
You have just entered room “Nightshade Manor.”

Mikal Nightshade has entered the room.

DarianNightshade has entered the room.

Mikal Nightshade: ::He slowly steps up the door of the manor, dressed in his neato royal blue Armani suit his hair all slicked back yadda yadda yadda, is doing this because he isn't in the mood to make a long ass intro, knuckles on the door, bada bing bada boom, waits for the two rulers of the castle to open the door::

DarianNightshade: ::Darrian was all stretched out in bed, recuperating from a difficult job. He sighed softly, and rolled over onto his stomach, placing a pillow over his head to drown out the noise.. Ignore it and it will go away.. He thought.. he hoped..::

Tiph Nightshade: ::Tiphareth was seated alone on the couch in the parlor, the room decorated sparsely and with taste and refinement. Damian was newly awakened and seated on her lap, happily gurgling to himself. Her eyes were glowing brightly, as per usual, though they were distant, and turned inwards. An absent hand caressed through a lock of chestnut brown silken tresses, and she sighed almost inaudibly. Shifting a bit in her seat, she fingered over Masamune's hilt with her free hand::

Tiph Nightshade: ::The knock alerted her, and she rose silently, making her way to their front door to let whomever it was in. She clasped the handle in a delicate hand and eased the door open slowly, peering out into the night to see who had taken it upon themselves to visit::

Mikal Nightshade: ::He looked up at the beautiful young lady, his sky blue eyes scanned her body over, just as we did any other young woman that we met, once fixed upon her face, he calmly decided to speak:: Yes...is this Nightshade manor? If so....is Darrain here tonight....?

Tiph Nightshade: He is.. ::She quirked a brow and teleported off to the bedroom where she assumed Darrian to be, and let him know he had a visitor::

DarianNightshade: Fuck you.. ::He muttered, not caring who it was.. He peeled himself slowly, and painfully from the covers, gingerly extracting his torn body from the nice warm satin sheets of his bed, and tugged on a pair of boxers. He reached under the bed, and extracted a silver attache` case. He popped in the com, and pulled out one of his .44 Auto Magnums. He jammed a clip home, and racked back the cover on the gun. He slid almost wraith like down the corridor, in his black silk boxers gun pointed down at the floor stepping silently and sideways.. He approached the door cautiously..::

Tiph Nightshade: ::Instantly she was back at the doorway, asking the guest politely in::

Tiph Nightshade: [] ..... did he just "Fuck you" at Tiphy? o.o []

DarianNightshade: ((No... he fuck you-ed at whoever woke him up.. I was gonna post that regardless..))

Tiph Nightshade: [] okie.. []

Mikal Nightshade: ::He slowly stepped into the manor, immediately removing the jacket and placing it on the coat rack. His eyes focused on Darrian, and he smiled gently, he lifted his hands into the air and laughed just a bit:: You know Darrian...you are one hard mother fucker to get ahold of....

Tiph Nightshade: ::Tiphareth turned and blinked, Damian bouncing around in her arm, in a desperate attempt to free himself, as she looked from the guest to Darrian, and then back again. Damian cooed out "dada" softly and reached his little arms out to him, but she held him still and hushed him::

Mikal Nightshade: ::He looked calmly towards Tiph and the boy she was holding, he smiled at them and then glanced back at Darrian:: I know you are wondering who I am, and I will tell you in a just a few minutes. I need to find out something first.

DarianNightshade: ::He brought the pistol up in a flash, index flicking the safety off in one fluid movement. The Grim Reaper engravings on the pistol gleamed dully as his voice. He was in no mood for guessing games:: Who the fuck are you?

Mikal Nightshade: Well, first off ::He laughed to himself:: There is no need for being alarmed. My name is Mikal....Mikal Nightshade

Tiph Nightshade: ::She hoisted him up and cuddled the energetic little bundle of baby against her chest, caressing the back of his head with a tender hand slowly, soothingly. She didn't say anything yet, though she was intensely curious as to who this person was..::

Tiph Nightshade: You're who? ::She blinked and almost rudely stared at Mikal::

DarianNightshade: Never heard of you... Three seconds to step the fuck out.. ::His finger tightened on the trigger as his eyes narrowed dangerously... He ignored the knot in his left calf that just began to form..::

Tiph Nightshade: ::Concern flashed in her glowing eyes and she started to walk off to put Damian down for the night, deciding that this was as good a time as any to let him sleep::

Tiph Nightshade: ::She made her way back from the nursery, after a few toiled minutes; settling Damian down was no easy chore.. and reappeared in the entryway, casting a wayward lock of brown silk over her narrow shoulder, a minutely tensed hand creeping down to Masamune's hilt, just out of habit::

Mikal Nightshade: Darrian....before you shoot me or whatever you plan on doing. I am here to meet my cousin...and then I will talk business. No need to be so harsh you know, is this how you treat any other member of your family? ::Mikal calmly rested his hand on his .357, looking at Darrian's gun completely unimpressed. He stared into Darrian's emerald eyes, and he smiled once more:: It's good to see you, I see the stories of you being a hardcore asshole don't give you justice...::He snickered just a bit:: There is no need to be alarmed..::He said once more, not really wanting to repeat himself:: I am your cousin Darrian. I know that's hard to believe, but I am. I am an assassin, much like yourself. I came to meet you, and hopefully discuss business. I traveled a long way Darrian, please do not push me away now. It was quite hard to stay in this annoying place, and I was about to leave, but I found you, and it seems that this just might get interesting.

Tiph Nightshade: You have a cousin baby? ::She looked to Dar and blinked. As far as she knew there were not a whole hell of a lot of Nightshades around for her to meet.. and she could count the ones she had on one hand.. with room to spare actually. She shifted her scant weight and eyed Mikal, her glowing eyes wide and serious, lighting up the area around her delicately featured face with their perpetually spilled poison, looking for a family resemblance or something of that sort::

DarianNightshade: Hand away from the gun. Pick it up with your index and thumb, and lift it slowly from it's holster and set it to the floor. Then step back with your hands up or so Help me god I will splatter your brains all over my entryway. I have a family to watch out for Mr. Mikal "Nightshade" and I take that very seriously. Assassin or no, blood of mine or no.. The fact remains the same.

Tiph Nightshade: ::Taking that as a ill concealed hint, she slunk to hide behind Dar and peeped out from behind him from time to time::

Mikal Nightshade: ::He decided to obey his cousin, because this was far more important than a simple gun. He placed it on the floor and stepped back, hands up. Mikal felt like a hostage, but this was no matter, maybe this situation would work out. He looked at Tiph and then pointed to his face:: Tell me that we don't look alike. We favor each other seriously. That should almost be enough.

DarianNightshade: Pity me.. ::Darrian actually cracked a faint smile and glanced at Tiph..:: Okay.. Nightshade Trivia.. Who is my eldest brother?

Mikal Nightshade: That's an easy one Darrian....::He looked at him with a smirk on his face:: Damon...

Tiph Nightshade: ::None too sure of exactly what was going on, she was "content" to stay there and wait, coming to think of it, she couldn't imagine a safer spot than that one, and timidly she peeped around Darrian's side and looked at Mikal's face more closely. Turning to Dar quickly she quirked up one side of her mouth into a faint smirk and said.. :: Uh, not Damon or Arkon...

DarianNightshade: Arkon isn't related to me.. Not by blood. Yes.

Mikal Nightshade: ::He looks at Darrian and waits:: So have I passed yet Darrian?

Tiph Nightshade: ::She pouted, wrong.. but she could have sworn that Damon was 18.. shruggling she plodded off to sit on the couch again, muttering something to herself as she went. Her stomach fairly roared and she looked down at it curiously, eyes wide..:: Maybe I should eat something.. ::Her tone was absent and faint, as if she was less than there this evening;:

DarianNightshade: I guess that is good enough for now. Pick up your firearm, and unload it. You may then holster it.. ::He flipped the safety back on, and whirled around, moving to Tiph, straddling her thighs and kissing her slowly::

Tiph Nightshade: ::Nicely surprised, she warmed to him and kissed him sweetly back for a moment that lingered out, but not for nearly long enough before she pulled back to whisper to him:: If I don't eat something baby I think Ima die...

Tiph Nightshade: Make me steak =) ::She grinned at him, her eyes cutely begging::

DarianNightshade: Anything for you... ::He kissed her again slowly, before casting a wary glance to the "Nightshade":: Keep him in eye sight.. ::He slid her his pistol..:: Anything funny... ::With that he moved to the kitchen to grill her a steak..::

Tiph Nightshade: ::She picked up the gun between forefinger and thumb.. and looked at it with a blank expression on her face. Laughing softly she stuck it into her belt and then looked back to Mikal, seeing, or more like sensing that she had little to fear from him::

Mikal Nightshade: ::He runs his hand through his hair:: Thanks...::He stepped beside his chrome .357 and unloaded it, placing the bullets in his hand. He shoved the gun into his belt, looking over at Tiph he slowly stepped over towards her, his bullets still in hand, he offered them to her, as to show her that he had no intention of attacking::

Tiph Nightshade: ::She patted the empty space next to her and smiled invitingly to him, extending her hand for his bullets and scooting over a bit to give him more room:: Have a seat, please Mikal..

DarianNightshade: ::He returned in a few minutes with a large smothered steak, with melted mozzarella cheese, and sauteed mushrooms on top of it. In his off hand he had three wine glasses (Empty) and a bottle:: Dinner is served my love...

Mikal Nightshade: ::He handed them to her and slowly sat down in the spot she offered. :: He isn't into long lost family is he? ::He chuckled to himself and looked at Darrian and shushed himself::

Tiph Nightshade: ::She took each Masamune from her hips and cast them unceremoniously to the ground, as if they meant just about nothing, and handed Darrian his gun back, licking her lips, looking at her steak as she shoved the bullets quickly into her pocket:: I dunno.. ask him ::Her distracted reply to Mikal::

Mikal Nightshade: ::He looked up to Darrian, his sky blue twins gazing into his eyes:: So do you believe that I am family or do you still think I am just an educated poser?

Tiph Nightshade: ::Her stomach roared and she hunched over, clutching at it, embarrassed like hell, actually audibly hushing it, some muffled murmur of "Shut the fuck up, Jesus Christ" emanating from her thin lips, as her cheeks turned slightly red::

DarianNightshade: ::He blinked slowly, and grinned, taking his favored pistol back. He sat next to her kissing her cheek before letting her eat. He then uncorked the bottle with a fang, and poured a savory red wine into each of the three glasses..:: You will know the answer. It will be easy. Either you survive tonight or you don't..

DarianNightshade: ::Eyes gleaming dangerously as he handed each of them a wine glass::

Tiph Nightshade: ::She sat back up and accepted the steak, flashing him a loving smile before slicing it into dainty pieces with the steak knife, and delicately chewing, trying not to eat ravenously and appear rude to their guest. A sip of wine occasionally taken from the glass, which she suspended in the air before her while her hands were full of knife and fork::

Mikal Nightshade: ::He chuckled to himself:: You give yourself a lot of credit you know. I am sure that there is reason for that, perhaps the assassin's background. I have one as well, That's why I decided to come see you. ::He took the glass slowly and remained staring up at Darrian:: I was wondering if you are interested in perhaps joining with me, or allowing me to work with you?

~Then John had to go so this log is to be continued.~
