
DamienNightshade: ::Damian, alluding to nothing as to how he had managed to escape his parents who seemed to be perpetually squelching his most valiant efforts at wandering about in search of amusement, never the less, had, and now flew his small baby body in through the front door. He was more than seven months old in human terms now, but human he hardly was at all. Son of a vampire and an alien hybrid, his race was somewhat muddled, but if anything, he was not human.::

DamienNightshade: ::Damian was clad in a miniature replica of Darrian's black Armani suit, down to the tiny crimson tie about his neck. An infinitely soft mass of baby fine obsidian tresses blanketed his head, and pupil less pools of aquamarine hue peered about with an uncanny acuity and intelligence that defied his age. They were softly glowing, a small amount of Mako radiation spilling from them, though not nearly so much as his mothers. A joyous little coo of baby glee was let lose from his tiny soft lips as he tore around the room, as quickly as he could manage.. running amuck.. or flying, however technical you wanted to get.::

DamienNightshade: ::He paused mid flight and took a slow, curious look around, his search riddled with childlike interest and a natural intent to discover and explore.. So far, finding himself alone, the immediate confidence of escaping his "prison" melting into an uneasiness of loneliness... Damian was a very social baby and needed to be around people, whoever they might be.::

DamienNightshade: ::His lower lip turned down slightly into a soft pout, and the tiny mouth opened to reveal the most abjectly adorable baby fangs as he whimpered. He floated over to the nearest table and sat in the center of it, his little fists resting on either side of his pudgy baby legs. In one hand he clutched at a small plush teddy bear, which was obviously well loved, looking to be worn a good deal even though it was by no means old.::

Fuuma Shirou: ::Two orbs of glow slowly appeared in the darkness of a shadow in the far corner of the room...The eyes glowing a faint red, the pupils looking almost dialated. A figure of a man slowly rose from the shadow, his black silken hair hung down over his eyes slightly as he gave off a cold and empty gaze to the child. There were no arms visible, something that looked like a large black black wrapped over his whole upper torso and hung down to his ankles...Suddenly the cloak split open in the form of two black, leather like wings that arched behind and rested over his back...He perched down in the corner with his elbows to his knees as he watched the child::

DamienNightshade: ::Damian's glowing eyes widened slightly as he felt the presence of someone, or something else enter suddenly, and he turned a somewhat cautious gaze over to the room's far corner, swallowed, and clutched the stuffed bear to his little chest. His gaze never wavering, he seemed to be entranced by whatever the dark being was. Two tiny arms clung around the toy's neck, and he murmured something, very soft baby babble, practically inaudible to anyone other than himself::

Thalla Verdaline: ...::That Old black vampiric Aura flared suddenly as she appeared It had been long since she had left the company of the Ravnos, They were not the best of company most horrid mangled beast but it was only to attend the ordeal that she returned to Europe and the Tribe, The ordeal had lasted two months and now Horrid cuts laced her pale skin, Yes she had the ability to heal but these were small wounds though they may seem fatal to mortals, there was no pain and the blood was only a little annoyance, She took steps forward heading towards the uhhh back wall? One ebony taloned hand gripped the Metallic blade Bliss that had proved itself useful through the ordeal, Oh how many of her kinds blood had that blade shed during those two months? The blade was rather large ((looks like that cloud fellows)) a butcher Knife of a blade with the Word Bliss engraved down the shining blade, The other talon lifted only to toss a stray strand of those Raven locks from her deep black twins, as she looked upon the room spotting a child and man that looked vampiric, the child's aura held a new feeling somthing different then she had ever felt before but it was of little concern to her at the moment, her black empty gaze caught on the man and nothing more, Ebony wings stretching out only momentarily making that golden tank top lift ever so, as she watched the mans every move with slight interest as she leaned upon the far wall::...

Fuuma Shirou: ::He raised an eyebrow at the small child and gave off a small chuckle....dropping his dark, empty, and asshole "facade" for a moment. The dim glow in his eyes slowly grew brighter as he watched the child for a moment, observing his features and his very nice suit...(( >P )) After a brief moment of observation... he motioned the child to come towards him...Hoping that the child was smart enough to comprehend this (( Can he even talk? o.o;; )) ::

DamienNightshade: ::Damian quirked his head to one side and was moved to approach the man somewhat, his curiosity and uneasiness battling in his mind as to whether he would or not. At long last the curiosity won, and he flew the distance over to him, a bit tentatively, and hung hovering in the air a few feet before him. A small fanged smile greeted the man, and the cheery wee one babbled something, the meaning of which was only made know to Damian alone. The small teddy bear still dangled from his right hand.::

Deviant Ox: ::If perhaps the bar was quiet for once, one could actually have heard the faint sound of the jingling spurs approaching from outside, coming nearer and nearer to the door. Also at the same time, even if the bar had been quiet, the sound would d have been completely swallowed by the howling wind. The same god forsaken wind that had been tugging at the Deviants massive trench for the past 40 miles now::

Fuuma Shirou: ::His eyes quickly flared from the boy to the newcomer, a woman...He narrowed his eyes at her for a moment and could tell by her features that she was a vampire, or an undead creature of some sort at least...Deep down he was glad neither of them were humans, he wouldn't have to kill them now...He stepped back into the shadow, practically ignoring the boy... Noticing more and more people walking in, he wrapped his wings back around himself and hid in the shadows of the lone, desolate corner...Observing everyone around him and keeping quietly content to himself..::

Deviant Ox: ::his eyes finally came up to lock onto the faint light permeating the dark night sky out from the one tiny window just to the right of the tavern door. His mood changing for the better as his destination was now in sight. His eyes peered out from beneath that large brimmed hat and one hand came from inside a pocket to push the door open finally::

DamienNightshade: ::He flipped end over end and then righting himself again, blinked wide, supremely innocent aquamarine hues, the inquisitive stare lessening only slightly. The means of his flight were at very least mysterious, for he made use of seemingly nothing to keep himself suspended in the air. No wings to be spied, nor even a look of concentration on his round, plump face. He looked slightly disappointed, this dark creature lurking in shadow losing his interest suddenly, and he made his way back to the table that had previously been his perch, settling down and hugging the bear tightly.::

Deviant Ox: ::he stepped ever so surely into the bar. His massive height making it all the more easy for him to view the entire occupation of the bar without even turning his head upwards all the way. After one moment of hesitation , basically to see what seats were open at the time, he made his way over to the bar, his spurs jangling quietly as the hard rubber soles of his worn and dirty leather biker boots thudded loudly across the hard wood floor::

Thalla Verdaline: ..::she wished a fight the lust of blood spill had been pulling at her soul since she got home, That may be the reason the servants were all slain by her blade of course, She didn't like servants anyways what was she helpless? she could take care of Logan alone, She looked to the child the thought of slaughtering the child came to mind only for a second and was shaken away as she noticed the trace of Tiph in his aura she was not one to fuck with Tiph or her rather disgruntled husband, she leaned back against the wall one leg lifting to make herself more comfy, those leather pants squeaked as she moved leather upon leather created a low noise though and it was drowned out with other sounds of the bar, Massive ebony wings still held open as she liked them, they pushed against the wall creating a more comfy position for her Back, Her talon like hand still clutched the Blade Bliss that hung at her side she knew the man next to her was vampiric and was wishing he would attack and if he not then in hopes that the cowboy would Thalla thought of suddenly spiting upon the floor in his general direction but the idea was cut short as he made leave::...

DravenDarkshade: ::he silently walked in.. silvery white locks spilling down his back to reach his waist. emerald green eyes flickered from behind the vail of silver bangs. a large white jacket hung over his frame, white as well pants that adorned the waist and below. a large 7 foot sword hung on his back, the diamond etched handle shimmering as the silver blade gleamed after having just been cleaned.::

Fuuma Shirou: ::He let out a light sigh as he rested in the darkness of the lone corner, closing his eyes and relaxing. His wings faded away, leaving him in more of a human form...leaving no signs of Angelic or Demonic existence in him, except for the large mass of tattoos that covered his whole body, but his long black suit covered them anyways.. He leaned back against the cold wall as he brought a knee up to rest his arm on...He continued to silently observe the small crowd and evaluate each of them..The large black wings of the women catching his attention for a moment...But there was no hint of Nephilim in her...::

DamienNightshade: ::Damian turned his little head down slightly, pouting.. almost beginning to whimper again, feeling lost and alone, separated from mommy. He gravely regretted sneaking away now, having found "freedom" to be less than the carefree fun that he had supposed it to be as he'd set out to find it. He wanted to go home, but who would show him the way? He had no way of asking anyone, the only words he could speak being dada and Tiphy... and had long forgotten the path he'd taken to get here. He clutched at the somewhat comforting plush of his bear even more tightly than he had previously, and turned his little head back to howl.::

DravenDarkshade: ::he sighed heavily.. not sure of what to make of the room/building and simply made his way to the back of the room/building. reaching a table which he assumed had some sort of purpose , he decided not to be destructive and faded almost to the point of invisibility , stepping through the table... he became solid once more , -

DravenDarkshade: - he resumed his way to the back of the room.. pausing for a moment to actually see a point in his being here.. but wherever he went.. he never really had a point so he simply resumed walking.. pointless as usual , he reached the shadows.. suddenly being enveloped in the darkness he yawned a little.. intrigued only the slightest-

DravenDarkshade: - by the happenings around him, he leaned against the wall.. shaking his head somewhat in the dismay of being bored and such.. he moved his hand up.. in an attempt that he was certain to be futile.. he attempted to cure himself of the boredom plaguing him.. a small black energy ball formed.. floating just above his right palm.. holding -

DravenDarkshade: - his hand at eye level the ball grew a little.. then dissipated as he let out a huff and hung his head.. silver bangs draping over his face as he growled the slightest .. annoyed at the most by the lack of any occurrences in the room::

Thalla Verdaline: ..::The mans wings had just disappeared this was no normal action that a vampire could do she knew he was something more, ebony twins flickered shut as she concentrated, The black aura that she possessed flailed in an outrage, it violently ripped into Fuuma's mind his inner being if it was possible she would surely find out what this creature was, Her kind folded there gracious wings beneath there spine it seemed painful but not at all after years of having her flesh ripped, torn, and flayed from her that was nothing, Pain was a simple annoyance and nothing more, her mind reached out searching for an answer to this creatures race with great chance her power would go on unnoticed and she would learn his race without trouble::...

Psychic Blue Cat: ::..The feline's insidious mannerisms.. Which one would it be today? They all had to ask themselves, if even the thought of this pathetic creature had still existed in their minds. Those fervent, unemotional eyes of pure obsidian color, glowed softly in the shadows of the rafters. It's one last resort of safety. Things had changed, indeed they had. Things and people grew stronger, almost to difficult for the old grimalkin to keep up with. It had been ridiculous lately. All too confusing for the animus to understand. *Flick flick flick*.. The flashing tip of a cynic tail waved sullenly from side to side. Seated over a slate of scrape metal, cast up and away from the precious scenery below- had been the unnamed lurker. A scavenger now. Psychic, as some had called it. The miraculous blue animal sat back briefly against it's emaciated haunches, peering downwards for and mutual entertainment- something it had lacked recently..::

Fuuma Shirou: ::He something different...He couldn't relax for some reason. He looked around for a moment and noticed the woman staring at him deeply...He narrowed his eyes, and spoke somewhat "telepathically" as she wondered through his mind.. "And what exactly are you trying to do..?" He gave of a slight smirk as he watched her for any reactions to the comment...Hoping to find out why she was digging around in his head..::

DamienNightshade: ::Damian rolled onto his stomach and kicked his tiny Italian leather shoed feet against the table top, working himself into quite the tantrum now. The metal tips pinged against the wood and bit into the previously flawless finish. The boy obviously had a very healthy set of lungs as his ear splitting screams tore through the room and into everyone at large. He cried openly, small glowing tears cascading furiously down his round cheeks, longing for home with all of his being. Truly there were few things more attention getting than a crying baby; maybe this would garner him some sort of safe passage back to Nightshade Manor.. hopefully::

DravenDarkshade: ::he grimaced a little.. sliding down the wall he made no attempt to respond to anything happening around in.. in fact.. quite to the dismay of any onlooker.. he popped into a small black cloud of smoke.. then as it settled a small white furred neko was the only thing left. he heard the deafening cry and growled to himself.. -

DravenDarkshade: - but just for the sake of the others in the room he pawed to the small child.. leaping up onto the table.. he studied the small boy.. thinking he looked a lot like his father he made some attempt to calm the child by gently rubbing himself against the boys side.. one great advantage to magic was that he didn't shed all over.. -

DravenDarkshade: - the screaming was horrendously loud now.. trying to block the ringing out of his head he meowed in dismay... maybe getting the child's attention would at least lessen the high pitched wails of the boy.. he nudged the arm of the child with his head.. his ears still ringing.. his brain racked.. ::

DamienNightshade: ::Damian petered into somewhat silence, only softly whimpering now with the occasional sniffle and whine thrown in for flavor. He blinked in surprise at the feline suddenly at his side and shoved himself into a semi sitting position. At least no longer on his stomach, kicking his feet and screaming. He stared at the cat, not having much experience with these.. as the Nightshades weren't much for pets. He, in his infinite baby wisdom, supposed it was something like his teddy bear, and bent down to huggle the furry thing close, smiling faintly to himself::

Thalla Verdaline: ...::Her eyes remained shut as she searched a bit further into the Beast mind An Angel? The thought crossed her mind the real truth not yet found though she could tell both the angelic and demonic blood filled this mans veins What would he taste like? She thought as those ebony twins Snapped open as his question entered her mind, She had once looked as if in a catatonic sleep but now life filled her pale body "What am I doing?" She wasn't sure if she could answer this question truthfully "what kind of a beast are you?" Blunt no? she was trying to rip answers from his mind and create a slight uncomfy feeling but there was no such luck::...

DravenDarkshade: ::he let out a large dismissive sigh of relief.. finally the damn child had stopped his infinite screaming.. in just a bundle of happiness.. or more relief he nuzzled his head against the child's chin.. waiting for the embracing arms. he purred lightly now,.. just enough to be barely noticeable.. trying not to scare the child.. he sat in silence::

Psychic Blue Cat: ::Psychic could have clawed the living shit out of the young boy whom had been basically screaming into it's sensitive feline ears. A tingling ran up and down the cat's spine at the child expressed his every emotion through animalistic yelling. Not even Psychic had been one to go off with such howling. Let alone meow, for that matter. It had always been one to stay rather silent for long disturbing periods of time. It’s large, sharp claws extended towards the rafter’s edge, of the side of a splintered/run-down beam, while it’s back end took over the ‘elevator effect’, it’s tail-end rising upwards while it’s bottom half remained stretched out against the floor. Paws, claws, teeth and -[jaws]- Psychic had been all around about the size of a small dog. Intimidatingly large enough to scare off any regular sized Tom. Mouth opened, teeth exposed, eyes clenched shut for a moment, Psychic let out a brief yawn signing off to it’s most favorite time of day- Nap time. In which case, has just about lasted all 22 hours, save for a few short meals during the time being.::

Fuuma Shirou: ::He sighed as he leaned his head back against the wall, silently speaking to the woman as she rummaged through his mind..."A nephilim...That's all i can tell you, if you must know what that is, find it on your own accord.." His eyes flared up slightly, a bright red glow piercing through the corner's shadow... He sensed the cat from a few days ago...it was near, perhaps he could have some fun::

DamienNightshade: ::Damian patted the cat on it's head, releasing his gentle huggle after a long moment. He listened to it purr curiously, it seemed he was fascinated with the creature, running his little hand slowly over it's soft fur. He canted his head to one side, pupil less glowing eyes wide and questioning, crossing small legs one over the other before him. Damian was oblivious to the fact, but someone older would be grateful for the whole non shedding thing.. as his tiny and very expensive black Armani suit was left free of hair. That small sanguine tie set the look off nicely, and the child was in composed quiet content, slowly petting his furry companion, though still longing to go home::

DravenDarkshade: ::he only purred louder, in more content he pawed his way into the child's lap ( Note: i wouldn't be doing this for a male mun,.. ) curling into a ball of snow white fur he nuzzled his head into the child's stomach.. the low purr emanating from his throat making his body vibrate somewhat.. he looked up.. crystalline blue orbs flickering in -

DravenDarkshade: - delight at the child's gentle stroking.. although he knew if he had dared to attack the child he would have surely been killed by the many people around him.. if the child hadn't shut up.. hell would have seemed like a nice place to be. but the thought dismissed itself and he went back to his rhythmic purring which seemed to -

DravenDarkshade: - be in sync with the child's stroking... surely he could tell the child was not comfortable in this place.. but as long as the child was here.. he would take full advantage of services rendered::

DamienNightshade: ::Damian's honest eyes danced over the cat's face, one hand passing over his whiskers and then laughing softly at the tickle the motions rewarded him with. He looked down and over him as he settled into his tiny lap, which was now quite full of cat. He thought on something for a moment, and grabbed at the teddy bear, which had been lying lax off to one side of him, and set it gently on top of the cat. He smiled fleetingly, flashing the adorable hints of small baby fangs to whomever may be noticing. He knocked the bear off to the side again, just as suddenly as he had set it down, and went back to petting the small animal, which wasn't nearly so small to a child who was still relatively small in size himself.::

Fuuma Shirou: ::He jumped straight from the shadow and landed a few feet behind the cat, not making one sound as he stalked the small cat. His eyes glowing brighter than usual..He was filled with primal and violent urges. Waiting for the perfect moment to pounce onto the cat, but not wanting to wait too long and lose his chance..::

Psychic Blue Cat: ::While continuing her stretches, Psychic let out a quiet groan, obviously noticing the change of shadows in front of her, a small figure of perhaps a human? Was in front of her now. Strange beings..Was it that hard for someone to stalk her? She opened those coal black eyes for a moment, following up with a few quick blinks and flicks to the tail end. Today was not a day to fuck with Mr. Kitty Fantastico, and from the looks of it, tomorrow wasn't looking too good either. For sure, Psychic might play along with the childish games of "Cat-Mouse", though being on the lower side of the food chain, and not actually playing her role had been rather disappointing this time around.::

DamienNightshade: ::He did his best to get up without upsetting the feline, picking him up as gently as he could and then getting slowly to his tiny feet. He bent down to place him back onto the table and softly stroke his head one final time, resolved to attempting to wander his wary way homeward again. A soft smile took control of his cheery plump features, as if to speak in wordless simplicity all of the gratitude he meant to express to the kind creature. He snatched up his bear and hugged it to himself, turning to the door, which was, luckily for him, still gaping open, as Damian would probably have a fair amount of problems trying to get it open himself. He took his effortless flight once more, the little legs dangling down towards the floor as he flew slowly in silence. Little did the baby know, but something inherent in him was to help guide him home, and he was to be safely reunited with his small but loving family very soon::
