
Okie, this is a log of contention if nothing else.. needless to say Darrian and Seph do not care a whole lot for each other, and the both of them can be a considerable step above merely nasty when they want to be... but I eat this kind of thing up (Especially since they were fighting about Tiphy) so of course I had to post it. Enjoy. >:]

Sephiroth Enigma: ::Sephiroth strode in silently, not looking at the patrons of the filthy little bar, for they were not of his concern. He cared for virtually none, well... no one here at any rate. Brightly glowing emerald twins settled on an empty table in one corner, set apart from the rest, which he approached with long sure strides, Masamune held lax in his left gloved hand::

DarianNightshade: ::Darrian had just settled into his seat, as the gene filth known as Sephiroth entered the room.. He casually stood, and threw his goblet of wine directly into the Jenova spawned fiend's face:: You filthy maggot.. ::He almost spat the words out at Sephiroth::

Sephiroth Enigma: ::A flawless mane of silver fell about his shoulders, the curiously "styled" bangs framing his strikingly handsome face well. The wine did not detract from his looks in the slightest bit, and he smirked softly, speaking in a clear deep and uncaring tone:: Hmm well who do we have here now? ::He shot one look at Darrian and brushed his way past with ease:: Necrofilth is something I do not have time to play with... sorry

DarianNightshade: ::Darrian shoved Sephiroth roughly:: Come on you rotten pussied faggot! ::He was seething at the fact that the man that had killed his wife was so simply.. and callously.. uncaring..::

Sephiroth Enigma: ::Sephiroth hardly flinched at the "shove", having walked a ways away. He sighed very softly and turned around, light from the dimly lit tavern glinting off of his silver hair. He flicked a drop of wine from the end of his nose and turned the edge of his lips up into a smirk:: Such manners you are in possession of child. Where can I find some for myself?

DarianNightshade: ::He smirked in return, his eyes flaring a soft green glow from behind those mirrored wrap arounds.. Darrian used those shades for distancing, but the barrier was gone now.. He clenched his powerful fists so tightly that those short, manicured nails bit deeply into his palms, black blood spattering the floor at his Itialian leather shoed feet.:: You can get them no where, it is something you are born with, something you know very little about I would assume..

Sephiroth Enigma: ::If anything, Sephiroth was amused with these arrogant little tactics of the annoying undead before him.:: Such a pity you are too daft to catch my sarcasm... one would think that spending so much time with my partner, you would be a little better attuned to it. ::He looked slowly, casually over the angry man and smirked again:: But I find it quite clear that nothing about her has rubbed off on you.

DarianNightshade: Not my fault she finds my company more.. palatable than yours. Seems you happen to not have her anymore, and I do. Have her ALL THE TIME. :: Darrian smirked, his face a mask of coldness, and controlled rage.. barely controlled rage at that.::

Sephiroth Enigma: ::Sephiroth's chiseled features wore no expression other than ill-concealed amusement, as if he looked down on a little trained monkey, or a circus clown. Gripping Masamune gently still in his left gloved hand, he cocked his head to one side and spoke in the same deep, uncaring tone:: And you hear this from her own lips do you? I think you would find it enlightening to ask what she thinks of my company

DarianNightshade: I think she would rather have me than she would have you. Not my fault you couldn't have her so you kill her. I guess jealousy is a real bitch hmm.. ::Darrian's tone had taken the same tone as Sephiroth's, more of a cold, and unfeeling tone by the word, as he literally looked down at the "legendary" man before him. How Tiphy could stand one such as him was really beyond our comprehension. Darrian was just glad that he had her still::

Sephiroth Enigma: Lying is something that may come back to haunt you. Or is it mere ignorance I am hearing? Never the less, Nightshade, what reason could I possibly have to be jealous of you? I did have her, and what sense you take that as, I care very little. I have her still, for your information. Me jealous of you? Laughable to say the very least. Or is that just something you tell yourself to hide from the truth?

Sephiroth Enigma: ::His tone had never changed, still careless, and endlessly cool::

DarianNightshade: It is simply the truth straight from me. As far as I can see it, you are pissed because I have something you can never have again. And she seems perfectly content in my arms in the evenings. And to wake up in the mornings next to me, not knowing I sit up at night sometimes, and just watch her sleep, as she does me, not knowing I know.

Sephiroth Enigma: You little fool. ::He muttered softly:: I speak of something that carries a little deeper meaning than sex. ::He shook his head then, as if disappointed in the vampire; he had hoped for something a little more challenging. But disappointment was never ending, when he looked to others... somehow, they just never measured up, save for one, the topic of conversation actually::

DarianNightshade: I speak of something way beyond mere sex fool.. Most nights I simply hold her in my arms. Sex is nothing more than a physical love, We are far beyond that simple flesh stage. ::Darrian sniffed slightly, and smirked, honsetly expecting so much more from the Fabled Sephiroth, and to think one such as us so shallow was a poor misgiving.:: Not my fault you are by far too daft to see past simple sex.

Sephiroth Enigma: ::He looked on Darrian with moderate disdain, but all he spoke with his features was a complete and total lack of care... he didn't bother to like or dislike him, there was just no reason to bother. He was somewhat of a nuisance, and a bit too stupid for Sephiroth's patience... but he lingered on for now:: Listen closely and you might learn something now. The only qualm I have with you is because of you, she was pushed to death. If you think you have had some wanted effect on her, think again.

DarianNightshade: Hmm.. she was "Pushed to death" More like you pushed your sword into her heart.. Yup, that really shows me a healthy bond with you and her. I think you over estimate your own worth. As far as I am concerned, you are a nobody, with a record that has done nothing but been created for you. You are not even good enough for my spit. ::He smirked slightly again, eyes softly flashing behind those expensive mirrored shades::

Sephiroth Enigma: ::He smiled sadly almost, shaking his head again. Obviously this little one had yet much to understand about his race:: I do believe that she has attempted to explain her motives behind it many times. In vain obviously. You are simply not getting it. So why not just turn your little head, and walk off to ponder things that aren't going to be too complicated for your rapidly diminishing brain cells?

DarianNightshade: ::Darrian smirked slightly again, his face becomming colder still, if that was even possible:: Do not even try to fathom the bond me and Tiph have. Even a being as "perfect" and "great" as you couldn't even chip at the weakest layer. You may speak to me when your blood is less tainted with whatever you seem to be on..

Sephiroth Enigma: Petty insults now? Oh really, I had hoped to be able to expect more from you. Aren't vampires supposed to be better, smarter, a little elevated above the usual mortal filth? So sad I find this particular one a trifle worse. Care to share something with me? What in hell does she see in you? ::He eyed him critically and waited a response, genuinely wanting an answer to his queery, as he could not even fathom it himself::

DarianNightshade: Compassion, caring.. and Love. ::He crossed seemingly small arms over a slender Armani clad chest, and tilted his head to one side:: She considers me her perfect match. I don't know what she would consider you anymore.

DarianNightshade: ::He chuckled softly, a deep rich tone in the back of his throat:: Besides maybe obsolete.. worthless..

Sephiroth Enigma: You assume I know nothing of compassion or the rest. And as for what she thinks of me, you should go ask her. I'm sure she'll readily share it with you. Unless she is afraid of hurting your pride. ::He shrugged slightly, beginning to become bored with the little vampire's antics::

DarianNightshade: Run along now you child.. ::He shooed away Sephiroth casually, and re sat at his table:: Not my fault you are not good enough for Tiphareth any more is it now.. so go take out your emotional constipation on someone else.

Sephiroth Enigma: ::He laughed out loud, tossing back his head a bit, finding that little comment all too hilarious. How clueless he found this creature to be was almost too much.:: Listen closely now boy. What and who is and is not good enough for Tiphareth all depends on what sense you are taking it in. The context makes all the difference. Now, the levels you and I hold for her are completely different. So I think it all too funny that you can even compare yoursef to me. I mean something indescribable to her, and apparently that bond is not something that you were meant to understand. I assume she cares for you because she has put up with you for this long. ::With that he had finished, not caring to waste his breath anymore. He turned and walked to the empty table he had been approaching upon his entrance, all too content to be leaving the angry little vampire to his own impetuous devices::

DarianNightshade: ::Darrian smirked:: I think you give yourself more credit then you deserve with Tiphy. You are a nobody, and a nothing. As I have said, you are not even close to worthy of A) My saliva, and B) My wife's attention. It isn't my fault someone perverted you, and you managed to somehow mess her head up bad enough to make her believe that you are anywhere near anything good, or intelligent for that matter. All you have going for you is the fact that you have your head so far up your ass, that you cannot see your own flaws. If you could, you just might realize that I am not comparing myself to you. Why would I bother comparing myself to something so vastly inferior to myself. I am not saying that I am better than you are because of who or what I am. Only because I hold something that something like you can never have. And what Tiphareth really needs, and that is someone with Emotions. And that is why you will never be as good as I am, because you cannot ever help her anymore, because you are nothing but an unfeeling mass of shit.

Sephiroth Enigma: Now wouldn't that be meaningful if it wasn't just your wistful thinking. Poor poor ignorant fool. You might have my pity, if that was something I bothered with. You would probably feel a whole lot better if my partner shared the same views. Never did I tell her what to think of me as, look to me for, any of that. Her opinion of me was formulated before you or your dimension ever entered the picture. Keep fooling yourself though, not that I care at all. You seem to have a knack for it actually. ::He sat calmly in his seat and kept his eerily glowing oculars turned aside from Darrian's direction slightly; the tone still cold and indifferent, amused smirk still gently pulling at his cheek muscles and lips::

DarianNightshade: ::Darrian continued to casually watch Sephiroth.. smirking all the while.. the smaller man's words really didn't strike home at all, simply being the mindless drivvel of someone on the defense:: Is it my fault you are jaded? and idiotic? I don't think I am the cause of your poorly formed views, only the fact that you dare not even look at me anymore, allows me to see the truth in my words. ::With that last stinging comment, Darrian tunred back to a new glass of wine, and casually sipped at it::

DarianNightshade: ::Darrian casted a quick gaze up to the man watching him, perched on the stool, then looked back to the Raspberry wine, and swirled the liquid before sipping slowly from it::

Sephiroth Enigma: It's not that I don't dare. I simply don't care. But if you want the point proven... ::He turned his head and looked Darrian full in the face, the glowing gaze never wavering:: Is this better? Now I see some things need to be pointed out to you. Contradicting yourself seems to be a special talent of yours. When you spoke, "Only because I hold something that something like you can never have. And what Tiphareth really needs, and that is someone with Emotions." the fact obviously slipped your mind that she arrived here unfeeling, and since we two are the only of our species, that makes us one and the same. If you were able to coax emotion out of her, using whatever warped tactics that suited your purpose, what would lead you to believe that something similar wouldn't work with myself?

DarianNightshade: ::And if you didn't notice... Darrian's back was to Sephy, so now he made Sephy look even more idiotic then before.. Not that it would be hard to do so in the first place. The words on the other hand, fell on deaf ears..:: I said you were dismissed Emotionally Constipated one.. so shut up or leave.

Sephiroth Enigma: ::Seeing he had won, tired the other's wits until he ran and mentally hid behind a wall of forced, feigned childish "I'm ignoring you" game, Sephiroth allowed a calm, satisfied half smirk to play over his features and sat in silence, crossing legs so one foot rested on it's ankle on the opposite knee. His eyes danced about calmly, arms crossed over his perfectly toned chest, and he thought back to his recent encounter with Tiphareth, almost smiling to himself at the memory::

DarianNightshade: ::Darrian smiled faintly as he too thought of his beloved "Shower girl". He leaned back slightly in the chair, and sighed softly, missing her sorely.. And Sephy didn't win shit, but Darrian would let the daft fool believe whatever he wished to. Not that the rantings of a man that "Killed everyone on his planet" really mattered to the cultured assassin::

Sephiroth Enigma: ::He sat in a calm indifference, malevolently handsome face cast seemingly to study the grain of the wood of the tabletop before him, the alien twins glowing, continually radiating the toxic Mako. There was a quiet assurance to him, an air of superiority if you will. Something that never changed::

DarianNightshade: ::Darrian quietly stood, and made his way out the door, and to Nightshade Manor. He had some training to do, and some shit to cut..::
