
Mun notes: [ At the end of the log, page three. ]

Essence of Onyx: ::A complexion so pale she was in all practicality a very light shade of blue, oddly enough, suited her perfectly, as did the severely short obsidian locks, neatly framing her head, curling around to conform to the shape almost imperceptibly. Odd shards of light bounced off of the tresses and left in their wake a few white vertical stripes; reflections, it appeared, as her hair seemed to be soaking wet, not one stray strand to be spied, but wet it was not, merely flawlessly well behaved. Full lips done in a similar sable hue neither smiled nor frowned as faintly crimson eyes gazed about through a haze of slightly fogged early spring morning air. Onyx was small of stature, and very slim, delicate looking, to a certain extent, as far as one was speaking strictly as if height or bulk equaled strength. Her waist tiny enough for a moderately large handed man to fit them around her middle, and a bare stripe of pale blue smooth stomach skin peeked out from in between the loud crimson top, strapless, and form fitting, and the leather pants, finished off by a double width belt, plain leather brown, that hung lopsided across her figure. It held a large sheath, for a dagger. Just above the left elbow, two small black arm bands choked the light azure skin, and two large tattoos, similarly shaded, adorned her shoulders. Thigh high leather boots nearly as form fitting as the pants hugged their way up her legs. She took a slow, quiet drag off of her cigarette, flicked it away, stepping on the smoldering butt on the side of the road, and veered off the path, walking into the midst of a thicket soon afterwards. The little body fell out of sight between a chaotic mess of brambles. Once there, she bent slightly, reaching her right foot up at the same time, and brushing off a layer of dust that had gathered on the previously satiny surface of her boot. She repeated the motions with the left boot as well.::

Hosaka Jenitsu: ::Throughout the entire forest, there were many squeals of wild beasts, songs of the birds, and settling noises beneath the canopy of the trees; only to come to an unsettling halt as the literal blur of obsidian movement shot through the center of the forest. It seemed that not only sound died as this shadow of death passed through, but light as well, the blur didn't just move along with him, but left behind a streak of darkness in his exact path. Hosaka Jenitsu, son of Satan, heir to the throne of hell and master assassin, moved throughout the forest, in speeds unknown to the carnal mind; but even as he did, not one time did a stray branch snag that solid black ninja's garb that he was adorned in, nor did he lose his footing, he was perfection on the move. Covering his face was that solid black mask, which was nothing more than cloth material, shaped to fit around his head, with the help of those tiny buckles. As he maneuvered his way through those trees, branches, and small boulders, he made his way into a small clearing, where he noticed a figure standing, which just happened to be the target of Hosaka's entire run through the forest; he had been looking for someone to talk to, ever since Jacen decided to get up and leave during the whole "crossroads" deal. As he reached the edge of the forest, he sprung forth with a quick somersault-like move, landing not fifteen feet from where Onyx was standing. At first, he had no intentions of taking off his mask, he would save that for later..much later..if he could hold it off. Those amethyst twins scanned her over before he said a word, looking her body up and down Being as he was pleased in all that he saw..he opened his mouth...that grim..low whisper of a voice flowing out to enchant her ears...:: Hello...::he wasn't being his normal self, because really..it had now been eight hours of travel since he had seen a soul...and he needed to talk to someone..the entire Ciani ordeal had shaken the warrior's mind...::

Essence of Onyx: ::She was making next to no sounds whatsoever, other than for the very soft brushing of the tiny hand over the dust marred boots. Not really bothering herself to look about much either now, as she felt moderately safe, hidden within the little glade, she relaxed perhaps a bit too much for her own good, too involved with remedying the appearance of her foot gear. Caught off guard by the unsettling sense that suddenly overwhelmed her, wordlessly informing her that she was not as alone as she had supposed herself to be in those quiet woods, the left foot fell back to earth quickly, knees bent slightly, and she took a readied stance. Ready for what, to run perhaps, that's how it appeared.. but for the moment she stood her ground and waited, bright rouge eyes flitting from side to side, scanning the area for her "visitor". Onyx liked to avoid confrontations as much as possible, not because she was weak, as one might suppose at first glance, but for the tiring fact that confrontations involving herself usually led to the summoning of her *friendly* pet.. and that led to an uproar, more often than not. Cart around the ability to call a ten foot, perfectly vicious looking black and red demon into your service whenever the need arises, and the word tended to spread fast. Onyx needed to keep a low profile however, and so only called out her "pet" when she had no other choice. Something of a recluse by nature, she worked by generally keeping to herself, staying out of the way, and much preferred it if she never saw a single person at all, other than for the customary innkeeper when she couldn't go for another night without a hot meal and a dry bed. One hand slid to the hilt of her dagger, hovering just in front of it, but not quite touching it yet. She didn't have to look very hard, seeing quite clearly a black garbed ninja type somersaulted down from Hell knows where only a few feet away. He might be able to pick up a quiet mutter of colorful expression from her then.. beginning "Ahh fu-" then cut off, by his oddly ordinary greeting in an all too serious voice. Onyx was a bit perplexed, noting for who knows why that his eyes were purple. She shook her head and those lips parted in surprise. What in the world could he possibly want with her?.. She stood up straight, a bit hesitantly, to not exactly a tall height of 5'7".. but she was pulling off the petite look well enough. The hand stayed near to the handle of her dagger for a while, and she spoke up, not meaning to be too rude, after all, if she could fake being nice she might be able to get out of this with as few hitches as possible. "Ninja boy" came to her mind but she kept it in there only.. using no particular words to refer to him, as he'd not bothered to give a name:: ..Hello..

Hosaka Jenitsu: ::Despite what the usual opinion of the midnight assassin was, Hosaka really was well-mannered, especially around the opposite sex; at least when they were paying attention, and being as he had yet to give out his name..he thought it best to go ahead and spit it out...:: A thousand apologies..my name dear..is Hosaka Jenitsu. Most have heard of me, at least the ones who travel on the dark side, but it's no surprise to me if you haven't. I am the legitimate son of Lucifer, heir to the throne of Hell, and overall..nice guy...::a rather, wry grin was hidden beneath the covering of that erudite colored cloth over his face; he knew that line he had just spit out was quite possibly more bullshit than could be found in an Oklahoma rodeo.."nice guy" ..heh.. who was he trying to fool? The son of Satan? a Nice guy? He must've sounded like an idiot, or a psychopath one, but it didn't matter, he wasn't trying to impress her, it just wasn't his style to impress the ladies, unless he really liked them, and as of right now she had only passed 50% of his little "test" so to speak...:: and your's? ::Once again, he decided to keep his rather handsome face shrouded in the mystery of that mask, the only thing she could tell so far, is that his 6' frame was very muscular, and his voice was almost...enchanting. As of right now, that's exactly how he wanted to keep it, it wasn't a matter just yet of if she liked how he looked, he was only looking for a conversation right now, and appearance had nothing to do with that whatsoever...:: If it's not too much of a bother..that is..::At his side rested the sheathed weapon of choice, The Eternal Darkness, a translucent green bladed katana that weighed next to nothing. He kept it there for the sole purpose of intimidation, after all..an unarmed man was easy prey to a thief, or a murderer, and the weapon usually made someone think twice before confronting him. As he stood there for a moment, he shifted his weight to his right heel, and folded his arms discretely over that rather..broad chest of his..::

Essence of Onyx: ::Onyx's hand slowly trailed away from the dagger's hilt, at ease enough to do so now, those twin sable metallic bands that served as little more than decoration, biting neatly into her flesh on the left arm, right above her elbow, crossing over each other as they did so. That same hand pulled another cigarette from a mangled pack she had stashed between the double width belt and small of her back, resting it between her lips and lighting it with a neat black flame that was burning from the tip of her index finger. Little tricks like that were always handy, and it saved her the trouble of having to carry around a lighter.. after all, she had problems enough trying to find somewhere to keep the pack of cigarettes, with no pockets and no bag or anything, storage space on this girl was scarce. Her eyes hadn't strayed from him the entire time, which was little more than five or ten seconds. She fisted her left hand, and upon opening it up again, the curious black flame was gone. She took a light drag and held it in for a rather short amount of time, releasing the pent up smoke in a series of neat rings which floated up and disappeared into the atmosphere. The left hand plucked the cigarette from between the obsidian lips, holding it classically between fore and middle finger, and an eerily smooth, melodic quality was able to be discerned from her tone this time, as she was speaking more than just one little word:: The legitimate son of Lucifer... is an overall nice guy? ::She couldn't not smirk at him for that little comment, and wondered off hand if he'd come across anyone who'd actually bought that crock of shit. (XD) She took another longer drag from her cigarette, and held it away, out to the side again, not bothering with the smoke rings, simply exhaling it in a neat pluming gray column before her:: Oh I'm sure you are. ::Catching herself slipping back into sarcasm, she cursed softly, looking at the ground and spurning those lips to fling a few more colorful phrases. She trailed her eyes back up again, evenly speaking her name:: Onyx Maltheria, lost soul and cryptic conversationalist. I can't say that I've heard of you, sadly, Hosaka Jenitsu.. though I don't really find myself roaming this dimension much.. if that makes you feel any better. ::She cursed a quiet string at the ground again, not shocking herself at all in her complete inability to control her smartassed tendencies. She looked back up and thought that maybe if she pretended she hadn't done anything strange, he'd play along::

Hosaka Jenitsu: ::Oh lord, we had a smartass on our hands, could he ever escape the women who had this quality just bursting from the seams? Obviously not, but it wasn't a big deal really, he could be a smartass just as well, if the time called for it, and right now wasn't right, especially if he intended on holding a conversation with her. The look on her face told it all, she was undoubtedly a troublemaker, and that's probably the quality that drew Hosaka to talk to her; he could've easily kept on moving through the woods without so much as even looking at her, but he did have a natural ability to pick out the bad girls, and that always made him stop...:: But of course..::was all that he replied with at the moment; it was getting damn hot in that mask, and it was time to remove it, no matter how bad he wanted to keep his face hidden. One slender, pallid hand reached up and snatched the mask right off of his head with a simple, yet stern tug. He brought it down to the belt that rested on his waist, and fastened it to it; he'd surely lose the damn thing if he didn't do this. Those long, deep violet locks fell down to his shoulders, both hands reaching up to gently stroke his hair back, and out of his pale, yet handsome face. His nose wasn't too big, nor too small, but fitting perfect in between the two, his lips were thin, pale, yet not the same color as his face, a slightly deeper shade than just "off-white," and of course, those deep, amethyst colored orbs, which could easily burn a hole in one's soul with the way he stared; so deep, so serious. Hosaka's overall appearance seemed like that of a harmless man, and would probably convince someone if he wasn't adorned in that ninja's garb...:: Actually..it was just a joke.. I *can* be a nice guy.. but it all depends on my company. I can easily be a callous bastard, and just cold with all of my comments, but I choose to be pleasant when I want company, and right now is one of those times... ::Once more his arms were folded over his chest. He didn't really want to go into detail about why he wanted company, but he should've thought of that before he went into his little speech...:: I've been through a trying time, my personal life has been altered in a major way, but I suppose it's my fault nonetheless.. ::Those purple twins were narrowed, almost trying to hide the pain that was in them; why was he hurting? He was the one that killed the bitch to begin with. Maybe it was just the fact that he was alone, *she* wasn't that big a deal anyhow...:: I apologize for my dumping on you, but I just need someone to talk to really.

Essence of Onyx: ::She kept her eyes glued to him, and the very faint hints of a smile flickered over her full dark lips for a split second, she'd been wondering just what that mask was hiding after all, and now the wait was over, and she was pleasantly surprised. Having expected one of those hideous brute types for some reason at the mention of Lucifer, the face she was seeing now didn't fit into her expectation one bit. She would most definitely be one to understand that pale did not detract from good looking in the slightest, when it came to certain people of course.. as she herself was so inhumanly pale that she had that striking pale blue tone of skin. Large and expressive, nearly pink eyes blinked once, twice, jet black, long thick lashes brushing lightly against the delicate skin beneath her eyes. The son of Lucifer was thus far well mannered.. and she wondered if perhaps Lucifer had carted off his son to boarding school rather than raising him up in Hell. That would explain a few things.. though she never really considered that notion serious. Listening quietly as he spoke, she thought it odd that he'd come searching for company and found her; of all the people he could have come across... Well she would see what was to be, perhaps by some fluke she would *not* get into trouble for once.. she thought that would be her best bet anyway.. not knowing specifically what a mess with the devil's son could spell out for her after all.. but it sure as Hell (XD Bad pun) wouldn't be good. Something about his eyes, kept causing hers to go back, and so of course she caught the slight narrowing.. and almost trying to hide pain was just as good as not trying at all.. especially when it was being spoken through someone's eyes. You could tell a good deal of things, from looking into a person's eyes, windows to the soul.. so to speak. She didn't have one anymore, and was really at a loss to figure out whether Hosaka here had one or not. The pain that his eyes registered surprised her a bit, equally as did his words. What could hurt the devil's son, especially if he really could be the callous bastard as he claimed? Obviously he'd left himself sensitive and open to whatever had been the source of pain. Onyx felt very little need to run out of here now, because once her curiosity had been perked, she had the bad habit of forgetting about what she was supposed to be doing, to wander off in search of the solutions to the puzzle, or little bits of information that she wanted.:: I'd be a little worried if you didn't have two different extremes.. being nice all the time is fu.. well, not for some of us. You just have to do whatever the situation calls for, and those are always going to be changing. And I don't really mind the "dumping".. actually, I think it's sometimes a little therapeutic to vent every now and then. If you need to talk I wasn't in much of a hurry to be on my way really. Venting to strangers has it's advantages.. I mean, you could go into detail about whatever you want, and there's a good chance it won't ever come back to haunt you, because most times your paths won't ever cross again. It's easier than telling the people you have to see everyday.. if you ask me. ::Here, if he cared to notice, Onyx was divulging a little bit of information about herself, and she took a few small steps toward him, small booted feet crunching softly into the new spring grasses, well.. the ones he hadn't roasted in his little.. path of destruction anyway.:: Personal life hasn't been going exactly the way you'd planned, maybe? ::She arched up a neat sable brow, trailing her smoldering cigarette back to her lips again and taking a nice long drag, holding it in indefinitely:: I hope you don't mind if I smoke.. ::That was sort of a half question, little wisps of smoke spilling down over her lush lips as she spoke::

Hosaka Jenitsu: ::his deep violet eyes remained locked on her's, not leaving them even long enough to blink. She had him interested, that's for damn sure, if it wasn't her smartass comments, it was her stunning beauty that kept him focused on her. With a slight yawn, he kept shifting his weight from the right foot, to the left, trying his best to remain comfortable in the standing position. As he listened to her speak, he didn't really even breathe, he was *that* attentive; he had a certain respect for women when they spoke, it must've been the way he was taught by his father, which was quite possibly the only thing that Lucifer did for Hosaka, other than use him for his personal killing machine. He grinned a bit as she had opened up a little, it was something rather pleasant to say the least, because doing all the talking, and opening up just wasn't easy at all. He arched a thin, violet brow at the way she had just opened herself up for him to speak freely.. it was a bit odd.. but he didn't really have the time to be all suspicious, he wanted to vent, and he wanted to vent now...:: Well, I don't mind if you smoke at all, it's not like it's going to kill me or anything. ::He wasn't lying, I mean really...how many vamps have you known to die from second hand smoke?:: When it comes down to my personal life.. I suppose you could say something like it wasn't going how I wanted it to. Allow me to explain a little about myself before I go into this.. so that it doesn't seem like I am crazy, or something. ::he dropped his hands to his sides, he had enough of them being folded over his chest, it just irritated his muscles for some odd reason...:: I am a very cold person, when it comes to opening up to people. It was the way I was trained to be, a cold blooded killer, never having mercy for his opponents, or his victims, no matter how much they plead for it with the pain in their eyes, or their tortured screams for that matter. At one point in time, I met this woman by the name of "Drenia Darken" and she changed me, I wouldn't say for the better, in a warrior's point of view, but for a warmhearted human, I suppose you could say just that. She made me open up, she made me fall in love, and come to find out, she was married the whole time. She finally told me that she was married, and I had her husband down my throat for her telling him that I was all over her, but in reality, she was the one all over me, just think about it.. I was brand new to that kind of thing... what business did I have trying to be all over anyone? In the end... I killed her, I removed her head, heart, voice box, brain, kidneys, and liver with a small dagger, I don't suppose it felt good at all, but that's how I felt she should be dealt with, especially since she played the son of Lucifer for a fool. ::he arched his thin, pale upper lip in a bit of a smirk for a moment, before he continued on in his little speech..:: So I closed back up for at least... three hundred years, but a part of me wanted that happiness I tasted so little of.. and well..I opened up once more, to a woman by the name of Ciani Conall. I swear to you I have the word "jackass" written across my forehead sometimes, I let myself fall for just about anything. She introduced me to her best friend, and trainer, some pathetic little.. prick by the name of "Kayin". I never liked him, not even one bit, and something told me in my heart what would happen, and in the end..it did. I caught the both of them fucking around. Ciani swore to her grave that it was rape, and he swore that she seduced him. So I didn't bother trying to figure out who was right and who was wrong, because she admitted to me that they kissed, and to me..that's guilty enough, wouldn't you say? ::with an almost grim smile rising on his lips, he finished the story..but it seemed that the rather.. sick ending made him happy... damn he was sick..:: So without taking anymore shit from them both.. I lopped off Ciani's head.. and I dismembered Kayin so bad that he was nothing more than a body..no legs...no arms..no head. ::he shrugged halfheartedly..his face seemed to lose that almost "happy" look, and seemed to be covered by a sadness, that just wasn't like Hosaka..:: and once again Onyx.. I am alone. It seems that I'll never find what I was in search of. The man who made up that little bullshit quote.."It is better to have loved and lost, than to have never even loved at all" is so...full of shit..::Now shaking his head..he brought up a hand to his brow and rubbed his face for a minute..trying to gather his thoughts...:: I am doomed to being alone, but then again..that was my entire life as it is, so I have nothing to be shocked about.

Essence of Onyx: ::She was silent, forgetting to smoke even, as she listened to him speak, oddly able to enjoy his voice more with each successive word, no matter whether the word was pleasant or gruesome or somewhere in between. Apparently the striking little vixen wasn't that unfamiliar with blood and vengeance and gore. Not that she'd be mistaken for someone innocent anyway.. Her rep had always preceded her, even if it was through looks alone. Onyx had this inherent, devilish, dark look about her, as extreme as a naughty closet dominatrix type even, to those most perverted individuals. Her devious aura hinted strongly that she was not a good girl, but rather, a very very bad one. The bad ones were always more interesting anyway. She knew her type, and on the rare occasion that she came across someone else who seemed more like her than not, she always made sure to take note of him. Those expressive, deeply rose twins tarried tenuously together with his, and with that simple gesture she wordlessly passed back to him a good measure of mutual respect. She was no stranger to the little defense mechanisms, or in Hosaka's case it seemed to be more of a tactic he used like a finely tuned skill.. turning himself virtually heartless to get a specific job done. She'd had to do her own fair share of the same thing, which was out of the ordinary a little, because women weren't known for such habits really. Supposed to be compassionate and overflowing with maternal instincts, soft and gentle and on and on down the list of sappy traits.. Onyx didn't exactly fit in. She was a very old creature technically, but her attitude seemed all too modern, defying her actual age of a good deal of centuries. She didn't look ancient, which was all the more better for her. The points of Hosaka's speech did anything but fall upon deaf ears. Onyx took some of it and twisted it around to her own liking though.. always one to think more highly of her sexy little trouble prone self than every other girl around.. she looked down on those two now dead females that he had mentioned.. but even without her own little haughty exaggerations, those two and their behavior really did make even Onyx here look bad.:: It sounds to me like you've been enduring some bullshit so you'll be ready to appreciate the good thing when she shows up. I can't really say that I'm upset about those two not being around anymore. Too many lying whore types. They should have known better than to try and play you though.. I mean I've known you.. what? Half an hour now and even I can see there's nothing good that's bound to happen from meddling with you. There are just certain people you don't wanna mess with, aren't I right.. They knew who you were when things started I assume.. and so whatever repercussions came for trying to slight you.. well if they were dumb enough to try it in the first place then they got what was coming to them. But from what you've been saying, even though you have to delve into the cold and ruthless act to get things done, that doesn't really do it for you all the time. You've just got to hook it up with a trustworthy female, and though those are few and far between, there do happen to be a couple around. Then you won't get burned.. not by her anyway. That's Onyx's advice. ::With that she nodded matter of factly, and almost seated herself.. in the air, leaning back against an invisible support behind her by some unearthly means, crossing nicely toned blue arms over her chest, the entire loud crimson top rising up as she pulled in a breath, tiny little trail of smoke curling up from the slowly dying tip of her cig::

Installment two
