
Jacen Silvermoon: ::Pulling the door open, he peered into the bar's dimly lit interior. His jade eyes scanning the crowd of patrons for anyone famaliar, he walked inside. His black traveling boots echoing slightly as he stepped across the hardwood floor, his black pants made little noise as he moved. His longsword, strapped to his waist, was warmed by one casually rested hand upon it's hilt. Naked from the waist up, his well defined and now flawless abs and chest stood tall as he always carried himself. Nothing but a small scar visible from the wound he received in the deathmatch, the wound was healed by a particularly friendly little sage named Rilieu. Walking with a casual, easy stride, he reached the bar and leaned against it, motioning to the tender for his usual drink. Water.::

DarkViciousVamp: ::Nichollette faded in, stepping slowly from a shadow, her form becoming tangible as she took a few steps into the filthy little bar. She turned up her delicate, pallid nose in slightly concealed disdain, never having much cared for this place as anything other than a place to hunt for her dinner... She was starved by the way. Her flawless figure was clad in the usual, though anything but ordinary obsidian sleeveless backless Versace which sensually clung to her every curve. A soft growl coaxed into hearing by the hunger that was presently afflicting the vampiress was more than enough to send a little shiver down a person's spine. She tongued over her fangs, extending them down about halfway, flashing them for a brief moment and then closing her luscious lips again, critically eying the gene filth..::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Holding his cup of water, taking sips from it sparringly, he stood idily by, watching with a bored look over the other patrons. Stifling a yawn, he set aside the mug, slidding it away from him, down the countertop. his eyes flickered alive once more as he saw his beloved enter. A warm smile crossing his handsome features, his eyes sparkled as he watched her materialize into the beauty he knew and loved.::

DarkViciousVamp: ::Nichollette sported the long leather trenchcoat as well this day, it being more than merely a bit nippy outside, and her necroflesh was void of warmth much too much as it was already. She needed to conserve whatever little amount of body heat she could in times such as these, be it through means of the coat, or taking care to keep oneself close enough to soak up the abundant (when compared to her own at least) body heat of her favorite mortal. Her flesh was more cool than it's usual, and she felt pretty much dead, since that is what she was, in essence and technicality at least, however, a fulfilling drink would remedy her little dilemma, at least somewhat. And it had been much too long since she had eaten, many long weeks, literally. She paused in her measured, graceful steps and flashed a dazzling, fanged smile to Jacen, half distracted by another, more acute pang of hunger as it tore it's way through her entire being, wincing minutely::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::His every attention for her and her alone, he watched her with awestruck eyes as she moved. As always, his breath was taken away as he watched her fluid, graceful movements. He would never tire of them, her very essence held him captivated and spellbound. However, he rarely missed anything that had to do with her. Frowning with concern at her flinch, sincere concern flashed across his face before he pushed it aside, his happiness to see her too strong to be held down by a concern this very instant. He pushed off of the bar counter and strode towards her, meeting her halfway. Taking her up in a loving embracing hug, he held her close. Closing his eyes softly, breathing in deep, taking in her very scent, he let out a soft sigh of content. His head resting up next to her's, his lips mere centimeters from her ear, he whispered:: I have missed you my love..

DarkViciousVamp: And I you my love, though it has been only a little over a day. Damian makes for incredibly rambunctious and tiring company, as I am sure you can well imagine. I love the beast as if he were my own, though I hope to be able to return him to either parent soon. He gnaws and pinches so when he feeds, it is enough to drive a being insane. ::She held him as she spoke, the soft rustle of creasing leather, and slight brush of the chill material on his bare flesh louder to her immortal, overly sensitive ears than they would be to anyone else there as far as she cared to notice. She released him then, and turned halfway around, reaching her arm into a shadow she summoned from hell knows whence, drawing out a happily gurgling Damian, aquamarine eyes brightly shining, practically gleaming with intelligence and acuity. She held him gently in her arm as he cooed and wriggled and squirmed::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He glanced down at the adorably deceivingly cute hellion. His finger throbbed slightly just at the remberance of the little child's baby fangs. A small, perhaps forced smile staye dupon his face:: Ah yes...baby Damian. How Uncle Jacen has missed you. ::with a cautious hand, taking great care to avoid the little vampire's mouth, he patted the boy on his head. His gaze once more fell to rest upon Nich, never being taken from her for very long when she was around. Reaching up with one hand, he gently brushed the back of it across her cool, palid cheek, the look of concern returning:: You look weaker than normal Nich, and no matter how much you try to hide them, you're pangs of pain do not go unnoticed. ::his eyes brimming with concern, he gently prodded:: Is it the hunger?

DarkViciousVamp: Always the hunger Jacen.. it never goes away. I almost wish there were some way to make you understand what this is like, but I wouldn't wish experiencing this onto anyone or anything. Pointless worry will get you nowhere, I have more than accustomed myself to it by now. ::She softened her expression and kissed his cheek lightly:: I always appreciate the concern though love. ::She eased her tall form onto the nearest barstool and settle Damian on her knee, one strong, spidery white fingered hand occasionally latching onto the back of his miniature suitcoat, and tugging him gently back down, as he tried to fly away::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He nodded slowly, he of course knew what the answer would be. He merely asked to display his concern openly. Following quietly, he sat beside her, watching as she babysat for the Nightshades, unable to help but wonder what had become of Tiph. Last he had heard, she was missing. He dismissed the thought from his mind for the moment. It was not everyday he got to spend with Nich. Reaching out with his hand, placing it lightly upon her shoulder at the same time he reached out with his words, he queried:: Nich, you know that I am always willing to help you through your hunger..

DarkViciousVamp: Mmm ::She nodded, placing her hand atop his for a moment before slipping it away to lift Damian and delicately place him to sit on the bar's counter, chubby legs happily kicking over the edge. She paused, thinking, and then frowned, rising to her feet and placing him on the stool, nestled safely against the back of it. Assured now that he wouldn't fall, she was free to do whatever she wished to ease a bit of the stinging hunger away. She shrugged her shoulders back until the trench slipped from them and landed with a soft fluff in a pile around her feet on the stained and worn floorboards. Her arms, now bare, each coming to rest the cool necroflesh against his sides, and delicate hands lightly on his back. She nuzzled her face into his neck, fangs sliding down but not touching him yet, deciding to toy with him a bit before she had breakfast...::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::His eyes slidding shut as a small smile came across his face. Some may consider it crazy, other downright insane, but he rather enjoyed the feeling that came with the embrace they were about to partake in. His hands slidding about her waist, he held her lightly. His pace quickening slightly with excitement as he tried to ready himself, to no avail, for the sensations he was about to endure. As always, as with every time, it was as though a completely new experience was being undertaken. How long had it been since the last time she had fed upon him? Weeks? No, easily months. Whatever the answer, it had been too long. Arching his neck slightly, giving her easier access to the life giving veins she so desperately sought::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She wrapped her arms about him a bit more tightly taking very little notice of Damian who had began to coo and gurgle, an almost sort of baby singing consisting completely of adorable babble as he sat on the stool. The majority of her was relishing the sweet anticipation of the unparalleled delicacy that was Jacen's blood wash over her lips and delight her undead taste buds. It had indeed been by far too long. She nipped at him playfully, lightly grazing his neck with her razor sharp fangs and then dragging her tongue agonizingly slowly over the faint scratches to lap up the tiny amount of blood that she'd drawn. The very first hints of that much missed taste set her senses afire, and she could wait no longer. It was as if he was an incredibly addictive drug, and she had been craving her next fix for the last thousand years. Wrapping one leg around him, and holding him tightly, she angled her head slightly more, to get the most optimal angle of "attack", and deftly sunk her fangs into him, releasing a long hot breath through her nose as she awaited his reaction to the initial sharp pricks::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He winced sharply as those two pearly white fangs pierced his skin and sank deep within his flesh. He gripped her tightly, one hand flying to her leg that was entwined about him, holding it up from underneath. The initial shocking twang of pain that was always felt, sent him reeling. He stepped back one step before hitting the resisting force of the bar counter. The hand supporting her leg flying to the counter, gripping it tightly. A sharp gasp escaped his mouth as his lips stayed open in an expression of surprise, his eyes still closed tight. No matter how often they underwent this kiss, he could never prepare himself for the initial twitches of pain. They were unlike any other form he had every felt...::

DarkViciousVamp: ::Nich bit a minute amount more harshly into him, the hunger raging, and the beast aroused to the prospect of his sweet blood again after long last. She made as much effort as she could to still be a mark gentle, not wanting to hurt him but hardly able to remain in control of herself by this point. The chasm between her powerful jaws shrunk, and the delicate muscles in her cheeks clenched for a long, lingering moment, the expression on her face pleasured, disturbing and carnal, as if she had been partaking in some delicious weakness of sin and surrendering herself willingly, without a glance back or care thrown to anything else in all of heaven and hell. She slipped her fangs out, beginning to suckle hard on the twin puncture wounds, and drawing him in, savoring every perfect droplet::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::His mind reeled as he was overwhelmed with the sensations bombarding him. They were so wild, so frenzied, he gripped both her and the bar counter so tightly, his knuckles began to turn white. His breath coming out hard and labored he let out a low moan, almost animalistic in sound. Leaning back against the counter, he pulled her to him, holding her so tight nothing was between them. The pain from the bite no longer, he reveled instead on the suckling sensation of her lips, literally feeling as a portion of his own lifeforce was sucked from his body through the two openings. The moan grew louder as he lost himself fully beneath her whim. ::

DarkViciousVamp: ::Her cheeks caved almost imperceptibly, and she played her slender silky tongue over the bite so generously ebbing his crimson vitae; she could drink up the flow forever and still not have her fill of him. She swallowed large mouthfuls at a time, greedily claiming what she considered to be hers, and this continued on for many minutes, until she was almost to the point of leaving him witless and faint. She yearned for more, as she always did, and always would. Even if she drained him she still would never have this hunger satiated, though the thought never even dreamed to cross her mind::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::His body trembled uncontrollably as he was raised to a level of utopia. Both of his hands flew to around her waist, slamming her hip to his, too overcome with the opened floodgate of carnal pleasure to be gentle. His mind left the concious, normal mortal state and drifted to somewhere of pure pleasure. All he could sense was the glorious touch of her lips leeching to his neck, along with her tongue's deft licks, suckling at his neck. He shuddered, unable to do anything else for the urges than ran through his body were like nothing he experienced in his normal state. He wanted her, desired her, craved her, quite possibly very similarly to the way she craved and desired him. His head tilted back, his closed eyelids looking to the ceiling, they fluttered slightly as he feel further under the seductive control of her actions::

DarkViciousVamp: ::The taking of blood for a vampire was a sensation of intense, and indescribable pleasure, which put every mortal counterpart to shame, and all she was aware of was his blood slipping past her lips and over her tongue, down her throat and through her veins, replenishing her strength, revitalizing her wits, and throwing her being into such an impossible level of ecstasy, it was all she could do to keep an ounce of wits about her. She knew she had to stop, for if she took anymore, he might not recover. She prayed the last few mouthfuls last as long as possible, and took them increasingly slowly, pooling the blood over her tongue and washing it through her mouth like some extravagant and fine wine. She finally regained control of her senses, not without a bit of difficulty, and stopped her suckling, which had become gentle and soft in those last moments, to tenderly lick the twin puncture wounds completely closed, and pull her head back, her jaws away from their lock on his neck, breathing slowly and caressing over his muscular chest::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::His eyes closed, his grip tight, his breath ragged and heavy he let out a soft whimper as she stopped, part of him knowing it was wise of her to do so, the other part wanting to feel those escasty driven thoughts that came with the pure bliss, for him, of having a vampire, this vampire, at his neck. His lids slowly opened once more, his gaze dull and sedated looking, a small glisten of sweat was on his brow, though he had done little. He smiled a bit, weakly and blinked, his mouth open slightly as his smiled grew wider, the lightheadedness that always followed setting in. Gazing lovingly, though surely still not fully of his conscious mind quite yet, he murmured:: Feeling better?

DarkViciousVamp: You have NO idea darling.. ::She licked his neck a few more times, always the tease, and then gazed intently into his eyes as time slowed to a crawl, trailing one hand up his chest to play it's cool fingertips down his cheek. She nuzzled her cheek to his other, and whispered earnestly:: Are you alright? ::She turned and shot a glance to Damian, still seated obediently on the stool, and she looked a bit shocked.. Damain, obedient.. something was definitely wrong here. She smirked lightly, and pet his little head, smoothing the infinitely fine baby locks.:: And that, my little one, is how it is done

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He nodded slowly to her, the somewhat giddy, lightheaded smile still on his face, and then turend to Damian and nodded once more:: Yeah...like that...pay attention...learn from the best. ::With a lazy blink of his eyes he looked back to her, smiled warmly and collapsed into her arms, nuzzling into her neck. He was weak with loss of blood, his complexion slightly paler. He needed her support now more than ever. Resting comfortably within her arms he cooed softly, looked to Damian and gave him a man to man wink, as though the little baby had any idea what lie behind the wink::

DarkViciousVamp: ::Nich had no worries for this little one; with the troop of undead influences he had around him, he would surely grow into a fine Kindred himself, even if his race was a bit.. muddled. She held Damian gently in one arm, and laced the free one around to Jacen's back, to support him. After a moment of thought, she guided him slowly to the couch, sat next to him and placed Damain in her lap, pretending to scold as he wriggled about and squirmed in a desperate attempt to get himself free. She sighed in content, soothing thoughts of how well things were coming along with herself and her fiancee. The other night things had been far from resolved, and it would still take some time yet until they were completely, but progress was surely being made, and she could allow herself to relax a bit finally, in regards to all of that.::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Led with no struggle whatsoever, he plopped down onto the couch, a smile still lining his face as he nuzzled into the nap of her neck, inhaling and exhaling softly. He rested upon her for a few minutes, totally vulnerable. If there was ever a time he could be beaten...it was now. The time passed quickly enough though and his senses slowly crept back to him. Awakening a bit, he lightly placed a kiss upon her neck, moving closer to her. He whisper softly into her ear:: When shall it be my turn next for the pleasure, hmm? ::he smiled softly, still a bit lightheaded, but fully aware of his surrondings once more::

And then... ::Mother of all sighs:: I had to go and didn't even have enough time for a finishing post. Dammit. >< But the log was good up until then.
