
Like I explained in the description of this RP on my logs page, half of this original log was lost and so I had to recreate the first half of it again this way, somewhat RPing but mostly I just paraphrased what I remember happening. I can't rightly redo what Lance RPed originally so it's mostly from Nich's perspective though it does have bits and pieces of Jacen before the actual real log starts, halfway down the page.

DarkVicious Vamp: ::She faded in silently, elegant as always, that same long satin Versace gown falling to her ankles, same silken obsidian river cascading down her back, though this time, though her gown was backless, it's view was obscured by a long dark trench coat, which she had worn in her recent travels. She moved with an uncharacteristic lethargy, even if it was only in a trace amount, as if weighed upon by a strain of some sort, be it mental, physical, or emotion, or perhaps a mixture of all three. Apparently the trip to Paris had not been one of pleasure, having left her tired in various respects.::

::She did, however, quicken her steps to meet him, embracing him softly, chilled necroflesh looping about his warm figure to hold him close, breathing through tears threatening to spill:: Oh Jacen how I've missed you ::Being held so tight rendered her to almost a whimper, though he couldn't have known he was doing any wrong. She delicately removed herself from his grasp, and took a small step back, speaking again in hushed melodious tone:: I have much to explain to you love..

::The languor was not the sole differenct to be noted in how Nichollette had been, and how she was upon her return. Her manner was virtually unchanged apart from one aspect, that being, her speech. It was markedly more "modernized" now than ever it had been. Olde English all but abandoned for whatever unspecified, as of yet, reason. She still spoke with the unchanging regality, gentile sense of charm and distinction however.::

::Within the depths of pupilless crimson was clearly read a level of sorrow, something was upsetting the vampiress, though for the time being she remained relatively calm and collected. She delved bravely into her discussion, figuring that now was as good a time as any to explain exactly what had transpired in the duration of her travels. Putting it off for any unspecified amount of time would be pointless, not useful whatsoever in lessening the pain it carried along. Time passed would not even begin to heal the wounds.::

I had to depart from you, all those months ago, because I'd been summoned to stand "trial" before a jury of my peers in France, the country of my birth, not coincidentally, the country thriving with the most members of Kindred, as it has been for quite some time. The powers of the blood there are deep set, reaching back across many centuries, and the hierarchy of leaders are still holding strictly to the old traditional ways.

I knew all of this, even in my early days as a vampire. Perhaps not to the extent of knowledge that I came to possess over the successive years, but I knew for a certainty what would become of any Kindred who took the life of another of their kind, without express permission of an elder. Do you remember when I told you of my Embrace, how I was turned, schooled, and how I was driven to take my sire's unlife? I fled, because I knew then that I put myself at great risk. The risk would have been overwhelming had I remained in France after killing him.

Luck was on my side in those days, I was freshly sired, and had hardly been Kindred for much time at all when I took flight. There were none to miss me when I left. So I did ellude capture for roughly three centuries, but my crime caught up with me finally, so back to Paris I went. I couldn't bear to tell you any of this then, I didn't want you to know, or have to wonder at any horrors that I may be facing. I couldn't very well ignore the summons either, they would only have sent an escort to bring me back against my will, if need be. I had been found out, and I'm not one to foolishly resist and worsen my situation when all hope of escaping is obviously lost.

::At this point her face evinced a solemn melancholy, but not even a hint of fright could there be read. Nichollette considered herself an honorable creature, and a similar bravery she had shown as well, standing before the onimous godly one in the antique and rotting underbelly of the city:: I arrived without mishap, made my way to the underground capital, and the trial commenced in the following days.

I stood before a small jury of high elders, as well as the Omnipotent One herself, Tempest, who commands all things undead in the entire Camarilla. She served as judge. I knew I was going to die, the rules demanded I pay for the kindred life I took with my own, but I pled my case with conviction, and laid out all the events that led up to the slaughter of my sire. In wake of everything, they found him to have sinned against the blood as well, though it did not redeem me from my own transgressions. Tempest was merciful with me, and spared my life, much to my own abject shock. I do believe she was disgusted with my account of my sire's customs.

I was not to be put to death, as I had been sure would be the trial's outcome initially, though I most certainly did not go unpunished. I was turned over to a Tzimisce, ::And there she choked, pausing in her depiction to regain her composure for a short time. She continued on very quietly:: to be "purified".. The Tzimisce are not a clan of the Camarilla, they are a wayward sect under the Sabbat, and a deeply disturbed line of vampiricy they proved to be.

DarkViciousVamp: ::Having found herself unable to speak what should come next in her explanation, she decided merely to show him, and as bloody tears resumed their course down her cheeks, she cast her blurred vision to the floor and turned away from him. An almost inaudible gasp was heard as she slid the long trench coat to the ground, revealing her once flawless back, which was now mutilated in the gruesome custom of the Tzimisce; filetted, disfigured and warped, it looked incredibly painful, and felt even worse::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Anger and sorrow clashed within him, unleashing an epic struggle of his emotions. He clenched his fists tightly, tears welling up. He was unsure if he was furious or if he was sad, such conflicting emotions were both going on within. He was both. Anger towards the ones who did this to her, pain and sorrow for her, whom he had sworn to protect with all his might::

DarkViciousVamp: They find it amusing to do such things to themselves. Never before have I encountered such disturbed beings as the Tzimisce in all my days as a Kindred, and it shames me greatly to have to share the same name... ::She shook her head slowly, and blinked furiously, unable to face him again::

Jacen Silvermoon: God....Nich... ::he managed out in a gasp. He reached out slowly as if to touch the wounds but thought better, fearing they may still be fresh or that such an action would only serve to remind her of their presence and hurt her more::

DarkViciousVamp: Just the thought of the tools she used... ::She trailed off and choked on her words, beyond sorrowed at all that had happened in her absence, adrift in a sea of despair, and all but helpless to find the will or way to pull herself out of it::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He wept openly at this point, unable to bear it any longer. Such torment he had been put through. All the worrying, the fretting and he had been proven correct. She WAS in danger and he had no way of helping her. His hands balled into fists and his jaw stiffened in helpless frustration:: Nich...I...I'm so sorry...

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He slowly extended his arms out to her, taking her up in a much more careful embrace than before. He held her to him softly and stroked her hair as he wept quietly, his voice barely a whisper:: So sorry...

DarkViciousVamp: Be thankful that I was allowed to live... that is the only way I kept myself sane through all of this ::And she broke down and wept openly onto his shoulder, shaking slightly with each new sob::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He nodded in silent agreement to her words, unable to speak at the moment he merely held her close, running his hands through her hair::

DarkViciousVamp: I know not if it will heal, or whether it shall give me pain for the rest of my days. I know very little of these Tzimisce and their sick habits. Mayhaps I am forever marred... ::She forced herself to stop crying and caressed over his back wistfully, wondering if he would ever be able to return the gesture::

Jacen Silvermoon: ((Wow...for some reason that last part of that post struck me as some deeply profound shit... I commend you once more Shakespeare))

DarkViciousVamp: ((heh.....))

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He pulled away from her for a brief moment and stared deeply at her:: Nich...I love you with all my heart. That will never change, no matter what. I swear to you I will do all that I can to try and help you through this..I can only imagine the pain you must feel...

DarkViciousVamp: The pain I feel most acutely, is that I am no longer perfect for thee, love.

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He shook his head violently:: No...don't worry about such trivial things my love. Your ordeal has been so long and hard upon you..and sadly, it will never end. I can only hope to be here to help you through any toils that you must face. Never again do I want you to face those toils alone... ::With this he slowly slid a hand into his pocket::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Taking a slow, deep breath to help steady himself he slowly pulled out a small object that easily fit into his palm::

DarkViciousVamp: ::She looked at him curiously through still teary eyes, the extra blood clouding her pupilless twins annoying her to no ends now, and she blinked furiously to clear them and focus on him::
