
Sacreli Angel: [] ::winces a little:: damn Lance....now ya made Gabriel seem like a pussy ::cries:: []

Isaiah Pureheart: ((lol, make me look like a wuss, I make you look like a bigger wuss))

Sacreli Angel: [] lol okay okay, but Ima get meaner you know =P []

Isaiah Pureheart: ((::smirks:: To be expected. I can roleplay a weak angel that grew stronger and closer to his God, can you handle roleplaying a coward? =PP))

Isaiah Pureheart: ((Hehe, Mary's typing up a fight post now. woohoo))

Sacreli Angel: [] I can handle roleplaying a coward who changed much in the time that was spent on earth, and that didnt like the sudden recall of his cowardice actions...so therefore...will bust a cap in that little holy punkass bitch []

Sacreli Angel: [] XD []

Sacreli Angel: [] lol []

Isaiah Pureheart: ((mwhaha touchee))

AdrienneDrkAngel: ::In the blink of an eye, Adrienne spread her unholy wings, and a soft fissure of leathery flesh rustling whisped it's quiet way with her fluid movements. One mighty gust and she had taken to air slightly, her entire form shimmering

AdrienneDrkAngel: and quickening with a force that fueled her better than any other, her unbridled and ill concealed hate for any and all things holy. Her demonic roots served her well, nearly insane agility and speed of an ancient immortal being lent her the ability to manoeuvre out of harms way with hardly

AdrienneDrkAngel: an effort at all. She was horrendously quick, lithe, agile, and powerful, though she might have looked simply alluring and delicate.. Looks almost always proved to be deceiving. She paid no mind to the symbols vanishing from her trident, her mind elsewhere on more important matters. A

AdrienneDrkAngel: blur of her form rushed over him and pivoted slightly, so as to be facing him the entire trip around.. which lasted in such a tiny incriment of time that only the most deft of immortal eyes could catch a glimpse of her. Her weapon was then thrust dead center at his ass with a

AdrienneDrkAngel: good amount of immortal force, after slightly wrinkling up her nose in distaste in the breath of a millisecond.. having checked out many a fine ass in her day.. but less than wanting to think about this holy boy's... She would much rather stab him in it, no

AdrienneDrkAngel: breastplate there after all. And thus she attempted, almost too quickly for it to be avioded at all, let alone easily::

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Whew ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ ::Curses her French teacher:: XD ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Messed wif my mind ;.; ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ((aww shiet, I thought two at once would at least prove fun. This is gonna be hard as shit))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ I was gonna stab him in the back... but Nooo, he has a breastplate, so his ass is just as good. ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ((Do I wait for Jeffy to go before I post the hit or do i hafta wait for him to attack too??))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Um... whatcha two guys think? ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ((I didn't know how we'd do this part anyway.. ::shruggles:: ))

Sacreli Angel: [] I dunno really. But when john and I fought Earl, we would post and then Earl would respond. Even though earl moded his ass off, it seemed like it had more structure to it. []

Isaiah Pureheart: ((okie, respondin then))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Aight. ]

Sacreli Angel: [] Do you want me to go then you respond? Or wait until after you? []

Isaiah Pureheart: ((jus wait, itll be less confusing))

Sacreli Angel: [] aight []

Isaiah Pureheart: ((kk))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Need caffeine.. BRB >< whatever you do.. it ain't my post.. nyah nyah... ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Dr Pepper... thank fuck. ]

Sacreli Angel: [] <--- drowning his throat with Coke []

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Do be do be do... ::Does the little beer penguin thing for Lance's amusement:: ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Jeffysh what didja think of my post? ]

Sacreli Angel: [] it was insulting. lol, talkin about Holy boy's ass XD []

Sacreli Angel: [] It was good really []

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Hehehehe ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ::Being more than adapt at fighting such evil demonic hosts, he was neither surprised nor concerned with her amazing reflexes. He had seen faster, and had won there, this dark angel, though so cocksure of her ability was little more than a petty squabble for he. Spinning with likewise agility and deftness, Peace, easily batted aside the thrusting points.

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ =X OMG I just burped like hell.. XD ]

Isaiah Pureheart: . He stood with her to his side now, Peace held outright and pointed downward, Sting being held beneath it. He looked at her, though ever wary of the third party, he laughed mockingly at her counter-attack, though skilled and precise it was::

Isaiah Pureheart: ((lol))

Isaiah Pureheart: ((How ladylike. ))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ XD!!!!!!!!! ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ ::Tom-boyish:: ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ DAMMIT I wanted to stab his holy little ass!! Grrr ]

Sacreli Angel: [] my post now right? []

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ yep ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ((hehe, well, she's no certain vampire that will remain unnamed. THAT was a fight.))

Sacreli Angel: ::He almost snarled at the mention of the battle, quickly changing his face into a small smile when he saw Isaiah's movement, knowing that such a movement meant that the battle had ignited. Finally, the boredom had come to a hault and the action had begun. Gabriel nodded at Isaiah's speedy moves, but wasnt all that impressed because he knew adrienne could do just as nice::

Sacreli Angel: Yes yes, that's a good memory you have there Isaiah, but perhaps I could knock some of those memories out along with the particles of your skull after I crush it. Please remember what happened in the end though Isaiah, I stood victorious over my enemy as you fought with mere demons.

Sacreli Angel: It was I that hacked Micah's body into teeny tiny shreddings in the end wasnt it Isaiah? yes it was. It was I who garroted Celeste where she stood wasnt it? all oyu did was fight the small...pathetic...demons. You sicken me Isaiah, especially the fact that you stand there with your self-righteous aura flaring in my face. I think it's time I showed you a little bit on how to

Sacreli Angel: battle like a true angelic being little boy...

Sacreli Angel: ::With his overly confident words spoken, Gabriel lifted his scythe into the air, swinging it around in a small arc, then bringing it back up he did a small pose with his weapon in hand. He sprung towards Isaiah with the hopes of catching him off guard, balling up his meaty fist and throwing it directly behind his jawbone::

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ That was like 4 hits each.. we had to stop in the beginning practically, but as far as we got, that kicked serious ass. I admit it ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ((heh yeah, I had to make a retreat just for the reason so that neither one had to die that night!))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Lol ]

Sacreli Angel: [] <--- talked more shit about Lance's little punkass angel []

Sacreli Angel: [] ::smacksmack:: []

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Lol ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ((::noticed:: ))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ ::huggles and soothes her disappointed charrie:: No angel on a stick for yew... ::pouts and stuff:: ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Yet** XD ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ ;.; Ran outta Dr Pepper ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ::Whether distracted by Gabriel's words, or the foe he already had before him the punch streaked straight past his guard and slammed square into his jaw. Wincing more out of surprise out of his actions than the pain of the attack, Isaiah, still keeping Sting pinned at the moment

Isaiah Pureheart: , he quickly swung Justice about, aiming to cut into the fallen's open chest, directly below the extended arm before pulling both swords back in close to him and breaking into a twirl, agilely disengaging from both of them once more, only to come out of the spin with both his blades raised into an engarde position once more::

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Ima be so dead when I finally go to sleep.... ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ((lol hell yeah you are))

Isaiah Pureheart: ((you're gonna ::mimics a airplane wif his hand:: eeeeerrrr...CRASH))

Isaiah Pureheart: an*

Sacreli Angel: [] okay, do I post my reaction before or after Mary? []

Isaiah Pureheart: ((before))

Sacreli Angel: [] okay and damn you type fast []

Isaiah Pureheart: ((then she posts, then you post an attack or whatever you do))

Isaiah Pureheart: ((heh ty))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ =/... what do we think about spells yo? Allowed or not? ]

Sacreli Angel: ::Gabriel sprung back quickly, his chest ripped open viciously, yet he seemed to enjoy the pain that was dealt to him. His black shirt was shredded by the edge of Justice, this was the only cause for the little snarl on his face. He lifted his scythe in quick motion, taking it in both hands and standing in a fighting position::

Sacreli Angel: [] sorry so small, but it's only taking a hit []

Isaiah Pureheart: ((Well, fallen angels have no spells actually, so, if you do spells, I'm doing spells too. I'd prefer not though for this fight. Enough variable as it is))

Isaiah Pureheart: variables*

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ ::POUT:: Grr.. ::thinks up something else then..:: ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ((If you wanna though, by all means, I will if you wanna))

Isaiah Pureheart: ((::shrugs:: I dun care))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Naw naw, what I was thinkin was way too wicked, more of a Tempest type of thing... ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ((Heh, yeah, let's keep the charries seperated here eh? Tempest was too much a bitch to wanna have to fight again right now. hehe))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ heh, I'm only doing Tempest when I have some fuckin sleep. @_@ ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ((::prays she doesn't sleep for a while:: ))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Mwahaha ::typetype:: ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: ::Adrienne smirked lightly, she hadn't wanted a piece of his ass especially anyway.. and she drew back her trident slowly now, mockingly, those serpentine silver twins of menace locked onto her opponent, a curious black swirl seeming to boil up from their depths before they flickered back into slivered snake eyes once

AdrienneDrkAngel: more. She shot forward with uncanny speed once more, aiming this time to drive the three endlessly sharpened points of Sting into his shoulder, but pulled it at the last possible moment, faking the high blow to perhaps catch him off guard when she swung it swiftly down, it's bloodthirsty and evilly enchanted tips hoping to

AdrienneDrkAngel: seep deeply into his left thigh, and shred his quad as she tore the points down, should the weapon hit it's mark::

Isaiah Pureheart: ::Hit it's mark, the accursed weapon did not. For the beauty of dual wielding was simple, protect more than one area at once. So, as he quickly raised Peace to block the initial strike, he quickly saw the feint for what it was and deftly threw the blade of Justice between two of the barbed spikes, stopping it's momentum with an echoing clash of metal::

Isaiah Pureheart: ((threw in the sense of not having let go of the hilt, not literally throwing it))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ ::Logs, yawns, keeps her eyes open somehow though:: =_= ]

Sacreli Angel: ::He looked down at his torn t-shirt, a slight look of anger in in his eyes:: Damn it Isaiah....this was a good shirt..::his eyes were narrowed, showing the anger that was flowing through his body at the time. Gabriel sprung directly beside Isaiah, dropping down onto one knee,

Sacreli Angel: swinging his scythe ina sharp arced slash behind his right knee, trying his best to immobilize the hasty little fruit before he could do anymore damage to either one of them with his uncanny speed. Gabriel's mind was hellbent on taking this angel down, no one gets by with insulting his choice of life, especially someone as poorly dressed as Isaiah::

Isaiah Pureheart: ::Both blades being in two totally wrong places, the scythe struck home, tearing through the muscle and tendons on the rear of his leg with searing acidic efficency. Instantly falling without the support of his knee he drooped to a kneel.

Isaiah Pureheart: Wincing through the pain he used his new position to his advantage and quickly broke into a roll, right between the two. Coming out of his roll in a kneel, his grip on his blades in a reverse position, he spun about on his knees

Isaiah Pureheart: The sister blades, slicing through the air with ease, were aimed one at each of the two's legs. One for Adri's thigh and the other at Gab's hamstring::

Isaiah Pureheart: ((Who responds first? Anyone have an idea?))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ ::shruggle:: ]

Sacreli Angel: [] I'll go first, since it was my attack. Then mary can take her hit or dodge it, then attack in the same post []

Isaiah Pureheart: ((okie))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ aight ]

Sacreli Angel: ::Gabriel quickly sprung back, but not fast enough, Isaiah's attack was right on the mark, it tore through his black pants and directly into the muscle, shredding his palid flesh like a hot knife through butter. The good side to this however, was the fact that Gabriel had moved back far enough so that the blade didnt nail his bone. The fallen one growled angrily,

Sacreli Angel: once again, an article of his clothing had been damaged. Though the attack hurt Gabriel physically, mentally it just angered him even more, seeing as his favorite set of pants were ripped up, just like his shirt::

Sacreli Angel: [] brb []

Isaiah Pureheart: ((::wishes he had caffeine:: ))

Sacreli Angel: [] ::has it, and a snickers Ice cream bar in his hand:: []

Isaiah Pureheart: ((I vote we end this fight soon, Mary's dying over there from sleep exhaustion and im not too perky myeslf))

Sacreli Angel: [] lol me too. []

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ I can't even fuckin think.. I am dead serious, I am sitting here staring at "::Adrienne" and my brain is all =_= ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ How's about we finish it when I am alive? ]

Sacreli Angel: [] Personally, I dont mind what we do. If you two like that idea, I am up for it as well []

Isaiah Pureheart: ((How bout you decide on whether or not to take that last blow and I'll make a hasty retreat again? make more sense than one of you two to flee, plus ive been hurt, and that way its not unfinished persay))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ I can't even force a real post out right now, seriously. ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ((just ::says in one of those cheesy dramatic inspector gadget bad guy voices:: "Next time....next time" ))

Sacreli Angel: [] lol []

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ I can't suck on purpose >/ ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ((::shruggies:: Okay, we can just call it a night. No biggie))

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ I have no RP left in me right now, sorry. ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ((s'ok, understood believe me. it's been 2 hours of straight BOOK writing as is))

Sacreli Angel: [] That's the truth. []

Sacreli Angel: [] our posts have been hella big. []

Isaiah Pureheart: ((HELLA big))

Sacreli Angel: [] and not just repetitive shit either. []

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Yeah and me going on no sleep.. Ima go pass out pretty soon I think.. ]

Isaiah Pureheart: ((Hehe, ok Mary...go whenever you want))

Sacreli Angel: ::gabriel ends the fight quickly by killing Isaiah hit style::

Sacreli Angel: ::hit::

Sacreli Angel: XD!!!!!!

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ I get all ~>/ when I can't RP right.. ]

AdrienneDrkAngel: [ Lol ]

Isaiah Pureheart: HA

Sacreli Angel: <-- is in a good mood....thanks to the god of snickers

AdrienneDrkAngel: ::She hobbled happily OOC, holding her fatigued head::

AdrienneDrkAngel: <-- ish ~>/ and ~_~

AdrienneDrkAngel: and =_=

Sacreli Angel: ::flips ooc all power ranger like, busting a super neat ass pose::

Isaiah Pureheart: ::drops ooc, a large text of "To be continued scrolls across the 3 characters in an exact pause of where they now stood::
