
Okie here is the long awaited, much anticipated, even if only by a few people, reunion of Nich and Jace... so far it is incomplete because about 2 hours into the RP I had to leave.. though it did NOT feel like it had been that long of a time at all. Anyways keep checking back for updates because this is far from finished. ^_^ Enjoy.

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Finally, after all this time, all the begging and pleading, he had finally gotten the whereabouts of Nich from Tiph. That had been days ago though, he had been scared to come here. Unconciously, his thoughts wandered to Tiph, wondering what she had been up to the past few days. Probably baby sitting. He smiled nervously as he approahced the building::

DarkViciousVamp: ::The Cathedral was enormous, though in more of a compact and vertical fashion than a sprawling, spacey horizontal one. The hues that it was composed of were bleak and gray, both light and dark, some sable patches thrown in as well. It was hewn entirely from stone, the arching parapets and spiked pillers at it's peaks rose ominously against the night's full moon. The front doors were cast of iron, gnarled angry snarling gargoyles made the twin handles, mirroring similar, much larger ones that studded each of the building's four corners::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Donned in his black traveling cloak, the hood pulled low over his head, wrapped tight about his body, he walked through the fenced gate that marked the beginning of property for this massive building. He carried no weapons with him, this alone something very different for him.::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::His thoughts strayed from Nich for but a short moment before returning fully to her. His palms began to sweat slightly, his heart beat a bit faster in his chest. He swallowed deeply, having trouble getting the frog in his throat down. He was nervous. Scared. It had been so long since he had seen his love, how would she react? Surely she could not be pleased with his sudden departure. He was terrified to have to face her wrath, but he knew that he must. For he loved her. He loved her with all of his heart. No other even came close to meaning what she did for him. He was hollow without her. Nothing but a shell of a man. To be without her was Hell all in it's own. He had to see her again, to touch her..His hands trembling a bit, he approached those huge iron bound doors::

DarkViciousVamp: ::Inside, the decor was much the same, apart from a myriad of vampiric runes that were inlaid into the walls at regular intervals. Upon short outcroppings of gray cold stone that ran up and down each wall were clustered identical groups of candles, three to each bundle, inky black, starkly white, and rich burdundy. All burned with an intense and curious black flame. Apart from those and the moon, there was no light. Nichollette was in a kneeling position at an altar at the head of her cathedral, the entire structure shrouded with a fine black silk, which hung down dramatically around her flawless form. Her head bowed, and that self same voice was rising up from her thin pale throat, the tone the same, tinged with the exact same tantalizing hytnotic quality that it had always possessed, ever since she had been made Kindred. Another thing which may be noted, was her back, bare as always, which was facing the doors, was perfect once more, no Tzimiscian scars to mar it's beauty remained.. it was as if nothing had ever been there to disfigure her at all. Her chant was eerie, and sounded quite evil in nature, though the words were indiscernable to anything other than Kindred ears::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Should he knock? Or merely enter? Every moment passed by agonizingly slow as he stood outside the daunting building. His heart raced even faster as he thought of what lay within. Nich... His heart ached to see her again. But wait, he had to be sensible about this. He shook his head slowly, blinking a bit as he tried to think clearly once again. She would be mad... She could be furious. She could be....dead. He nearly yelled out in anguish as his thoughts reached that possibility. NO! It couldn't be a possibility. But could it? Tiph had said that he could find Nich within these walls. The dead were buried within these walls…..His body was enveloped in a newfound urgency, a panic, as his thoughts raced through the possibilities. Shaking quite visibly now, he reached out to those gargoyle handles. He had to enter. He had to see his love, no matter what reprecussions it would bring. With trembling effort he heaved open the massive doors::

DarkViciousVamp: ::A set of delicate silver chains wound up each arm in an intricately twisting pattern, the individual strands locking and lacing together in a meticulous design. They graced the backs of her hands as well, and were linked to a matching set of rings, complete with vampiric runes, one to each finger. The entire set of Vampiric curiosities were glowing a bright white against her pallid flesh, seething with sheer, unadulterated power. Her haunted crimson pupilless depths of death snapped open, and her figure went tense, as she sensed someone approach, heard their steps soon followed by the creaking open of her heavy doors. She whirled around and was on her feet in a laughably small fraction of a moment, and stood stoicly poised, staring dead on at the figure who had parted that which had previously effectively kept nearly everyone and everything out, and away from her in her period of self forced seclusion::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Silhouetted against the night backdrop behind him, he stood in the doorway, nothing more than a hooded shadow. With slow, almost hesitant looking steps, the figure entered further into the structure. His hooded gaze rest upon her, and oh how his heart stopped to lay eyes upon her once more.::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::With each step that brought him closer to her, his thoughts were on nothing but the memories they shared, and the feelings she invoked deep within him. Nich....Her red, pupilless eyes, her long, flowing black mane, the inhuman paleness of her skin. Beautiful, perfect Nich.... She was all but perfection in his eyes, seemingly not changed a bit from such a distance. At first he had to restrain himself from dropping all poise and running to her and engulfing her in such a hug that she would think she would never escape from, but the seriousness of this moment bid him otherwise.::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::His voice low and choked, he softly whispered out from beneath the hood:: Nich…..

Jacen Silvermoon: ::he choked up once more, before able to say more. Curses! He had so much to say to her and yet he stumbled and stammered like a child::

DarkViciousVamp: ::Her senses deceived her, they had to have been.. that figure, that gait, that scent, that voice, the way he spoke her name... She swallowed down a lump that rose suddenly in her throat and forced non expression onto her features with hardly an effort at all, waving both hands with a mutter of hurried, angry verse, upon completion of which, the set of candles obediently burst into much larger flames, casting a harsher light onto the entire crop of shadowed spaces. Her chest rose slowly, as she took in a faint breath, and then she was deathly still again, as each hand fell back to her side, unmoving, aside from the soft slight *tap tap tappings* of her perfect, meticulously kept black nails against the pearl handles of her pistols. The sound was almost mocking, a sneering ordered regular rhythm amidst the atmosphere which had quickly been turned upside down. Outwardly she had not changed too terribly much, still the same as far as looks went, still tall and slender, though she was a good deal thinner now than she had been the last time he'd seen her... The hair, the same, the mournful curiosities of eyes, the lips, and clean white tips of fangs that never ceased to peek out into view, the flowing elegant gown of lush sable satin, all the same they had always been. Inside however, she was hardly the same creature at all::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::With a slow, slightly visibly shaking hand, he gripped the cowl of his hooded cloak and pulled it back. Revealing what lay beneath, what was seen was the tear-stained face of none other but Jacen Silvermoon. His jade green eyes were dull, no smile found it's way to his face.::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::What was more, he had five scars, like those from a clawed monster, running across his face. Starting over his right eye, crossing his face, and ending at his left jawbone, the scars were healed, but still served to make him quite startling to look upon nonetheless. Tears running down his cheeks, making no attempt to hide this sign of weakness to her, he spoke with trembling words:: Hello my love...

DarkViciousVamp: ::Her eyes widened, blinked, and then narrowed, those ruby lips parting, her mouth falling open in a scant trace of an amount, and her face blanched slightly, whatever hint of color had ever been present in those pale cheeks was gone now, banished away by complete and utter shock:: I had thought you dead.. ::She spoke clearly, calmly, it seemed; apparently she was better accustomed to keeping ahold of herself at traumatic times such as the present one. She looked idly at a random spot of stone flooring off to her right side for a long moment, and then turned her head to face him directly once more:: Where have you been..?

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He nodded slowly, setting his jaw firmly clamped. He had hoped for a better greeting. A hug perhaps, a "Oh Jacen, I thought you dead. I am so glad you have returned to me." But of course that had been foolish. He had expected that this would happen, the other had been merely hopeful wishing.:: I.. ::Closing his eyes momentarily, he sighed a soft sigh and then looked to her once more. He trailed off, and instead tried a different approach than he had originally intended.:: Nich, you remember our wedding date? Only a few days after my abrupt disappearance? Well, once you returned to me, after the torment you endured by your kin, my thoughts went to the wedding. Nich, I had no idea what to get for you. I wanted something…something that showed how much I loved you, Nich, and how I would always be there…to protect you... ::he shook his head adamently:: Nothing can express how deep my love is for you. I came across news that prehaps suggested otherwise… I had hoped to be gone but a short while, retrieve this....gift, and then return still a day or so before our wedding. ::He had blinked away the tears now, drifting back to the time he spoke of, he kept himself rigid and composed all the while:: That, obviously, did not happen... I became prisoner by very powerful demons within their fortress, and for many monthes, I despaired. Thinking that I would never again be able to see you, my love. I escaped...finally, and made all haste to return to you once more. Nich.. ::His face became that of total sorrow:: I am so sorry..for all I have done to you. ::His head drooped, his chin practically touching his chest, and his voice was low:: I am sorry...

DarkViciousVamp: I told you once, a long time ago, that if I laid my vulnerable heart in your hands, that it was essential you be undaunted in taking care of it, and what was my plea to become, other than foolish words spoken in vain.. ::Her voice was hard, her words hurried, and the only thing that betrayed her pain was the longing, heart breakingly hopeless gleam to her pupilless eyes:: You asked me to be your bride, and that was above and beyond the single most glorious moment in all of my tortured existence, and I accepted you ::At that point she raked the back of her right hand harshly across her eyes:: And I never saw you again.. On the proposed day of our union, I waited for you, all night Jacen, and when dawn broke the next day I found myself stood up and with only Darrian to offer any comfort to me. Though distraught and devastated, I was willing to forgive all.. but you never came, and what was I to assume other than the worst? My heart broken, when I had taken such measures to entrust it to someone I thought would finally prove worthy; endless bloody tears the likes of which this wretched and cruel world could never before fathom drenched these perfect cheeks, for months on end. I ceased to eat, ceased to drink, ceased to live, or find the will to continue on in my miserable existence. After all, what reason had I left to bother to continue to endure this torture when my love had disappeared without a word nor trace? My love, whom I had waited three hundered long painful lonely years to finally find, who arose at long last seemingly in response to the dying wishes of my twisted heart... I had reason to hope once more, something to find joy in once more, ::she laughed bitterly:: I found myself inexplicably happy, for the first time in the entirety of all my miserable days, only to have it all taken away, and my hopes dashed to pathetic bits. I longed for death to an extent that no one, not you nor anyone else shall ever be able to comprehend. The only reason I am standing here now, is someone else bothered to keep me alive, but for what reasons I may never know

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He choked, a look of pure shock registering across his face. He winced with each of her words and the agony that they brought to him. He nearly burst the pain he was feeling was so great.:: I... ::He reeled inwardly to the verbal assault he had just endured, and he quickly tried to justify, to explain, the actions of the past monthes.:: Nich, I...I did not MEAN to! The pain that I brought you, I sought only the exact opposite. It was to be a great gift, to give to you so that you could see how I felt for you. Recall that on the very same night that I too told you how my heart was none but your's. It lay entrusted with you. Such was the relationship we have. I never meant to do anything that would betray that trust. To hurt you as I undoubtedly have. I would never...NEVER dream of doing such a thing willingly Nich. I was held prisoner for so long...so long...... I escaped and returned at the soonest possible moment. Nich, I know now how badly I have hurt you. I knew I must've, but to what extent..... ::he shook his head:: Nich, I am so sorry for all that has happened. I can do little more than offer you my words, and promise once again that you can trust me with your heart. For you truly can Nich. I too came close to death, and wanted nothing other than that to consider facing the rest of my life, as was cruelly promised to me by my captives. Nich, I too went through incredible suffering and pain by our seperation ::his eyes narrowed slightly, forcing small tears to roll free down his cheek:: I never meant any of this to happen. I would never dream to hurt you Nich, you know that. Such a thing would never be my intent. I LOVE YOU NICH! I could never do something to harm you willingly!! ::he fell to his knees, unable to further support his own weight at the moment.::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He remained kneeling before her, staring up at her figure. Teary-eyed, she came across as nothing more than a blurry form, but he treasured every moment he had with her in his gaze. It had been so long since he had seen her last. He would store up every moment he had with her, and never forget how she looked, for fear that he would never again be able to lay eyes upon her::

DarkViciousVamp: But that does naught to justify my pain ::She whispered so softly, it was almost inaudible, and one lone bloody tear slipped it's stinging way slowly down her pale cheek. She trembled despite herself, and wrapped her long bare arms about her middle, clinging as if to seek a comfort, but to no surprise of her own, she found none. She found she less than cared to stand any longer, and took a shaky seat on the pew nearest her, rocking back and forth as if in a daze. She closed her eyes and extended her fangs, opening her mouth as she raised her arm to it, raking them over the flawless flesh and shuddering with a sick delight as her vampiric blood flowed freely from the long gaping wound, blanketing the necroflesh with a crimson film of vitae. She didn't bother to lick the stain from her bloodied fangs, nor retract them, instead only softly speaking:: You may wish to seek out Darrian and thank him for the efforts he took to prolong the misery of this worthless carcass. I would have starved and wasted away had he not forced me to feed.. ::She sounded feeble almost, as if this entire business had drained her of strength completely. Feeling as if mentally stumbling through some hazed proverbial maze of endless twists and turns, her head was reeling, senses fogged and taxed.::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::With an effort, he rose to his feet once more, angrily wiping the tears away from his face:: Yes, I do, very much, have Darrian to thank if that is the case. ::he walked slowly over to her, and, hesitant at first but deciding to anyway, he gently reached out and laid his hand lightly upon her shoulder, stroking the skin ever so lightly with his fingers:: Nich, I know that it does not take away the pain... ::his voice a hoarse whisper, barely audible:: I doubt I can ever do anything that will take the pain away from you...but, maybe in time, you could forgive me? ::he choked out the last few words, barely getting it out before his voice betrayed his totally::

DarkViciousVamp: ::Her eyes flickered open, and she started almost imperceptibly, before closing them again, for a long lingering moment, turning the thoughts and feelings slowly over in her brain. She opened them again, settling the depths onto his face, raising one almost timid hand to traipse the fingetips slowly down over the scar:: I find it in myself to be forgiving if the party deserves it, yes love.. ::She softened her gaze, retracting her fangs as much as could be, leaned forward and placed a soft tender kiss on his lips::

On to part 2
