

This is just me RPing by my little lonesome, since there was no one worth RPing with around at the time... anyways, Adrienne is cool. Kinda new, but I like her.

AdrienneDrkAngel: ::Adrienne flew down on black wings from bleak, shadowed skies, the dawn about to break over the horizon, but as of yet, the heavens remained as onyx... which matched perfectly the shade of her massive shadowed wings. As she lit on the ground, still outside the bar, one slender graceful hand pulled through the frenzied mass of tight sable curls and she sighed::

AdrienneDrkAngel: ::Silver eyes of a fallen angel were cast to the floor and she stared, though not seeing anything persay, the metallic, reflective pools spoke of incredible sadness as she folded the wings, their 18 foot span concealed as they lay pressed neatly against her back. She was clad, in what else, black... to match the locks, and feathers, and demeanor, and name::

AdrienneDrkAngel: ::Slowly her eyes came to rest on the entrance, but she made no move... not alltogether too certain whether she wanted to be here or not just yet... in all likeliood, inside would be full to the brim with things that she would less than care to associate herslf with... angels of light, and other such detested beings... so Adrienne remained outside, and solitary, though she could make no complaint, truthfully, preferring it thus::

AdrienneDrkAngel: ::she unfurled her wings and flew silently to the roof, seating hersef down without a sound, the silver pools of sin flitting over the horizon, calmly awaiting the coming of the sun. She crossed abjectly thin legs over each other and rested her delicate chin on her knees, her back arched forward a bit, wings stretched out to either side of her slender frame::

AdrienneDrkAngel: ::Spiked collar about her neck shone in the first shards of light that broke through the clouds, the very first hint of sun peeking it's way over the mountains as morning dawned; she squinted, the light was harsh at it's onset, and her palid face turned to the left, elegant thin neck arching, it's tendons and muscles defined perfectly::

AdrienneDrkAngel: ::Adrienne crossed her thin arms over each other, head still tilted to one side, full rouge lips turned down in a slight pout; she pulled her eyes to stare blindly into the sun, straightening her gaze after a moment of thought, standing slowly, not moving her arms as her wings fully extended... from afar she must look like some insanely large and skinny bird perched atop the building, silhouetted against the rising sun::

AdrienneDrkAngel: ::Adrienne flew down from black skies, on wings equally as shadowy, the smooth skin stretched taught over bone, they looked almost the part of demon wings, and since she was, a dark angel... they fit the part quite nicely. Adrienne, her name meant dark one, and there was nary a light part on her, save for those metallic silver twins that flit over the immediate area with an almost annoyed expression and restlessness::

AdrienneDrkAngel: ::She settled delicate feet onto the ground, her wings, which had a span of 18 feet still extended to either side, flapping slowly, almost looking as if being in slow motion in the seconds immediately before she landed. Her feet were bare, as was much of the rest of her, save for a few pieces of skimpy and black [of course] clothing. Scantily clad, yes she was, but not to the point of looking whore-ish. She folded her wings neatly and took a few steps toward the door::

AdrienneDrkAngel: ::The leathery sable wings neatly resting against her back, they shifted a in a miniscule amount as she walked; light, elegant, and graceful on her feet. Full burgundy lips stretched into a slight smirk, revealing the tips of small white fangs, and she took the knob in her hand, tossing her head of tiny toussled onyx curls as the turned it and stepped in::

AdrienneDrkAngel: ::She stalked through the open doorway, the studs on her spiked collar about her thin neck glittering a bit in the dimly lit place. Her tall, unhealthily thin frame was toned delicately, enough to appeal to any male in possession of eyes, though she was hardly here to seek out... that kind of company::

AdrienneDrkAngel: ::She eyed an empty seat in the back of the room, and vaulted neatly into it, landing soundlessly, those silver twins almost painfully bright, they were so reflective, giving the impression of belonging to a being that was completely other-wordly. She snarled softly and there sat, waiting, crossing pale arms over her chest, in almost hostile indifference::
