
::The foyer clock struck nine, and she rose from her coffin, gazing out through the open window at the full and careless moon. bathed in the soft moonlight, and comforted slightly by the ever present darkness just beyond, she made her way slowly to the study, her figure still caressed by the ankle length Versace, sleeveless, backless, and that impossible mane of gossamer obsidian fell elegantly down her bare back. Her delicately defined muscles slightly apparent through the rich fabric of the gown as she walked. A few moments later, the only noise that can be heard, is the faint soft scratching of a quill on parchment, the feather held delicately in a small and slender pallid feminine hand, meticulous black manicure only serving to heighten how ghostly white her undead flesh was. She writes in a flawless, ornate calligraphy script, a last letter to her beloved, in the final hours before she must part from him for an indefinite amount of time. A steady stream of bloody tears trickle down her deathly pale cheeks, though she makes no unnecessary movements nor sounds, not even to wipe them away. She is not wracked by sobs, she sits refinedly at an antique desk of rich black cherry wood, taking care that her silent tears do not fall onto and mar the letter::

To My Dearest Jacen,
I have troublesome news for thee, and, as chance wouldst have it be, for myself as well. It wouldst seem that I am to be called away from thee, and though I wouldst sooner taste of final death than part from thee, I remain hopeful, for I shall return to thee in time. Prithee, do not become melancholy, twould displease me greatly to know that my absence hast caused thee strife. Instead, remain faithful that I shall be reunited with thee, someday. Though we know not when, it shall happen, I swear that I will fight until my dying breath to make my way back to thee, my love. I care for thee more than thou canst comprehend, I love thee with the entirety of my immortal heart, mind, and soul Jacen. Take these words, and hold them fast, and look back upon them, if thou art at any time, distraught to be without me. Think simply of how dearly I love thee, how fast and irrefutably permanently my heart is bound to thine. For my final words to thee, I leave this, taken from a certain film I had chance to view, that attempted to portray the undead, twas quite comedic, though this verse shall serve it's purpose well, methinks. Appropriately dubbed, Love Song for a Vampire.

"Come into these arms again,
and lay your body down.
The rhythm of this trembling heart
is beating like a drum.
It beats for you, it bleeds for you.
It knows not how it sounds.
For it is the drovel of drums,
it is the song of songs.
Once I had the rarest rose,
that ever deemed to bloom.
Cruel winter chilled the bud,
and stole my flower too soon.
Onimence of hopelessness
to search the ends of time,
for there is in all the world,
no greater love than mine.
Let me be the only one
to keep you from the cold.
Now the floor of heaven's laid,
with strands of brightest hope.
They shine for you,
they shine for you.
They burn for all to see.
Come into these arms again,
and set this spirit free..."

Until the moment when I find myself again with thee, in thy loving embrace again, where I belong, my every waking thought shall be of thee.
All of my undying affections,

::And there, beside her name, was one splattered bloody teardrop. she composed herself, sealed the letter, embossing NDN to ensure it remained closed, and wrote, "To My Beloved" to address it, and left it where Jacen would be sure to find it. She donned a long black trench coat for her travels, and, with a mournful sigh, faded from sight, those now teary crimson pupilless twins being the last thing to disappear from sight::