
It might not have taken so long had we left out some of the ridiculous mun crap.. but it is good for a laugh later so.. ::shruggles::

Sacreli Angel: ::Gabriel stood atop the calm, quiet cliff, peering down at the hundreds of cities and towns below on the western sector, his mind was filled with small thoughts on why that sector wasnt taken care of already. After all, he was destroying cities day by day...but this side had slipped his mind.

Sacreli Angel: He casually leaned onto the top of his scythe, sighing with complete discontent, for Gabriel was definately bored this evening, he needed something to do, and he needed it fast::

AdrienneDrkAngel: ::whips up an entrance:: XD

AdrienneDrkAngel: ::Enters all PHOE ish and lameoid::

AdrienneDrkAngel: j/k j/k

Isaiah Pureheart: ::Walking the streets in one of the city's below, tending to the "riff raff" as some called them, healing the sick, curing the diseased, his twin swords clanging as he abruptly came to a halt, his raven black eyes lifted to the cliffsides overlooking the cities.

Isaiah Pureheart: A follower queried as to why "the people's savior", as they so lovingly called him, had stopped his rounds. His eyes narrowing to narrow slits, his gaze did not leave the cliffsides

Isaiah Pureheart: His voice a low whisper, the follower could barely hear the single word uttered by the angel:: Gabriel…

Isaiah Pureheart: ::with a flash so brilliant the citizens had to shield their eyes, he was gone, disappearing into the thin of air::

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Gyah!! My post won't send.. too damn long >< ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: ::Adrienne swooped gracefully down on bat like, charcoal hued wings, the slightly tough leathery skin stretched neatly taut over the hollow flight bones. She looked more demonic than angelic but of course, being a dark angel, such was a more appropriate rank for her; her name was perfectly fitting, it meant dark one, for

AdrienneDrkAngel: that is precisely what she was. Hypnotic metallic twins of silver flashed in the moon's soft reflection as she landed soundlessly, wraithlike on her small bare feet. The gaping wings of nearly 18 foot span were carefully folded against her delicately muscled back. The dark one cast a quick look around, a faint hint of a

AdrienneDrkAngel: smirk tugging at her lips as she saw one she recognized from long ago, a few feet away:: Fancy meeting you again ::She uttered softly, her tone tinged with something completely ungodly::

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ I suck at this charrie >/ ]

Sacreli Angel: [] I suck -_- []

Isaiah Pureheart: ((I'm rusty as hell and I never liked my style with this guy anyway so...we're all at a loss here))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ "What's my motivation?" ::Dies:: ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ((Animosity?))

Sacreli Angel: [] ::gives mary a dollar and a crack sack:: There ya go .. XD []

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ O.o ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Jeffy post ^^ ]

Sacreli Angel: [] take it...and it will come XD I am []

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ ok ok ]

Sacreli Angel: Oh that's right. I remember you now, I was drawing a blank, not that it matters anyway. ::He sighed a little, his countenance wasnt of it's usual state of the cocky, rude, supreme being that he considered himself to be, it seemed more discontent. Even though a partner in his destruction had showed up,

Sacreli Angel: he was still in a bored state. He hadnt destroyed a city in weeks..something was wrong with Gabriel, and it wasnt just the lack of something to do, his heart ached. He was home sick, he missed his life in the upper realm, life that was far superior to that of this sad,

Sacreli Angel: depressing mortal life. He stood up from where he was leaning and looked to Adrienne, his deep dark depressing orbs meeting hers:: Do you have any ideas on something we could do? I'm so...bored.

Sacreli Angel: [] Sorry that took so long. my dog started barking yo, and I had to shut his ass up before he woke my mom []

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ S'ok ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Lancey post... ::goes back to her little beer penguin act:: ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ((workin on it))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ kk ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ ::BS's hers in the meantime:: XD ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ I think muh dad went to bed without turning the phone off again!! ^_^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Whoo da fuckin hoo!! ]

Sacreli Angel: [] =D []

Isaiah Pureheart: ::A loud, booming voice could be heard from over the cliff's edge. Clear and concise it rang.:: Fallen One! Dark child! I am Isaiah Pureheart, disciple of God, and your reign of destruction over these cities is over!

Isaiah Pureheart: ::With a flag of his mighty wings, he was lifted over the cliff's edge. His wings, like those of a dove, carried him over the lip and to a gentle rest on the top of the treacherous cliff. A popping sound was heard and instantly his wings disappeared once more into his body.

Isaiah Pureheart: His mithril breastplate shone in the moonlight and his naked blades were in each hand. He looked to Gabriel as he spoke next:: Your company in this realm speaks poorly of you, fallen one. There is still much hopeful talk of your return to your proper home

Isaiah Pureheart: but with every passing moment spent with this..::he spat the word:: angel, you wreak more and more havoc upon the lives you once swore to protect. ::His eyes narrowed and he glared at them both:: Well I have not forgotten my oath, and I shall NOT let your tormenting of these innocents continue!

Isaiah Pureheart: ((whew))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ yeesh!! ]

Isaiah Pureheart: flap*

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ ::Has to scroll up to read all that:: XD ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ So holy!! XD!!! Lance I have to hand it to you... I could never play a holy type nearly so well as you do. ]

Sacreli Angel: [] lol, he and Elijah would get along so well []

Isaiah Pureheart: ((Hehe ::takes a bow:: Thankies, I try))

Sacreli Angel: [] Wouldnt they mary? []

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ I'd make myself sick XD ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ XD!!!!!!!!!!!! ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ((lol))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ ::Sticks to the evil charries:: ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ ::Quite happily so:: ]

Sacreli Angel: [] ::sticks it to mary:: []

Sacreli Angel: [] XD []

Sacreli Angel: [] sorry -_- []

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ X to the mutha fuckin D!!!! ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ((::is already having visions of this one ending up on Mary's page:: Hehe..I think this'll be fun ya'll))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Let me finish my post dammit.. ::grumbles:: ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ XD ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ ok watch out peeps.. this is ... long XD ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: ::She was taller than most, near to six feet, and so thin that it seemed a large cross over the line into what could be deemed unhealthy. Tiny obsidian curls were exotically tangled about her head and hanging down her back, tickling at the now motionless wings. A few random locks hung down across her eyes and she

AdrienneDrkAngel: brushed them away distractedly every now and again with long slender fingers. About her ankles, neck and wrists, (all uncannily thin,) were bands of black leather studded with silver spikes. She smiled... and it was somewhat disturbing, that evil semi maniacal grin with the momentary flash of small dainty fangs:: It all

AdrienneDrkAngel: depends I suppose on what you might be in the mood for ::A little coy and mysterious, contradicting, purposely confusing, difficult even, was nothing out of the ordinary with Adrienne. After all of that, she finally turned her attentions to the

AdrienneDrkAngel: laughable figure that had most recently appeared. She snickered and smirked at the "holy" one, all but laughing out loud in response to his threats. Her silvery eyes gleamed wickedly, showing nothing even remotely resembling fear.. it was more like amusement actually.:: Shouldn't you be flapping about with the fat naked cherubs?

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ whew XD ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ((lol the fat naked cherubs))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ heeheeheehee ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Thought you might like that ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ I guess all of my charries can be a little ... smartassed, ne? XD ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ((hehe, but of course))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Thats why you all love me of course. ;] ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ And I am gonna have to post this cuz DAMN we are good ]

Sacreli Angel: ::Gabriel turned to the new found uninvited guest that so rudely crashed his little pity party. A look of complete disgust came over his face when he saw this poorly dressed Righteous puke that stood before him:: I dont think that you were exactly "invited" Holy one. Now I suggest you take your leave before I have to use this...:: he lifted his scythe into the air slightly,

Sacreli Angel: before taking it both of his hands, getting into a readied stance, just incase. His midnight orbs were focussed on the blades that The opposing one held, they were crafted beautifully, and it impressed him somewhat, but he wasnt about to show it. He spat at the feet of the rather obnoxious holy roller that just came onto the scene::

Sacreli Angel: you know...you sicken me...bowing down to the "father's" every call. Kissing the asses of the humans that dirty this realm...you're nothing more than a badly dressed puppet.

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Ooo talkin shit. This is getting better and better ]

Sacreli Angel: [] hehehe gotta talk shit to him []

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ yeah of course. ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ "poorly dressed righteous puke" LOL ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ((Heh, yeah I liked that part too))

Sacreli Angel: [] lag? []]

Sacreli Angel: [] nope []

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Laggy? ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Nopers ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Lance is typin up a storm I bet XD ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ((Typing?))

Isaiah Pureheart: ((Yup))

Isaiah Pureheart: ((Rusty...takes me some time, sorry))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ S'ok s'ok ]

Sacreli Angel: [] it's all good Lance []

Isaiah Pureheart: ::He flinched as Gabriel's words were spoken to him, nothing but adamant disgust visible in his expressions when regarding the dark angel. His gaze flitted between the two before coming to rest upon Gabriel. He looked at the scythe he held and nodded slowly out of respect for the warrior and his choice of arms::

Isaiah Pureheart: Gabriel, has your view of this world become so foully twisted that you truly think of these people like that? Are you so wrongly mislead in your own selfthoughts to honestly believe you are BETTERING this world with your actions?? Envy, Gabriel, envy of those believed to be better than thee, is a horrible sin indeed.

Isaiah Pureheart: It is of no surprise to me that such bitter words are spat in my direction, but you know Him as well as I, and you know it is not like that. ::Finishing his last attempt of salvation with this one for the time being, his eyes turned to the sole female and his eyes narrowed threateningly::

Isaiah Pureheart: ((more hang on))

Isaiah Pureheart: :: And you…::again he spat the word:: angel, I have sworn to rid this realm of the likes of you. Leave now, return back to your vile home at once

Isaiah Pureheart: or face the wrath of my blades. ::With this he lowered to a fighting stance, keeping both before him, one sword leveled with each, though more of his attention was with his true, natural enemy, Adrienne::

Isaiah Pureheart: ((::pants:: done))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Eeeep... I dun even know what her fuggin weapon is XD... hmm.. ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ((Hehe, an unarmed foe, even better. Better start thinkin'))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Bleh!!! I have only RPed her three times, counting this. XD ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Bleh ok, gonna post ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: Sin... ah yes... Poor poor little holy boy, you have NO idea what you're missing out on, everything you blindly deprive yourself of, just to follow some obsolete code set down in ages past by beings long forgotten and disgustingly pious. Your holier than thou bullshit makes me sick. ::Adrienne snarled at the "valiant"

AdrienneDrkAngel: breastplated ignoramus before her. She had a naughty little thought as to what she could possibly do to make him leave... naughty and Adrienne went hand in hand, but she was beyond simply being "bad" in that sense... all things that Isaiah looked upon with disgust, she embraced fully, no doubt. A sensually

AdrienneDrkAngel: flawless embodiment of evil and sin herself, and looked the part perfectly. The threats now directed at her, she found to be all too hilarious, and a devilish laugh took control of her for many a long moment:: Bring it, goody goody, I will eat you alive

AdrienneDrkAngel: ::Her eyes flickered to a serpentine look, and she appeared more and more like her master with the passing moments. Her wings quivered in demonic excitement over the imminent carnage; truth be told, Adrienne reveled in bloodshed, especially if it was holy blood she was spilling.

AdrienneDrkAngel: An incantation of Latin called her weapon of choice to her awaiting hands, a black pointed, dreadfully sharp trident, three pronged of course, the length of it covered in unholy symbols and pentagrams and the like. She had named it simply, Sting, and it had indeed a wicked one, enchanted by

AdrienneDrkAngel: demonic magic, it's power only amplified if the being weilding it was truly evil.. which of course, she was.::

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ ::Ripped off the Hobbit:: "Sting" ::Dies:: ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ I think that post was... shit. ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ((lol, nice post. Naw, she's wicked as shiet))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Course. All mine are wicked.. well.. ok most ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Sting is better than Stick though XD ]

Sacreli Angel: [] LOL []

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Sacreli Angel:Be careful thou holy bastard! I will break out...*DUN DUN DUN!!!!* STICK!! ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Mwahaha ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ((lol, yeah, not really striking fear into the hearts of the good but....it works))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ ::Giddy on no sleep by this point:: ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ((::giddy on some good RPing at this point:: ))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ I am surprised I am even coherent still.. ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ I'll probably think of an evil name for it later... hopefully ¬.¬ ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ((hehehe brb))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ ok ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ ::Starts ta log this bitch:: XD ]

Sacreli Angel: ::His eyes shimmered beautifully in the light of the full moon, the light itself dancing off of them as if they were a complete shell of blackness. His face was almost wretched by the words of the angelic being that stood before him, for his words left a taste in his mouth exactly like the taste of the human flesh,

Sacreli Angel: bitter, and foul. His scythe lowered down a little more, the blade barely swept the ground, leaving behind a gaping hole, dripping with an acidic subtstance, as he lifted his blade back into a readied position, he smirked and spoke in a low grieved tone:: Isaiah....is that your name? I think I remember you....you were there during the first upper war werent you?

Sacreli Angel: When Micah and Celeste tried to over-run the gates of heaven with Kaji and Baeal? You were the weakest angel on the battle field...and you expect to stand against her? Let alone the Sacreligious angel that stands before you in me? ::he grinned completely satisfied within himself, for he knew that this angel would be no problem to take care of,

Sacreli Angel: especially for one so wicked as Adrienne was. He turned his head and looked down to Adrienne's weapon of choice, he was impressed by the markings that adorned the trident, most of them could be found on Gabriel's forearms or chest, but he loved looking at them anyhow. He turned to face isaiah once more, and looked his frame over.

Sacreli Angel: Isaiah truly made Gabriel sick with his righteous acts, there could be no more satisfaction found than destroying the pompous little fruit himself, but he was going to let Adrienne handle him, he was still homesick, and knew if he laid hands on Isaiah, it would ensure that he could never return::

Isaiah Pureheart: ((oooo....had to go and bring up the battle with Micah and Celeste huh? loooowwww))

Sacreli Angel: [] LOL []

Sacreli Angel: [] ::dies:: []

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ XD!!!!! It's like we are writing a fuckin book ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ((Heh, alright, here it comes))

Isaiah Pureheart: ::He nodded as Gabriel recalled the painful battle. His eyes glimmered with holy determination and such righteous fury was found within their depths that his unflinching gaze on the fallen looked into his very soul:: You underestimate me Gabriel

Isaiah Pureheart: . I have grown much since that battle many centuries ago, and if I seem to recall correctly..it was you who fled the battleground first of all, running to hide behind your brother before Micah promptly cut him in down.

Isaiah Pureheart: And did you not whimper and beg for mercy at the hands of your foe rather than fight to protect that gates as was your assignment? Yes, Gabriel, that was long ago, my powers have increased since then.

Isaiah Pureheart: You would do well to be more wary foolish child. ::Facing the woman once more he smirked as her weapon appeared in her hands:: Tsk, such horrid design, let's see if we can not resolve that.

Isaiah Pureheart: .. ::Murmuring off a quick prayer to his Lord, he pointed at the trident and instantly the sacreligious symbols burst into flames and were destroyed, it was apparent that this heavenly warrior was truly within the favorable light of his Maker

Isaiah Pureheart: , for only such a being could maim such a strongly enchanted weapon. True, the weapon was still enchanted, but the etchings were no more, and this small, and simple feat, was one more victory over the darkness Isaiah had fought::

Isaiah Pureheart: :: Much better…much better INDEED! ::With the utterance of the final word he charged with blinding speed at her

Isaiah Pureheart: , Divine Peace held in a protective position over his flank as Holy Justice came arcing down at her exposed shoulder with such lightning quickness only an immortal being even had a chance to dodge such a blow ::

On to part two