
The Wall

Jacen Silvermoon: ::he walked casually to the outside of the building and leaned up against the outside wall, marveling at the beauty of the stars in the night sky, his scimitar hanging ever faithful at his side. He merely looked up to the stars and smiled wistfully::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she faded in gracefully to a spot outside, near the door of the bar, that long Versace the deep shade of onyx hugging her undead form gently, her eyes crimson pupilless pools, a long mane of sable cascading down her bare back; she looked around for a moment or two, searching for a familiar and much loved face::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::feeling a gaze fall upon him he straightens suddenly, his hands falling to the hilt of Joyeux. Turning his head slightly he searches the dark shadows for the source of the stare, his jade green eyes ablazen. Spying Nich, his defensive posture fades instantly and he smiles boradly to her:: Nich!

DarkViciousVamp: ::her face solemn, she wore a look of refinement and poise, until she heard a familiar voice, she breaks into a smile and turned to it's direction:: Jacen ::and continued to smile, searching him out::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::he pushed away from the wall immediately and stepped towards her to embrace her:: Nich, it has been so long since I have seen you my love. ::he looks at her fondly, his eyes sparkling with an unusual glow that only she has seen.:: I have missed you my love.... ::brushes his hand gently along her cheek::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she smiled gently into his eyes:: and I have missed thee as well ::she leaned forward to place a sweet kiss on his lips::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::closing his eyes tightly he slowly slid his hand around to hold her closer to him as he returned her kiss as sweetly as it was given::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she rested her forehead affectionately against his, after reluctantly ending the kiss, and raised a hand to play her cool fingertips over his cheek; the chill of night not seeming to bother her at all::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::he held her close to him tightly and clenched his eyes shut tight. He had missed her so much as of late, he had practically been dying without her touch, without her presence. He voice a hoarse whisper he manages:: God....I missed you Nich....

DarkViciousVamp: ::she gazed deeply into his eyes; how we had missed him these past lonely days, but all was better now, for here he was, and she was blissfully content once more:: not as much as I missed thee, Jacen ::she gently teased::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::smiling softly he took her teasing without complaint and leaned in to give her a kiss of his own, pressing his lips firmly against her pale, thin lips. Closing his eyes and losing himself in their lip's touch he holds the kiss for a long moment before finally releasing her and gazing to her once again, a longing look in his eye. He merely smiled softly once more::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she nuzzled her cheek up against his and whispered into his ear with that dulcet, melodious, mesmerizing voice that could only be possessed by a member of the undead:: and what, prithee tell me, my love, wast thou doing out here, alone in the dark, afore i came to thee?

Jacen Silvermoon: ::grinning ruefully he looked to her, his jade eyes lit up:: Oh...I don't know...maybe just sitting about, waiting hopefully that a particular vampire may come along and bite me... ::shurgs meekly:: But she seemingly is not coming, ::he grins broadly:: ah well, you'll do! ::smiling, ever playful he poked her once and whispered:: Tis a joke fairest Nich

DarkViciousVamp: ::she grinned:: well, mayhaps i should leave thee to wait for this mysterious vampiress to come and bite thee, satan forbid that thou settle for a wretch such as i ::her eyes danced [we were being disgustingly playful now.... whatever had become of DarkVicious??] ah well, the Vicious one was banished as soon as she took it upon herself to care for this mortal she now held in her arms::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::he grinned back at her:: Mayhaps you should leave me to wait, but then...I fear...I'd be waiting for ages for something that would never happen...::looks into her eyes once more and smiled softly, [he oh so loved her eyes, her hair, and all about her; and he wanted to only show her how much he cared] hugging her tightly once more he merely looked to her::

Jacen Silvermoon: I was not eager to go inside tonight, that is what I was doing out here. And now, I am really not so eager...:;he looked to her once more and kissed her on the cheek, taking the time to whisper:: I love you Nich...so much

DarkViciousVamp: ::she sighed with indescribable content:: as do I love thee Jacen ::she whispered back with infintessimal certainty:: twas merely teasing thee, as thou enjoyeth so much to tease me, I thought I might repay thee a bit. but, tell me, who is this vampiress of which thou spokest? I wish to make her aquaintance ::oh we were a wicked tease, ne?::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::smirking lightly he looked to her:: I think...I shall choose to leave her name unspoken. For she prefers the private secrecy of our relationship and the.....benefits of such a relationship. ::he grinned broadly once more:: She's quite the mistress though....I'd say....the best a man would ever have... ::he trailed off and winked smugly::

DarkViciousVamp: ::a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, the tips of her partly-bared fangs peeking their way out from beneath her thin red lips. she tilted her head slightly to one side, her gossamer ebony tendrils spilling over her shoulder as she did so:: mayhaps she tastes better than thee, and thou wishesh to have her all to thyself, and not share with me... that is the case, is it not, my love? ::her scarlet eyes continued to dance, her voice slowly lulling him into a calmed and relaxed state::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::looks to her, frowning a bit as he grows confused in her playful wordplay:: Um...huh? ::he looked to her and smiled innocently, his eyes bright and pure:: Hehe... ::he looked to her, losing himself in her soothing voice and he began to sway slowly back and forth on his feet:: So....pretty....

DarkViciousVamp: worry not, my love ::she gazed fondy over his face, the face we so loved; never one to settle, no no, not this vampiress, only the very best for her, and that is precisely what she got; truly, there could not be found a sweeter or more deserving object of our affection than he, living, dead or undead, in all the realms where all three of those chose to call their haunts::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::taking her suddenly up in his arms he spun her about as he held her in his strong grip easily:: Me? Worry? Never! ::spins her about some more until she is now backed to the wall and presses up against her playfully as he holds her. His voice low though playful:: I never worry... ::leaning in closer, the smile still present on his face::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::bringing his face in closer he softly slides closer to the nape of her neck, breathing in her alluring perfume::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she laughed out loud as he spun her about, truly an odd sound, so pure, and innocent, it was simply joy that emenated from her lips just then [wouldn't expect that from a vampiress, ne?] it mattered little, she no longer cared for the vampiric ways, not nearly so much as she cared for him:: never wouldst thou worry? ::pressed against the wall , though she felt secure in that tight spot; so near to her love, nothing could harm her now:: what if i told thee... hmm ::she stopped and grinned quietly to herself::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::he looked to her curiously, cocking his head as he awaited her sentence, wondering what devilish scene she would lay before him, yet certain still that no matter how daunting or grisly the scene he would STILL worry not and love her with all his heart, for he was lost deep within her too far and he could not stop loving her even if he had a desire to.::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Looking deep into her eyes he simply waited::

DarkViciousVamp: have I told thee, Jacen, how much I love thee? nay I have not ::she answered her own question:: and knowest thou why? ::she proceeded to answer it again:: for there are not adequate means, in this world, the one before, nor the one to come, with which to describe fully the magnitude, intensity, purity of my love for thee... and what I had begun to say before... ::she paused again, and thought for a moment::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::he blushed a slight red color as she spoke and looked away for only a moment before missing her face and longing to look upon it again. Bringing his face level with her's once more he pressed closer to her as she spoke, not being able to help how much he loved her. Shaking his head to clear his mind of his thoughts he smiled a small tight smile and responded::

Jacen Silvermoon: You needn't have ever told me how much you love me Nich...for I have always known....you have loved me as I have loved you, with the fullest and deepest love that only those truest to their hearts can give. ::his grip tightened on her ever so slowly as he spoke the words, he looked into her eyes and knew that he would never be able to fully live without her ever again::

Jacen Silvermoon: You and I, Nich, we share a bond....a love so close that no words.....NO WORDS can mean enough to describe it...

Jacen Silvermoon: ::still looking into her eyes with a slightly serious look he softened and smiles lightly as he squeezed her around her waist once:: You have never need to tell me how much you love me Nich, for I knew it before you even opened you mouth...

DarkViciousVamp: ::she spoke sincerely, her eyes beamed, full of love for him:: three hundred long and miserable years have I waited for thee, and now that I have finally found thee, my love, I swear to God, the Devil, whatever all powerful being it pleaseth thee to place thy beliefs in, that nothing either heaven or hell could throw at me, shall ever remove my heart from thine

Jacen Silvermoon: ::he shook ever so slightly as he heard her words, they were pure ecstasy to his ears. Looking to her with almost a newfound loving gaze, stronger than any other he had ever given her, he could not reply to her response right away and merely smiled::

DarkViciousVamp: thou needeth not speak aloud my love, for thy heart speaks to mine with a language that only we two can comprehend, and words are inadequate to describe even the smallest portion of what thoughts they share with each other ::she slipped her eyes closed, and leaned forward to brush her thin red lips slowly over his for a fleeting moment of bliss upon finishing her "speech"::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::still holding his love tightly up to the wall he looked to her and smiled, clearing them of his own private thoughts as he looked upon her, losing himself in her beauty instead. Her brief, gentle kiss meant more to him than any other words or kisses she had ever given to him before. Somehow, though he had thought it impossible, he now loved his dearest Nich even MORE::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she laid her raven head upon his strong shoulder and sighed happily, not being able to imagine a point in her life when she had ever felt so .... simply perfect, as she did at this moment; she wished it never to end::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::touching her hair softly as she rested upon him and he merely smiled, staring absently at the wall as he thought about how strongly he felt for the woman he now held in his arms. No other feeling could come CLOSE to comparing to this, to rivaling this whole feeling that swept over him. Squeezing her gently he continued to hold her and massage her as he thought::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she nuzzled her face gently into the nape of his neck, so warm, his skin soft to the touch; she very lightly grazed him with her fangs, enough only to tickle, and perhaps cause a very slight scratch... ahh, yes... [that was an *accident*, ne?] she licked up the few drops of blood that had escaped him, and held him closer::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::smiling ever so slightly as she ran her fangs along his neck he offered no resistance as he held her to him willingly:: Nich..I--I don't think I can ever tell you how much you mean to me...you know that right? Never. You are too much for mere words....the only way I can even remotely show you how much you mean to me now is to give you my greatest most important gift Nich.

DarkViciousVamp: ::she pulled her head away and looked at him inquisitively, her eyes softened substantially that he would do such a thing, though she knew not what the gift was::

Jacen Silvermoon: My heart...and you have that so fully in your hands now Nich that nothing could ever take it from you. But with giving my heart so fully up to you, I give myself so fully up to you Nich. With that, comes the ability to hurt me like no other ever has nor ever will....be careful Nich..for now, my heart lies with you, in your hands...

Jacen Silvermoon: You control all that I am now...

DarkViciousVamp: ::she closed her eyes and a blood red tear slipped down her cheek; we were so touched by his words, did he have some way of seeing into our soul? he must, why else woud it be so effortless for him to say things that served to seep into the deepest, most carefully hidden reaches of her being, the most vulnerable part of her, and uplift it, make it's hope grow so that she could think of nothing else, save how desperately she desired to stay with him always, and how perfectly her soul entwined with his::

DarkViciousVamp: Jacen, ::she breathed, looking deeply into his eyes after opening hers:: I would sooner die than hurt thee, and my heart is in thy hands, as much as thou hast placed thine into mine

Jacen Silvermoon: ::a smile finally breaking his somber expression he hugged her to him tightly and kissed her gently upon the cheek, offering no words but actions. Slowly, reluctantly pulling away a bit he smiles and pretended to take an object he clasped in his fist and slip it into his breast pocket. Patting it gently he smirked:: There...safe and sound with me dearest Nich

DarkViciousVamp: ::she smiled lovingly up at him:: as thine is safe with me, my love ::and she gently kissed his cheek in return::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::smiling, he took each of her hands in his and pulled away from her, holding his arms out extended fully as he held her's:: Come Nich...let us be off. The night is young and the walk to my estate is not far.....::he trailed off and looked to her ruefully::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::pulling her up and away from the wall they had leaned upon he began to lead her down the trail as he looked to her, smiling broadly::

DarkViciousVamp: ::she yawned delicately, her fangs glinting in the soft moonlight:: aye, twould seem I tire... ::she grinned wickedly:: i trust thou wilt be able to find a spare place for me to rest there, my love

Jacen Silvermoon: ::he smirked and pretending to seriously consider her probing:: Hmm....yes...I SUPPOSE we could find a place for you to sleep somewhere... ::he grinned and winked to her as he led her off into the distance, fading into the darkness::

DarkViciousVamp: true that thy bed is not nearly so good as my coffin, but that will have to do ::and that characteristic smirk danced across her palid features as she faded out after him::
