
Character Bio: Onyx

S/n’s: Essence of Onyx

Name: Onyx Desideria Maltheria

Symbolism associated with the name: “What’s in a name?” Ever heard that? Well for myself, a character’s name should say a lot about them. And so I try and level a good measure of meaning and significance into the names of my serious characters. Onyx here is no exception. Onyx, first and foremost, is a semi precious stone, more specifically, a chalcedony, which is a kind of quartz usually with smokey hues. Most importantly, it is a black stone, which is the main reason why the name was tagged onto her. Onyx could just mean black as well. It suits her adeptly seeing as she exudes this gothic air; her hair is jet black, her features, eyebrows, lashes, etc, are jet black. Her lips are black, her tattoos are black, her pants, her boots.. I think you get the picture. Her middle name carries the most symbolism. I took the Spanish word for desire, Desiderio, and switched the O on the end to an A to make it a little more feminine and thus more easily applicable to Onyx. This will mean more once you get to the History section, because Onyx is the female Devil of Desire and Temptation. It’s not such a half baked notion either.. Who said that only righteous deities got to rule over and symbolize things? ::Rebelling against the idea::

Height: A “normal” 5’7”. None too tall, and not by any means short either. Onyx is average as far as the height requirement goes. Though, any taller and she would appear sickly skinny. Her features are for the most part small, though it’s all in lovely symmetry for her height. Her legs are long and graceful, and arms are equally elegant, though not necessarily on the long side. Think of her as petite with a height bonus.

Weight: Onyx weighs in at 109 pounds, which will vary by about a pound or two depending on the last time she ate something. She is relatively tiny, her waist so slim that even a relatively large handed man could lace his hands about her with simple ease. There is frankly no room on her for any extra fat to be hiding. Her figure is built slightly, with more soft curves than sharply defined muscles, although her arms do have very nice tone. In general non specifics, she is slender and fit. Details would include the stereotype of a “looker”. If Onyx walked into a bar, she’s the perfect cliche of a girl who would get gaping looks, not once, but twice, and that’s if the person looking was able to pull their eyes away in the first place. She was built this way for a purpose.

Hair: Short, smart, severely well behaved locks seem to suit Onyx to perfection. Every single strand is in line, so much so that her hair looks wet. They are dark to the extent that the simple term of black does them little justice. The vast majority of the thick tresses are close cropped, curling around to conform to her head, ending at just below her earlobes. Two twin locks veer down from the dead center part in the front, framing her face neatly, hugging their way all the way down the length of her cheeks, concealing a bit of her ears, and curling slightly underneath where they end, almost at her chin. The “wet” look does more than make it appear that not one hair is out of place; her inky strands look almost fake, in that they refract and reflect back whatever light falls across them. Starkly bright, opposing lines of white shimmer over her head in almost any environment, as long as there exists a bit of light, sun, moon, lamps, none of that makes much of a difference, apart from the fact that the harsher the light source, the louder the reflections will be.

Eyes: Onyx’s eyes are something of a contradiction. They are the sole warm, welcoming thing about her outwardly. Very large, expressive and emotional, the hue is an unusual rouge, rose, pink really, if you want to be that general. Set just deeply enough, framed by long thick lashes, and neat brows, all the same chronically dark shade of obsidian, they wordlessly scream out to be met and read, almost as if they possess the talent within themselves to draw whatever eyes they desire to be locked with. When the occasion arises in which she wishes to appear impersonal, or “cold”, she hides the honesty of her eyes behind a mask, Mardi Gras style, beaded and sequined in black and red, with a few long elegant feathers arching up from the left side, of the same colors. This mask has a film of black over where the eye holes would normally be, and they allow her to look out, and deny all others from looking in.

Skin: Some creatures are pale, a milky white tone of skin alludes to this much. But with Onyx, she is pallid to the next extreme. Were she human, it would be sworn that she be hypothermic, as her skin is a smooth and even soft light blue in shade. Her lips are naturally black in shade, and are very full, but it suits her face nicely. Apart from that the whole of her skin, except for when she is allowing the horns and tail into view, is pale sky blue.

Age: This may be the most shocking aspect of Onyx’s general profile. Again with the walking contradiction concept.. Onyx looks not a day over 21 years of age, though in reality she’s passed the million year mark. She is an ancient creature, and no longer bothers to keep track of the years. Evil deities are permitted to be very old. I rationalize it as saying that “God” has been around forever, so Onyx has been around for a very long time as well. If one happened to walk past her and base their opinion of what she must be like on looks alone, not bothering to speak a word to discover the fiber of her character any deeper, they would 9 times out of 10 surmise that she was a flippant naive little creature, having barely passed over into technical adulthood. But conversing with the devil reveals that she is a time wizened being, with in all practicality, so much knowledge and life lessons under her belt that she reacts to almost everything as if she’d seen it coming. Shocking things just don’t happen to Onyx anymore. She’s seen it all, to the fullest extent of the phrase.

Astrological Sign: Aries. And though she doesn’t personally fall into beliefs that go along with the signs of the Zodiac, she still has one.

Birthday: April 19 technically, though she was born long before the traditional calendar came into existence.

Blood type: Devils aren’t exactly human, and so it would be less than intelligent of me to apply a human blood typing to her. I originally added this category for the opportunity to tie in the Japanese blood typing superstitions, as they correlate some traits with what kind of blood type a person has, but none of them fit Onyx at all.

Weapon: Onyx carries with her a moderately large dagger, no more than 8 inches long, sheathed at her right hip and hanging from an overly large belt. The dagger itself is of a very fine metal, and has a platinum handle and hilt, which is encrusted with onyx. She keeps this more for show than for anything else. Onyx tries her most valiantly not to get into much trouble, though it seems to follow her around. When the time comes when she is forced into combat, woe to the unsuspecting opponent, for Onyx has a very large surprise in store for him or her, and that will be explained in detail, in the abilities section.

Species: Onyx is a lesser deity of evil, a “Devilette” if you will accept such a non professional term. Originally she was intended to be the temptress of men, as the female devil of Temptation and Desire, as was previously stated. This endowed her with an appearance that allowed her to go about her purposes easily. For the most part, she looks humanoid and ordinary most of the time, apart from the pale blue skin. However, she does have some specific devil attributes, which she chooses to bring into sight when the occasion suits her. A long slender tail, with a spade on it’s end, the points of which are less rounded out, and more angular and sharpened, and a set of small, sharp horns, rising up and curling inwards ever so slightly, from the top of her forehead, above and parallel with her temples. Both the horns and the tail are black. The tail is approximately seven feet long, the horns a quaint three inches, at most. Their being so short makes them appear somewhat...“cute”.

Attire: If there was a limit to label Onyx’s appearance, and the maximum number of words was only a single one, it could be defined succinctly as striking. Her arms, shoulders, and a portion of her chest are bare, apart from a thick gold choker with balled ends about her neck, two thin sable rings choking the skin just above her left elbow, and two tattoos, large in nature and black, one on each of her shoulders. The right tattoo is a neat circle, somewhat large, and it’s origin pronouncedly demonic. The left tattoo is the silhouette of a very tall demonic creature. Both of these tattoos are not just there for show. More about this in the abilities section. Onyx sports a very uncomfortable looking shirt, which could very well be just a thickly materialed corset for all appearances are worth. There are no straps, no sleeves, and it clings to her curves down to the base, circling about her tiny waist. The shirt is a loud crimson in shade, and not the kind of thing one would wear if they meant to try and keep a low profile. Perhaps the oddest piece of clothing about Onyx, is a double width plain brown leather belt, hanging loose and lopsided around her waist. The large golden buckle remains somehow in the front and center, but apart from that it doesn’t seem that any other section of it is where a belt was meant to be. Spikes line the left side of the belt, and should it actually settle down around her hips, and lie flat, a pallid blue strip of open stomach skin would be bare to open air. The belt holds a neat brown leather sheath, for her dagger. Lastly are Onyx’s pants and boots. Both made from rich fine leather, the pants dangerously low cut, hanging low on her hips, and hidden for the most part, as the boots reach all the way up to 3/4 of the distance up her upper legs. The boots are the same shade exactly as the pants, both a deep, sun soaking black. Clinging tightly to her immaculate figure, they leave only a small amount up to the imagination. The boots are soled in a synthetic, though soft fiber, similar color to the body themselves, though they were designed especially for the wearer to use quiet movements, and slip through places unheard.

Hobbies: Onyx has a few expressly bad habits that will be mentioned in this section as well. She’s a chronic chain smoker, and luckily for her, smoking doesn’t wreak nearly the same ill results on a deity as it does an ordinary human being. She cannot be without her cigarettes, and she keeps a slightly mangled pack of them squished into place between the small of her back, and the lopsided brown leather belt. The carton, oddly, never seems to run out of her beloved cancer sticks. In addition to that, she’s incredibly prone to using one of many choice, colorful little phrases, strings of profanity regularly spewing from between those lush and full sable lips. Though she attempts to keep these outbursts somewhat quiet, they still happen nevertheless. Onyx has therapeutic hobbies as well, one in particular, which serves perfectly to take her mind off of everything and let her escape, keeping her 100% occupied, as a good hobby should. She paints, and could very well make a living at it, she’s good enough to be able to do so, but she paints solely for the joy of painting, and doesn’t bother with trying to sell them, knowing full well that they could catch a fair price. Her usual tools are pastels, though she will occasionally delve into charcoals or acrylics or watercolors. Nearly all of her works are dark in theme and nature, and her style can vary from cubism to abstract art, it all depends on her mood.

Personality: Onyx has her little inconsistencies, as she seems to be a walking contradiction at times. She looks so young, but is over a million in actuality, though the ancient “soul” only acts or sounds as if she truly was time wizened, when she is speaking seriously, imparting her wisdom to whomever cares to seek it. Then she would appear to be sitting atop a mass mountain of life experience, and all too ready to go delving into the details of it. But, a contradiction she is, just the same. She has some very modern tendencies, smoking, swearing, slang, just to name a few. And her choice of clothes does not make her out to be an old creature at all. Onyx seems to get herself into trouble frequently, though that is attributed to her looks or her attitude or anything else, all depends on the particular situation. She has a little streak of smartass, and her mouth often times does her more ill than good in that regard. She likes to keep to herself in reality, only seeking out the company of others if she’s certain that forming the bond will not be in vain. She likes to be able to trust but finds herself able to do so not nearly as often as she’d like. She is generally an easy going, calm creature, not letting a whole lot of anything get to her enough so that she is genuinely upset. Deep down she craves companionship, having been alone for the vast majority of her million and more years. Her eyes are the only part of her that will openly express this, however, and one has to know exactly how to look, to read the fact in them.

Abilities: Herein lies Onyx’s biggest and best kept secret. The dagger, as previously stated, is only there for show, though she is skilled in the use of it. She has a vast array of little tricks and spells up her “sleeves”, though the power isn’t in those either. When Onyx needs to get herself out of a spot, she summons her pet into her service, and can do so whenever the desire arises in her. The “pet” as she so lovingly refers to him, is a ten foot demon of supremely evil nature, tamed for her own purposes, and he obeys her every word. Rather than going into all the specifics of his appearance, I have included a picture. Onyx came to be in possession of her demon, dubbed Diablos, as she stumbled upon him wandering the nether world back in their home dimension. He’d been badly wounded somewhere, and Onyx took pity on the creature and nursed him back to health. A respect for his savior grew within the beast, and he dedicated himself to her service. So Onyx is a package deal, with her large “friendly” demon in tow. Over the course of many many years, Diablos has been her only companion. (Yes I stole Diablos from FF8. He was kickass and so.. well.. ::Thief:: )

History: Onyx was the spawn of a torrid love affair between a set of devils in her own dimension, both of whom were punished to the highest degree for their actions. In short, they were both killed before their peers. The “Lucifer” figure in her own world, thought to have Onyx pay for her parents' transgressions as well, and made her ruler over Temptation and Desire, purposely choosing that which she was sure would keep the infant lonely and miserable. It would appear that she had all the attention and intimacy anyone could want, but it was all shallow and temporary, never anything lasting. Onyx’s life has been a lonely and hard one, but she had the chance to flee her position at long last, and wandered her way to her present realm with little difficulty. She goes about trying to make a normal life for herself, and keeping as low a profile as she possibly can, as if it got out that she were here, and word made it back to her previous world, she’d be in, to put it crudely, deep shit.

Theme song: HIM (His Infernal Majesty): One Last Time. This song, for those few of you who may have actually heard it, may not seem so plausible as a theme for one who looks like Onyx.. it’s very soft and sensitive, and all outward appearances make her out to be anything but that. You’d just have to be let in to see the side of her that this pertains to I suppose.


Is it so hard to believe our hearts
Are made to be broken by love
That in constant dying lies
The beauty of it all
My darling won't you feel
The sweet heaven in
Our endless cry
Oh at least you could trust
For this one last time
So amazed how bright are the flames
We are burning in
Ever smiled at the tragedies
We hold inside
My darling won't you cherish
The fear of life that keeps
You and me so alive
Oh at least you could trust
For this one last time
It could be alright
For this one last time
Oh at least you could trust
(and we just will be closer)
For this one last time
(let me fall into your arms)
It could be alright
(don't let us grow any colder)
For this one last time
(let me close to your heart)
Oh at least you could trust
(and before it's all over)
For this one last time
(let me fall into your arms)
It could be alright
(before it's all over)
For this one last time
(let me close to your heart)

Ville Valo speaks the words in parentheses, somewhat in the background.

Family/Friends: As of yet, Onyx doesn’t even have any friends, per se. Only an acquaintance, that being Hosaka Jenitsu, who happened across her by chance (XD) in a secluded little forest and struck up a conversation. Onyx hasn’t been around AIM long enough really, for her to have made any more bonds. But with time, that will probably change.

Last Notes: I think that this character represents a whole lot more to me than just the surface shit. She’s the embodiment, and result really, of all these changes that have taken place in my own personal little RP mind set. From the first session I played her, I poured so much of myself into her, and I have this little assurance inside of me that she’s not going to be this minor character, unlike so many of the other ones that I’ve dreamed up and then abandoned. She might even take Tiphareth’s long held place as my favorite, or the character most like myself. Or both. I don't know. Only time will tell. For now all I can say is that this character makes me genuinely eager to RP again. And that's something I've not felt in a good long time.

Can't get enough of Onyx? I don't blame you. Here are some logs.

Onyx Logs

Log 1= Trojalva Forest part one Um.. what happens so far in this log, is Onyx meets Hosaka.. they start to talk.. blahblahblah... talk for a long time.. and well.. so far that's it. This is the first ever Onyx RP.. and I'm glad I finally have all my shit together where I can log ALL of the character's story line, as it happens. I hope I can post the conclusion of it really soon. Date: 4/12/01. Trojalva Forest part two