
Demonic Jace: ::Lightning fast, the possessed man grabbed the assassin by both wrists, effectively preventing both attacks. Holding him fast, the demonic man stared up at the other, his fiery orbs ablaze with reckless abandon, and maybe something else. Glee? Letting out a sinister cackle, it's face seeming contorting into a frightening visage of pure pleasure, the demon snapped and lifted it's face to screech directly in Hosaka's face, howling in fury with an ear shattering yell. Twisting the man's wrist to less than a comfortable angle, the Jinn snarled viciously at him, holding the grip until he threw the man from him like a doll.::

Hosaka Jenitsu: ::Hosaka's face was not torn with fear, nor any form of discomfort, he was very flexible, and had to be in order to do such aerial moves as he did. The Demon throwing him was quite possibly the demon's worst move, because that gave Hosaka the liberty of preparing his next attack. Soaring through the air, he recovered quickly before hitting the ground, landing on his feet, he stood upright, and smiled at the Jinn, turning his head to the side, he popped it a bit, stretching his upper body muscles some. Still holding both daggers in hand, he looked up and noticed the night had begun rolling in, the sun was set, slowly going down. The night was Hosaka's favorite place to be, as was any dark creature's home, this would make it most interesting for the battle, finding Hosaka would be in his "zone" even more as the darkness had settled. In a blur of movement, Hosaka was almost on top of the demon, slashing downward at his face with one of those daggers, the other was being slid back down into its place, freeing up one hand completely...::

Demonic Jace: ::Taking the slash across the face with hardly more than a flinch, the demon snarled again and jumped to it's feet. It's long demonic tongue snaked out and licked at the blood that now flowed from it's face. Seeming to revel in the pain and the taste of blood furthering it's frenzy it let out another howl, the muscles in it's arms and legs bulging as it flexed and trembled with rage. Skittering across the rock with uncanny, unnatural speed, the demon ran to the backside of Saka and pounced at his back, claws poised to tear some flesh once more.::

Hosaka Jenitsu: ::Lord knows he was anticipating some form of showing off the speed he had, but Hosaka didn’t know his speed was this great, he barely escaped the pounce stepping to the left, but he didn’t escape the claws, as it ripped his right shoulder blade open, blood gushing from his open wound just like a volcanic eruption, the blood seemed to almost spew from his back. Hosaka was of the vampiric breed, and therefore didn’t need blood to survive, so it wasn't going to slow him down from the loss of it, but it sure did hurt like hell having your flesh shredded into a fine mush. He spun around a bit from the talon's force, dropping down to one knee, he slid the other dagger back in its place, because right in front of him was his katana, The Eternal Darkness, this is what was needed to handle the demon. He took it in his grasp and looked up to The Jinn, a rather disturbing smile was on his face as he stood to his feet. Hosaka had a plan in mind, but it would take some time to get this done. he burst forth in a series of blurred movements, his trail stopped at the demon's back, bringing forth a series of furious slashes down at the Jinn's back:: Heh...had enough yet Demon? ::he said with a smirk on his face, he knew the end was near for this demon, he had a tremendous amount of confidence in his voice, he was sure his plan would work....just a little more time...that's all he needed..::

Demonic Jace: ::Throwing it's head back, it let out a screech of pure joy as the blade went tearing through the flesh. What did it care for the damage it brought to this body? It was nothing more than a shell for it, and it rather enjoyed the feeling of pain and suffering. Squealing, it's laugh was like that of a crazed hyena until it seemed to drive the being into a new level of insanity. And then, without warning, the possessed man stumbled away from the assassin, his body spasming as though some internal being was tearing at it. Snarling, in utter agony, the demonic man spun around in a furious rage, clawing and tearing at itself as the unrelenting torture continued. Screaming aloud, furious, the beast howled to the moon, it's claws doing more damage to it's body than the blades had done accumulatively. It's body jerking violently, the demonic man took a stumbling step towards Hosaka. The scream suddenly changed in pitch once more, sharp and sudden, the sound of a man screaming out in pain could be heard echoed in the background of the voice of the beast. The man's scream increasing in volume until it was heard just as clearly as the Jinn's scream, the two voices melded together to create a sickening and horrific sound of utter horror. Falling to it's knees, the beast clawed at it's chest wildly. Then, suddenly, the man's voice could be heard clearly, screaming out as such horrible pain was brought to his body. A red mist began to leak from the kneeling form and gather and swirl over every inch of it's body. Traveling over it's skin as though attracted to a magnet it ran over every inch of it's body. Gathering at the demon's chest, the mist then began to pull away from it's form and take on the blurry shape of a towering figure. As the mist left the possessed man's body, so too did the demonic transformations leave him. Soon, it was Jacen Silvermoon once more, screaming in agony before he toppled over into an unconscious heap and what remained in his place was the gathering power of the Jinn. Discarding it's host, tiring of the restraints, the Jinn now decided to toy with this being that wanted it so badly in it's true form, in it's most powerful state.::

TheJinnUnleashed: Forming fully into the towering beast of seven towering feet of pure muscle, the fire demon howled one loud scream as it was free and looked down at the man that had so foolish sought it out. Raising one massive hand, it struck with blinding speed, unbelievably fast for one of it's size, it backhanded the puny assassin.::

TheJinnUnleashed: ::Turning with a snarl to look at the wretched man that had served as it's host for so long, it spat venomously at the prone man, and in fluid motion grabbed the man by his ankle and flung him into the woods on the edge of the river to land with a crash into the brambles. Turning back to face Hosaka, the demon howled loudly, issuing forth the challenge for the foolish one to continue.::

Hosaka Jenitsu: ::His eyes were almost huge as he saw the beast in its true form, Hosaka must've gotten more than he bargained for, but it was no time for him to back down. His head snapped back as he was back handed, his body fell back into the water, landing with a loud splash. The cold rushing water had awakened him from his dazed state. He was no longer dazed, but more awake than he had ever been, he now realized the beast was no stronger than ever after that last blow, and was capable of mass destruction. Hosaka was no immortal, he was a little higher than a mortal, but he could die just like anyone else. Slowly arising from the water, he climbed back onto the rock, and shook his head, regaining his composure completely, he took a fighting stance, holding his mystical katana firmly:: You know....I was sent to kill you demon...my father is also one of you...he sent me for you, to destroy you..::he stood there, breathing heavily, panting between words:: I won't fail him...so you might as well give in now...before I have to actually hurt you.. ::His katana glowed a menacing green, the blade being semi-transparent gave it a very eerie look, no question it was a supernatural blade, and it had to be the Jinn's end:: So demon...are you going to answer me? Or just stand there looking like an idiot? ::Hosaka stalled enough to regain his breath, standing his ground, he began thinking of his previous plan, wondering if it would still work....:: Prepare to be banished into the fiery pits of whence you came....you big red bastard...::He shoved the tip of the blade into the rock on which they were standing, slowly beginning to carve the circle in which was needed for the pentagram that he needed to stand in before he could banish the being:: I won't lose to you....not ever...you're beneath me...I am the son of Lucifer...::his trash talking was nothing more than a clever diversion, but he knew his time was running out and he had to hurry up, trying his best to hurry, he finished the circle, but then slowly began carving the star in the middle, he just knew the demon wouldn't let him get any further with this, he blasted towards the demon in a tremendous amount of speed, pointing his blade directly at the massive beast's knee, this was one way to surely knock him down to size....if he could actually connect::

TheJinnUnleashed: ::Howling furiously as the blade slid into it's knee and stuck there, the mighty demon snarled and took the attack, wanting nothing but for the proximity of the two to lessen. As Hosaka drove the blade into the skin, the Jinn grabbed at his collar, attempting to pick him up and slam him back down hard onto the granite rock.::

Hosaka Jenitsu: ::This had become an entirely new ball game, the demon was exorcised from Jacen, and even though Hosaka dint care for most humans, Jacen had proven himself to be a formidable foe, that earned enough respect in Hosaka's eyes, to let him live, and possibly become sparring partners...if he lived through this battle. His hand remained grasped tightly around his blade, even though the demon's grasp had taken Hosaka almost completely, he kept his hold on the hilt of his supernatural katana, as the demon slammed him downwards...Hosaka's grasp seemed to keep his upper body from touching the rock below, but his lower body slammed hard, into the granite surface, it seemed that the force of the blow was such a huge impact to Hosaka....it had crushed his tailbone. He was almost completely immobilized, the demon was clearly no match for him, most of his fight was spent battling the human form, and then the demonic form...the demon itself was completely fresh, almost an unfair advantage, but that kind of thing happens when you're trying to do the bidding of the underworld. Hosaka yanked his only source of defending himself, his katana, right out of the demon's knee, rolling sideways towards the halfway finished pentagram, the blade itself was glowing brightly in the light of the full moon. He shoved the tip of the blade back into the area he stopped at, slowly finishing the star inside the circle. Upon the pentagram being finished, the rock began to crack..trembling furiously. Hosaka crawled his way inside of the pentagram, laying there in a fetal position, reaching inside of his pouch, he pulled out a small glowing crystal from it. Hosaka murmured a couple words softly...being in great pain, it's a wonder anything came from his mouth other than blood...:: Shadow...luminescence....::with that said...he laid the crystal inside a small crack in the middle of the pentagram..it was his last resort, he had nothing left in him, especially fighting power...::

TheJinnUnleashed: ::The rock cracking beneath his feet, the demon leapt at the prone form of the injured man. Picking up Jacen's fallen long sword, the Jinn stepped within the pentagram, it's only aim to destroy that man who laid within it's center. Grasping the puny hilt in both massive hands, the giant demon drove the blade downward, aiming for his exposed stomach and the vital organs within.::

Hosaka Jenitsu: ::He had one hand on the hilt of his blade, he used one of his last resorts of fight left in him, some of the last of the energy to do what it took to defend himself, Hosaka was distressed, badly beaten, bruised, shredded, he slammed his blade against the blade coming right down for his mid-section, all it could do was change the aim of his attack, sending it right through his leg, his right thigh, but the sickening sound of Saka's bone snapping could be heard loudly, he screamed in pain, his bone was finished, his body was thrashed. It'd take months of healing to recover from this battle if at all possible::

TheJinnUnleashed: ::Sneering victoriously, the Jinn removed the blade, preparing to plunge it in for another attack. Sending the blade arcing down once more, this time aimed for the assassin's head, it's path suddenly froze, inches from it's target. Growling, the demon strained, trying to force the blade down against the seeming invisible barrier that stopped it. Then it began to feel the pull of the crystal. The magic he had cast! Of course! It had been a spell to banish the demon back to the hellish planes from whence it came. Screaming out in animalistic rage, the Jinn tried to resist the pull as it slowly began to be sucked to the crystal like a vacuum. The claws on it's feet tearing into the stone, attempting to stop it's movement, it was in vain, for the spell was already begun and there was no avoiding it now. Screaming out, victory so close, the Jinn hurled the puny blade at the fetal man in anger, screaming it's first and last word seconds before disappearing.:: DIE!!!

Hosaka Jenitsu: ::The sound of the blade crushing a bone from the force of the attack can be heard over the obnoxious screams of the Jinn, the bone that had been crushed was a rib, the point of the blade jabbed right through Hosaka's rib cage, puncturing his right lung, it wasn’t a mortal wound, because as stated before, his vampiric qualities allowed him to live without breathing, but his angelic qualities made him feel every bit of pain that was done to his body. He had to find some way out of this place, some way to help Jacen get out of here as well...but for the time being, Hosaka took the Crystal, and placed it in his pouch. lowly he placed his hand on the hilt of that long sword, pulling it out of his lung and ribcage...he let a soft moan of pain escape from his lips...he was battered, tattered and no doubt shattered, more broken bones came from this fight, then in his entire life:: I did it father....::he barely whispered from his wounded body, he laid his head back, and passed out on the rock where the entire battle took place...::
