
The Shamaness

Now I don't want to hear any shit about Ruth Thompson, I mean yes she sucks, I hate her art as I have said to more than one person lately, because she can't draw men AT ALL except for one instance that I have seen so far. Women on the other hand, she doesn't suck at, as I realized when I found this pic. I liked it so much I had to make a char out of her. And slowly but surely I am... and I guess that I have to say I only hate half of her art now..

Name: Morgana Terreur Heartquake

Race: "human" though she is hardly an ordinary one

Occupation: Shaman, for those of you who don't know, a shaman is a member of certain tribal societies who acts as a medium between the visible world and an invisible spirit world and who practices magic or sorcery for purposes of healing, divination, and control over natural events.

Age: 21

Eyes: white, no pupils or irises, but she is far from being blind

Hair: long, thick, silvery and shining, falling to her mid back and feathering dramatically around her shoulders

Weight: 117 lbs

Height: 5'10"

Familiars: Morgana travels with two animal companions, having a certain affinity to beasts rather than man. One is a falcon, regularly perched upon her left shoulder, and the other is a gray and white wolf.

Attire: Morgana dons a slim fitting dark navy blue gown, somewhat low cut, and slit up the middle to a short distance above her knees. Her legs are bare from that point downwards. About her shoulders, which would otherwise be bare, is clasped a slightly sheer hooded cloak, with a satiny ribbon as it's trim and tie, and a clutch of feathers dangling down at her side. The cloak itself is also a deep shade of blue, as the gown and the trim. The interior of the cape is decorated with curious symbols embroidered in white, no doubt mystical in their meanings. The hood rests delicately about her head, though not especially concealing of her face or hair by much. Her arms are adorned in sheer sleeves in a periwinkle shade, knit long to tie around her middle fingers at their ends. (Ends of the sleeves, not her fingers). About her slim waist is tied a leather tambourine of tribal make and magic type, as well as a few small leather pouches of enchanted dusts and bottles of potions. She doesn't bother with shoes.

Appearance: Morgana is delicately featured, with a slim fine nose, somewhat large, expressive eyes, and deeply black brows and long thick lashes. Her lips are full and a light shade of irridescent lilac, almost without color, the sheen is so faint. Her brow is bare, no bangs to conceal it from view, and average, not especially large or small either for that matter. It suits her, which is enough. High elegant cheekbones and a well defined jaw add a refined quality to her looks. Her figure is toned and flawless, hardly an ounce of fat is to be found, except for in which places as it becomes a woman of course. Her skin is fine and quite pale, as she prefers to be out and about at night rather than during times when the sun is visible.

Other: She carries with her at all times, a wooden spear, longer than she is tall, by some half a foot or so, upon the tip of which is a rather large amethyst, carved to a nicely sharpened point. Wound around the middle of the length of the wood for about a foot is a fine strip of leather, six identical pieces of which hold a feather each, and various decorative beads, tied beneath and hanging down from the base of the amethyst. A small tuft of fine white fur sits at the stone's base as well. She usually holds in her right hand, a relatively small dagger, with a curved tip and finely honed handle of silver.

Personality: Serious and introverted, Morgana seems almost to avoid people, preferring to be alone most times, other than the company of her familiars. She is less shy and more haughty and snobbish, figuring most people aren't worth her time.
