
This is a nice little spar between some chars of Jeffy and Jeremy... Darrian has a few posts in there too.. they asked me to come in but I said no.. I was kinda busy. But it's nice.. definitely worth reading. Oh one more thing.. Jeremy I am sorry but that erection thing was TOO fucking funny to leave out. John got you so good!! XD ::dies::

You have just entered room "The Sacreligious Angels Keep."

Typhuun: ::the vibration in the air grew stronger, and a faint humming sound could be heard near the door. The door seemed to bend slightly, and began to glow with an eerie blue light. A tiny hole appeared in the center of the door, growing steadily larger and larger. A translucent blue liquid-like film spread over the opening, throbing very slightly the blue film began to stretch outwards in certain places, becoming hand shaped in one spot, leg shaped in another. The figure of a somewhat tall man appeared in the liquid, and the humming sound was now perceptible even by normal ears. The strange figure stepped through the film, as the blue substance rebounded back to its original place, bouncing back and forth slightly. The hole in the door receded, leaving the figure standing there ominously. He looked back to the door, turned to the other man and spoke in a quiet voice:: you need to fix the door handle

Sacreli Angel: ::The Lord of the keep slowly crept down his stairs. His attire of choice for the evening was his solid black uniform of baggy denim pants, a tight muscle shirt, a pair of steel toed boots, and a long black trench coat. On his back was his weapon of choice at all times, his midnight scythe. The scythe itself was wrapped in golden trimming. Many satanic designs were decorated upon the exterior of the weapon, from pentagrams, to the terrible 666 of the mark of the beast. the blade of the scythe was decorated with many holes, and a jagged edge. It was truly a terrible weapon, but it suited Gabriel's dark nature. He tossed his ravenous trenchcoat to the side as he looked at the being whom had just entered his keep, he smirked arrogantly, and reached back for the angelic justice, [] his scythe [] and rested it beside him, leaning on it slightly. Written on Gabriel's arms were many of the same symbols that were enscribed in the handle of his weapon, the only difference that could be seen was the cultist's ram's horn, wrapped around his forearm. He had his long raven hair tied back in a ponytail. Gabriel brushed his own cheek slightly and looked at the figure who stood before him::

Sacreli Angel: I do believe that was un-called for. A simple knock of the door would have worked....::he softly murmured:: show off...

Typhuun: ::he pretended not to hear the last remark, but chuckled quietly. He looked up to the other person. Definite satanic influence there, but at least he wasn't a freak about it like some people he knew. And he certainly didn't put a homosexual twist on demons Overall, he was somewhat impressed with the figure he saw before him, but of course did not let the expression show on his face, which looked bored, quite frankly. He looked around the affluent manor; even more impressive. He then turned his gaze to the lord of the keep, still looking as always from behind the impersonal shield of his opaque sunglasses:: Well, shall we begin?

Sacreli Angel: ::Gabriel nodded slightly, and then brought himself to a readied position, his scythe being held by two hands in front of him. His overall appearence looked like that of a warrior, he was impressive to say the least, but he wasn't the type to flaunt. He swung his scythe around a few times, and the sound of air being cut is heard about the room loudly, as he quickly brought it back down to it's readied stance:: Of course I am ready. What else could I be? you broke my door....so I'm going to be forced to take it out of your ass.

Typhuun: ::he looked back to the door, then to its owner:: the door is not broken; I made certain every molecule of door was back in its original place, so rest easy on that one

Sacreli Angel: ::he looked over to the door and then back to the peculiar figure:: Well you're right, but you dirtied it, so my answer is still the same. I'm going to take it out on your ass.

DarianNightshade: ::A soft glint of Mirrored Raybans and the tell tale smirk, like that of a chessire cat appeared in the shadow. The smirk visable through the shadow by means of his other worldy white teeth, which had been stained with the blood of many in the past, yet so few lately. He chose to remain in his "Natural" enviroment, seemingly at home in the night, and especially those shadows he was always sitting in.::

Typhuun: ::he turned his shielded gaze over his rather formidable looking adversary, sizing the larger man up. He looked around the large room, getting a feel for his surroundings. Without warning, he turned and rushed at his foe at insane speed. As he grew close to the man, he pointed both hands at the ground and fired a psy-push into it. The ground of course did not move, but the recoil catapulted him up and over Gabriel's head. Flipping in a show of midair acrobatics, he landed in a forward roll behind the man, kicking out with both feet to attempt to catch Gabriel in the base of his spine::

Sacreli Angel: ::Gabriel looked a bit shocked from this first action of the man that was just a few seconds ago, standing plainly right in front of him. As he saw the psychic power being shown, he quickly turned around, his opposer's feet slamming into his gut. Gabriel doubled over, and a bit of spit shot out of his mouth as the air left his body. He stepped back quickly, regaining his composure. Gabriel tossed his scythe to the side for the time being and rushed towards him. With earth shattering force he threw a hooked punch right at the back of his jaw, attempting to crush a bone or two in the process::

Typhuun: ::The quickness of the man's recovery caught him completely unawares, and the hook caught him in the side of the face. The cracking of his low-density bones was audible even from Darian's positon across the room. Accustomed to pain such as that, Typhuun merely stepped back slightly. Psychic force was already reaching out to pull the molecules of bone back to their places, but the pain was still there. He shook it off, and took a fighter's stance. He then bent his legs and jumped into the air, coming up above and in front of his foe. The movement of his tail was serpentine, and almost invisible as it flashed between Gabriel's legs, the bladed tip pointing at his back. With a mighty flap of his wings, Typhuun came down with awe-inspiring speed, planting both feet on Gabriel's solar plexus, driving him back upon the blade::

Sacreli Angel: ::The force of the previous blow was still shaking his body as he took notice of the tail moving, he threw a quick foot down upon the tail, stopping it dead in it's tracks before it ran between his legs. Gabriel was no fool, he knew if he hadnt moved quick enough, the blade would have run him through. As his feet landed on him, he fell back and growled loudly as his obsidian eyes scanned for a weakness in his frame from beneath him. Gabriel kicked up quickly, throwing the bastard off of him. He murmured something about baking brownies and quickly hopped up to his feet. He rushed towards his scythe, now realizing that it was surely needed to win this battle. He took it in hand and spun it around wildly with one hand. He hastily rushed towards the back side of his opponent, swinging in a wide arc, splicing the air as he did so, right at the base of his tail, this would surely eliminate that threat if connected::

Typhuun: ::He saw the sword flashing towards him. Stunned as he was by the sudden pressure on his tail, he was not caught unawares by this one. His right hand went quickly to his back even before the attack came, quickly drawing Unforgiven and sliding it around in a flashing arc to parry the blow to the tail. The impact shook his hands, but he gritted his teeth and pushed the other man back. He jumped back and looked to his adversary. He realized the angel's strength outstripped his to a significant degree, and looked around. Suddenly a metal pole detached itself from the wall with a great wrenching sound, and flew towards Gabriel wrapping around his arms and torso. Approaching his foe whom he had attempted to thus imprison, he raised Unforgiven high above his head and slashed downwards, the air around the slash actually growing hot from the speed of the movement as it approached his foe's head::

Sacreli Angel: ::He quickly threw a speedy thrusting kick towards Typhuun's chest as he saw his blade coming down, this would be his death if he was struck by this attack, especially at the speed it was going. winced slightly as the blade grazed his shoulder from his newly moved position, he then stepped back slightly. Gabriel looked unimpressed by the pole that was wrapped around him, seeing as Gabriel built this place from scrap metal, it was easily broken into pieces by his God-like strength. He then held his scythe up high, and it began shimmering from the light of the moon that shone down through the window, he swung it widely, and a trail of light followed the blade. he then awaited his opponent's next attack, with a slightly arrogant smirk upon his face::

Typhuun: ::He stepped back as the kick came at him, but was struck in the chest slightly. He winced, although the impact was not great. He seemed to concentrate for a second, then with a sudden yet fluid motion, hurled Unforgiven into the air behind Gabriel's head, missing him entirely. Cursing, he rushed at Gabriel, stopping just short of him. He bent his legs, then pushed off the ground, flipping backwards in the air, and bringing his right leg up as he flipped, extending the knee just as he ran perpendicular to his adversary to catch him under the jaw with bone-shattering force. He continued in his trajectory and landed five feet away from his hopefully floored foe::

Sacreli Angel: ::Gabriel's eyes widened as he saw the blade flying at his head and he ducked down, never removing his eyes from the opposer. He slammed hard into the floor, a loud roar is heard as he did so. Gabriel had landed on his scythe, the blade slit his shoulder open, the flesh had been moved so far that the bone was showing. His completely transparent blood flowed out of his shoulder like a waterfall. He stood slowly, and turned towards Typhuun, he staggered back a few feet as he regained his footing. His teeth are showing, and a bit of saliva is dripping from his chin, his foe had angered him greatly, it was time to get serious. Gabriel rushed towards His opponent, swinging his blade high over his head in an arc, as it went over his head he brought it down to the right of Typhuun, swinging it as hard as he possibly could at his right side, the speed of the attack caused a thunder clap, to be heard throughout the room::

Typhuun: ::Typhuun jumped to the right as the blade came at him, but was not quite quick enough, and the assault tore much of the flesh from his right arm. He still made no sound, but the expression of pain was obvious on his face, and he clutched his wounded arm. He looked at his opponent through a cloud of pain, which began to slowly clear as his

DarianNightshade: erection buldged.::

DarianNightshade: ((XD))

Typhuun: telekinesis began to heal the wound almost automatically, albeit slowly. He stood back, then jumped again, this time straight up at his opponent's head in a surprise attack. His feet clutched his foe's head, and with a flap of his wings, he flipped forward, releasing the man's head at the apex of his arc to hurl him forward into the opposite wall. As the man flew along his airborne course, the mighty sword Unforgiven which he had so callously thrown to the side earlier came flashing at the man's back, just out of his sight to impale him along its lethal blade::

Sacreli Angel: ::Gabriel slowly but surely recovered while in mid-air. his feet slamming into the wall as he saw the blade coming towards him, he swung his scythe wisely as to try and block the attack, it succeeded...somewhat. The sword didnt impale him, but it ripped itself through the same shoulder that had been shredded earlier by his own scythe. He grabbed the sword by it's hilt as he slowly removed it from his shoulder, as he slowly fell off of the wall, anding on his feet perfectly with a loud thump. He held the sword high and threw it directly at Darrian:: Hold this...::He said lowly, almost a growl. He silently but swiftly approached Typhuun, throwing a fist almost instantaneously at the bridge of his nose, hoping to deal a great amount of damage to the opposer::

DarianNightshade: ::Darrian grinned as he spun to the side, assessing where the sword was going and caught it by the hilt. He admired the fine craftsmanship of the blade and nodded to himself. He was debating on wether or not to shatter the sword like he had so many others...Lu's.. Akasha's.. Even Akari's swords had all payed the price..::

Sacreli Angel: ::Gabriel was caught completely off-guard as this was done. He closed his eyes from the pain of his wrist being bent, but only for a second, as he quickly thought of the weapon in his hand, he swiftly flicked his wrist to the side, swinging the blade of the scythe directly at Typhuun's wrist, if he didnt dodge this attack, he was surely going to have a wrist that was comparable to a pinata after a mexican birthday bash.::

Typhuun: ::he saw the flick of the wrist and quickly pulled his arm back, shifting weight to his left foot and grasping the forearm again, this time with his right arm. His left arm shot back quickly, then snapped forward to connect with Gabriel's elbow with great force, bending the joint in a direction it was never meant to go. If this attack was not dodged the arm could still be used, but the attack would no doubt be very painful::

Sacreli Angel: ::gabriel snapped out of his arms from the force of the attack, his arm was naturally busted. But he didnt care, Gabriel was known to take any amount of pain with ease, but this had set him back a few steps. He slowly arose from the ground, he flung his scythe to the side, this was not needed anymore. He rubbed his arm where it was injured, and a loud cracking can be heard, he was adjusting his bone structure...this had to hurt. He blocked out the pain, so that his arm was still useful. He rushed towards Ty quickly, throwing a wide round house over his head, as he landed his foot back on the ground, he ducked down quickly, springing a quick boot right at his throat::

DarianNightshade: ::Darrian turned on his heel and strolled out the door, unforgiven over his shoulder. He was going to place it in his armoury next to Ashram's sword, which had been repaired, and the parts of Demons Bane, which he destroyed completely.. the metal now useless slag on a rack in his house.::

Typhuun: ::he jumped into the air as it came and was caught squarely in the solar plexus, flying five feet through the air to land on his back, the wind knocked out of him. Lucky he had jumped, or the kick would have certainly crushed his windpipe. He stood slowly, looking to his foe, whom he had come to respect a good deal in this fight::

Typhuun: This was most invigorating, but shall we call it a night?

Sacreli Angel: ::he slowly arose from the floor and nodded to Typhuun:: That sounds fine to me...::he slowly rubbed his arm::

Typhuun: Good. Call it a draw for now? We can decide the true victor at a more godly hour

Sacreli Angel: godly...::he laughed::

Sacreli Angel: That sounds fine with me.
