
You have just entered room "The Waterfall of Endor."

Jacen Silvermoon: ::His traveling boots caked with mud, he had been hiking around the falls since early morning. The sun shining down from directly overhead, he squinted as he looked up and gauged the time. Noonish....he'd made it to the top of the falls in fairly good time. He had stumbled across this place many many months ago, and ever since had used it as a refuge, a solace for him to escape to when the insanities of humanity was too much for him to bear. His long sword, forged of mithril by master smiths, swayed comfortably at his hip. His jade green eyes serene and peaceful, he was at ease in this peaceful area. Reaching the flowing water's edge, he stepped into it's depths, the water circling around his boots as he waded to it's middle. Climbing atop a large boulder set directly in the middle of the flowing rapids, he looked out to the glorious vista laid out before him. The edge of the falls were still a ways down river and he was well out of it's danger atop this high rock. Peering about to the trees that lined the river on either side, he could not help but shake the uneasy feeling that something was amiss this day. The woods did not settle quite right and the birds were not as loud with their songs as they normally were. Curious, but by no means suspicious of foul doing, he shrugged it off and gazed back out over the blue sky that was the majority of the scene before him.::

Hosaka Jenitsu: ::The sounds of the loud crashing waterfall seemed to block out Hosaka's movements, but even without the noise to hide the footsteps and branches cracking, he always moved by stealth, never being seen, or heard. He leapt through the air, landing atop a tree branch, and he found his target, the good hearted Jacen Silvermoon. Hosaka wasn't after the human, but more so the demon's that he held inside. Being as he was the son of Lucifer, and the assassin of Hell, he followed the orders his "dad" sent to him; hunt the Jinn to the ends of the earth, and destroy him. Too bad it inhabited Jace, he was just another human to Hosaka until the Jinn possessed him, now he was a threat, a target that had to be removed. Decked in a forest green ninja garb, he seemed to blend in with the trees as he moved, much like the predator after his prey, he stalked and watched Jacen. Those Violet orbs of mystery focused on his movements, studying him for battle, he wasn't the type of hunter to head into battle without being prepared, he was the oldest, the so-called expert of his game. Silently he moved towards the edge of the branch and stared down to the human who for the past few hours had been ignorant of Hosaka's presence, but that was about to end as he drew the small ball from his satchel, silently pressing the switch, he let the ball go, letting it make a loud popping sound, to get Jacen's attention of course. Without anymore hesitation, he disappeared into the shadows of the day. A massive pillar of smoke appeared on a boulder about fifteen feet in front of his victim, drawing his attention was a must, especially if he wanted to draw the Jinn forth. As the smoke dissipated, Hosaka stood there, his arms crossed arrogantly, a small grin played on his lips from under his forest green mask, speaking in his low, grim tone:: Hello Jacen....I've come for the Jinn...and I suggest you get him to come forth. I'd hate to do harm to your body trying to provoke him....::he smirked a bit as he spoke those words. Truth be told, Hosaka didn’t really care if he harmed Jacen or not, he was just another human, a nobody that really didn’t matter::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Not one to be taken by surprise all that easily, as soon as the snap was heard, Jacen was on edge, alert and wary. As the smoke billowed before him, he instantly took a quick step back, his hand flying instantly to the hilt of his sword. Blinking as the unknown stalker made his presence known and issued his demands he frowned and shook his head:: I do not know who you are but you are mistaken. Like I should tell you, but the Jinn is not something I can merely call forth. ::His frown deepened as he viewed the man with suspicion.:: Why do you want it anyway? ::His hand still on the hilt of his blade he readjusted his grip on it, preparing for the worst. Anyone who was dressed as this man was, and was asking for a demon that lay possessed within him could not be one with good intents..::

Hosaka Jenitsu: ::Hosaka's calmness was definitely what some would call "creepy," as his hand slid to the hilt of Semi transparent katana that sat in its hilt, he wouldn’t let Jacen make the first move, not in a million years. With eyes of ice, he stared Jacen down, keeping his own eyes locked with Jace's, running the tips of his fingers along the evil katana's hilt:: As I said Jacen...I'd hate to have to provoke the fellow by doing bodily harm to you...but if it has to be done...it just has to be done...::a grim smile rested under his mask, he had been hunting Jacen for months, and to find him now, he was just content with himself:: What do I want with the Jinn? It's not a matter of what I want dear Jacen, it's a matter of what my father, Lucifer wants. He wants him dead, and he asked me, his son, his personal assassin, to put him to rest, along with his kin. I've done in 2, this one is the one I am after now. I don't know his name, nor do I know what power he holds. I imagine, from the experience in fighting the other two, he's a challenge, but I, will not back down one bit. I'd hate to kill you Jacen...but if it happens...it happens, I've got a mission to fulfill, and I won't fail. So either you conjure that thing up to the best of your ability, or I do it for you. But it starts now Jacen.

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He shook his head once more:: You don't understand. It's not something I can control. If I could, you think I would still live with it within me?! ::He clenched his fist tightly over the hilt, his knuckles whitening. His jaw setting in anger:: This damn thing has brought me nothing but torment. I truly hope you DO kill it. Kill it! Rid me of this damn thing!! ::He sighed, forcing his anger back down and his calm alertness to return:: But from the looks of you, you're nothing more than a fighter. The Jinn that lives within me can not be killed unless....I am killed, or it chooses to leave my body or is exorcised, something I doubt you can do. And if you think that I'm going to let you kill me...::With this he dropped into his en garde stance and unsheathed his long sword, the blade reflecting brightly in the sun as he held it before him.::...then you are mistaken indeed.

Hosaka Jenitsu: Oh but YOU are the one mistaken dear Jacen....I CAN destroy that Demon...I CAN exorcise it...I CAN bring it pain...but of course...that is AFTER it shows itself...in which...I can already see, it's going to take a little time of getting you angry...or just beating you into a bloody pulp...::As Jacen drew his long sword and set in his fighting stance, Hosaka stopped grazing the hilt of the blade with his fingers, and gripped it tightly, unsheathing it completely, and dropping into a fighting stance of his own. The semi-transparent blade shimmering in hideous power, it was obviously a reaction to the evil inside of Jacen, the target itself, the Jinn:: Tell me boy, are you ready for battle? Are you good with that blade of your's? Or is it just for show? ::as he spoke, he burst forth in speed towards him, but seeing as Hosaka was a ninja, and an expert assassin, he knew a direct attack like this would never make contact with a readied man. Instead, he leaped towards him, landing both feet not ten inches apart from Jacen's, flipping right over his head with a twisting somersault, landing right behind him. He stood there, his blade in hand, not making an attack at all, but merely awaiting Jacen's reaction:: I said....are you ready?

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Tensing as the man charged, he watched the man, trying to determine the man's attack. Not expecting the flip, he instantly adapted, always ready for unexpected. Unsure if a blow was coming to his backside, he dropped to the ground, planting both hands to the ground, his sword gripped tightly in one hand, as he kicked out at the man's feet, in a sweep maneuver.:: Oh yes...I'm ready.

Hosaka Jenitsu: ::Hosaka stood there, lifting one foot and extending it to block Jacen's attack, just as you would a rolling soccer ball, he was expecting an attack, of course, he wouldn’t have been standing there like a fool if he wasn’t ready. He smirked down at the lowered man, it was obviously nothing more than a game right now to him, trying his best to taunt the man, thinking that if his anger level arose, maybe the demon's ugly head would show as well...:: Good...because the game's about to begin...::with that said, Hosaka spun around on his heel, throwing a roundhouse kick at his jaw with earth shattering force::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Wincing as the hell of the man's foot went slamming into his jaw, his body was thrown into a spin from the force of the kick. Stumbling out of his sweep, he scrambled away somehow managing to keep his grip on his sword. Rising to his feet instantly, his jaw marred with a trickle of crimson blood, he growled, ignoring the pain. Charging back in, feinting a jab to the man's face, he instead used his momentum to fall into a roll. Rolling to the left of his opponent, he came out of the roll with a slash to Hosaka's calf.::

Hosaka Jenitsu: ::The blade ripped right on through the clothing on his left leg, into his leg, splitting the vampiric flesh wide open, spewing his darkened blood onto the rock he was standing on, Hosaka dropped to one knee, turning his head to Jacen, he grinned a little:: Good job boy...keep it up, and maybe you'll bring that demon up after all...::he threw a backhanded punch at his mouth, his hand splitting through the air at an uncanny speed, hoping to knock a few of the pearly whites out with a clean shot::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Coiling his legs beneath him, he leapt head first into a backwards hand spring, the gymnastic move easily bringing him out of range of the swing. Landing on his feet once more, he charged in again. Raising his blade up over his head, he brought it down with lightning reflexes bred from years of battle on the roads and death matches, aimed in an flashing arc for the man's neck.::

Hosaka Jenitsu: ::time was obviously of the essence in this battle, bit, or get bitten, move, or be crushed, seeing as the dodge of his attack made Jacen move back, it gave Saka just enough time to get to his feet before Jace could maneuver his way back. Lifting his blade, The Eternal Darkness caught the full brunt of the attack with a loud *CLANG* of metal against metal. Reaching down to his ankle, he drew a small dagger from it, quickly slashing at Jacen's midsection, being as it was so small, if it did connect, it surely wouldn’t disembowel him, or even deal a mortal blow:: Keep 'em coming big guy...

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Noticing him make a grab for his boot, his eyes widened as he saw the second, unexpected weapon be drawn. Were it not for his incredible reflexes, the dagger would have done more damage, but as it was Jacen was fortunate enough to do a quick hop back, though not fortunate enough to avoid the blow entirely. Wincing again as the sharp blade tore his shirt and sliced into his stomach he bit his lip. Hardly deep enough to cause any real damage it was nothing but a small gash. He'd live. Thus, the attack did nothing but serve to infuriate him more. Sweat forming on his brow as he fought for his life atop the waterfall, he sent his fist flying straight for Saka's nose, sword gripped tightly within his fist.:: Will you.... SHUT UP?!

Hosaka Jenitsu: ::he grinned a little as he saw the frustration level of Jacen rising ever so quickly. The shot to the nose was a nasty one indeed, making full contact, it sent Hosaka into the rushing water. Of course, he was a master of hiding, silently sinking underwater, he maneuvered himself behind Jacen, rising up with Tremendous speed and momentum, he brought his knee directly at the base of Jace's spine:: No....I won't shut up big guy...and I liked the way you touched me just a minute ago...::he said with a taunting voice::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Fully not expecting a sudden rear attack like that, he stumbled a few steps forward, stars flashing before his eyes as the knee connected solidly to his back. Managing to keep his balance atop the rock, he spun sharply to face his aggressor once more. Running at him once more, he darted to the man's right side as though to take a strike. Instead, in hardly the blink of an eye, he reversed his action, spinning quickly to the man's left side and lashed out with a quick strong jab to his open side.::

Hosaka Jenitsu: ::Hosaka doubled over slightly from the force of the attack, jarring his ribs nicely, as he sat on his knees, he rolled away from Jacen a good ten feet, springing up to his feet. He reached up to his mask, grasping the buttons that kept it tightly fixed, he ripped it off and threw it to the ground. The blood dripping from his nose to his mouth seemed to hinder one from calling him a handsome man at the time, he spat the blood onto the ground and wiped his face. His long purple locks laid down to his shoulders, frizzy and such from being kept up in his mask. He smiled grimly at Jacen, deciding now would be the best time for one to up his game, and bring the pain if he were to do it at all. He took stance, awaiting Jacen's next attack::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Unfazed by the man's unveiling, he could care less of the face of the man he was fighting. All that mattered to him was the man wanted him dead. For the time being, that was all he needed to know. He did get a degree of grim satisfaction out of seeing the blood smeared across his face. Wasting no time waiting for the man's next move after removing the mask, he charged in again. This time, figuring another head on attack would be too expected, he mimicked Hosaka's earlier move, plenty capable of such acrobatics. Somersaulting into a spinning flip over his opponent, he came to land behind him, only a few feet from the edge of the rock now. Landing facing the back of the man, he swung, attempting to cuff the man upside his head with his fist, hilt in hand.::

Hosaka Jenitsu: ::Yet Again, Hosaka had indeed, seen it coming. He knew when he saw Jacen leap into the air, performing his faerie-like maneuvers, that it was time to show off what mistakes had been made when he had that amount of time to recover. Ducking down low, he threw a back kick directly at Jace's kneecap, intending to crush some of his speed. Hosaka was reaching that certain zone where Jacen needed to keep up, or he would indefinitely be crushed, it was the assassin's adrenaline kicking in. He knew that this Jinn needed to come out soon, because this was basically a handicap match, and Jacen had yet to tag his partner, Hosaka wasn't tired, nor was he coming near that point, but too much longer, and for sure, he'd be in deep shit::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Hit square in the knee, he stumbled back precariously close to the edge. Eyes wide with shock as he struggled to stay atop the massive rock, his arms flailed some as he tried to keep balance. His boot slipping out from under him, his foot flew up into the air and he fell back into the water, losing his sword in the process. Submerged beneath the surface, Jacen suddenly began thrashing about, splashing and kicking wildly as though possessed. And he very well was. Letting out a scream of pure agony, as though a large hook was being jabbed into his stomach and then twisted about in agonizing torture, he screamed and tore at the water swirling around him. The demon was answering the calls it seemed and was now making it's appearance. His scream turning from one of pain and torture to one of gleeful demonic delight, the screeching yell echoed throughout the trees, the Jinn surfacing.::

Demonic Jace: ::His body having gone through a transformation, his hair was now red and spiked wildly up. His skin having taken on a reddish tint, his jade green eyes were no longer, replaced instead with an intense fiery red. His nails grown out to 5 inch long claws, he snarled and gnashed at the air, saliva dripping from his maw. Crouching, the demon gathered it's legs beneath it and leapt with seemingly effortless ease to land behind the assassin. Screaming loudly, the beast charged in, attempting to bowl him over in a tackle, his hands racking at the air and soon to be skin.::

Hosaka Jenitsu: ::Hosaka turned around wide eyed as the Jinn had surfaced, although he had a smile on his face, he wasn’t a bit happy, he was beginning the like the battle with the human, it was good competition, but now, now things had gone beyond competition, this was a battle for one's life. If he succeeded, his mission would be near complete, if he failed, well, there wouldn't be an assassin to complete any mission. His violet eyes were filled with fury, he had zoned out for sure, but the mission wasn't nearly complete. Hosaka took a step back, readying himself for the onslaught of claws, and screams. the beast nailed him in his chest, knocking him onto his back, taking two slashes on his right arm, ripping the flesh wipe open, blackened blood squirted from his opened biceps, another slash to his left arm, not quite as deep, leaving blood to gush freely. One final slash nailed his chest, Hosaka seriously had enough of this, the flesh from his chest seemed to be shredded from the beast's talons. He placed one foot against the ground, sliding the other leg around him, he pushed as hard as his small frame would let him, even though he was immensely strong, he barely was able to roll the beast over, as he did so, he straddled his stomach. By this time, he had lost the grips of his katana, so he reached down to his belt, pulling out his other dagger, both hands now equipped with a dagger, he quickly threw a slash at his neck with his right hand, and with his left, he stabbed down at his chest::

On to part two