
This will be updated if and when Eric sends me some more information.

Cire Mirage

The being and entity that is Cire Mirage has been a staple to the Roleplaying Realm of AIM for sometime now. Seeing as how its creator ( Eric ) is usually too lazy to put up a profile in his info section he has submitted to the constant queries upon his character and has decided to give this comprehensive and detailed profile/history/stats to his good friend Mary for view on her webpage.

Name: Cire Mirage
This is the basic, English pronunciation of his name. The native Protoss tongue warrants a totally different dialect and completely different letter structuring than the version presented here. Both versions however, mean the same thing. Cire is a word derived from the word “Sire” which means Sir or Lord or even more common , Man. Mirage is a word reaching more towards his lineage. This lineage is one of a long line of Dark Templar, warriors in the Protoss army that rely on stealth as their main form of expertise. Therefore, Cire Mirage means, Man of Illusion or Lord of Illusion.

Perhaps the singularly most definitive trait that most players of this realm notice first and remember always is Cire’s size and stature. Standing in at an awe-inspiring 10 feet tall ones neck cranes merely to take in all of this massive creature. Cire is like most Protoss and is very lean and muscular, their height out proportioned to their weight. This is true for Cire only when his armor is off. When Cire is without his armor (which is very rare) his weight rings in somewhere about 400 pounds. But with his armor on, it jumps up to a earthshaking 900 pounds. The workings of his superior hydraulic armor are perhaps the most secretive part about this being other than his working of the powers of his mind. The armors lifting capabilities are unparalleled by even some dragons. Able to lift(press) 45 metric tons from a stand still, the alien technology at work within this massive golden armor is impressive to say the least.

An almost equally noticed part of Cire is his face. The face of this large alien is usually all most players in this realm ever get to see. He, like all Protoss, is a milky white to brown skinned creature. The tones on his skin in no noticable pattern, it serves as a ironic contrast to his very technological appearance. Set within the angular head of his are two ,deep, glowing ruby eyes. The main facets of his mind controlling powers, these ocular windows are perhaps the most intriguing pair in the realm. For within these eyes many have seen their own memories, imaginations, and never before told fantasies played out. When in a deep trance or in the middle of some complicated Psi ritual his eyes have been know to take on , blue, black , and even white shades. Seeing as how his eyes are straight windows into his mind, it is only fitting that they be so expressive.

An important part of the Protoss heritage is their native ware. Before the Armageddon-like war between the Protoss, Zerg and Terran the Protoss were a relatively peaceful, clan like species. Their native wear consisting for the males of merely a loin cloth of a leather like material and several ranking beads or necklaces adorned upon them. When not in his armor, this is what Cire will be seen in wearing. Wearing anything more than this underneath that armor would result in an unbearable amount of heat and sweat. Perhaps the only thing seen that is as native as his culture on Cire are his ceremonial Dark Priest Dreadlocks. In honor of him they are now worn by all Dark Templar in celebration of his success in the Protoss army.

Upon the sight of this warrior, ones first impression would leave them to assume that Cire is a brute of sorts. Relying on his physical prowess and overbearing size to get what he wants. This assumption couldn’t be more wrong. Cire’s most known trait to his friends, would be his level headedness and his ability to stop a conflict from erupting into battle. He is always one to speak calmly in situations when others are spewing steam from their ears. And only does he become upset when one of his friends in is in danger or in the process of being the target of horrible slander. Only then , other than in the heat of battle, will you see Cire’s rage implemented.

Weapons and Skills:
Cire’s skill in battle has been proved on his homeworld with the very weapons he has brought to this planet.
The list of these weapons begin with his most used, and perhaps most deadly. Hidden within the forearm gauntlets of his armor are two 8 foot long Warp Blades. Cire is the only Dark Templar in Protoss history skilled enough to use more than one Warp Blade in battle, for the Warp Blade is powered not only by the energy within the gauntlet but from within the users own mind. These weapons are a strange fusion of energy and liquid metal. When ignited the liquid metal inside is propelled outward by an urge of Psi energy from the Protoss’s mind. There they are held in place by this energy, superheated and volatile. The energy portion of the Warp Blades is a dark, spacelike blue, the metal inside look as if stars themselves are trapped within. As strange an unbelievable as it may seem, there is material yet to be found that cant be cut by these magnificent weapons.

The next weapon on the list is Cire’s handmade Kal’Dur Plasma Rifle. This rifle is an enormous, turbolaser-like weapon. Capable of being held by beings only as large or larger than Cire this rifle is capable of sending a bolt of superheated plasma at the speed of light equivalent to that of the lasers mounted upon the Scouts of his own army. This rifle is 7 and a half feet long and is made completely out of a durable alloy that reflects light brilliantly off of every surface. Cire does not use this weapon often, so he keeps it slung across his back out of the way unless a worthy situation calls for it.
