

If you know me well, you know I have this little thing for vampires, and I don't just mean the run of the mill loser Gaming Chat vampire either... when I sit down and count them all, I have four different vampire characters... this is probably the most disturbing one, and if I still had some old logs from back when I RPed her more, then I could prove my point far better than what this RP shows.

Zoisite Tzimisce: -= She faded in silently, clad in a few virtual scraps of strategically placed black cloth; we were a Tzimisce, and displaying our work of art, that being her intricately self mutilated flesh, was a priority, to say the very least. She was covered in eye-drawing knifed, scorched, and otherwise inflicted designs, appearing in a dark corner, wild eyes flicking about as a disturbing smirk lit up her palid face =-

Zoisite Tzimisce: -= Belong here? Most likely not, yet, here she still was, and so would make the most of her visit to the realm of mortals and other less appealing creatures; short navy locks stood upright and spiked into every direction on her head, her misleading diminuitive appearance gave her an edge over these... beings, she would call them. Finding herself being smirked at, she turned slowly to Ryuu and eyed him, before laughing softly to herself and looking away again =-

Zoisite Tzimisce: -= Eerie bronze twins flecked with a myriad of bright green spots, as if paint splattered by a minute paint brush drenched in neon paint flicked over the room slowly, taking everything in, in a calculating, methodical mannor, while one hand raised Malaise, her black bitted scythe, quite easily the only thing she chose to show affection, and the opposite played it's delicate and palid fingers idly over it's ridged edge =-

Zoisite Tzimisce: -= Zoisite found this place to be less than appealing and chose to make her exit, not as a listless mortal would, through the door, that was much too plain, mundane, drab, for one as multi-talented as herself. She raised Malaise over her head, and swung down so quickly that the blade was near to invisible in it's plummet towards the ground. She tore a rift in the moment, and a painfully ear-splitting shriek erupted as the hole widened and time reverted into arrested slow-motion, warping and distorting everything save for herself. The gap widened, and through it her slender slight form slipped, out and about to who knows where, ANYWHERE was better than the drudge she left in her wake =-
