp: I missed thee more ::and she turned to look into his face again, grinning playfully, her fangs peeking their way out of her mouth::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::smiling to her as well, caught up in it all he poked her once in her side and shrugged meekly, offering no explanation:: Not uh.... ::remembering his friend suddenly and not wanting to leave him out, he turned to Tay and spoke loud enough for him to hear him now:: He did! ::points at Tay and smirks::

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay smiles and waves from atop his perch, looking happily at the couple and remarking silently to himself how well they fit together~

DarkViciousVamp: ::her face bore slight confusion:: what, love? ::she looked perplexed, not fully catching the meaning of his words:: He...did what, love?

Jacen Silvermoon: ::smiling he waved back and then looked back to Nich once more, totally willing to lose himself in her like only she could do to him::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::grins and shrugs:: Missed me more. ::leans in, resting his forhead upon her's and kissing her nose softly:: Nothing Nich..was a joke. That's all.

DarkViciousVamp: alright ::she let it go good naturedly, grinning as he placed the playful kiss on her petite nose, and let one arm fall to wrap around his waist::

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay is far too lazy to leave his comfortable rock, and he sprawls out atop it, the mischief of many years finally being out of his system. at least, most of it. for now....~

DarkViciousVamp: ::she snapped her fingers, causing her inviting coffin to appear in front of her, and slipped out of Jacen's grasp, to crawl into it, pulling the lid shut after herself, for a quick vamp-nap::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::looks to Nich's sleeping form and smiles softly, not wanting to wake her from her peace. leaning over he softly kissed her on the forehead and slipped away into the night. Passing over to Tay as he walked on, he smiled and nodded to him, whispering a good night::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::pulled the lid open and closed to kiss her and stuff::

TalonSilverthorn: ~Tay smiles at Jacen and accompanies him wordlessly to the forest's edge, patting him once on the back before departing~

Jacen Silvermoon: ::smiles briefly as Tay fades and looks back to Nich's sleeping form, wanting to hold her in his arms but wanting her to rest while she could, knowing it was rare for a vampire to be content and what better time or location to be at peace, asleep than the middle of the night in the wilderness?::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she woke and threw off the lid, sitting up quickly and gazing around::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::looked to her and smiled a bit, abuptly being reminded just how much he loved her for some reason::

DarkViciousVamp: ::when he is with her, she is better than merely content; she stepped out of her resting place and smoothed her gown which had dried by now, then turned to Jacen's departing figure and frowned::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::stood at the edge of the woods and looked back at her, unable to see her frown from this distance. He merely smiled softly to himself as he squinted, watching her. Loving her::

DarkViciousVamp: ::her heart cried out to be near him, and she looked mournfully across the way, one blood red tear slipping down her pale cheek::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she cried pitifully into her hands::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::he smiled once more and slowly began to walk back to her, his eyes never leaving her shadowed form::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::reached her side and quietly took her chin in his hand. Lifting her tear streaked face to meet his, he frowned quietly and wordlessly wiped them away. Smiling ever so softly, he nodded once, pleased with his handywork. Still holding her thin chin in his hands he leaned in and kissed her upon the lips::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::The kiss being soft and gentle at first, but growing in passion like one of those only lovers can have::

DarkViciousVamp: ::all sorrows erased the moment he touched her, she slipped her vermillion eyes closed, tilted her raven head slightly to the side, those silken tesses spilling over her shoulder, and returned the kiss delicately::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::softly running his fingers through her hair, he did not break the silence as he slowly pulled away from her and looked deeply into her eyes, trying to convey all that he felt to her in that single look. Smiling softly he doubted she would see more than his clear green eyes and so thus leaned in, kissing her neck softly::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she moaned a slight protest as he pulled away, then pacified, and smiled back into his eyes, she knows, as well as he does, the magnitude of their love for eachother [and he goes for her neck now, ironic, ne?] but we did not mind, of course; her slender arms slipped their way around his middle, and gave a gentle squeeze::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::slidding his arms about her waist, he returned her squeeze as gently as it was given, then squeezed her harder, trying for some reason to squeeze his love into her. As if she could not udnerstand how strong it was unless he used strength to convey it. Still kissing her neck he slowly licked across her smooth skin and pressed themselves closer::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she slipped her pupilless depths slowly closed, and tilted her head slightly back, a small shiver of pleasure running down the length of her bare back; we clung closer, melding against him, the presence of his warm living flesh against our own, cool undead form was a sensation better than heaven, for now he was REAL, not a dream, something to find one hoping for while in the clutches of slumber, and then mourn the loss of, upon finding yourself awake again, and the fleeting vision vanished, not a sight, something to look upon from afar and long for, only to have it evade your grasps time and time again; we knew he was ours, for now we could feel him there, and knew that he was not going anywhere::
