

Character Bio: Sephiroth

~S/N's: Sephiroth Enigma

~Name: Purely, simply, he is known only as Sephiroth.

~Height: 6’1” or for those more used to metric figures, 185.5 cm. Barely over six feet tall, he is none too short, nor abnormally tall either. The man is tall and lean, yet extremely well built., the epitome of soldier.

~Weight: 167 lbs, 75.75 kg. Well built, almost “ripped” though not disgustingly muscled, Sephiroth carries a powerful frame and physique; long graceful limbs, somewhat of a broad chest and shoulders, slimming down slowly to a moderately thin, trim waist. The chiseled stone body was the very picture of perfection, every muscle prominently, yet still delicately defined.

~Hair: Dramatic and unusual silver gray hair with two long locks of bangs in front, projecting up and then curving over and down on either side of his head, a fitting frame for his malevolently handsome, pale skinned face. The rest of it is long, silken, perfectly straight, hanging obediently down his back.

~Eyes: A clear, cold shade of bright green, perhaps his defining feature, they glow brightly, radiating an obscene amount of Mako whenever they are open, playing calmly over whatever happens to be the object of his attention. The Mako shine has no specific purpose, but it’s effects are hardly something to overlook. They capture the gaze of any other eyes which they cross, and hold the attention fast, in a relatively uncanny hypnotic method. They are gorgeous curiosities, fascinatingly beautiful, silently demanding attention merely by existing as what they are. Frightening in their ability to stare into a person with such insight and acuity, they divulge his astonishing brilliance.

~Age: 25

~Astrological sign: Libra being the air sign that corresponds with his DOB, one might find it laughable that Libras are characteristically balanced, and then see Sephiroth and his many dramatic actions... but how could anyone be expected to react well or calmly to what he came to realize about himself in the course of his life? He was supremely balanced, before Nibelheim... and then again, much later, his old world left behind at long last.

~Birthday: Officially, Sephiroth’s date of birth is unknown, but, since he is my character, I have taken the liberty of assigning him with one I see as fitting. He deserves to have a birthday, after all, even if he doesn’t age. October 1, and the year matters very little.

~Blood type: Sephiroth’s blood, fittingly, a rare type for a unique being, is O negative, and full of both Mako and Jenova cells. The qualities of Jenova enable it to reproduce itself, as well as heal him at a remarkably swift pace. The combination of these qualities make him intrinsically unstoppable. It is strangely colored, the same jade green shade as his Mako eyes, and shimmers and shines upon touching air. Though chances of this happening, him being wounded enough to cause his blood to spill, are extremely implausible.

~Weapon: Sephiroth possesses the Masamune, and is the only one of two beings worthy of handling the blade, harnessing it’s powers fully. A sword known to be assigned to only the noblest of warriors, in Sephiroth’s hands, Masamune became a deadly companion blade as well. Seven feet in length, it is longer by one foot, than he is tall. He may appear to be careless with where he leaves it, but this is misleading, for it is simply his well founded assurance that no matter where Masamune may lie, when he calls for it, it will be returned to him. The blood of countless foes has temporarily tarnished it’s metal edge, yet Masamune continues to gleam wickedly, flawlessly, down to it’s subtly curving tip, when kissed by the sun.

~Species: Sephiroth began his life as a normal human, before being made the subject in an experiment designed to create the perfect, ultimate soldier. Exposed to a dangerous level of Mako radiation, and injected with Jenova cells, all before his birth, his anatomy was catapulted into a super human, advanced state of being, his genes greatly altered. A Jenova hybrid is what Sephiroth became, and underwent great changes in his metamorphosis from human to genetically engineered alien being. They left him immortal, and better than human in every way, save for the overlooked category of mental health...

~Attire: Sephiroth is adorned in almost nothing but black. Mirroring perhaps his intentions, or soul, or past. The one of a kind armored soldier suit serves to accentuate his unnatural power, long black cape/trench flowing gently behind him as he walks adding a look of nobility to his appearance. Not a trace of skin on either his hands nor his arms can be spied, the jacketed cape selfishly secreting the fine, toned flesh of his arms, and black gloves masking his gracefully powerful hands, and the stark black 1 tattoo on the back of his right. A stiff, strong collar gives rise to his slim neck, and the white armored shoulder plates, the only light colored thing about him, fairly screamed strength, as if it hadn’t been emphasized prior to noticing them. His boots, on a small platform, rose to his knees, and were held fast by two silver bands immediately below the joint on either leg. Plain black armored pants were tucked beneath the tops of the boots, and he wore no shirt, the only article of clothing marring the view of his well muscled chest were two brown leather straps, criss crossing his pecs in an X shape, just above a silver medallion at his waist. Directly below the medallion is the clasp of his cape/trench.

~Hobbies: Sephiroths hobbies might be objectionable to some, but they make him the evil genius we all know and should love. They include manipulating his enemies, [Cloud, hehe] wickedly torturing their feeble minds until they have no choice but to do his bidding, becomming his senseless puppets, if you will. Killing, of course, though this is more of an action carried out in mindless rage than a real hobby, however, it must be said that if it was a credible hobby, he would have to be named the master of it. He does have a handful of normal pastimes, all of them calming, and quiet. Not rambunctions in the least. Things such as reading, meditating, brooding, scheming. Tirelessly polishing his Masamune, and admiring his perfectly evil self. Every once and again, he can be found gazing up into the heavens, on a clear night, contemplating his origin under a blanket of stars.

~Personality: Brilliant, endlessly controlled, calm and quiet, Sephiroth chooses to keep to himself, not bothering to care to pursue social activity, or to make himself a liked individual. Having been almost entirely alone throughout his childhood and adult life, he has grown to thrive on seclusion and isolation. Considering the showing of emotions to be a sign of weakness, fittingly, he rarely allows himself to behave in such a manner. He is cold, indifferent, uncaring. Unemotional would be a stark understatement. His intelligence makes him out to be arrogant at times, looking down on those who were less capable than he is. He forces an intimidating appearance, in order to keep people away, and this works quite well. Guarded, he divulges only the smallest amount of information about himself to others. The way in which he was raised may be responsible for his icy demeanor, having been shown no affection by anyone he came into contact with, until Tiphareth, but by then the damage was already done. He was forced to grow up far too quickly, and always acted in a manner that defied his age, speaking in a very formal, proper style from a very young age. Though he became an evil entity, at one point Sephiroth was thoughtful, and approaching gentle. He remained a deep, misunderstood individual throughout his lifetime, whether sane or not, evil or otherwise. He is fiercely protective of those he does care for, a very small number, in fact, only one person receives the affection and cares of Sephiroth.

~Abilities: The most talented of peoples were not simply born with their abilities, their genius arose with time, and after countless hours of practice. Imagine in that case, how phenominal one’s talent would be, if it’s training was all you had done for the entirety of your childhood and adolescence. Compound that idea with the added skill that would be gained if one was bred, made, engineered to be the very best at the focus of that training. Add to that uncanny endurance, strength, and drive, to make each and every training session the utmost in effectiveness, and finally, you might be able to comprehend how exceptionally skilled as a swordsman Sephiroth is. Sephiroth armed with his Masamune, is simply the embodiment of the imminent death of whomever he faces. He has an infinate knowledge of only the most powerful spells as well, all of them having been mastered.

~History: Much of Sephiroth’s past is already well known, yet I shall explain it in detail once more. He began life the same as any other person, conceived by human parents, so he was in fact human, early on in his life, though that was soon to be irrevocably changed. He became what you might call a sacrifice to science, offered up to the whims of ShinRa scientists by the hands of his very own parents, who seemingly didn’t give a second thought to the well being or health of their unborn son. While still in the womb, the now specimen, unborn fetus Sephiroth was injected with a horrendous amount of Jenova cells, the scientist afflicting this upon him, the genius Professor Gast, once a kind man, but disillusioned, seemingly driven by madness and the ShinRa lust for wealth no matter the cost or suffering dealt out in order to obtain it. He was the ideal SOLDIER candidate, hence the addition of the Jenova cells to the usual Mako radiation exposure. The combination of Mako and Jenova cells forced upon the still developing Sephiroth served to amplify his strength, endurance, intelligence beyond other human comparisons, and made him immortal as well. He was mutated into the ultimate soldier, and when born, his mother died, too much of a toll taken on her frail merely human body during the course of the experiments to have left her any hope of survival. This I feel was fitting; she was dealt justice for sacrificing her baby. So, Sephiroth was raised by lab workers in the halls of ShinRa Inc, and never knew either of his parents. He was trained relentlessly, and each day he grew stronger still, demonstrating almost mind boggling skill and power. He grew to be every bit the ultimate soldier that he had been designed to be, and rose to it’s highest rank, the equivalent of General, the title of co-general earned by his partner Tiphareth. Side by side they fought during various wars that plagued the planet, and while in combat, appeared to be something out of a dream. Apparently the scientists behind the Jenova Project had succeeded beyond their wildest expectations, for Sephiroth and Tiphareth were undefeatable. Pitting an ordinary human against them was the very definition of ludicrous, all fell with the blink of an eye. Their fame grew so that they were made out to be not merely celebrities, or war heroes, but virtual gods, worshiped by the masses. This carried on far beyond the point when the wars petered out, and their missions consisted of less exciting tasks. One such ill-fated order received sent them to investigate a malfunctioning Mako reactor in the mountains of Nibelheim. The course of which, they discovered pods containing living organisms that had been human at one point, being subjected to a living entity named Jenova. The name they both recognized as their mother. It was at this point that Sephiroth began to sincerely question who he really was. A myriad of unanswered questions arose, and along with Tiphareth, he dedicated himself to investigating his past and discerning his true nature, pouring over notes and diaries left by the late professor Gast, hidden in the depths of the basement of the long abandoned ShinRa mansion. It was at this point, the fateful revelation was made, and things would forever be changed. Ascertaining themselves to be not human, but the first two artificial productions resulting from a demented scientific project, the terrible toll that was to be taken on the two came to leave Sephiroth isolated in the basement, and Tiphareth agonizing at a secret place of meditation [the Obelisk...] Had they not parted, much less ill would have erupted, but, both being deprived of their only source of support and strength, their peace of mind, sanity was shattered. Sephiroth was driven completely insane, and Tiphareth left to fall into chronic catatonia at her obelisk. Sephiroth, believing himself to be an Ancient, betrayed by humans, took out his revenge first by calling fire from the skies to take the entire town of Nibelheim. As the town was consumed by purifying flames, he himself, approving of the destruction, knowing full well what he was doing, walked straight into the fire and disappeared... further evidence of his madness, as if destroying an entire town was not proof enough. I am going to skip over a lot of in between stuff, you should all know what happens next anyway. Jump right to the part where Sephiroth is after the black materia, trying to injure the planet, and place himself at the point of impact, to that he can absorb the energies of the lifestream that gather as the planet begins to heal itself, thus becomming a much more powerful being, if that is at all possible. [This is where I twist the story a lot to suit my needs, along with Tiph-mun.] At this point, Tiphareth, who has been virtually forgotten by Sephiroth, in his madness, awakens from her catatonic state to confront him just as he is summoning meteor. At the sight of her, he overcomes the manipulations of Jenova and his madness for a short while, and he realizes what great evils he has done. The only choice he was free to make, to redeem himself in some small gesture from all the chaos that had ensued in her absence, was to rend her helpless, and send her to another dimension to spare her from the destruction that he regretted, but was now helpless to stop. Off she went, and down meteor came, destroying everything and all, the entire planet... supposedly Tiphareth was the sole being to survive. Yet, Sephiroth emerged again, and came across the dimensions to his old partner in her time of need, to take pity on her, and mercifully end her suffering. [For those dense people, that means he killed her... not an easy thing to do at all, considering how dearly he loved her.]

~Theme Song: He is in possession of two, the traditional and well known, being One Winged Angel, the other, a choice of my own, is Three Libras by A Perfect Circle. The lyrics, when analyzed for symbolism share a very significant and appropriate aspect of Sephiroth’s personality. The lyrics are as follows:

Three Libras
threw you the obvious
and you flew with it on your back
a name in your recollection
down among a million same.
difficult not to feel a little bit
disappointed and passed over
when I've looked right through
to see you naked and oblivious
and you don't see me.
but i threw you the obvious
just to see if there's more behind the
eyes of a fallen angel, eyes of a tragedy.
here i am expecting just a little bit
too much from the wounded
but i see through it all
and see you
so i threw you the obvious
to see what occurs behind the
eyes of a fallen angel, eyes of a tragedy.
oh well
apparently nothing
you don't see me.
you don't see me at all.

~Family/Friends: Sephiroth, being endlessly cold, unfeeling, careless and calculating, hardly has need for such human weaknesses as friends or family. His family of the past, now dead, consists of biological father, Hojo, and mother, Lucrecia. He is *fortunate* enough to have two mothers, the other being the creature Jenova, who may manipulate him, and control his actions at will. The only other being alive that he has any affinity for is his partner of times past, Tiphareth. The two share a bond which is incredibly complex, and pointless to attempt to describe to anyone else. Were he capable of love, to her alone would it be shown. Perhaps he is capable, and she sees it even now... If Sephiroth had any friends, kindred spirits, or whatnot, Tiphareth would fit the category, and none else.

~Last Notes: I Role Play in it’s true form, Free Style. Nothing else. Before you even dream of being so bold as to attempt to interact with this character, keep a few things in mind. I do not react kindly to mindless attacks, and moreover, if I disapprove of your method or style of RP, you will be promptly ignored, or given a lecture in the proper methods of Role Play. Which I am more than adept at explaining. As far as the concept of Sephiroth goes, you know as well as I that there are many who claim to play the man, however, 99.99% of these would be Sephiroths fall miserably short of their goal. I am the only credible Sephiroth in all of AIM. I neither exaggerate nor embellish, this is harsh, stark reality. All the others are merely pathetic morons with a Masamune, hardly able to portray the characteristics, mannerisms, tendencies and qualities that define the fictional figure of the man. The only person to ever have served him justice is myself.

The pictures are copy right their respective artists, whom I do not pretend to be
