
Tiphareth... Can't wait, can ya? ::smirk::

Tiphareth's Bio

~Character Bio: Tiphareth

~S/N's: First one: Tiphareth 19, Obselete ones: Specter Tiphareth, Tiph Nightshade, Princess Tiphy, Real, current one: II Tiphareth II, (those are i's at the ends) Other ones: Lady Tiphareth W, Tiphareth Enigma.

~Name: Tiphareth Watchman, technically, though she just goes by Tiphareth.

~The symbolism behind the name: If you ever wondered how I came up with a name as weird sounding as Tiphareth you are about to find out. It's not just some random strange thing that I made up. One day I was researching Sephiroth [you know, the gorgeous evil guy from FF7] and I found where the people at Square Soft got his name, and it's from this Tree of Life, filled with orbs called sephira, each one is a sephiroth. One of these sephiroth is the tiphereth, sometimes spelled tiphareth, and what it stands for and symbolizes is beauty, harmony, compassion, centrality, balance, and wholeness. So now you know. I see Tiphareth as a character struggling to deny the demons of her past the ability to inflict strife onto her, and to rise above it all, and achieve all of the things that her name stands for.

~Height: 176 cm, 5’7& 3/4 I know this is not especially short, though at certain times she wishes to be taller...

~Weight: 54 kg, 119 lbs. Her figure is toned, she is fit beyond belief, muscular in a feminine sense, curved in all the right places. Her slender neck rises to a delicately featured pale face, tiny nose, and thin red lips almost always turned into a smug smirk, when there is any emotion shown on her face at all that is.

~Hair: A shining chestnut brown with blond bangs that curve up and outwards, framing her pale face. It falls to her mid back and is always perfectly behaved.

~Eyes: Pale ice blue, they possess an eerie, other-wordly Mako glow and are cruel and cold. When in heightened situations, they emanate Mako at an even more frenzied rate, and glow with an incredible shine.

~Age: 24 in looks... and not being mortal, she will not *age* in the traditional sense of the word

~Astrological sign: Aquarius

~Birthday: February 17

~Blood type: AB and full of both Mako and Jenova cells. The combination of both of these has turned her blood blue, and given it an iridescence as if it was coated with a reflective material. It will reproduce itself, and the Jenova cells serve to heal her at a rapid pace. Also, it has a unique taste, and is nourishing beyond compare ... so Tiph is kinda like a power shake. Taking a drink of Tiphareth.. wouldn't be a very wise idea. No one has free drinking rights anymore. The Japanese blood typing deal that correlates with AB says that traditionally, Tiphareth is prone to being sensitive, proud, diplomatic, discriminating, easy-going, sympathetic, efficient, and a fast learner. On the negative scope of things, she can be short tempered, prone to complaining, dependent, moody, and brooding. How much of this is actually accurate, well.. it depends on Tiphareth's situation.

~Weapon: Two twin masamunes (5’ instead of 7’ like Sephiroth’s), always sheathed and hanging obediently at her sides. A single black materia orb is equipped in the hilt of each blade, they serve to further escalate her powers and strengthen the swords. They are enchanted both by herself and a credited mage; they can sear through ANY material and will return to her when she wishes for them to do so; joined to her mind psychically, she need only call them and no matter where they might be, they will come. For this reason, no other being alive, save for Sephiroth, can use them. (Not just any Sephiroth either... I know one credible one, and he knows who he is.) Also, since being resurrected (don't ask) she has acquired a piercing gun, which can be very amusing. She has pierced quite a few people, in quite a few places, but nothing nasty of course. A few examples of her "work" are her own and Darrian's tongues, both sporting barbell piercings. Hers is sky blue and glitters when it catches the light. She doesn't bother to carry it around or anything anymore, nor pierce people. I guess it was a passing.. fit of boredom. Recently she has been known to carry around Sephiroth's masamune. Why.. will all be answered in time.

~Attire: [think Sephiroth] Tiphareth wears a black armored suit, ShinRa issued for only the most elite of SOLDIERS, altered to fit a woman’s frame, gently caressing over and hugging every toned inch of her; long black cape, black platform boots, brown leather straps with gold buckles crossing her chest, silver medallion around her waist, white plated shoulder armor, black gloves, a man’s silver ring on her right thumb with the letters SW set in silver in an onyx stone, a ruby engagement ring and a platinum and onyx wedding band on her ring finger. a symbol of her marriage “tattooed” around her left wrist. A bold black 2 is tattooed on the back of her right hand, it serves as a constant, bitter reminder to the fact that she is what she is. *Updated Attire* Tiphareth is currently sporting a *borrowed without permission* black Armani suit, complete with black suit coat, slacks, and dress shirt, and a crimson tie... [wonder where she got that, ne? ::smirk:: ] The reason for this is simple really. Her armored suit was ruined in an... unfortunate incident and so after being healed by a merciful angel, whom she didn't even know, and has not seen since, it was either this, or walk around naked, and that's not happening. Another update, she has a sky blue barbell piercing in her tongue, [in case you missed that earlier] and after being in this realm for months, she has finally unfurled her wings. Massive yet delicately feathered, they have a span of 16 feet, the right wing is jet black, and the left, a brilliant white. She may fly with or without them, by the way. *Most recent update* This section is forever changing.. Well, Tiphareth acquired a new armored suit from her oh so convenient partner, and has been sporting that and not much else for quite some time now. I don't think I even really have to point out that she doesn't have reason to play the suit thief anymore. Lately she's added an otherwordly cowel to her attire, which conceals the whole of her head. No light can penetrate it, no eyes for that fact either, no matter how fine the sight may be. She has done this to keep things colder still, and ever more impersonal. Everyone is denied being able to see her eyes, most importantly. Her face and hair and all of that is still all the same in theory, underneath, but no one can see any of it. When she feels the need to, the cowel is attached to a ankle length black cloak, and obviously then, not only her head is hidden from view. When the cloak is on, the wings are gone. She can summon them and banish them at will. Ah yes, one more thing, the platinum and gold wedding band, has long since been laid to rest. Where exactly it's whereabouts are, only Tiphareth can say.. but it's not on her finger, nor on her person.

~Hobbies: Reading, training, star gazing, meditating at her obelisk, daydreaming, reveling in waking nightmares of years past; all of these are things she indulges herself with. All of these being quiet, calming activities, and quite fittingly so, as she has more than adequate reason to seek solace and peace in her chaotic life. Healthy habits are hard to come by, and on darkened days she spends much of her time pooling over unpleasant things in her mind, though staying pretty much silent in the face of the world. Tiphareth is a woman with demons, and she lets them run rampant except for the rare occasion.

~Personality: Introverted and unsociable, Tiphareth thrives on isolation. She appears calm, cool, and unemotional, compounded upon by the fact that she is a woman who holds such a high rank in SOLDIER. This fact alienates her even more so than Sephiroth. Tiphareth has such incredible combat skill that she is able to occupy the number two spot in the SOLDIER hierarchy of power, right beneath Sephiroth. She is extremely intelligent and has the ability to comprehend people’s thoughts. She is cunning and can be mischievous. In days long past, she was able to deny the soldier heritage, but that only lasted for so long, as now she only has a fatherless son and her own bittersweet memories to look back on to remind her of those relatively carefree days. She's turned ever more self absorbed and cold than she was at any point. Friends, if she ever had them, have all been dismissed. She watches out for herself, and her son, and nothing else is certain.

~Abilities: She is very skilled with her twin masamune, having been trained in their use since the tender age of two. Tiphareth loves her swords, five feet each of cruel steel with a gentle curve at their tips. Being a Jenova hybrid, she has super-human strength, power beyond comprehension when compared to your run of the mill mortal. Tiph knows some excellent magic spells and teleportation, as opposed to fading, which she can't do since she is not of Vampiric origin. Another ability or quality, is her heightened rate of healing due to the Jenova cells. An ex co-general, she is a good battle strategist. Psychic abilities include levitation, and the power to read and speak to people's thoughts. She has a knowledge of some powerful healing spells, and also possesses the ability of flight, with or without the use of her wings. [One little note. I reserve the right to pull anything out of FF7 and use that in battle. What, you thought those black materia orbs were just for looks? If you couldn't already tell by now, I base a lot of her off of the game. I mean, just look at the picture, Virtually she is a female version of Sephiroth, but it's not nearly that simple.]

~History: Tiphareth has been around for a long while. Her sn's are as follows: Tiphareth 19 (the first Tiphy, way back when I was a newbie. *Trained* Justice, met Darrian, all that good stuff. Whoohoo) Lady Tiphareth W (from the Watchman era; for those of you who recall the period when Darrian was *dead*, a point of particular turmoil for Tiph, at that same time Lu Watchman took Tiphy in, made her his sister, and looked out for her. She was one of the original 5 Watchman, and still part of the family, though the current sn doesn't tell you that. On that note let me just say that Tiph holds firm to the belief that her brother Lu will return someday; after all that he has done for her, and how close they had grown, she adamantly refuses to give up hope.) After Lady Tiphareth W came Tiphareth Enigma for a short time, this Tiphareth was the darker side of the overall *good* person that she is today, and is a dark and somewhat unnerving character, if you have ever seen her around IC...much more like Sephiroth than the person she has become. Enigma can be considered a rift of Tiphareth's current personality, a separate person in many ways. Perhaps she is the SOLDIER that she was designed to be. At any rate, she still shows herself from time to time, but catching sight of her is rare. After that comes Tiph Nightshade. Dun dun dun... yes, she got married. To Darrian Nightshade no less. It was somewhat of a surprise but a very nice one. Then comes the Specter Tiphareth, from a short interval in which Tiph was dead... ::sniffle sniffle:: yes she died... and the story behind that is twisted and complicated so I am going to spare you the details, except for the fact that she wanted and was more than willing to die at the time. But there was a kick ass Rezzie [the log of most of it is in my logs section, under Tiphareth,] and now she is happily back to being Tiph Nightshade once again. *UPDATE* I've negelcted this for far too long. Since the rezzie, which I look back on now, and just kind of laugh.. Tiphareth has been through much. I am going to leave a lot of details out, since trying to sum up many months of RP just isn't going to do justice to what happened. The main points, vaguely speaking, are Tiph was left pretty much alone, seeing Darrian occasionally, not nearly as much as she'd have liked. It's like they were faint acquaintances rather than huband and wife, they saw so little of each other. At any rate, time passed and the absences grew longer and longer still, all of them having a detrimental affect on the somewhat soft hearted Tiphy. There came a point where she had to make a decision to either wait around forever and wither and die, or force herself over it and get out and away. Darrian hadn't shown himself in so long he just kind of.. melted out of the picture. A lot of OOC shit muddled things up, but that's just OOC.. and the only way I could justify it IC is by saying Darrian disappeared.. because that's what happened. She doesn't know whether he's alive or dead technically. But she has more important things to care about now. The "Nightshade" title got dumped, and now she's turned full circle, and is back to being what she was meant to be, simply, Tiphareth.

~Theme Song: Incubus: Pardon Me. This song is played out I know, but when I picked it for her theme, it wasn't, and no matter how many times it gets played, how adeptly it suits her will never change. These lyrics fit Tiphareth perfectly. Her life is described very well in one simple word: DRAMA. I wouldn't know what's up of some kind of rotten shit wasn't going down. There is always someone trying to kill her, assassins after her, or some crazy guy is stalking her, her life is crumbling, constantly redefining itself, the list goes on and on. Anyways, at least I'm kept busy with it all. Though sometimes she wouldn't mind bursting into flames in the least. The lyrics to Pardon Me are below.
Pardon me while I burst
Pardon me while I burst
A decade ago, I never thought I would be.
A twenty three on the verge of spontaneous combustion woe is me
But I guess that it comes with the territory.
An ominous landscape of never-ending calamity.
I need you to hear. I need you to see.
That I have had all I can take
And exploding seems like a definite possibility
To me
So Pardon me while I burst into flames.
I've had enough of the world, and its people's mindless games
So Pardon me while I burn, and rise above the flame
Pardon me, pardon me. I'll never be the same.
Not, two days ago I was having a look in a book
And I saw a picture of a guy fried up above his knees
I said I can relate
Cause lately I've been thinking of combustication as a welcomed vacation from.
The burdens of the planet earth, like gravity, hypocrisy, and the perils of being in 3-D...
And thinking so much differently.
Pardon me while I burst into flames.
I've had enough of the world, and it's people's mindless games
Pardon me while I burn, and rise above the flame
Pardon me, pardon me. I'll never be the same.
Never be the same...yeah.
Pardon me while I burst into flames.
Pardon me, pardon me, pardon me.
So pardon me while I burst into flames.
I've had enough of the world, and it's people's mindless games
So pardon me while I burn, and rise above the flame
Pardon me, pardon me. I'll never be the same.
Pardon me, never be the same. Yeah

~Family/Friends: All of this is an open ended question now.. she had a "husband", she had a "son", she had an outwardly happy little family life, but that path was not the one she'd been meant to tread indefinitely, as all of these things have fallen away. I never meant for her to be a mother really, but things happen and that doesn't just go away. Darrian, for all she knows, or cares, is just, past. Whether the "marriage" itself ever was in good standing has a lot to do with whether or not it can even be considered null and void. She's taken his disappearance as reason enough to get on with her life. There were questions, anxieties, but she ran out of patience to retain them after a while. And Damian, as he did nothing wrong, being only an innocent child, he couldn't help who his parents were, or whether or not they acted adequately as such. He is still around, though catching sight of him is a rarity, as Tiphareth prefers to shelter him as she watches over him herself. The one member of her old family apart from Damian, who she still considers dear, would have to be Lu, her brother, without whom it's a safe assumption that she'd have lost her sanity by now.

~Damian: I have left most of the old , Damian section intact. I thought that a section of this bio should be for Tiph and Darrian's son, since he doesn't have one yet, [I just RP him and Tiph on her screen name] after all he is a baby, there is no better place to put it than here with hers. There is a separate sn now, Damien Nightshade, but I don't think I'll be using it much. Damian was born somewhere around April 15, barely under a year old now, and his race is somewhat muddled, being half vamp and half Tiph [look up for an explanation of that part]. He was not conceived and born in the traditional sense of the words. The process in which Tiphareth was created left her mutated in more ways than one, and though it strengthened her and turned her immortal, she lost things as well, including the ability to have a child like a normal human. So Damian came to Tiph and Darrian by supernatural means. Contact me for a more detailed version of that story. Damian has hair so deeply brown that it is virtually black, and baby fine, incredibly soft to the touch. His eyes are pupil less, and glow a radiant aquamarine, possessing an intelligence and acuity that defy his young age. A well tempered baby, Damian rarely cries or fusses, most times he can be found smiling, showing off those adorable baby fangs, and gurgling happily.

~Last Notes: If you are thinking about RPing with me, keep one thing in mind. I Free Form. And am quite good at it, and this is not only something that I say about myself. Conceited maybe, but I have reason to be, having been dubbed Shakespeare by my peers. Hence the long and detailed posts, in depth character descriptions, and emphasis on the plot. So don’t try to ::hit:: me unless you want to be laughed at. Credit must be paid to my IRL friend Trista, kickass artist extrordinaire, for drawing the Tiph pic for me. I inked and colored and scanned it.

Good Tiph logs: Log 13, The Mako Pool (monologue)

Log 15, Aftermatn part two

Log 17, Spar

Log 28, Tiphareth and Jacen

Logs 34-35, Tiph Lu Sephy