
Here we have a nice little FF fight between Dark Lu and Darrian, and I edited a LOT of OOC bullshit out before it was finally ready to post; keep in mind that Lu was the equivilant of possessed, he and Dar don't just beat the crap out of each other for fun... One last little comment... I winced when Dar took the headshot to the nuts. ><

DaRk Lu WaTcHmAn: ::he stepped in front of Dauthi, kneeling in front of her again...his hair finally fading back to it's normal purple...his eyes matching it once more...was this the old Lu? Had he returned? Only time will tell....::

Queen Dauthi W: Lu..I know you will have to go soon baby..but I want you to know something...I am sorry for what I did to you..and I love you

DaRk Lu WaTcHmAn: Dauthi....I don't know if I am leaving again...

DaRk Lu WaTcHmAn: I don't know if I am back completely...

Queen Dauthi W: ::she leaned forward to him and ever so softly kissed his lips:: I understand....

DaRk Lu WaTcHmAn: I don't know if my disrespecting Satan's little minion caused me to be normal, but ...::his eyes flashed a menacing neon green and he unsheathed demons bane, lunging towards Darrian with his sword aimed right at his left quadracep::

DarianNightshade: O_O ::Darrian flinched instinctively, and lurched to the side, being grazed by his friend. He growled as he was betrayed and slammed his fist down hard at Lu's temple::

DaRk Lu WaTcHmAn: ::he looked shocked as Darrian's surprisingly hard fist slammed into his skull, he staggered back a few steps and took stance once more. The Demons bane was pulsing a deep crimson as he smiled grimly at Darrian, Demons bane had remembered the time that Darrian broke it, and wanted to take vengeance on that very day. He rushed towards Darrian and flung his right foot over Darrian's head, spinning quickly, upon landing on the floor, he threw his weight speedily, flinging his leg into the back of Darrian's knee::

DarianNightshade: ::Darrian winced as he was driven forward. He tumbled forward and then flipped to the side, to lessen the impact of Lu's demonic betraying foot. Darrian screamed his rage aloud as he threw himself at Lu, swinging once at Lu's stomach in hopes of doubling him over, the other hand coming down in an over head left to Lu's cheek bone in hopes of shattering it.::

DaRk Lu WaTcHmAn: ::Lu moved to the side as best he could and only got caught lightly by Darrian's fist to the gut, but as Darrian's rock hard fist of granite slammed into lu's cheek he fell onto the floor, his face bleeding badly and swollen from the attack, one eye was swollen shut from the power of his fist. He slowly stood up, his one eye that you could see pulsed still neon with anger as he flung his left fist into the chest of Darrian, and his right fist screaming towards the bridge of his nose, hoping to crush it under pressure::

DarianNightshade: ::Darrian got a hand up to stop the chest punch, and his head snapped back, nose almost puttied from the force of the shot to his face. He staggered back a step or so, shaking the proverbial cob webs free, and sprang up and over lu, spinning in mid air and sending an open palm into the base of his skull. One foot slung itself out to crescent kick him in the shoulder blades, blood dripping to his bare chest.::

DaRk Lu WaTcHmAn: ::his head slung back quickly as he caught the open palm right in his head, the kick snapping into his shoulder and you hear the loud "CRACK!!" of his bone being snapped, his arm limp, he flew into the wall from the force of the blow, his imprint being left as he slides down the wall. His head lowered, he slowly stands and looks up at Darrian, without a hint of hesitation he regained his composure and speedily rushed towards Darrian, his right arm completely disabled but his left fist flies towards the side of his head, and his right knee aimed directly at his gut hoping to disable him for a few seconds so he can recover::

DarianNightshade: *Ooof* ::Darrian wheezed slightly as his head snapped back and he found himself on his hands and knees with the air knocked out of him. He stood back up, fairly shaky, and sent one closed fist down at the already injured arm of Lu, and whipped his head down to attempt a head butt aimed for Lu's nose:: Treacherous bitch! ::Darrian hollered at his best friend::

DaRk Lu WaTcHmAn: ::slowly you hear the grinding of bone as his shoulder grabbing itself back into place, but it was to no avail as it was cracked once again, he growled at Darrian's words and threw his foot up into the air, and it came slamming back down towards Darrian's head:: So I am...::he said nonchalantly and grinned an evil grin at Darrian::

DarianNightshade: ::Darrian did one of his more patented moves. He ducked up and under Lu's arching foot, and then stood. He caught the foot on his shoulder, and brought both of his fists down on it, attempting to shatter his knee cap. He then leveled a hard punch at Lu's crotch::

DarianNightshade: Now you know how I feel bastard.. ::He spat bloody saliva at Lu as the blood from his nose seeped into the waist line of his pants::

DaRk Lu WaTcHmAn: ::his knee cracked loudly and he sunk to the floor, his balls being almost shattered by the impact of Darrian's blow, Lu's face took on a look of pain as he laid there in a heap, he rolled backwards and up to his feet, his knee snapping back into place with a wicked pop. His shoulder had almost healed, able to move it just a bit, he rushed towards Darrian once more jumping into the air just a bit and brought his knee up to Darrian's chin, as he came down he threw his good elbow towards the top of Darrian's skull::

DarianNightshade: ::Darrian fell back a pace, finally zoning in on the fight. He was a hair out of the reach and he leapt back in, his right hand whistling through the air in a ridge hand aimed for the still air borne Lu's jaw..::

DaRk Lu WaTcHmAn: ::he caught the fist in his jaw, causing him to spin just a bit and he landed on his knees with a thud, looking down at the ground,he slowly raised his head to Darrian, his eyes flickering back to a pale purple....he shook his head and slowly stood up, staggering back a few steps as he stood...::

DarianNightshade: ::Darrian hopped back a pace, left foot twitching slightly as he fought the urge to lash out with a roundhouse..:: You all done now?

DaRk Lu WaTcHmAn: ::quickly his eyes flared the neon green and he rushed to Darrian, performing a diving tackle into his knees, hoping to disable his movement to an extent::

DarianNightshade: ::Darrian again, instinctively crouched, and took the blow to the gut, his hips flying back as the shoulder connected hard. He rolled back, and to his feet, skipping forward with a hitch kick aimed to Lu's jaw, gathering as much momentum and force as possible.::

DaRk Lu WaTcHmAn: ::he staggered back a bit from the power of the kick, causing him to slam into the wall. He rushes towards Darrian again, breaking his own arsenal of martial arts moves, he flung his right foot towards Darrian's head with all his power attempting to rock his brain just a bit::

DarianNightshade: ::Darrian back flipped as his head snapped back. He landed on his bloodied stomach with a soft grunt and stood himself back up, again a little shaky. He arched his foot up, and bent the knee as he whipped his powerful leg through the air to catch Lu's kidney with a quick hook kick::

DaRk Lu WaTcHmAn: ::he staggered forward a good 5 feet from the power and speed of Darrian's attack, not to mention that it caught him off guard getting it from his back, he performed a front hand spring and turned while in mid air, as he landed he turned to Darrian. He rushed towards him quickly and performed a sliding move, bringing him directly in between Darrian's legs, throwing his perfectly good fist as fast as he could at Darrian's balls, returning the favor from earlier:: How does it feel Darrian???

DarianNightshade: Pretty good.. ::Darrian smirked slightly as he flipped back and then flipped back forward, one foot aimed to stomp on Lu's unprotected face as hard as possible::

DaRk Lu WaTcHmAn: ::he rolled to the side right towards Darrian's other leg, and sprung up to his feet, bringing his head quickly up towards Darrian's balls, not willing to let it go that he struck his balls earlier::

DarianNightshade: ::Darrian's eyes crossed as he bent at the waist. He squeaked softly, and fell to his back, holding himself and moaning on that floor..:: owwwwww fuck... ::He whispered..::

DaRk Lu WaTcHmAn: ::he stood erect slowly and threw his foot into the air in a wide arched crescent kick, bringing it with speed down towards Darrian's chest::

DarianNightshade: ::Darrian smirked and threw up his arms to block the shot. He kipuped and slammed one hard fist into Lu's nose, his other hand drawing Demon Bane. Darrian had fast hands, and was looking to gut Lu for the crotch shot.. So what if he stole Lu's sword to do it?::

DaRk Lu WaTcHmAn: ::he flew back quickly into the wall from the impact once again, making it a habit to bounce off the walls, looking at his blade in the hands of another man, he almost laughed as he called the demons bane, it's furious crimson glow fades and the sword is reduced to nothing but a hilt in Darrian's hand. He laughed evilly and he rushes towards Darrian, flinging his fist directly at his throat::

DarianNightshade: ::Darrian used the hilt of demon bane to parry Lu's fist, and then pounced back, and used his "rest" time to snap the hilt of the sword in two with a vicious smile:: Liked this sword I thought...

Queen Dauthi W: I have about had enough of all fighting godammit!

DarianNightshade: ::He didn't care what Dauthi said, too far gone with the battle rage::

DaRk Lu WaTcHmAn: ::he looked to Darrian as he snapped his hilt, he laughed a bit and his evil face faded, his eyes turned into that pale purple innocence. He fell to the ground in a heap and laid there, completely passed out...not dead...but released from his blade's evil hold::

DarianNightshade: ::Darrian spat on the hilt of the blade and began to rip it to little pieces, then he set them on the floor in a small pile. Muttering, arcane syllables spouted from his lips as hellfire sprang forth in a few flares to claim the scrapped metal.::
