
Name: Fuuma Leishen Shirou. Last remaining member of the Shirou family..(Check out History section)

Age: He was converted at the age of 19. So his age is meaningless now, since he will always have the appearance of a 19 year old.

Race: Nephilim (No...Not copying Typhuun -.-;) A fallen angel shunned by the heavens..Most having large, black, demon-like wings or had their original wings torn out. Nephilim have extremely cold personalities and very hot egos. Being dispersed from the heavens left almost all of them with hateful views towards Seraphim and God's favorite creation, the humans.

Appearance: Can definitely fall into the "Tall, Dark, and Handsome" category. At 6'1 and only 167 lbs. he comes off as somewhat fragile..But of course someone with large wings protruding from their back can't be too fragile. But, on occasion, he has been known to show his normal bird like Angel wings since he was converted into the Nephilim and not created(Born). He wears a loose black buttoned up suit with red lining, based on a japanese jujitsu style training gi. Usually wearing his black wings down loosely as a cape. His mussed, silk black hair hangs slightly over his dark reddish lavender glowing eyes.

History: Son of Kyougo and Saya Shirou and older brother to Kitori Shirou. He had a normal life...Spending most of his time with his childhood friend, Seishoru, and his sister Kitori. He also spent a lot of his time with his parents at his Father's shrine, his father being a priest, cleaning up and basically taking care of it. Barely knowing that in the outside world, he would play a major role in the fate of humanity and the Earth...At the age of 10, the world had it's first glimpse of a group known as the Dragons of Earth (Chi no Ryu, or Nephilim), set out to destroy humans to get revenge on God, and to let Earth be reborn and have a second chance. Another group, known as the Dragons of Heaven (Ten no Ryu, or Seraphim), was set out to protect the human race from the Nephilim. He knew very little of either group, only their existence. Both groups' members using strong telekinetic energies known as "kekkiou" (basically the same thing as Chi)as their weapons, and holy swords placed around the Earth in certain Shrines and Churches. They steadily recruited certain humans baring the gift of kekkiou. At the age of 19, the end of Fuuma's former life had begun...The Seraphim and the Nephilim began waging wars and ended having a showdown near his town, both sides noticing the energy of Fuuma, yet disregarded it..Noting a higher energy coming from his life-long friend, Seishoru. Seishoru and Fuuma were connected more than just friends...but coincidently, were twin stars (Spiritually connected for balance)..Seishoru being pure at heart and with intentions to protect his friends and loved ones, he took the side of the Seraphim, but that left Fuuma being forced to balance out the powers and join the Nephilim..Fuuma refused to take part in any of it, he wanted to join on his own accord. So a nephilim by the name of Nataku was sent out to persuade him to join the Nephilim by any means necessary. Taking the form of Seishoru and killing his sister Kitori before his eyes..Nailing her to a cross and decapitating her, as well as burning down the family shrine with both his parents along with it, Nataku completed his mission. Fuuma, thinking it was Seishoru, joined the Nephilim with the sole purpose to torture and someday kill Seishoru. Fuuma was an equal to Seishoru by kekkiou and even stronger through brute force and fighting style, he was by far the strongest of the Nephilim and rose to control of the Dragons of Earth quite quickly..Getting dragged deeper and deeper into the war between the groups, he made human genocide another goal of his as well as a hobby.

Weapon: The Holy Sword of Shadow. The sword was a sacred artifact of his Father's shrine...The shrine founded around the object sent to Earth by God. When Fuuma found out about "Seishoru"'s intentions to burn down the shrine, he headed straight to it only to find that he was too late. Fuuma sprinted into the shrine, desperately looking for his parents. Finding his mother and father impaled on a rod in the center of the blaze, Fuuma screamed out at God, renouncing him forever and pledging to someday burn down the heavens and kill Seishoru. He made his way to the center of the shrine, ignoring the surrounding flames, and took up the sacred Holy Sword. Desecrating it and reforging it with dark intentions, he renamed it as the Holy Sword of Shadow, "Makura"(Total Darkness). He also uses the telekinetic energy known as kekkiou as a weapon, but he prefers to use it only when it's extremely necessary.

Personality: Empty..Emotionless..Cold..Dark, the list goes on. He is filled with nothing but anger, revenge, and death. Forgetting everything good about his past self when he was reborn as a Nephilim, he lives through the dark memories of his past..and his hatred for Seishoru. Deep down a bit of his past self still lives, but he rarely shows it...Or even gets a chance to..

Mun: Jared...Yesh, the orange haired, bass slapping, skateboarding, paranoid, depressed, misunderstood genius is back and not on Jessiah for once.

Theme: Ultraspank "Where"
