
You have just entered room “TGUSLA Sleepy Dwarf Inn.”

TalonSilverthorn: >Tay grins at Jend, then looks at Jacen< How's the ale?

Jacen Silvermoon: ::nods slowly, distractedly by the shadowy form in the corner by the door:: It's...nice...

DarkViciousVamp: ::She faded in slowly, that black Versace hugging her palid undead flesh gently, accentuating her perfect form, those eyes glittered eerily, the pupilless depths turning slowly over all there present, taking into account every detail of each face in it's own turn::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::he frowned slowly, swearing he recognized the dark figure. But, it couldn't possibly be....could it?::

DarkViciousVamp: ::Those eyes rested upon Jacen and she gave a soft smile::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::he jumped to his feet suddenly, his eyes sparkling wide with surprise:: Nich!

Jacen Silvermoon: ::leaving his friends and the ale he quickly rushes over to her and lifts her off her feet, twirling her about::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She smiled and was lifted willingly up::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::setting Nich back down on the ground he smiled broadly:: I did not expect to see you here tonight! ::hugged her tightly, still smiling:: I'm glad for this surprise though

DarkViciousVamp: And I am glad to be here with thee, Jacen

DarkViciousVamp: ::She continued to flash that gentle smile and hugged him warmly::

Jacen Silvermoon: Tell me dear...would you like to join Tay and his ::grins ruefully:: "friend" or sit alone for the time?

DarkViciousVamp: ::She smirked at that and then leaned forward and whispered to him:: Wherever thou art, is where I wish to be, Jacen

Jacen Silvermoon: ::smiled softly and leaned in as well:: I wish to be with you Nich, where we are matters not to me. ::looks to her once more, awaiting her answer:: Hmm?

DarkViciousVamp: A seat for the two of us wouldst suit my fancy fine, Jacen

Jacen Silvermoon: ::nodding quickly he takes her by the hand and guides her to a more secluded table for two. Standing behind her chair and helping her into it he smiles again:: Wait here, I'll be right back. ::rushes over to the bartender::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She smiled and sat, patiently waiting for his return::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::becomes involved with a slight conversation with Rothar once again::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She held him tenderly::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::returns with a bottle of red wine and sat beside her in time to be held::

DarkViciousVamp: ((whoops...))

TalonSilverthorn: ((nice save))

DarkViciousVamp: ((hehe))

TalonSilverthorn: ((>racks up a point for jacen<))

Jacen Silvermoon: ((hehehe ::is proud and takes a bow:: ))

Jacen Silvermoon: ::pours them a glass of wine and slides it to her:: Thirsty?

DarkViciousVamp: ((::feels dumb:: ))

DarkViciousVamp: ((lol ::dies:: x_X))

DarkViciousVamp: ::She reached a pallid hand out to take what was offered her::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She elegantly crossed one leg over the other, raising the wine glass to her mouth and curling her thin red lips ever so slightly around the rim; she took a small sip and licked the traces of wine from her lips::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::glances slightly down at her legs as she crossed them and couldn't help but remember the "thigh" and grin, thoughts of their first kiss flooding him::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She smiled softly; we knew what he was thinking::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She set the glass back down on the tabletop before her and slowly ran a pale hand through her thick ebon tresses::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Blushing just a teensy bit he looks into her eyes and shrugging meekly, offers her a playful wink::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Takes the glass of wine they shared and took a small sip, tasting the flavorful liquids::

Andro Giovanni: ::walks in, with an expensive black armani suit covering his body. He has shiney black shoes covering his feet, and a white silken button up shirt under his suit. On his wrist you see an expensive rolex watch with diamonds and stuff embedded in it. his midnight black hair is brushed back to make him look even more like a mobster. he walks over to a seat and sits down::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She played her palid fingertips gently down his cheek and continued to smile::

Andro Giovanni: ::looks around, his gold pupiless eyes gazing at all living (and undead) things::

DarkViciousVamp: ::Her crimson eyes flitted over to the new arrival; one of her kind, she noted::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She looked down at her pearl handled weapons holstered at her hips and clicked her nails idly at the handles, as was her custom; it seemed to give her a strange comfort of sorts::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He quickly kissed Nich on the cheek before she could object, having never been so straightforward with her in public, save for their kisses of course::

DarkViciousVamp: ::The perfectly manicured black varnish contrasted sharply with her palid undead flesh, making her appear paler still, if that was at all possible::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She looked to him surprised::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::blushes and shrugs:: What?!

Jacen Silvermoon: :::appears innocent::

DarkViciousVamp: ::Her pupilless eyes softened and she leaned to kiss his cheek in return::

DarkViciousVamp: Twas merely unexpected Jacen

DarkViciousVamp: ::That gentle dulcet voice hypnotic and refined::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::gazes off distantly, hearing her alluring voice he merely nods and offers a weak sounding:: he....he...

DarkViciousVamp: ::Using their close proximity to her advantage, she nuzzled her cheek against his and released a content sigh::

DarkViciousVamp: ::The rich Versace hugged her figure and her muscles quivered a bit with her fluid movements as she recrossed her legs with the other resting on top this time::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::never being one to miss the infamous legs he watches, deeply enthralled by her sleek form and grins softly as he absentmindedly runs his hand along the length of her arm::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She took his hand in hers and raised it to her lips; we nibbled at one finger, then kissed the back of his hand and released it to roam to wherever it pleased::

DarkViciousVamp: ::We did not feign not to be a seductive creature::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Ran his hand slowly to wrap snuggly around her waist, pulling her closer as he leans in and began to gently kiss from her exposed shoulder up her neck::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She arched her thin pale neck back slightly and moved her arms to hold him gently to her::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Accepting her receptive embrace he slowly continued to kiss up her neck and then across to her other side as he scooched closer::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She looked into him with deep vermillion eyes, so eerily haunting were they, but as of a few days ago, a gentle look pervaded their usually unnerving stare; one look into them, and one could easily see that she was extremely content, mayhaps for the first time in the entirety of her existence::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::sighes, content as well, and looked to her fondly, reaching up to brush a strand of her hair behind her ear, he smiled to her softly and whispered:: So pretty...

DarkViciousVamp: ::She smiled almost serenely and looked lovingly to the source of her contentment; we took his other hand in our own and gave it a tender squeeze:: Have I told thee how much I adore thy flattery...

Jacen Silvermoon: ::winks ruefully:: Nah, but I know it anyway. Why else do you think I pamper you? ::grinning he leans in and softly pressed his lips against her's, feeling her cool thin lips upon his, he presses a bit harder, as if by reflex and squeezed her hand tightly. Closing his eyes tightly he reveled in her soft light touches and held his kiss with her for many moments::

DarkViciousVamp: ::Those blood red pools slipped closed and she returned that blissful kiss, tilting her head slightly to one side, those sable locks spilling down over the respective shoulder, and we were being especially careful with our partly bared fangs::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::hardly noticing Jend's exit he frowned a little, sad about what he was about to say:: I too, must be going for the night...I am exhausted from my travels and should get rest. ::looks to her questioningly:: Will you be staying out late tonight or were you coming with?

DarkViciousVamp: ::Her words slipped smoothly over those thin scarlet lips, her tone mellow, dulcet, always with a certain grace which proved her to be continually refined; it possessed the supernatural hypnotic quality that characterized most undead, though hers was more mesmerizing than were most others:: Methinks I shall come with thee

Jacen Silvermoon: ::his gaze becoming one of a slightly glassy and distant look he merely nods, deeply pleased by her choice but unable to reply, too drawn into her soothing words. He merely rubbed his hand slowly up the length of her leg, caressing her thigh slowly::

DarkViciousVamp: ::Smiling softly, she merely sat and relished in his caress::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::rising slowly he smiled to her, still a bit distant he held his hands open to her, to help her stand as well:: Come..

DarkViciousVamp: ::She stood and took his outstreached hand in hers::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::smiling he took the opportunity to slide his arms about her waist and "casually" rest his hands wherever they may fall:: Shall we be off to my estate then?

DarkViciousVamp: Either thine or mine, it mattereth little, as long as I am with thee, Jacen ::She rested her raven head on his shoulder::

Jacen Silvermoon: Mine it is then ::grinning to her he quickly guided her out the door and out of the city to the Silvermoon Estates::

DarkViciousVamp: ::And out she went::
