
Akasha de Romanus

Name: Akasha de Romanus

Age: 6000. She is so old now even the sun does her no harm. (However, she appears to be around 18 years of age)

Birthday: October 20th.

Height: 5'3" (barely, and she's rather sensitive about this)

Weight: 100-106lbs (depending on when she last ate)

Eyes: Dark green, large and with a predatory look to them. They seem iridescent during the day and glow gently during the night.

Hair: Pale blonde, appearing almost silvery in some lights. It reaches to mid-way down her back, the hair framing her face slightly shorter. If it were to be cut, it would simply grow back in a matter of hours to it’s former length.

Race: Vampire

Breed: Etoch, the first created and last remaining of this breed. (She killed all the others)

Blood Type: Unknown. Her blood does however have the capability to create other vampires and heal them (and mortals if used sparingly) as well. It also purifies any blood she drinks and prevents her from being poisoned or catching any type of human disease.

Marital Status: Single, and to be honest, she’s about given up on men

Quote: "That's an order not a request!"

Theme Tune: Id's theme tune from Xenogears. (freaky music...)

Weapons: The Masamune, a Japanese sword of Nodotchi type. It's blade 6' long and gently curving, its main component being steel, the hilt onyx. She also carries twin Uzi’s on the occasions that she plans on fighting, though these are rarely used, and beneath her skirt is a wicked looking knife that is so curved it almost looks like a semi-circle. Be warned Akasha likes weapons and has a stockpile of them next to her chair, all stolen of course from her numerous victims.

Breed Specifics: Human in appearance (hence no pupilless or whiteless eyes), and unaffected by Holy objects, garlic or stakes. They are not automatically evil and retain their human personality. Their fangs are not retractable, nails always appear glassy and when a fledgling is created, any sign of age will be greatly reduced. Their faces do not change in any way when they become angry (no morphing as seen in TV progs I'm afraid). As they become older their strength and agility increases, by about the age of 2000 they have the capability to fly. A rather unpleasant aspect of this breed is the ability to reattach severed body parts. If the body part is pressed back against it's original joint, it will meld back, reknitting without any visible scar. If a body part is destroyed before it can be reattached, the vampire could steal the part they need from a human, though these won't remain for as long as needed, and will need replacing every few months, lacking the strength of the original limb.

Personality: To strangers, Akasha is cold, unyielding and very condescending. She is in fact as likely to bite them as she is to converse with them. She hates unintelligent people, being something of a scholar herself, and is usually very arrogant, which unfortunately makes her seem rather snobbish. Despite these faults, she is extremely loyal, and would protect her friends with her "life". She is angered very easily and responds to most situations with violence. She can be merciless, utterly sadistic, enjoying seeing pain inflicted on the innocent, and on occasion causing it herself. On the other hand she can be passive, calm, well mannered and compassionate, the perfect image of a lady, albeit a Renaissance style one. Which of the two moods you will encounter will depend on whether you act with etiquette. Show some manners and she's likely to listen. Don't make an effort and you'll be in some pain before long. Another point which should be noted about this temperamental vampire, is the fact that, due to her age, she can on occasion be quite senile. Akasha was never suited to life as a vampire, and probably would have committed suicide before reaching the age of 200 had it not been for the fact that other members of her breed kept her trapped from the time she was made until her 500th year. It is not unusual to find her fighting three people at a time, despite the odds of her winning being somewhat reduced in such a situation, or carving bloody tattoos into her slender limbs. At times when she does descend into senility, she can barely discern who her friends are, from those that are her enemies, and is as likely to attack them during one of her bloody massacres as she is anyone else.

Appearance: Svelte, fragile and diminutive, she is nevertheless very feminine, curved in all the right places, and without an inch of fat on her entire body, perfectly streamlined, sleek and toned. Her skin is pale, like polished ivory, completely flawless, and almost ethereal. In fact with the jet-black wings that protrude just above her shoulder blades, it would be forgiven for thinking she was an angel. Her facial features are delicate yet sensual, her eyes dark green and fringed with long, dark lashes. Those eyes, the eyes of a predator, seem iridescent during the day, and glow gently when shaded, as do those of most nocturnal animals. Her hair is pale blonde and falls to mid-way down her back, the hair framing her face slightly shorter, drifting in soft tendrils around her high cheekbones. On her back, partially concealed by her wings is an Egyptian hieroglyphic style tattoo, black, resembling a bird of prey. She moves with grace and elegance at all times, her head held at a regal, arrogant tilt, and despite her tiny frame, she appears indomitable. On occasion, if with her friends, this manner will be dropped. There will be no forbidding, haughty grandeur evident, no loftiness that might have caused fear in a stranger, only a quiet nobility suggesting a disposition of exceptional gentleness. The changes in her face between masklike perfection and vibrant expression are fluid, and linked only by the constant, preternatural appearance of her eyes. She is an exquisite creature, her stony perfection making her seem statue like, but she does not always appear like this. If, as she often does, she goes without hunting, or goes on a fast, her skin will become almost translucent, her blood vessels apparent and bulging beneath it. Her muscle will shrink and she will appear gaunt and skeletal, her bones apparent so that the overall effect is quite hideous.

Attire: Akasha dresses for aesthetic reasons rather than practicality. She is adorned in an ankle length, midnight blue, silk dress, low cut with a cowl neckline. It is slit to the hip at either side, for freedom of movement, and is back less, this to allow her wings to move without restriction. She wears little jewelry, only a silver armor ring, and a mans at that, ending in a cruel looking claw (this sits on her left index finger). A silver ferronaire, a simple bar of silver, rests in the middle of her forehead, held in place by delicate silver chains, which fasten behind her head.

Battle Attire: This consists of a black leather catsuit, high necked and backless, which clings like a second skin. A pair of heavily armored, thigh length boots adorn her feet, while her hands are encased in black leather gloves that extend to her elbows, the knuckles ridged with metal. Her Masamune is fixed in place on her back, and a set of heavy, leather twin holsters (these also being men’s) hang from her hips narrow hips, threatening to slip off at any moment, holding her Uzi guns.

History: Akasha was born to Celtic parents whom had settled in a small kingdom in Egypt, and when she turned 17, she was married to the heir to the throne. Being a woman of great intelligence and insatiable curiosity, Akasha demanded that she be taught to read and write, despite this being against tradition. She learned with unparalleled speed, and began her own studies, only this time into demonology. Akasha, having never been a pleasant creature, something of a misanthropist, was hated for her many vile acts throughout the kingdom. These included killing her own parents, and the torture of women and children for amusement purposes. Adding to this the fact that she was barren, she became bitter and utterly twisted. A group of nobles decided to put a stop to it, and one night when she was alone, they assassinated her. On this night, Akasha had summoned one of the lesser demons, the Blood Demon Etoch, and as she lay dying, the demon entered her wounds, becoming entrapped in her flesh. She became a vampire, the first of her breed. Over the centuries she created hundreds of vampires, which in turn spawned their own progeny. She traveled Europe, and finally settled in Italy, living there for centuries. By the 18th century, she became restless again, and moved to England, where she finally went into hibernation, only to wake up in the year 1997. Having woken she was flooded by a sudden onslaught of memories, and what she recalled made her see vampires in a whole new light. Now they were nothing but parasites to her, and she made it her mission to destroy every single one, including herself.

Skills: Having preternatural flesh, she has unearthly strength and agility, and is an expert with her weapon of choice. She can levitate objects and herself, and was in fact able to fly long before she was given her wings. She can combust things on the spot, and has physic abilities, these being the ability to read the minds of mortals (and immortals if they are fool enough to leave their thoughts unguarded) and to lure her victims to her, often wiping portions of their memories.

Facts: She has two possessions which are of extreme value to her, her Masamune, a souvenir from her 10,oooth victim, and her huge, Renaissance style chair, the back seven feet tall, elaborately carved, designed specifically for her by her second husband. She speaks with an English/Italian accent and has a wingspan of 16'. She has a Doberman named Koji, a guard dog basically who is the size of a Shetland pony and who hates her, and all adults except her sister Dauthi.

Family: Though she has no blood relatives left, she has acquired a new family, this being her sister Dauthi, and her two daughters, Bianca (19) the eldest whom she adopted, and the younger, Dauthi, named after her sister whose mortal soul she contains. She is a rapidly maturing girl who appears to be about 18 even though she has technically only been alive for about seven months. The two girls don’t live with her, and she rarely sees them now…Akasha is an unsociable creature and the very thought of more children makes her shudder. As for the idea of marriage…don’t make her laugh by suggesting it.
